In lyricstable, don't use any padding on the left/right
[orchestrallily.git] / testsuite /
1 \version "2.11.40"
2 \include "../"
4 \header {
5 title="Equally-spaced column, aligned across markups"
7 % Workaround for the docs (lilypond-book trying to be too smart)
8 % \paper { ragged-right = ##f line-width=15\cm}
10 \markup \line {\bold "Text of the \"Kyrie eleison\" (first song in a mass)" }
11 \markup {
12 \line {\columns {
13 \column { "Kyrie eleison," }
14 \column { "Herr, erbarme dich," }
15 \column { "Lord, have mercy," }
19 \markup \line {\bold "Text of the \"Gloria in excelsis Deo\""}
20 \markup {
21 \line {\columns {
22 \column {
23 \italic "Gloria in excelsis Deo"
24 "Et in terra pax"
25 "..."
27 \column {
28 \italic "Ehre sei Gott in der Höhe"
29 "und Friede auf Erden"
30 "..."
32 \column {
33 \italic "Glory be to God on high,"
34 "and on earth peace,"
35 "..."