Add lily target to makefile template, which generates all lilypond scores, but not...
[orchestrallily.git] / testsuite /
1 \version "2.11.40"
2 \include "../"
4 \header { title = "OrchestralLily Structure test case" }
6 % TestPieceName = "Test piece"
9 TestIiMusic = \relative c' { c4 g' c, b' }
10 TestIiiMusic = \relative c'' { c2 c,8 e g c}
11 TestIiiLyrics = \lyricmode { Da, da -- da -- da -- da! }
12 TestIiiiMusic = \relative c { c1 }
13 TestIivMusic = \relative c' { c2 c2 }
14 TestIvMusic = \relative c' { d1 }
15 TestIviMusic = \relative c' { d2 d2 }
16 TestIviiMusic = \relative c' { e1 }
17 TestIviiiMusic = \relative c' { \voiceOne e2 e2 }
18 TestIixMusic = \figuremode { <6>2 <6 _!>2 }
19 TestIxMusic = \drummode { crashcymbal4 hihat8 halfopenhihat hh hh hh openhihat }
20 TestIxiMusic = \relative c' { \voiceTwo c2 c,8 e g c}
21 TestIxiLyrics = \lyricmode { Da, da -- da -- da -- da! }
22 TestIxiClef = \clef "treble_8"
25 \orchestralScoreStructure #'(
26 ("SG" "StaffGroup" ("Ii" "Iii" "Iiii"))
27 ("CS" "ChoirStaff" ("Ii" "Iii" "Iiii"))
28 ("GS" "GrandStaff" ("Ii" "Iii" "Iiii"))
29 ("Parallel" "ParallelMusic" ("Ii" "Iii" "Iiii"))
30 ("Simultaneous" "SimultaneousMusic" ("Ii" "Iii" "Iiii"))
31 ("SimNonExist110" "SimultaneousMusic" ("Iiii" "Iv" "nonExI"))
32 ("SimNonExist011" "SimultaneousMusic" ("nonExI" "Iiii" "Iv"))
33 ("SGNonExist100" "StaffGroup" ("Iiii" "nonEx" "nonExI"))
34 ("SGNonExist010" "StaffGroup" ("Iiii" "nonEx" "nonExI"))
36 ("NG1" "GrandStaff" ("Ii" "Iii"))
37 ("NG2" "ChoirStaff" ("Iiii" "NG1"))
38 ("NG3" "GrandStaff" ("Iiv" "Iv"))
39 ("NG4" "ParallelMusic" ("Ivi" "Ivii"))
40 ("NestedGroups" "StaffGroup" ("NG1" "NG2" "NG3" "NG4"))
42 ("Staff" "Staff" ("Ii"))
43 ("Ix" "DrumStaff" ())
44 ("ParallelStaff" "ParallelVoicesStaff" ("Iiii" "Ixi"))
46 ("Combined2" "PartCombinedStaff" ("Ivi" "Iiv"))
47 ("Combined1" "PartCombinedStaff" ("Iiv"))
48 ("Combined1x" "PartCombinedStaff" ("Iiv" "something"))
49 ("Combinedx" "PartCombinedStaff" ("something"))
51 ("FigBStaff" "ParallelVoicesStaff" ("Ii" "Iix"))
53 \orchestralVoiceTypes #'(
54 ("Ix" "DrumVoice")
55 ("Iix" "FiguredBass")
59 \markup{"Single Instrument"}
60 \createScore #"Test" #'("Ii")
62 \markup{"Multiple toplevel Instruments"}
63 \createScore #"Test" #'("Ii" "Iiv" "Iv")
67 \markup{"Lyrics to voice"}
68 \createScore #"Test" #'("Iii")
70 \markup{"Instrument & short instrument name"}
71 IiInstrumentName = "Instrument 1"
72 IiShortInstrumentName = "I.1"
73 TestIiMusic = \relative c' { c4 g' c, b' \break c1 }
74 \createScore #"Test" #'("Ii")
75 % reset the values!
76 IiInstrumentName = ""
77 IiShortInstrumentName = ""
78 TestIiMusic = \relative c' { c4 g' c, b' }
80 \markup {"Clef for instrument"}
81 IiiiClef = \clef "bass"
82 \createScore #"Test" #'("Iiii")
84 \markup {"Settings"}
85 TestSettings = {\mark\markup{\italic "Slow."}}
86 \createScore #"Test" #'("Ii")
87 TestSettings = {}
91 % Staff groups:
92 \markup{"ParallelMusic"}
93 \createScore #"Test" #'("Parallel")
94 \markup{"SimultaneousMusic"}
95 \createScore #"Test" #'("Simultaneous")
96 \markup{"StaffGroup"}
97 \createScore #"Test" #'("SG")
98 \markup{"ChoirStaff"}
99 \createScore #"Test" #'("CS")
100 \markup{"GrandStaff"}
101 \createScore #"Test" #'("GS")
103 \markup "SimultaneousMusic with two existing, one non-existing child"
104 \createScore #"Test" #'("SimNonExist110")
105 \createScore #"Test" #'("SimNonExist011")
107 \markup "Staff Group with one existing, two non-existing children"
108 \createScore #"Test" #'("SGNonExist100")
109 \markup "Staff Group with non-existing, existing and non-existing child"
110 \createScore #"Test" #'("SGNonExist010")
113 \markup{"Nested Groups"}
114 \createScore #"Test" #'("NestedGroups")
116 % Staves
117 \markup{"Staff"}
118 \createScore #"Test" #'("Staff")
120 \markup{"Drum staff"}
121 \createScore #"Test" #'("Ix")
123 \markup{"Part-combination"}
124 \createScore #"Test" #'("Combined2")
125 \markup{"Part-combination, only one voice given"}
126 \createScore #"Test" #'("Combined1")
127 \markup{"Part-combination, only one existing voice"}
128 \createScore #"Test" #'("Combined1x")
129 \markup{"Part-combination, no existing voice given"}
130 \createScore #"Test" #'("Combinedx")
132 \markup{"Staff with parallel voices"}
133 \createScore #"Test" #'("ParallelStaff")
136 \markup{"Staff with figured bass"}
137 \createScore #"Test" #'("FigBStaff")