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[pipeglade.git] / buildables.txt
1 ## Known implementations of GtkBuildable in GTK+ 3.20 according to
2 ##
4 # widget                   status
5 ######################################
6 # GtkAboutDialog           shun
7   GtkAccelLabel            
8 # GtkAction                deprecated
9   GtkActionBar             
10 # GtkActionGroup           deprecated
11 # GtkAlignment             deprecated
12   GtkAppChooserButton      todo
13 # GtkAppChooserDialog      shun
14   GtkAppChooserWidget      todo
15 # GtkApplicationWindow     >=3.4
16 # GtkArrow                 deprecated
17   GtkAspectFrame           done
18   GtkAssistant             todo (core dump in GTK+-3.18.8)
19 # GtkBin                   not_useful
20   GtkBox                   done
21   GtkButton                done
22   GtkButtonBox             done
23   GtkCalendar              done
24 # GtkCellArea              not_useful
25 # GtkCellAreaBox           not_useful
26 # GtkCellView              not_useful
27   GtkCheckButton           done
28   GtkCheckMenuItem         todo
29   GtkColorButton           done
30 # GtkColorChooserDialog    shun
31   GtkColorChooserWidget    todo
32 # GtkColorSelection        deprecated
33 # GtkColorSelectionDialog  deprecated
34   GtkComboBox              
35   GtkComboBoxText          done
36 # GtkContainer             not_useful
37   GtkDialog                done
38   GtkDrawingArea           done
39   GtkEntry                 done
40   GtkEntryCompletion       
41   GtkEventBox              done
42   GtkExpander              done
43   GtkFileChooserButton     done
44   GtkFileChooserDialog     done
45   GtkFileChooserWidget     todo
46   GtkFileFilter            
47 # GtkFixed                 shun
48 # GtkFlowBox               >=3.12
49 # GtkFlowBoxChild          >=3.12
50   GtkFontButton            done
51   GtkFontChooserDialog     
52   GtkFontChooserWidget     todo
53 # GtkFontSelection         deprecated
54 # GtkFontSelectionDialog   deprecated
55   GtkFrame                 done
56 # GtkGLArea                >=3.16
57   GtkGrid                  done
58 # GtkHBox                  deprecated
59 # GtkHButtonBox            deprecated
60 # GtkHPaned                deprecated
61 # GtkHSV                   deprecated
62 # GtkHScale                deprecated
63 # GtkHScrollbar            deprecated
64 # GtkHSeparator            deprecated
65 # GtkHandleBox             deprecated
66 # GtkHeaderBar             >=3.10
67 # GtkIconFactory           deprecated
68   GtkIconView              todo
69   GtkImage                 done
70   GtkImageMenuItem         done
71   GtkInfoBar               done
72 # GtkInvisible             not_useful
73   GtkLabel                 done
74   GtkLayout                
75 # GtkLevelBar              >=3.6
76   GtkLinkButton            done
77 # GtkListBox               >=3.10
78 # GtkListBoxRow            >=3.10
79 # GtkListStore             hidden
80   GtkLockButton            todo
81   GtkMenu                  done
82   GtkMenuBar               done
83   GtkMenuButton            done
84   GtkMenuItem              done
85 # GtkMenuShell             not_useful
86   GtkMenuToolButton        todo
87 # GtkMessageDialog         shun
88 # GtkMisc                  deprecated
89 # GtkModelButton           >=3.16
90   GtkNotebook              done
91 # GtkOffscreenWindow       shun
92   GtkOverlay               done
93   GtkPageSetupUnixDialog   todo
94   GtkPaned                 done
95 # GtkPlacesSidebar         >=3.16
96   GtkPlug                  done
97 # GtkPopover               >=3.12
98 # GtkPopoverMenu           >=3.16
99   GtkPrintUnixDialog       done
100   GtkProgressBar           done
101 # GtkRadioAction           deprecated
102   GtkRadioButton           done
103   GtkRadioMenuItem         
104   GtkRadioToolButton       
105 # GtkRange                 not_useful
106 # GtkRecentAction          deprecated
107 # GtkRecentChooserDialog   shun
108   GtkRecentChooserMenu     
109   GtkRecentChooserWidget   todo
110   GtkRecentFilter          
111 # GtkRevealer              >=3.10
112   GtkScale                 done
113   GtkScaleButton           todo
114 # GtkScrollbar             not_useful
115   GtkScrolledWindow        done
116 # GtkSearchBar             >=3.10
117 # GtkSearchEntry           >=3.6
118   GtkSeparator             done
119   GtkSeparatorMenuItem     done
120   GtkSeparatorToolItem     todo
121   GtkShortcutsGroup        
122   GtkShortcutsSection      
123   GtkShortcutsShortcut     
124   GtkShortcutsWindow       todo
125   GtkSizeGroup             done
126   GtkSocket                done
127   GtkSpinButton            done
128   GtkSpinner               done
129 # GtkStack                 >=3.10
130 # GtkStackSidebar          >=3.16
131 # GtkStackSwitcher         >=3.10
132   GtkStatusbar             done
133   GtkSwitch                done
134 # GtkTable                 deprecated
135 # GtkTearoffMenuItem       deprecated
136 # GtkTextTagTable          not_useful
137   GtkTextView              done
138 # GtkToggleAction          deprecated
139   GtkToggleButton          done
140 # GtkToggleToolButton      deprecated
141   GtkToolButton            
142   GtkToolItem              
143   GtkToolItemGroup         
144   GtkToolPalette           
145   GtkToolbar               
146 # GtkTreeStore             hidden
147   GtkTreeView              done
148   GtkTreeViewColumn        done
149 # GtkUIManager             deprecated
150 # GtkVBox                  deprecated
151 # GtkVButtonBox            deprecated
152 # GtkVPaned                deprecated
153 # GtkVScale                deprecated
154 # GtkVScrollbar            deprecated
155 # GtkVSeparator            deprecated
156   GtkViewport              done
157   GtkVolumeButton          todo
158 # GtkWidget                hidden
159   GtkWindow                done