modinfo in the translate toolkit is now a 2-tuple containing the mtime and
[pootle.git] /
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3 #
4 # Copyright 2004-2006 Zuza Software Foundation
5 #
6 # This file is part of translate.
8 # translate is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
9 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
10 # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
11 # (at your option) any later version.
13 # translate is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 # GNU General Public License for more details.
18 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19 # along with translate; if not, write to the Free Software
20 # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
22 """manages projects and files and translations"""
24 from import factory
25 from translate.filters import checks
26 from translate.convert import po2csv
27 from translate.convert import po2xliff
28 from translate.convert import xliff2po
29 from translate.convert import po2ts
30 from translate.convert import pot2po
31 from translate.convert import po2oo
32 from import pocompile
33 from import pogrep
34 from import match
35 from import indexer
36 from import statsdb, base
37 from Pootle import statistics
38 from Pootle import pootlefile
39 from import versioncontrol
40 from jToolkit import timecache
41 from jToolkit import prefs
42 import time
43 import os
44 import cStringIO
45 import traceback
46 import gettext
48 class RightsError(ValueError):
49 pass
51 class InternalAdminSession:
52 """A fake session used for doing internal admin jobs"""
53 def __init__(self):
54 self.username = "internal"
55 self.isopen = True
57 def localize(self, message):
58 return message
60 def issiteadmin(self):
61 return True
63 class potimecache(timecache.timecache):
64 """Caches pootlefile objects, remembers time, and reverts back to statistics when necessary..."""
65 def __init__(self, expiryperiod, project):
66 """initialises the cache to keep objects for the given expiryperiod, and point back to the project"""
67 timecache.timecache.__init__(self, expiryperiod)
68 self.project = project
70 def __getitem__(self, key):
71 """[] access of items"""
72 if key and not dict.__contains__(self, key):
73 popath = os.path.join(self.project.podir, key)
74 if os.path.exists(popath):
75 # update the index to pofiles...
76 self.project.scanpofiles()
77 return timecache.timecache.__getitem__(self, key)
79 def expire(self, pofilename):
80 """expires the given pofilename by recreating it (holding only stats)"""
81 timestamp, currentfile = dict.__getitem__(self, pofilename)
82 if currentfile.pomtime is not None:
83 # use the currentfile.pomtime as a timestamp as well, so any modifications will extend its life
84 if time.time() - currentfile.pomtime > self.expiryperiod.seconds:
85 self.__setitem__(pofilename, pootlefile.pootlefile(self.project, pofilename))
87 class TranslationProject(object):
88 """Manages iterating through the translations in a particular project"""
89 fileext = "po"
90 index_directory = ".translation_index"
92 def __init__(self, languagecode, projectcode, potree, create=False):
93 self.languagecode = languagecode
94 self.projectcode = projectcode
95 self.potree = potree
96 self.languagename = self.potree.getlanguagename(self.languagecode)
97 self.projectname = self.potree.getprojectname(self.projectcode)
98 self.projectdescription = self.potree.getprojectdescription(self.projectcode)
99 self.pofiles = potimecache(15*60, self)
100 self.projectcheckerstyle = self.potree.getprojectcheckerstyle(self.projectcode)
101 checkerclasses = [checks.projectcheckers.get(self.projectcheckerstyle, checks.StandardChecker), checks.StandardUnitChecker]
102 self.checker = checks.TeeChecker(checkerclasses=checkerclasses, errorhandler=self.filtererrorhandler, languagecode=languagecode)
103 self.fileext = self.potree.getprojectlocalfiletype(self.projectcode)
104 self.quickstats = {}
105 # terminology matcher
106 self.termmatcher = None
107 self.termmatchermtime = None
108 if create:
109 self.converttemplates(InternalAdminSession())
110 self.podir = potree.getpodir(languagecode, projectcode)
111 if self.potree.hasgnufiles(self.podir, self.languagecode) == "gnu":
112 self.filestyle = "gnu"
113 else:
114 self.filestyle = "std"
115 self.readprefs()
116 self.scanpofiles()
117 self.readquickstats()
118 self.initindex()
120 def readprefs(self):
121 """reads the project preferences"""
122 self.prefs = prefs.PrefsParser()
123 self.prefsfile = os.path.join(self.podir, "pootle-%s-%s.prefs" % (self.projectcode, self.languagecode))
124 if not os.path.exists(self.prefsfile):
125 prefsfile = open(self.prefsfile, "w")
126 prefsfile.write("# Pootle preferences for project %s, language %s\n\n" % (self.projectcode, self.languagecode))
127 prefsfile.close()
128 self.prefs.parsefile(self.prefsfile)
130 def saveprefs(self):
131 """saves the project preferences"""
132 self.prefs.savefile()
134 def getrightnames(self, session):
135 """gets the available rights and their localized names"""
136 localize = session.localize
137 # l10n: Verb
138 return [("view", localize("View")),
139 ("suggest", localize("Suggest")),
140 ("translate", localize("Translate")),
141 ("overwrite", localize("Overwrite")),
142 # l10n: Verb
143 ("review", localize("Review")),
144 # l10n: Verb
145 ("archive", localize("Archive")),
146 # l10n: This refers to generating the binary .mo file
147 ("pocompile", localize("Compile PO files")),
148 ("assign", localize("Assign")),
149 ("admin", localize("Administrate")),
150 ("commit", localize("Commit")),
153 def getrights(self, session=None, username=None, usedefaults=True):
154 """gets the rights for the given user (name or session, or not-logged-in if username is None)
155 if usedefaults is False then None will be returned if no rights are defined (useful for editing rights)"""
156 # internal admin sessions have all rights
157 if isinstance(session, InternalAdminSession):
158 return [right for right, localizedright in self.getrightnames(session)]
159 if session is not None and session.isopen and username is None:
160 username = session.username
161 if username is None:
162 username = "nobody"
163 rights = None
164 rightstree = getattr(self.prefs, "rights", None)
165 if rightstree is not None:
166 if rightstree.__hasattr__(username):
167 rights = rightstree.__getattr__(username)
168 else:
169 rights = None
170 if rights is None:
171 if usedefaults:
172 if username == "nobody":
173 rights = "view"
174 elif rightstree is None:
175 if self.languagecode == "en":
176 rights = "view, archive, pocompile"
177 else:
178 rights = self.potree.getdefaultrights()
179 else:
180 rights = getattr(rightstree, "default", None)
181 else:
182 return rights
183 rights = [right.strip() for right in rights.split(",")]
184 if session is not None and session.issiteadmin():
185 if "admin" not in rights:
186 rights.append("admin")
187 return rights
189 def getuserswithinterest(self, session):
190 """returns all the users who registered for this language and project"""
192 def usableuser(user, userprefs):
193 if user in ["__dummy__", "default", "nobody"]:
194 return False
195 return self.languagecode in getattr(userprefs, "languages", [])
197 users = {}
198 for username, userprefs in session.loginchecker.users.iteritems():
199 if usableuser(username, userprefs):
200 # Let's build a nice descriptive name for use in the interface. It will
201 # contain both the username and the full name, if available.
202 name = getattr(userprefs, "name", None)
203 if name:
204 description = "%s (%s)" % (name, username)
205 else:
206 description = username
207 setattr(userprefs, "description", description)
208 users[username] = userprefs
209 return users
211 def getuserswithrights(self):
212 """gets all users that have rights defined for this project"""
213 return [username for username, user_rights in getattr(self.prefs, "rights", {}).iteritems()]
215 def setrights(self, username, rights):
216 """sets the rights for the given username... (or not-logged-in if username is None)"""
217 if username is None: username = "nobody"
218 if isinstance(rights, list):
219 rights = ", ".join(rights)
220 if not hasattr(self.prefs, "rights"):
221 self.prefs.rights = prefs.PrefNode(self.prefs, "rights")
222 self.prefs.rights.__setattr__(username, rights)
223 self.saveprefs()
225 def delrights(self, session, username):
226 """deletes teh rights for the given username"""
227 # l10n: Don't translate "nobody" or "default"
228 if username == "nobody" or username == "default":
229 # l10n: Don't translate "nobody" or "default"
230 raise RightsError(session.localize('You cannot remove the "nobody" or "default" user'))
231 self.prefs.rights.__delattr__(username)
232 self.saveprefs()
234 def getgoalnames(self):
235 """gets the goals and associated files for the project"""
236 goals = getattr(self.prefs, "goals", {})
237 goallist = []
238 for goalname, goalnode in goals.iteritems():
239 goallist.append(goalname.decode("utf-8"))
240 goallist.sort()
241 return goallist
243 def getgoals(self):
244 """gets the goal, goalnode tuples"""
245 goals = getattr(self.prefs, "goals", {})
246 newgoals = {}
247 for goalname, goalnode in goals.iteritems():
248 newgoals[goalname.decode("utf-8")] = goalnode
249 return newgoals
251 def getgoalfiles(self, goalname, dirfilter=None, maxdepth=None, includedirs=True, expanddirs=False, includepartial=False):
252 """gets the files for the given goal, with many options!
253 dirfilter limits to files in a certain subdirectory
254 maxdepth limits to files / directories of a certain depth
255 includedirs specifies whether to return directory names
256 expanddirs specifies whether to expand directories and return all files in them
257 includepartial specifies whether to return directories that are not in the goal, but have files below maxdepth in the goal"""
258 if not goalname:
259 return self.getnogoalfiles(dirfilter=dirfilter, maxdepth=maxdepth, includedirs=includedirs, expanddirs=expanddirs)
260 goals = getattr(self.prefs, "goals", {})
261 poext = os.extsep + self.fileext
262 pathsep = os.path.sep
263 unique = lambda filelist: dict.fromkeys(filelist).keys()
264 for testgoalname, goalnode in self.getgoals().iteritems():
265 if goalname != testgoalname: continue
266 goalmembers = getattr(goalnode, "files", "")
267 goalmembers = [goalfile.strip() for goalfile in goalmembers.split(",") if goalfile.strip()]
268 goaldirs = [goaldir for goaldir in goalmembers if goaldir.endswith(pathsep)]
269 goalfiles = [goalfile for goalfile in goalmembers if not goalfile.endswith(pathsep) and goalfile in self.pofilenames]
270 if expanddirs:
271 expandgoaldirs = []
272 expandgoalfiles = []
273 for goaldir in goaldirs:
274 expandedfiles = self.browsefiles(dirfilter=goaldir, includedirs=includedirs, includefiles=True)
275 expandgoalfiles.extend([expandfile for expandfile in expandedfiles if expandfile.endswith(poext)])
276 expandgoaldirs.extend([expanddir + pathsep for expanddir in expandedfiles if not expanddir.endswith(poext)])
277 goaldirs = unique(goaldirs + expandgoaldirs)
278 goalfiles = unique(goalfiles + expandgoalfiles)
279 if dirfilter:
280 if not dirfilter.endswith(pathsep) and not dirfilter.endswith(poext):
281 dirfilter += pathsep
282 goalfiles = [goalfile for goalfile in goalfiles if goalfile.startswith(dirfilter)]
283 goaldirs = [goaldir for goaldir in goaldirs if goaldir.startswith(dirfilter)]
284 if maxdepth is not None:
285 if includepartial:
286 partialdirs = [goalfile for goalfile in goalfiles if goalfile.count(pathsep) > maxdepth]
287 partialdirs += [goalfile for goalfile in goaldirs if goalfile.count(pathsep) > maxdepth]
288 makepartial = lambda goalfile: pathsep.join(goalfile.split(pathsep)[:maxdepth+1])+pathsep
289 partialdirs = [makepartial(goalfile) for goalfile in partialdirs]
290 goalfiles = [goalfile for goalfile in goalfiles if goalfile.count(pathsep) <= maxdepth]
291 goaldirs = [goaldir for goaldir in goaldirs if goaldir.count(pathsep) <= maxdepth+1]
292 if includepartial:
293 goaldirs += partialdirs
294 if includedirs:
295 return unique(goalfiles + goaldirs)
296 else:
297 return unique(goalfiles)
298 return []
300 def getnogoalfiles(self, dirfilter=None, maxdepth=None, includedirs=True, expanddirs=False):
301 """Returns the files that are not in a goal. This works with getgoalfiles
302 and therefre the API resembles that closely"""
303 all = self.browsefiles(dirfilter=dirfilter, maxdepth=maxdepth, includedirs=includedirs)
304 pathsep = os.path.sep
305 for testgoalname in self.getgoals():
306 goalfiles = self.getgoalfiles(testgoalname, dirfilter=dirfilter, maxdepth=maxdepth, includedirs=includedirs, expanddirs=expanddirs, includepartial=False)
307 for goalfile in goalfiles:
308 if goalfile.endswith(pathsep):
309 goalfile = goalfile[:-len(pathsep)]
310 all.remove(goalfile)
311 return all
313 def getancestry(self, filename):
314 """returns parent directories of the file"""
315 ancestry = []
316 parts = filename.split(os.path.sep)
317 for i in range(1, len(parts)):
318 ancestor = os.path.join(*parts[:i]) + os.path.sep
319 ancestry.append(ancestor)
320 return ancestry
322 def getfilegoals(self, filename):
323 """gets the goals the given file is part of"""
324 goals = self.getgoals()
325 filegoals = []
326 ancestry = self.getancestry(filename)
327 for goalname, goalnode in goals.iteritems():
328 goalfiles = getattr(goalnode, "files", "")
329 goalfiles = [goalfile.strip() for goalfile in goalfiles.split(",") if goalfile.strip()]
330 if filename in goalfiles:
331 filegoals.append(goalname)
332 continue
333 for ancestor in ancestry:
334 if ancestor in goalfiles:
335 filegoals.append(goalname)
336 continue
337 return filegoals
339 def setfilegoals(self, session, goalnames, filename):
340 """sets the given file to belong to the given goals exactly"""
341 filegoals = self.getfilegoals(filename)
342 for othergoalname in filegoals:
343 if othergoalname not in goalnames:
344 self.removefilefromgoal(session, othergoalname, filename)
345 for goalname in goalnames:
346 goalfiles = self.getgoalfiles(goalname)
347 if filename not in goalfiles:
348 goalfiles.append(filename)
349 self.setgoalfiles(session, goalname, goalfiles)
351 def removefilefromgoal(self, session, goalname, filename):
352 """removes the given file from the goal"""
353 goalfiles = self.getgoalfiles(goalname)
354 if filename in goalfiles:
355 goalfiles.remove(filename)
356 self.setgoalfiles(session, goalname, goalfiles)
357 else:
358 unique = lambda filelist: dict.fromkeys(filelist).keys()
359 ancestry = self.getancestry(filename)
360 for ancestor in ancestry:
361 if ancestor in goalfiles:
362 filedepth = filename.count(os.path.sep)
363 ancestordirs = self.getgoalfiles(goalname, ancestor, maxdepth=filedepth+1, includedirs=True, expanddirs=True)
364 ancestordirs = [ancestorfile for ancestorfile in ancestordirs if ancestorfile.endswith(os.path.sep)]
365 if filename.endswith(os.path.sep):
366 ancestorfiles = self.getgoalfiles(goalname, ancestor, maxdepth=filedepth-1, expanddirs=True)
367 else:
368 ancestorfiles = self.getgoalfiles(goalname, ancestor, maxdepth=filedepth, expanddirs=True)
369 ancestorfiles = unique(ancestordirs + ancestorfiles)
370 if not filename in ancestorfiles:
371 raise KeyError("expected to find file %s in ancestor %s files %r" % (filename, ancestor, ancestorfiles))
372 ancestorfiles.remove(filename)
373 ancestorfiles.remove(ancestor)
374 goalfiles.remove(ancestor)
375 goalfiles.extend(ancestorfiles)
376 self.setgoalfiles(session, goalname, goalfiles)
377 continue
379 def setgoalfiles(self, session, goalname, goalfiles):
380 """sets the goalfiles for the given goalname"""
381 if "admin" not in self.getrights(session):
382 raise RightsError(session.localize("You do not have rights to alter goals here"))
383 if isinstance(goalfiles, list):
384 goalfiles = [goalfile.strip() for goalfile in goalfiles if goalfile.strip()]
385 goalfiles.sort()
386 goalfiles = ", ".join(goalfiles)
387 if not hasattr(self.prefs, "goals"):
388 self.prefs.goals = prefs.PrefNode(self.prefs, "goals")
389 goals = self.getgoals()
390 goalname = goalname.encode("utf-8")
391 if not goalname in goals:
392 # TODO: check that its a valid goalname (alphanumeric etc)
393 self.prefs.goals.__setattr__(goalname, prefs.PrefNode(self.prefs.goals, goalname))
394 goalnode = self.prefs.goals.__getattr__(goalname)
395 goalnode.files = goalfiles
396 self.saveprefs()
398 def getgoalusers(self, goalname):
399 """gets the users for the given goal"""
400 goals = self.getgoals()
401 for testgoalname, goalnode in goals.iteritems():
402 if goalname != testgoalname: continue
403 goalusers = getattr(goalnode, "users", "")
404 goalusers = [goaluser.strip() for goaluser in goalusers.split(",") if goaluser.strip()]
405 return goalusers
406 return []
408 def getusergoals(self, username):
409 """gets the goals the given user is part of"""
410 goals = getattr(self.prefs, "goals", {})
411 usergoals = []
412 for goalname, goalnode in goals.iteritems():
413 goalusers = getattr(goalnode, "users", "")
414 goalusers = [goaluser.strip() for goaluser in goalusers.split(",") if goaluser.strip()]
415 if username in goalusers:
416 usergoals.append(goalname)
417 continue
418 return usergoals
420 def addusertogoal(self, session, goalname, username, exclusive=False):
421 """adds the given user to the goal"""
422 if exclusive:
423 usergoals = self.getusergoals(username)
424 for othergoalname in usergoals:
425 if othergoalname != goalname:
426 self.removeuserfromgoal(session, othergoalname, username)
427 goalusers = self.getgoalusers(goalname)
428 if username not in goalusers:
429 goalusers.append(username)
430 self.setgoalusers(session, goalname, goalusers)
432 def removeuserfromgoal(self, session, goalname, username):
433 """removes the given user from the goal"""
434 goalusers = self.getgoalusers(goalname)
435 if username in goalusers:
436 goalusers.remove(username)
437 self.setgoalusers(session, goalname, goalusers)
439 def setgoalusers(self, session, goalname, goalusers):
440 """sets the goalusers for the given goalname"""
441 if isinstance(goalname, unicode):
442 goalname = goalname.encode('utf-8')
443 if "admin" not in self.getrights(session):
444 raise RightsError(session.localize("You do not have rights to alter goals here"))
445 if isinstance(goalusers, list):
446 goalusers = [goaluser.strip() for goaluser in goalusers if goaluser.strip()]
447 goalusers = ", ".join(goalusers)
448 if not hasattr(self.prefs, "goals"):
449 self.prefs.goals = prefs.PrefNode(self.prefs, "goals")
450 if not hasattr(self.prefs.goals, goalname):
451 self.prefs.goals.__setattr__(goalname, prefs.PrefNode(self.prefs.goals, goalname))
452 goalnode = self.prefs.goals.__getattr__(goalname)
453 goalnode.users = goalusers
454 self.saveprefs()
456 def scanpofiles(self):
457 """sets the list of pofilenames by scanning the project directory"""
458 self.pofilenames = self.potree.getpofiles(self.languagecode, self.projectcode, poext=self.fileext)
459 filename_set = set(self.pofilenames)
460 pootlefile_set = set(self.pofiles.keys())
461 # add any files that we don't have yet
462 for filename in filename_set.difference(pootlefile_set):
463 self.pofiles[filename] = pootlefile.pootlefile(self, filename)
464 # remove any files that have been deleted since initialization
465 for filename in pootlefile_set.difference(filename_set):
466 del self.pofiles[filename]
468 def getuploadpath(self, dirname, localfilename):
469 """gets the path of a translation file being uploaded securely, creating directories as neccessary"""
470 if os.path.isabs(dirname) or dirname.startswith("."):
471 raise ValueError("invalid/insecure file path: %s" % dirname)
472 if os.path.basename(localfilename) != localfilename or localfilename.startswith("."):
473 raise ValueError("invalid/insecure file name: %s" % localfilename)
474 if self.filestyle == "gnu":
475 if not self.potree.languagematch(self.languagecode, localfilename[:-len("."+self.fileext)]):
476 raise ValueError("invalid GNU-style file name %s: must match '%s.%s' or '%s[_-][A-Z]{2,3}.%s'" % (localfilename, self.fileext, self.languagecode, self.languagecode, self.fileext))
477 dircheck = self.podir
478 for part in dirname.split(os.sep):
479 dircheck = os.path.join(dircheck, part)
480 if dircheck and not os.path.isdir(dircheck):
481 os.mkdir(dircheck)
482 return os.path.join(self.podir, dirname, localfilename)
484 def uploadfile(self, session, dirname, filename, contents, overwrite=False):
485 """uploads an individual file"""
486 pathname = self.getuploadpath(dirname, filename)
487 for extention in ["xliff", "xlf", "xlff"]:
488 if filename.endswith(extention):
489 pofilename = filename[:-len(os.extsep+extention)] + os.extsep + self.fileext
490 popathname = self.getuploadpath(dirname, pofilename)
491 break
492 else:
493 pofilename = filename
494 popathname = pathname
496 rights = self.getrights(session)
498 if os.path.exists(popathname) and not overwrite:
499 origpofile = self.getpofile(os.path.join(dirname, pofilename))
500 newfileclass = factory.getclass(pathname)
501 infile = cStringIO.StringIO(contents)
502 newfile = newfileclass.parsefile(infile)
503 if "admin" in rights:
504 origpofile.mergefile(newfile, session.username)
505 elif "translate" in rights:
506 origpofile.mergefile(newfile, session.username, allownewstrings=False)
507 elif "suggest" in rights:
508 origpofile.mergefile(newfile, session.username, suggestions=True)
509 else:
510 raise RightsError(session.localize("You do not have rights to upload files here"))
511 else:
512 if overwrite and not ("admin" in rights or "overwrite" in rights):
513 raise RightsError(session.localize("You do not have rights to overwrite files here"))
514 elif not os.path.exists(popathname) and not ("admin" in rights or "overwrite" in rights):
515 raise RightsError(session.localize("You do not have rights to upload new files here"))
516 outfile = open(popathname, "wb")
517 outfile.write(contents)
518 outfile.close()
519 self.scanpofiles()
521 def updatepofile(self, session, dirname, pofilename):
522 """updates an individual PO file from version control"""
523 if "admin" not in self.getrights(session):
524 raise RightsError(session.localize("You do not have rights to update files here"))
525 pathname = self.getuploadpath(dirname, pofilename)
526 # read from version control
527 if os.path.exists(pathname):
528 popath = os.path.join(dirname, pofilename)
529 currentpofile = self.getpofile(popath)
530 # reading BASE version of file
531 origcontents = versioncontrol.getcleanfile(pathname, "BASE")
532 origpofile = pootlefile.pootlefile(self, popath)
533 originfile = cStringIO.StringIO(origcontents)
534 origpofile.parse(originfile)
535 # matching current file with BASE version
536 matches = origpofile.matchitems(currentpofile, uselocations=False)
537 # TODO: add some locking here...
538 # reading new version of file
539 versioncontrol.updatefile(pathname)
540 newpofile = pootlefile.pootlefile(self, popath)
541 newpofile.pofreshen()
542 if not hasattr(newpofile, "sourceindex"):
543 newpofile.makeindex()
544 newmatches = []
545 # sorting through old matches
546 for origpo, localpo in matches:
547 # we need to find the corresponding newpo to see what to merge
548 if localpo is None:
549 continue
550 if origpo is None:
551 # if it wasn't in the original, then use the addition for searching
552 origpo = localpo
553 else:
554 origmsgstr =
555 localmsgstr =
556 if origmsgstr == localmsgstr:
557 continue
559 foundsource = False
560 # First try to find a match on location
561 for location in origpo.getlocations():
562 if location in newpofile.locationindex:
563 newpo = newpofile.locationindex[location]
564 if newpo is not None and newpo.source == localpo.source:
565 foundsource = True
566 newmatches.append((newpo, localpo))
567 continue
568 if not foundsource:
569 source = origpo.source
570 if source in newpofile.sourceindex:
571 newpo = newpofile.sourceindex[source]
572 newmatches.append((newpo, localpo))
573 else:
574 newmatches.append((None, localpo))
575 # finding new matches
576 for newpo, localpo in newmatches:
577 if newpo is None:
578 # TODO: include localpo as obsolete
579 continue
580 if localpo is None:
581 continue
582 newpofile.mergeitem(newpo, localpo, "versionmerge")
583 # saving
584 newpofile.savepofile()
585 self.pofiles[pofilename] = newpofile
586 # recalculate everything
587 newpofile.readpofile()
588 else:
589 versioncontrol.updatefile(pathname)
590 self.scanpofiles()
592 def commitpofile(self, session, dirname, pofilename):
593 """commits an individual PO file to version control"""
594 if "commit" not in self.getrights(session):
595 raise RightsError(session.localize("You do not have rights to commit files here"))
596 pathname = self.getuploadpath(dirname, pofilename)
597 stats = self.getquickstats([os.path.join(dirname, pofilename)])
598 statsstring = "%d of %d messages translated (%d fuzzy)." % \
599 (stats["translated"], stats["total"], stats["fuzzy"])
600 versioncontrol.commitfile(pathname, message="Commit from %s by user %s. %s" %
601 (session.server.instance.title, session.username, statsstring))
603 def converttemplates(self, session):
604 """creates PO files from the templates"""
605 projectdir = os.path.join(self.potree.podirectory, self.projectcode)
606 if not os.path.exists(projectdir):
607 os.mkdir(projectdir)
608 templatesdir = os.path.join(projectdir, "templates")
609 if not os.path.exists(templatesdir):
610 templatesdir = os.path.join(projectdir, "pot")
611 if not os.path.exists(templatesdir):
612 templatesdir = projectdir
613 if self.potree.isgnustyle(self.projectcode):
614 self.filestyle = "gnu"
615 else:
616 self.filestyle = "std"
617 templates = self.potree.gettemplates(self.projectcode)
618 if self.filestyle == "gnu":
619 self.podir = projectdir
620 if not templates:
621 raise NotImplementedError("Cannot create GNU-style translation project without templates")
622 else:
623 self.podir = os.path.join(projectdir, self.languagecode)
624 if not os.path.exists(self.podir):
625 os.mkdir(self.podir)
626 for potfilename in templates:
627 inputfile = open(os.path.join(templatesdir, potfilename), "rb")
628 outputfile = cStringIO.StringIO()
629 if self.filestyle == "gnu":
630 pofilename = self.languagecode + os.extsep + "po"
631 else:
632 pofilename = potfilename[:-len(os.extsep+"pot")] + os.extsep + "po"
633 pofilename = os.path.basename(pofilename)
634 origpofilename = os.path.join(self.podir, pofilename)
635 if os.path.exists(origpofilename):
636 origpofile = open(origpofilename)
637 else:
638 origpofile = None
639 pot2po.convertpot(inputfile, outputfile, origpofile)
640 outfile = open(origpofilename, "wb")
641 outfile.write(outputfile.getvalue())
642 outfile.close()
643 self.scanpofiles()
645 def filtererrorhandler(self, functionname, str1, str2, e):
646 print "error in filter %s: %r, %r, %s" % (functionname, str1, str2, e)
647 return False
649 def getarchive(self, pofilenames):
650 """returns an archive of the given filenames"""
651 try:
652 # using zip command line is fast
653 from tempfile import mkstemp
654 # The temporary file below is opened and immediately closed for security reasons
655 fd, tempzipfile = mkstemp(prefix='pootle', suffix='.zip')
656 os.close(fd)
657 os.system("cd %s ; zip -r - %s > %s" % (self.podir, " ".join(pofilenames), tempzipfile))
658 filedata = open(tempzipfile, "r").read()
659 if filedata:
660 return filedata
661 finally:
662 if os.path.exists(tempzipfile):
663 os.remove(tempzipfile)
665 # but if it doesn't work, we can do it from python
666 import zipfile
667 archivecontents = cStringIO.StringIO()
668 archive = zipfile.ZipFile(archivecontents, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
669 for pofilename in pofilenames:
670 pofile = self.getpofile(pofilename)
671 archive.write(pofile.filename, pofilename)
672 archive.close()
673 return archivecontents.getvalue()
675 def uploadarchive(self, session, dirname, archivecontents):
676 """uploads the files inside the archive"""
677 # Bug #402
678 #try:
679 # from tempfile import mktemp
680 # tempzipfile = mkstemp()
681 # using zip command line is fast
682 # os.system("cd %s ; zip -r - %s > %s" % (self.podir, " ".join(pofilenames), tempzipfile))
683 # return open(tempzipfile, "r").read()
684 #finally:
685 # if os.path.exists(tempzipfile):
686 # os.remove(tempzipfile)
688 # but if it doesn't work, we can do it from python
689 import zipfile
690 archivefile = cStringIO.StringIO(archivecontents)
691 archive = zipfile.ZipFile(archivefile, 'r')
692 # TODO: find a better way to return errors...
693 for filename in archive.namelist():
694 if not filename.endswith(os.extsep + self.fileext):
695 print "error adding %s: not a %s file" % (filename, os.extsep + self.fileext)
696 continue
697 contents =
698 subdirname, pofilename = os.path.dirname(filename), os.path.basename(filename)
699 try:
700 # TODO: use zipfile info to set the time and date of the file
701 self.uploadfile(session, os.path.join(dirname, subdirname), pofilename, contents)
702 except ValueError, e:
703 print "error adding %s" % filename, e
704 continue
705 archive.close()
707 def ootemplate(self):
708 """Tests whether this project has an template SDF file in
709 the templates directory."""
710 projectdir = os.path.join(self.potree.podirectory, self.projectcode)
711 templatefilename = os.path.join(projectdir, "templates", "en-US.sdf")
712 if os.path.exists(templatefilename):
713 return templatefilename
714 else:
715 return None
717 def getoo(self):
718 """Returns an gsi file"""
719 #TODO: implement caching
720 templateoo = self.ootemplate()
721 if templateoo is None:
722 return
723 outputoo = os.path.join(self.podir, self.languagecode + ".sdf")
724 inputdir = os.path.join(self.potree.podirectory, self.projectcode, self.languagecode)
725 po2oo.main(["-i%s"%inputdir, "-t%s"%templateoo, "-o%s"%outputoo, "-l%s"%self.languagecode, "--progress=none"])
726 return file(os.path.join(self.podir, self.languagecode + ".sdf"), "r").read()
728 def browsefiles(self, dirfilter=None, depth=None, maxdepth=None, includedirs=False, includefiles=True):
729 """gets a list of pofilenames, optionally filtering with the parent directory"""
730 if dirfilter is None:
731 pofilenames = self.pofilenames
732 else:
733 if not dirfilter.endswith(os.path.sep) and not dirfilter.endswith(os.extsep + self.fileext):
734 dirfilter += os.path.sep
735 pofilenames = [pofilename for pofilename in self.pofilenames if pofilename.startswith(dirfilter)]
736 if includedirs:
737 podirs = {}
738 for pofilename in pofilenames:
739 dirname = os.path.dirname(pofilename)
740 if not dirname:
741 continue
742 podirs[dirname] = True
743 while dirname:
744 dirname = os.path.dirname(dirname)
745 if dirname:
746 podirs[dirname] = True
747 podirs = podirs.keys()
748 else:
749 podirs = []
750 if not includefiles:
751 pofilenames = []
752 if maxdepth is not None:
753 pofilenames = [pofilename for pofilename in pofilenames if pofilename.count(os.path.sep) <= maxdepth]
754 podirs = [podir for podir in podirs if podir.count(os.path.sep) <= maxdepth]
755 if depth is not None:
756 pofilenames = [pofilename for pofilename in pofilenames if pofilename.count(os.path.sep) == depth]
757 podirs = [podir for podir in podirs if podir.count(os.path.sep) == depth]
758 return pofilenames + podirs
760 def iterpofilenames(self, lastpofilename=None, includelast=False):
761 """iterates through the pofilenames starting after the given pofilename"""
762 if not lastpofilename:
763 index = 0
764 else:
765 index = self.pofilenames.index(lastpofilename)
766 if not includelast:
767 index += 1
768 while index < len(self.pofilenames):
769 yield self.pofilenames[index]
770 index += 1
772 def getindexer(self):
773 """get an indexing object for this project
775 Since we do not want to keep the indexing databases open for the lifetime of
776 the TranslationProject (it is cached!), it may NOT be part of the Project object,
777 but should be used via a short living local variable.
779 indexdir = os.path.join(self.podir, self.index_directory)
780 index = indexer.get_indexer(indexdir)
781 index.set_field_analyzers({
782 "pofilename": index.ANALYZER_EXACT,
783 "itemno": index.ANALYZER_EXACT,
784 "pomtime": index.ANALYZER_EXACT})
785 return index
787 def initindex(self):
788 """initializes the search index"""
789 if not indexer.HAVE_INDEXER:
790 return
791 pofilenames = self.pofiles.keys()
792 pofilenames.sort()
793 for pofilename in pofilenames:
794 self.updateindex(pofilename, optimize=False)
796 def updateindex(self, pofilename, items=None, optimize=True):
797 """updates the index with the contents of pofilename (limit to items if given)
799 There are three reasons for calling this function:
800 (A) creating a new instance of "TranslationProject" (see "initindex")
801 -> check if the index is up-to-date / rebuild the index if necessary
802 (B) translating a unit via the web interface
803 -> (re)index only the specified unit(s)
805 The argument "items" should be None for (A).
807 known problems:
808 1) This function should get called, when the po file changes externally.
809 The function "pofreshen" in would be the natural place
810 for this. But this causes circular calls between the current (r7514)
811 statistics code and "updateindex" leading to indexing database lock
812 issues.
813 WARNING: You have to stop the pootle server before manually changing
814 po files, if you want to keep the index database in sync.
816 @param pofilename: absolute filename of the po file
817 @type pofilename: str
818 @param items: list of unit numbers within the po file OR None (=rebuild all)
819 @type items: [int]
820 @param optimize: should the indexing database be optimized afterwards
821 @type optimize: bool
823 if not indexer.HAVE_INDEXER:
824 return
825 index = self.getindexer()
826 pofile = self.pofiles[pofilename]
827 # check if the pomtime in the index == the latest pomtime
828 try:
829 pomtime = statistics.getmodtime(pofile.filename)
830 pofilenamequery = index.make_query([("pofilename", pofilename)], True)
831 pomtimequery = index.make_query([("pomtime", str(pomtime))], True)
832 gooditemsquery = index.make_query([pofilenamequery, pomtimequery], True)
833 gooditemsnum = index.get_query_result(gooditemsquery).get_matches_count()
834 # if there is at least one up-to-date indexing item, then the po file
835 # was not changed externally -> no need to update the database
836 if (gooditemsnum > 0) and (not items):
837 # nothing to be done
838 return
839 elif items:
840 # Update only specific items - usually single translation via the web
841 # interface. All other items should still be up-to-date (even with an
842 # older pomtime).
843 print "updating", self.languagecode, "index for", pofilename, "items", items
844 # delete the relevant items from the database
845 itemsquery = index.make_query([("itemno", str(itemno)) for itemno in items], False)
846 index.delete_doc([pofilenamequery, itemsquery])
847 else:
848 # (items is None)
849 # The po file is not indexed - or it was changed externally (see
850 # "pofreshen" in
851 print "updating", self.projectcode, self.languagecode, "index for", pofilename
852 # delete all items of this file
853 index.delete_doc({"pofilename": pofilename})
854 pofile.pofreshen()
855 if items is None:
856 # rebuild the whole index
857 items = range(pofile.statistics.getitemslen())
858 addlist = []
859 for itemno in items:
860 unit = pofile.getitem(itemno)
861 doc = {"pofilename": pofilename, "pomtime": str(pomtime), "itemno": str(itemno)}
862 if unit.hasplural():
863 orig = "\n".join(unit.source.strings)
864 trans = "\n".join(
865 else:
866 orig = unit.source
867 trans =
868 doc["msgid"] = orig
869 doc["msgstr"] = trans
870 addlist.append(doc)
871 if addlist:
872 index.begin_transaction()
873 try:
874 for add_item in addlist:
875 index.index_document(add_item)
876 finally:
877 index.commit_transaction()
878 index.flush(optimize=optimize)
879 except (base.ParseError, IOError, OSError):
880 index.delete_doc({"pofilename": pofilename})
881 print "Not indexing %s, since it is corrupt" % (pofilename,)
883 def matchessearch(self, pofilename, search):
884 """returns whether any items in the pofilename match the search (based on collected stats etc)"""
885 # wrong file location in a "dirfilter" search?
886 if search.dirfilter is not None and not pofilename.startswith(search.dirfilter):
887 return False
888 # search.assignedto == [None] means assigned to nobody
889 if search.assignedto or search.assignedaction:
890 if search.assignedto == [None]:
891 assigns = self.pofiles[pofilename].getassigns().getunassigned(search.assignedaction)
892 else:
893 assigns = self.pofiles[pofilename].getassigns().getassigns()
894 if search.assignedto is not None:
895 if search.assignedto not in assigns:
896 return False
897 assigns = assigns[search.assignedto]
898 else:
899 assigns = reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, [userassigns.keys() for userassigns in assigns.values()], [])
900 if search.assignedaction is not None:
901 if search.assignedaction not in assigns:
902 return False
903 if search.matchnames:
904 postats = self.getpostats(pofilename)
905 matches = False
906 for name in search.matchnames:
907 if postats.get(name):
908 matches = True
909 if not matches:
910 return False
911 return True
913 def indexsearch(self, search, returnfields):
914 """returns the results from searching the index with the given search"""
915 if not indexer.HAVE_INDEXER:
916 return False
917 index = self.getindexer()
918 searchparts = []
919 if search.searchtext:
920 textquery = index.make_query([("msgid", search.searchtext), ("msgstr", search.searchtext)], False)
921 searchparts.append(textquery)
922 if search.dirfilter:
923 pofilenames = self.browsefiles(dirfilter=search.dirfilter)
924 filequery = index.make_query([("pofilename", pofilename) for pofilename in pofilenames], False)
925 searchparts.append(filequery)
926 # TODO: add other search items
927 limitedquery = index.make_query(searchparts, True)
928 return, returnfields)
930 def searchpofilenames(self, lastpofilename, search, includelast=False):
931 """find the next pofilename that has items matching the given search"""
932 if lastpofilename and not lastpofilename in self.pofiles:
933 # accessing will autoload this file...
934 self.pofiles[lastpofilename]
935 if indexer.HAVE_INDEXER and search.searchtext:
936 # TODO: move this up a level, use index to manage whole search, so we don't do this twice
937 hits = self.indexsearch(search, "pofilename")
938 # there will be only result for the field "pofilename" - so we just
939 # pick the first
940 searchpofilenames = dict.fromkeys([hit["pofilename"][0] for hit in hits])
941 else:
942 searchpofilenames = None
943 for pofilename in self.iterpofilenames(lastpofilename, includelast):
944 if searchpofilenames is not None:
945 if pofilename not in searchpofilenames:
946 continue
947 if self.matchessearch(pofilename, search):
948 yield pofilename
950 def searchpoitems(self, pofilename, item, search):
951 """finds the next item matching the given search"""
952 if search.searchtext:
953 grepfilter = pogrep.GrepFilter(search.searchtext, None, ignorecase=True)
954 for pofilename in self.searchpofilenames(pofilename, search, includelast=True):
955 pofile = self.getpofile(pofilename)
956 if indexer.HAVE_INDEXER and (search.searchtext or search.matchnames):
957 filesearch = search.copy()
958 filesearch.dirfilter = pofilename
959 hits = self.indexsearch(filesearch, "itemno")
960 # there will be only result for the field "itemno" - so we just
961 # pick the first
962 items = [int(doc["itemno"][0]) for doc in hits]
963 items = [searchitem for searchitem in items if searchitem > item]
964 items.sort()
965 notextsearch = search.copy()
966 notextsearch.searchtext = None
967 matchitems = list(pofile.iteritems(notextsearch, item))
968 else:
969 items = pofile.iteritems(search, item)
970 matchitems = items
971 for item in items:
972 if items != matchitems:
973 if item not in matchitems:
974 continue
975 # TODO: move this to iteritems
976 if search.searchtext:
977 unit = pofile.getitem(item)
978 if grepfilter.filterunit(unit):
979 yield pofilename, item
980 else:
981 yield pofilename, item
982 item = None
984 def reassignpoitems(self, session, search, assignto, action):
985 """reassign all the items matching the search to the assignto user(s) evenly, with the given action"""
986 # remove all assignments for the given action
987 self.unassignpoitems(session, search, None, action)
988 assigncount = self.assignpoitems(session, search, assignto, action)
989 return assigncount
991 def assignpoitems(self, session, search, assignto, action):
992 """assign all the items matching the search to the assignto user(s) evenly, with the given action"""
993 if not "assign" in self.getrights(session):
994 raise RightsError(session.localize("You do not have rights to alter assignments here"))
995 if search.searchtext:
996 grepfilter = pogrep.GrepFilter(search.searchtext, None, ignorecase=True)
997 if not isinstance(assignto, list):
998 assignto = [assignto]
999 usercount = len(assignto)
1000 assigncount = 0
1001 if not usercount:
1002 return assigncount
1003 pofilenames = [pofilename for pofilename in self.searchpofilenames(None, search, includelast=True)]
1004 wordcounts = [(pofilename, self.getpofile(pofilename).statistics.getquickstats()['totalsourcewords']) for pofilename in pofilenames]
1005 totalwordcount = sum([wordcount for pofilename, wordcount in wordcounts])
1007 wordsperuser = totalwordcount / usercount
1008 print "assigning", totalwordcount, "words to", usercount, "user(s)", wordsperuser, "words per user"
1009 usernum = 0
1010 userwords = 0
1011 for pofilename, wordcount in wordcounts:
1012 pofile = self.getpofile(pofilename)
1013 sourcewordcount = pofile.statistics.getunitstats()['sourcewordcount']
1014 for item in pofile.iteritems(search, None):
1015 # TODO: move this to iteritems
1016 if search.searchtext:
1017 validitem = False
1018 unit = pofile.getitem(item)
1019 if grepfilter.filterunit(unit):
1020 validitem = True
1021 if not validitem:
1022 continue
1023 itemwordcount = sourcewordcount[item]
1024 #itemwordcount = statsdb.wordcount(str(pofile.getitem(item).source))
1025 if userwords + itemwordcount > wordsperuser:
1026 usernum = min(usernum+1, len(assignto)-1)
1027 userwords = 0
1028 userwords += itemwordcount
1029 pofile.getassigns().assignto(item, assignto[usernum], action)
1030 assigncount += 1
1031 return assigncount
1033 def unassignpoitems(self, session, search, assignedto, action=None):
1034 """unassigns all the items matching the search to the assignedto user"""
1035 if not "assign" in self.getrights(session):
1036 raise RightsError(session.localize("You do not have rights to alter assignments here"))
1037 if search.searchtext:
1038 grepfilter = pogrep.GrepFilter(search.searchtext, None, ignorecase=True)
1039 assigncount = 0
1040 for pofilename in self.searchpofilenames(None, search, includelast=True):
1041 pofile = self.getpofile(pofilename)
1042 for item in pofile.iteritems(search, None):
1043 # TODO: move this to iteritems
1044 if search.searchtext:
1045 unit = pofile.getitem(item)
1046 if grepfilter.filterunit(unit):
1047 pofile.getassigns().unassign(item, assignedto, action)
1048 assigncount += 1
1049 else:
1050 pofile.getassigns().unassign(item, assignedto, action)
1051 assigncount += 1
1052 return assigncount
1054 def updatequickstats(self, pofilename, translatedwords, translated, fuzzywords, fuzzy, totalwords, total, save=True):
1055 """updates the quick stats on the given file"""
1056 self.quickstats[pofilename] = (translatedwords, translated, fuzzywords, fuzzy, totalwords, total)
1057 if save:
1058 self.savequickstats()
1060 def savequickstats(self):
1061 """saves the quickstats"""
1062 self.quickstatsfilename = os.path.join(self.podir, "pootle-%s-%s.stats" % (self.projectcode, self.languagecode))
1063 quickstatsfile = open(self.quickstatsfilename, "w")
1064 sortedquickstats = self.quickstats.items()
1065 sortedquickstats.sort()
1066 for pofilename, (translatedwords, translated, fuzzywords, fuzzy, totalwords, total) in sortedquickstats:
1067 quickstatsfile.write("%s, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d\n" % \
1068 (pofilename, translatedwords, translated, fuzzywords, fuzzy, totalwords, total))
1069 quickstatsfile.close()
1071 def readquickstats(self):
1072 """reads the quickstats from disk"""
1073 self.quickstats = {}
1074 self.quickstatsfilename = os.path.join(self.podir, "pootle-%s-%s.stats" % (self.projectcode, self.languagecode))
1075 if os.path.exists(self.quickstatsfilename):
1076 quickstatsfile = open(self.quickstatsfilename, "r")
1077 for line in quickstatsfile:
1078 items = line.split(",")
1079 if len(items) != 7:
1080 #Must be an old format style without the fuzzy stats
1081 self.quickstats = self.getquickstats()
1082 self.savequickstats()
1083 break
1084 else:
1085 pofilename, translatedwords, translated, fuzzywords, fuzzy, totalwords, total = items
1086 self.quickstats[pofilename] = tuple([int(a.strip()) for a in \
1087 translatedwords, translated, fuzzywords, fuzzy, totalwords, total])
1089 def getquickstats(self, pofilenames=None):
1090 """Gets translated and total stats and wordcounts without doing calculations returning dictionary."""
1091 if pofilenames is None:
1092 pofilenames = self.pofilenames
1093 alltranslatedwords, alltranslated, allfuzzywords, allfuzzy, alltotalwords, alltotal = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
1094 slowfiles = []
1095 for pofilename in pofilenames:
1096 if pofilename not in self.quickstats:
1097 slowfiles.append(pofilename)
1098 continue
1099 translatedwords, translated, fuzzywords, fuzzy, totalwords, total = self.quickstats[pofilename]
1100 alltranslatedwords += translatedwords
1101 alltranslated += translated
1102 allfuzzywords += fuzzywords
1103 allfuzzy += fuzzy
1104 alltotalwords += totalwords
1105 alltotal += total
1106 for pofilename in slowfiles:
1107 self.pofiles[pofilename].statistics.updatequickstats(save=False)
1108 translatedwords, translated, fuzzywords, fuzzy, totalwords, total = self.quickstats[pofilename]
1109 alltranslatedwords += translatedwords
1110 alltranslated += translated
1111 allfuzzywords += fuzzywords
1112 allfuzzy += fuzzy
1113 alltotalwords += totalwords
1114 alltotal += total
1115 if slowfiles:
1116 self.savequickstats()
1117 return {"translatedsourcewords": alltranslatedwords, "translated": alltranslated,
1118 "fuzzysourcewords": allfuzzywords, "fuzzy": allfuzzy,
1119 "totalsourcewords": alltotalwords, "total": alltotal}
1121 def combinestats(self, pofilenames=None):
1122 """combines translation statistics for the given po files (or all if None given)"""
1123 if pofilenames is None:
1124 pofilenames = self.pofilenames
1125 pofilenames = [pofilename for pofilename in pofilenames
1126 if pofilename != None and not os.path.isdir(pofilename)]
1127 total_stats = self.combine_totals(pofilenames)
1128 total_stats['units'] = self.combine_unit_stats(pofilenames)
1129 total_stats['assign'] = self.combineassignstats(pofilenames)
1130 return total_stats
1132 def combine_totals(self, pofilenames):
1133 totalstats = {}
1134 for pofilename in pofilenames:
1135 pototals = self.getpototals(pofilename)
1136 for name, items in pototals.iteritems():
1137 totalstats[name] = totalstats.get(name, 0) + pototals[name]
1138 return totalstats
1140 def combine_unit_stats(self, pofilenames):
1141 unit_stats = {}
1142 for pofilename in pofilenames:
1143 postats = self.getpostats(pofilename)
1144 for name, items in postats.iteritems():
1145 unit_stats.setdefault(name, []).extend([(pofilename, item) for item in items])
1146 return unit_stats
1148 def combineassignstats(self, pofilenames=None, action=None):
1149 """combines assign statistics for the given po files (or all if None given)"""
1150 assign_stats = {}
1151 for pofilename in pofilenames:
1152 assignstats = self.getassignstats(pofilename, action)
1153 for name, items in assignstats.iteritems():
1154 assign_stats.setdefault(name, []).extend([(pofilename, item) for item in items])
1155 return assign_stats
1157 def countwords(self, stats):
1158 """counts the number of words in the items represented by the stats list"""
1159 wordcount = 0
1160 for pofilename, item in stats:
1161 pofile = self.pofiles[pofilename]
1162 if 0 <= item < len(pofile.statistics.getunitstats()['sourcewordcount']):
1163 wordcount += pofile.statistics.getunitstats()['sourcewordcount'][item]
1164 print "projects::countwords()"
1165 return wordcount
1167 def getpomtime(self):
1168 """returns the modification time of the last modified file in the project"""
1169 return max([pofile.pomtime for pofile in self.pofiles.values()])
1170 pomtime = property(getpomtime)
1172 def track(self, pofilename, item, message):
1173 """sends a track message to the pofile"""
1174 self.pofiles[pofilename].track(item, message)
1176 def gettracks(self, pofilenames=None):
1177 """calculates translation statistics for the given po files (or all if None given)"""
1178 alltracks = []
1179 if pofilenames is None:
1180 pofilenames = self.pofilenames
1181 for pofilename in pofilenames:
1182 if not pofilename or os.path.isdir(pofilename):
1183 continue
1184 tracker = self.pofiles[pofilename].tracker
1185 items = tracker.keys()
1186 items.sort()
1187 for item in items:
1188 alltracks.append("%s item %d: %s" % (pofilename, item, tracker[item]))
1189 return alltracks
1191 def getpostats(self, pofilename):
1192 """calculates translation statistics for the given po file"""
1193 return self.pofiles[pofilename].statistics.getstats()
1195 def getpototals(self, pofilename):
1196 """calculates translation statistics for the given po file"""
1197 return self.pofiles[pofilename].statistics.getquickstats()
1199 def getassignstats(self, pofilename, action=None):
1200 """calculates translation statistics for the given po file (can filter by action if given)"""
1201 polen = self.getpototals(pofilename).get("total", 0)
1202 # Temporary code to avoid traceback. Was:
1203 # polen = len(self.getpostats(pofilename)["total"])
1204 assigns = self.pofiles[pofilename].getassigns().getassigns()
1205 assignstats = {}
1206 for username, userassigns in assigns.iteritems():
1207 allitems = []
1208 for assignaction, items in userassigns.iteritems():
1209 if action is None or assignaction == action:
1210 allitems += [item for item in items if 0 <= item < polen and item not in allitems]
1211 if allitems:
1212 assignstats[username] = allitems
1213 return assignstats
1215 def getpofile(self, pofilename, freshen=True):
1216 """parses the file into a pofile object and stores in self.pofiles"""
1217 pofile = self.pofiles[pofilename]
1218 if freshen:
1219 pofile.pofreshen()
1220 return pofile
1222 def getpofilelen(self, pofilename):
1223 """returns number of items in the given pofilename"""
1224 pofile = self.getpofile(pofilename)
1225 return pofile.statistics.getitemslen()
1227 def getitems(self, pofilename, itemstart, itemstop):
1228 """returns a set of items from the pofile, converted to original and translation strings"""
1229 pofile = self.getpofile(pofilename)
1230 units = [pofile.units[index] for index in pofile.statistics.getstats()["total"][max(itemstart,0):itemstop]]
1231 return units
1233 def updatetranslation(self, pofilename, item, newvalues, session):
1234 """updates a translation with a new value..."""
1235 if "translate" not in self.getrights(session):
1236 raise RightsError(session.localize("You do not have rights to change translations here"))
1237 pofile = self.pofiles[pofilename]
1238 pofile.track(item, "edited by %s" % session.username)
1239 languageprefs = getattr(session.instance.languages, self.languagecode, None)
1240 pofile.updateunit(item, newvalues, session.prefs, languageprefs)
1241 self.updateindex(pofilename, [item])
1243 def suggesttranslation(self, pofilename, item, trans, session):
1244 """stores a new suggestion for a translation..."""
1245 if "suggest" not in self.getrights(session):
1246 raise RightsError(session.localize("You do not have rights to suggest changes here"))
1247 pofile = self.getpofile(pofilename)
1248 pofile.track(item, "suggestion made by %s" % session.username)
1249 pofile.addsuggestion(item, trans, session.username)
1251 def getsuggestions(self, pofile, item):
1252 """find all the suggestions submitted for the given (pofile or pofilename) and item"""
1253 if isinstance(pofile, (str, unicode)):
1254 pofilename = pofile
1255 pofile = self.getpofile(pofilename)
1256 suggestpos = pofile.getsuggestions(item)
1257 return suggestpos
1259 def acceptsuggestion(self, pofile, item, suggitem, newtrans, session):
1260 """accepts the suggestion into the main pofile"""
1261 if not "review" in self.getrights(session):
1262 raise RightsError(session.localize("You do not have rights to review suggestions here"))
1263 if isinstance(pofile, (str, unicode)):
1264 pofilename = pofile
1265 pofile = self.getpofile(pofilename)
1266 pofile.track(item, "suggestion by %s accepted by %s" % (self.getsuggester(pofile, item, suggitem), session.username))
1267 pofile.deletesuggestion(item, suggitem)
1268 self.updatetranslation(pofilename, item, {"target": newtrans, "fuzzy": False}, session)
1270 def getsuggester(self, pofile, item, suggitem):
1271 """returns who suggested the given item's suggitem if recorded, else None"""
1272 if isinstance(pofile, (str, unicode)):
1273 pofilename = pofile
1274 pofile = self.getpofile(pofilename)
1275 return pofile.getsuggester(item, suggitem)
1277 def rejectsuggestion(self, pofile, item, suggitem, newtrans, session):
1278 """rejects the suggestion and removes it from the pending file"""
1279 if not "review" in self.getrights(session):
1280 raise RightsError(session.localize("You do not have rights to review suggestions here"))
1281 if isinstance(pofile, (str, unicode)):
1282 pofilename = pofile
1283 pofile = self.getpofile(pofilename)
1284 pofile.track(item, "suggestion by %s rejected by %s" % (self.getsuggester(pofile, item, suggitem), session.username))
1285 pofile.deletesuggestion(item, suggitem)
1287 def gettmsuggestions(self, pofile, item):
1288 """find all the TM suggestions for the given (pofile or pofilename) and item"""
1289 if isinstance(pofile, (str, unicode)):
1290 pofilename = pofile
1291 pofile = self.getpofile(pofilename)
1292 tmsuggestpos = pofile.gettmsuggestions(item)
1293 return tmsuggestpos
1295 def isterminologyproject(self):
1296 """returns whether this project is the main terminology project for a
1297 language. Currently it is indicated by the project code 'terminology'"""
1298 return self.projectcode == "terminology"
1300 def gettermbase(self):
1301 """returns this project's terminology store"""
1302 if self.isterminologyproject():
1303 if len(self.pofiles) > 0:
1304 for termfile in self.pofiles.values():
1305 termfile.pofreshen()
1306 return self
1307 else:
1308 termfilename = "pootle-terminology."+self.fileext
1309 if termfilename in self.pofiles:
1310 termfile = self.getpofile(termfilename, freshen=True)
1311 return termfile
1312 return None
1314 def gettermmatcher(self):
1315 """returns the terminology matcher"""
1316 termbase = self.gettermbase()
1317 if termbase:
1318 newmtime = termbase.pomtime
1319 if newmtime != self.termmatchermtime:
1320 self.termmatchermtime = newmtime
1321 if self.isterminologyproject():
1322 self.termmatcher = match.terminologymatcher(self.pofiles.values())
1323 else:
1324 self.termmatcher = match.terminologymatcher(termbase)
1325 elif not self.isterminologyproject() and self.potree.hasproject(self.languagecode, "terminology"):
1326 termproject = self.potree.getproject(self.languagecode, "terminology")
1327 self.termmatcher = termproject.gettermmatcher()
1328 self.termmatchermtime = termproject.termmatchermtime
1329 else:
1330 self.termmatcher = None
1331 self.termmatchermtime = None
1332 return self.termmatcher
1334 def getterminology(self, session, pofile, item):
1335 """find all the terminology for the given (pofile or pofilename) and item"""
1336 try:
1337 termmatcher = self.gettermmatcher()
1338 if not termmatcher:
1339 return []
1340 if isinstance(pofile, (str, unicode)):
1341 pofilename = pofile
1342 pofile = self.getpofile(pofilename)
1343 return termmatcher.matches(pofile.getitem(item).source)
1344 except Exception, e:
1345 session.server.errorhandler.logerror(traceback.format_exc())
1346 return []
1348 def savepofile(self, pofilename):
1349 """saves changes to disk"""
1350 pofile = self.getpofile(pofilename)
1351 pofile.savepofile()
1353 def getoutput(self, pofilename):
1354 """returns pofile source"""
1355 pofile = self.getpofile(pofilename)
1356 return pofile.getoutput()
1358 def convert(self, pofilename, destformat):
1359 """converts the pofile to the given format, returning (etag_if_filepath, filepath_or_contents)"""
1360 pofile = self.getpofile(pofilename, freshen=False)
1361 destfilename = pofile.filename[:-len(self.fileext)] + destformat
1362 destmtime = statistics.getmodtime(destfilename)
1363 pomtime = statistics.getmodtime(pofile.filename)
1364 if pomtime and destmtime == pomtime:
1365 try:
1366 return pomtime, destfilename
1367 except Exception, e:
1368 print "error reading cached converted file %s: %s" % (destfilename, e)
1369 pofile.pofreshen()
1370 converters = {"csv": po2csv.po2csv, "xlf": po2xliff.po2xliff, "po": xliff2po.xliff2po, "ts": po2ts.po2ts, "mo": pocompile.POCompile}
1371 converterclass = converters.get(destformat, None)
1372 if converterclass is None:
1373 raise ValueError("No converter available for %s" % destfilename)
1374 contents = converterclass().convertstore(pofile)
1375 if not isinstance(contents, basestring):
1376 contents = str(contents)
1377 try:
1378 destfile = open(destfilename, "w")
1379 destfile.write(contents)
1380 destfile.close()
1381 currenttime, modtime = time.time(), pofile.pomtime
1382 os.utime(destfilename, (currenttime, modtime))
1383 return modtime, destfilename
1384 except Exception, e:
1385 print "error caching converted file %s: %s" % (destfilename, e)
1386 return False, contents
1388 def gettext(self, message):
1389 """uses the project as a live translator for the given message"""
1390 for pofilename, pofile in self.pofiles.iteritems():
1391 if pofile.pomtime != statistics.getmodtime(pofile.filename):
1392 pofile.readpofile()
1393 pofile.makeindex()
1394 elif not hasattr(pofile, "sourceindex"):
1395 pofile.makeindex()
1396 unit = pofile.sourceindex.get(message, None)
1397 if not unit or not unit.istranslated():
1398 continue
1399 tmsg =
1400 if tmsg is not None:
1401 return tmsg
1402 return message
1404 def ugettext(self, message):
1405 """gets the translation of the message by searching through all the pofiles (unicode version)"""
1406 for pofilename, pofile in self.pofiles.iteritems():
1407 try:
1408 if pofile.pomtime != statistics.getmodtime(pofile.filename):
1409 pofile.readpofile()
1410 pofile.makeindex()
1411 elif not hasattr(pofile, "sourceindex"):
1412 pofile.makeindex()
1413 unit = pofile.sourceindex.get(message, None)
1414 if not unit or not unit.istranslated():
1415 continue
1416 tmsg =
1417 if tmsg is not None:
1418 if isinstance(tmsg, unicode):
1419 return tmsg
1420 else:
1421 return unicode(tmsg, pofile.encoding)
1422 except Exception, e:
1423 print "error reading translation from pofile %s: %s" % (pofilename, e)
1424 return unicode(message)
1426 def ungettext(self, singular, plural, n):
1427 """gets the plural translation of the message by searching through all the pofiles (unicode version)"""
1428 for pofilename, pofile in self.pofiles.iteritems():
1429 try:
1430 if pofile.pomtime != statistics.getmodtime(pofile.filename):
1431 pofile.readpofile()
1432 pofile.makeindex()
1433 elif not hasattr(pofile, "sourceindex"):
1434 pofile.makeindex()
1435 nplural, pluralequation = pofile.getheaderplural()
1436 if pluralequation:
1437 pluralfn = gettext.c2py(pluralequation)
1438 unit = pofile.sourceindex.get(singular, None)
1439 if not unit or not unit.istranslated():
1440 continue
1441 tmsg =[pluralfn(n)]
1442 if tmsg is not None:
1443 if isinstance(tmsg, unicode):
1444 return tmsg
1445 else:
1446 return unicode(tmsg, pofile.encoding)
1447 except Exception, e:
1448 print "error reading translation from pofile %s: %s" % (pofilename, e)
1449 if n == 1:
1450 return unicode(singular)
1451 else:
1452 return unicode(plural)
1454 def hascreatemofiles(self, projectcode):
1455 """returns whether the project has createmofile set"""
1456 return self.potree.getprojectcreatemofiles(projectcode) == 1
1458 class DummyProject(TranslationProject):
1459 """a project that is just being used for handling pootlefiles"""
1460 def __init__(self, podir, checker=None, projectcode=None, languagecode=None):
1461 """initializes the project with the given podir"""
1462 self.podir = podir
1463 if checker is None:
1464 self.checker = checks.TeeChecker()
1465 else:
1466 self.checker = checker
1467 self.projectcode = projectcode
1468 self.languagecode = languagecode
1469 self.readquickstats()
1471 def scanpofiles(self):
1472 """A null operation if potree is not present"""
1473 pass
1475 def readquickstats(self):
1476 """dummy statistics are empty"""
1477 self.quickstats = {}
1479 def savequickstats(self):
1480 """saves quickstats if possible"""
1481 pass
1483 class DummyStatsProject(DummyProject):
1484 """a project that is just being used for refresh of statistics"""
1485 def __init__(self, podir, checker, projectcode=None, languagecode=None):
1486 """initializes the project with the given podir"""
1487 DummyProject.__init__(self, podir, checker, projectcode, languagecode)
1489 def readquickstats(self):
1490 """reads statistics from whatever files are available"""
1491 self.quickstats = {}
1492 if self.projectcode is not None and self.languagecode is not None:
1493 TranslationProject.readquickstats(self)
1495 def savequickstats(self):
1496 """saves quickstats if possible"""
1497 if self.projectcode is not None and self.languagecode is not None:
1498 TranslationProject.savequickstats(self)
1500 class TemplatesProject(TranslationProject):
1501 """Manages Template files (.pot files) for a project"""
1502 fileext = "pot"
1503 def __init__(self, projectcode, potree):
1504 super(TemplatesProject, self).__init__("templates", projectcode, potree, create=False)
1506 def getrights(self, session=None, username=None, usedefaults=True):
1507 """gets the rights for the given user (name or session, or not-logged-in if username is None)"""
1508 # internal admin sessions have all rights
1509 # We don't send the usedefaults parameter through, because we don't want users of this method to
1510 # change the default behaviour in a template project. Yes, I know: ignorance and deceit.
1511 rights = super(TemplatesProject, self).getrights(session=session, username=username)
1512 if rights is not None:
1513 rights = [right for right in rights if right not in ["translate", "suggest", "pocompile"]]
1514 return rights