- fix linking errors when compiling oscam with static LIBCRYPTO library alone
[oscam.git] / webif / graph / graph.svg
1 <?xml-stylesheet type="text/css" href="site.css" ?>
2 <svg
3 xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'
4 width='100%'
5 height='100%'
6 viewBox='0 0 800 400'
7 preserveAspectRatio='XMaxYMid'
8 onload='init(evt)'
9 class='graph' >
10 <title>##HTTPOSCAMLABEL## r##CS_SVN_VERSION## (ECM Graph)</title>
11 <g id='graph' >
12 <rect id='g' class='graph_bg' x='0' y='0' width='800' height='400' />
13 <text id='graph_error' class='graph_error' x='400' y='125' visibility='hidden'>Error occured!</text>
14 <path id='graph_grid' class='graph_grid' d='M 2 125 L 798 125 M 2 200 L 798 200 M 2 275 L 798 275 M 2 350 L 798 350'/>
16 <rect id='graph_grid_button_back' class='graph_button' cursor='pointer' x='425' y='5' rx='5' ry='5' width='40' height='20'/>
17 <text id='graph_grid_button_text' cursor='pointer' class='graph_top_txt' x='460' y='17'>Change</text>
18 <text id='graph_grid_interval' class='graph_top_txt' x='420' y='17'>-</text>
19 <rect id='graph_grid_button' style='opacity:0;' cursor='pointer' x='340' y='5' rx='5' ry='5' width='130' height='20'/>
21 <text id='graph_grid_txt1' class='graph_grid_txt' x='798' y='123'>-</text>
22 <text id='graph_grid_txt2' class='graph_grid_txt' x='798' y='198'>-</text>
23 <text id='graph_grid_txt3' class='graph_grid_txt' x='798' y='273'>-</text>
24 <text id='graph_grid_txt4' class='graph_grid_txt' x='798' y='348'>-</text>
25 </g>
26 <script type='text/ecmascript'>
27 <![CDATA[
28 if (typeof getURL == 'undefined') {
29 getURL = function(url, callback) {
30 try {
31 if (typeof callback.operationComplete == 'function') {
32 callback = callback.operationComplete;
34 } catch (e) {}
35 if (typeof callback != 'function') {
36 throw 'No callback function for getURL';
38 var http_request = null;
39 if (typeof XMLHttpRequest != 'undefined') {
40 http_request = new XMLHttpRequest();
41 } else if (typeof ActiveXObject != 'undefined') {
42 try {
43 http_request = new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP');
44 } catch (e) {
45 try {
46 http_request = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP');
47 } catch (e) {}
50 if (!http_request) {
51 throw 'Both getURL and XMLHttpRequest are undefined';
53 http_request.onreadystatechange = function() {
54 if (http_request.readyState == 4) {
55 callback(
57 success : true,
58 content : http_request.responseXML,
59 contentType : http_request.getResponseHeader('Content-Type')
64 http_request.open('GET', url, true);
65 http_request.send(null);
68 var SVGDoc = null;
69 var svgNS = 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg';
70 var max = 0;
71 var plots = new Array();
72 var Color = new Array('blue','green','orange','brown','fuchsia','red','cyan','yellow','purple','turquoise','coral','khaki','greenyellow','thistle','tan','silver','darkgreen','darkviolet','gold','indianred','black');
73 var max_num_points = 799;
74 var step = 799 / max_num_points ;
75 var fetch_url='';
76 var interval = 3500;
77 var activesecs = 15;
78 var activeTask = null;
79 var hideLabels = false;
80 function init(evt) {
81 fetch_url=location.search.split('?');
82 fetch_url='oscamapi.html?part=ecmhistory&' + fetch_url[fetch_url.length-1];
83 if ( location.search.indexOf('hidelabels=1') > 0 ) hideLabels = true;
84 SVGDoc = evt.target.ownerDocument;
85 SVGDoc.getElementById('graph_grid_button').addEventListener('mousedown', switch_interval, false);
86 SVGDoc.getElementById('graph_grid_button_text').addEventListener('mousedown', switch_interval, false);
87 fetch_data();
88 switch_interval();
90 function switch_interval() {
91 if (interval<=1000) {
92 interval -= 250;
93 } else if (interval<=5000) {
94 interval -= 500;
95 } else {
96 interval -= 1000;
98 if ( interval<250 ) interval = 10000;
99 SVGDoc.getElementById('graph_grid_interval').firstChild.data = 'Refresh: '+interval+'ms';
100 window.clearInterval(activeTask);
101 activeTask = setInterval('fetch_data()', interval);
103 function fetch_data() {
104 if (fetch_url) {
105 getURL(fetch_url, plot_data);
106 } else {
107 handle_error();
110 function showlabel(evt) {
111 var id = evt.target.id.split('_');
112 var obj = SVGDoc.getElementById('graph_txt_'+id[2]);
113 if ( evt.type=='mouseover' ) {
114 obj.setAttributeNS(null,'style','');
115 } else if ( evt.type=='mouseout' ) {
116 obj.setAttributeNS(null,'style','display:none;');
119 function plot_data(obj) {
120 if (!obj.success) return handle_error();
121 if (!obj.content) return handle_error();
122 var readers = obj.content.getElementsByTagName('oscam')[0].getElementsByTagName('status')[0].getElementsByTagName('client');
123 i=0;
124 max=0;
125 rdx=0;
126 while (rdx < readers.length) {
127 if ( plots[i] == null ) {
128 plots[i] = new Array();
129 plots[i]['data'] = new Array();
130 plots[i]['ecmmin'] = -1;
131 plots[i]['ecmmax'] = 0;
132 plots[i]['last_fetched_timestamp'] = 0;
133 plots[i]['last_valid_ecm_duration'] = -1;
135 plots[i]['name'] = readers[rdx].getAttribute('name');
136 var ecmhistory = readers[rdx].getElementsByTagName('request')[0].getAttribute('ecmhistory').split(',');
137 var maxecm = -1;
138 for (var ii = ecmhistory.length-1; ii >= 0; ii--) {
139 var ecm = ecmhistory[ii].split(':');
140 if ( ecm[0]>-1 ) {
141 if ( ecm[1]==0 ) {
142 if ( parseInt( ecm[2] ) > plots[i]['last_fetched_timestamp'] ) {
143 if ( parseInt( ecm[0] ) > maxecm ) maxecm = parseInt( ecm[0] );
144 plots[i]['last_fetched_timestamp'] = parseInt( ecm[2] );
149 if ( maxecm == -1 ) {
150 maxecm = plots[i]['last_valid_ecm_duration'];
151 } else {
152 plots[i]['last_valid_ecm_duration'] = maxecm;
154 plots[i]['ecmtime'] = maxecm;
155 plots[i]['idletime'] = parseInt( readers[rdx].getElementsByTagName('times')[0].getAttribute('idle') );
156 if (!isNumber(plots[i]['ecmtime'])) {
157 plots[i]['ecmtime'] = -1;
158 } else {
159 if ( plots[i]['ecmmax'] < plots[i]['ecmtime'] ) plots[i]['ecmmax'] = plots[i]['ecmtime'] ;
160 if ( ( plots[i]['ecmmin'] > plots[i]['ecmtime']) || (plots[i]['ecmmin'] == -1 ) ) plots[i]['ecmmin'] = plots[i]['ecmtime'] ;
162 if (!isNumber(plots[i]['idletime'])) {
163 plots[i]['ecmtime'] = -1;
164 } else if (plots[i]['idletime']>activesecs) {
165 plots[i]['ecmtime'] = -1;
167 plots[i]['idle'] = readers[rdx].getElementsByTagName('times')[0].getAttribute('idle');
168 if ( plots[i]['data'].length==max_num_points ) {
169 var ii = 0;
170 while (ii < max_num_points) {
171 plots[i]['data'][ii] = plots[i]['data'][ii+1];
172 ii++;
174 plots[i]['data'].length--;
176 plots[i]['data'][plots[i]['data'].length] = plots[i]['ecmtime'];
177 if ( SVGDoc.getElementById('graph_txt_'+i) == null ) {
178 var newText = document.createElementNS(svgNS,'text');
179 newText.setAttributeNS(null,'x',3);
180 newText.setAttributeNS(null,'fill',Color[ i - (parseInt(i/Color.length)*Color.length)]);
181 newText.setAttributeNS(null,'id','graph_txt_'+i);
182 if ( hideLabels ) {
183 newText.setAttributeNS(null,'y',13);
184 newText.setAttributeNS(null,'style','display:none;');
185 } else {
186 newText.setAttributeNS(null,'y',13+(10*i));
188 var textNode = document.createTextNode(plots[i]['name']);
189 newText.appendChild(textNode);
190 document.getElementById('graph').appendChild(newText);
192 if ( plots[i]['ecmtime']==-1 ) { SVGDoc.getElementById('graph_txt_'+i).firstChild.data = plots[i]['name'] + ':idle';
193 } else { SVGDoc.getElementById('graph_txt_'+i).firstChild.data = plots[i]['name'] + ':' + plots[i]['ecmtime'];
194 } if ( plots[i]['ecmmin'] != -1 ) SVGDoc.getElementById('graph_txt_'+i).firstChild.data += ' (Max:'+plots[i]['ecmmax']+'/Min:'+plots[i]['ecmmin']+')';
195 if ( SVGDoc.getElementById('graph_path_'+i) == null ) {
196 var newPath = document.createElementNS(svgNS,'path');
197 newPath.setAttributeNS(null,'id','graph_path_'+i);
198 newPath.setAttributeNS(null,'class','graph_curve');
199 newPath.setAttributeNS(null,'stroke',Color[ i - (parseInt(i/Color.length)*Color.length)]);
200 if ( hideLabels ) {
201 newPath.addEventListener('mouseover', showlabel, false);
202 newPath.addEventListener('mouseout', showlabel, false);
204 document.getElementById('graph').appendChild(newPath);
206 a=0;
207 var plot = plots[i]['data'];
208 while (a < plot.length) {
209 if (plot[a] > max) max = plot[a];
210 a++;
212 i++;
213 rdx++;
215 var rmax=makeRoundMax(max);
216 var height = 350;
217 var scale = (height-50) / rmax;
218 i=0;
219 while (i < plots.length) {
220 var plot = plots[i]['data'];
221 var path = 'M 2 '+ (plot[0] > 0 ? Math.round((height - (plot[0] * scale))*10)/10 : height);
222 for (b = 3; b < plot.length; b++) {
223 var x = step * b;
224 var y_in = plot[b] > 0 ? Math.round((height - (plot[b] * scale))*10)/10 : height;
225 path += ' L' + x + ' ' + y_in;
227 SVGDoc.getElementById('graph_path_'+i).setAttributeNS(null, 'd', path);
228 i++;
230 SVGDoc.getElementById('graph_grid_txt1').firstChild.data = 3*rmax/4 + 'ms';
231 SVGDoc.getElementById('graph_grid_txt2').firstChild.data = 2*rmax/4 + 'ms';
232 SVGDoc.getElementById('graph_grid_txt3').firstChild.data = rmax/4 + 'ms';
233 SVGDoc.getElementById('graph_grid_txt4').firstChild.data = '0ms';
234 SVGDoc.getElementById('graph_error').setAttributeNS(null, 'visibility', 'hidden');
236 function makeRoundMax(max) {
237 rmax = 100;
238 i = 0;
239 while (max > rmax) {
240 i++;
241 if (i && (i % 4 == 0)) {
242 rmax *= 1.25;
243 } else {
244 rmax *= 2;
247 return rmax;
249 function handle_error() {
250 SVGDoc.getElementById('graph_error').setAttributeNS(null, 'visibility', 'visible');
252 function isNumber(a) {
253 return typeof a == 'number' && isFinite(a);
256 </script>
257 </svg>