Tab layout, first commit with new third party packages
[openemr.git] / public / assets / knockout-3-4-0 / src / binding / editDetection / compareArrays.js
1 // Go through the items that have been added and deleted and try to find matches between them.
2 ko.utils.findMovesInArrayComparison = function (left, right, limitFailedCompares) {
3     if (left.length && right.length) {
4         var failedCompares, l, r, leftItem, rightItem;
5         for (failedCompares = l = 0; (!limitFailedCompares || failedCompares < limitFailedCompares) && (leftItem = left[l]); ++l) {
6             for (r = 0; rightItem = right[r]; ++r) {
7                 if (leftItem['value'] === rightItem['value']) {
8                     leftItem['moved'] = rightItem['index'];
9                     rightItem['moved'] = leftItem['index'];
10                     right.splice(r, 1);         // This item is marked as moved; so remove it from right list
11                     failedCompares = r = 0;     // Reset failed compares count because we're checking for consecutive failures
12                     break;
13                 }
14             }
15             failedCompares += r;
16         }
17     }
20 ko.utils.compareArrays = (function () {
21     var statusNotInOld = 'added', statusNotInNew = 'deleted';
23     // Simple calculation based on Levenshtein distance.
24     function compareArrays(oldArray, newArray, options) {
25         // For backward compatibility, if the third arg is actually a bool, interpret
26         // it as the old parameter 'dontLimitMoves'. Newer code should use { dontLimitMoves: true }.
27         options = (typeof options === 'boolean') ? { 'dontLimitMoves': options } : (options || {});
28         oldArray = oldArray || [];
29         newArray = newArray || [];
31         if (oldArray.length < newArray.length)
32             return compareSmallArrayToBigArray(oldArray, newArray, statusNotInOld, statusNotInNew, options);
33         else
34             return compareSmallArrayToBigArray(newArray, oldArray, statusNotInNew, statusNotInOld, options);
35     }
37     function compareSmallArrayToBigArray(smlArray, bigArray, statusNotInSml, statusNotInBig, options) {
38         var myMin = Math.min,
39             myMax = Math.max,
40             editDistanceMatrix = [],
41             smlIndex, smlIndexMax = smlArray.length,
42             bigIndex, bigIndexMax = bigArray.length,
43             compareRange = (bigIndexMax - smlIndexMax) || 1,
44             maxDistance = smlIndexMax + bigIndexMax + 1,
45             thisRow, lastRow,
46             bigIndexMaxForRow, bigIndexMinForRow;
48         for (smlIndex = 0; smlIndex <= smlIndexMax; smlIndex++) {
49             lastRow = thisRow;
50             editDistanceMatrix.push(thisRow = []);
51             bigIndexMaxForRow = myMin(bigIndexMax, smlIndex + compareRange);
52             bigIndexMinForRow = myMax(0, smlIndex - 1);
53             for (bigIndex = bigIndexMinForRow; bigIndex <= bigIndexMaxForRow; bigIndex++) {
54                 if (!bigIndex)
55                     thisRow[bigIndex] = smlIndex + 1;
56                 else if (!smlIndex)  // Top row - transform empty array into new array via additions
57                     thisRow[bigIndex] = bigIndex + 1;
58                 else if (smlArray[smlIndex - 1] === bigArray[bigIndex - 1])
59                     thisRow[bigIndex] = lastRow[bigIndex - 1];                  // copy value (no edit)
60                 else {
61                     var northDistance = lastRow[bigIndex] || maxDistance;       // not in big (deletion)
62                     var westDistance = thisRow[bigIndex - 1] || maxDistance;    // not in small (addition)
63                     thisRow[bigIndex] = myMin(northDistance, westDistance) + 1;
64                 }
65             }
66         }
68         var editScript = [], meMinusOne, notInSml = [], notInBig = [];
69         for (smlIndex = smlIndexMax, bigIndex = bigIndexMax; smlIndex || bigIndex;) {
70             meMinusOne = editDistanceMatrix[smlIndex][bigIndex] - 1;
71             if (bigIndex && meMinusOne === editDistanceMatrix[smlIndex][bigIndex-1]) {
72                 notInSml.push(editScript[editScript.length] = {     // added
73                     'status': statusNotInSml,
74                     'value': bigArray[--bigIndex],
75                     'index': bigIndex });
76             } else if (smlIndex && meMinusOne === editDistanceMatrix[smlIndex - 1][bigIndex]) {
77                 notInBig.push(editScript[editScript.length] = {     // deleted
78                     'status': statusNotInBig,
79                     'value': smlArray[--smlIndex],
80                     'index': smlIndex });
81             } else {
82                 --bigIndex;
83                 --smlIndex;
84                 if (!options['sparse']) {
85                     editScript.push({
86                         'status': "retained",
87                         'value': bigArray[bigIndex] });
88                 }
89             }
90         }
92         // Set a limit on the number of consecutive non-matching comparisons; having it a multiple of
93         // smlIndexMax keeps the time complexity of this algorithm linear.
94         ko.utils.findMovesInArrayComparison(notInBig, notInSml, !options['dontLimitMoves'] && smlIndexMax * 10);
96         return editScript.reverse();
97     }
99     return compareArrays;
100 })();
102 ko.exportSymbol('utils.compareArrays', ko.utils.compareArrays);