Portal V2 Online Payment Universal Gateway. (#2099)
[openemr.git] / portal / patient / scripts / app / onsiteactivityviews.js
1 /**
2  * View logic for OnsiteActivityViews
3  *
4  * application logic specific to the OnsiteActivityView listing page
5  *
6  * Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Jerry Padgett <sjpadgett@gmail.com>
7  *
8  * LICENSE: This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
9  *  it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
10  *  published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
11  *  License, or (at your option) any later version.
12  *
13  *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14  *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16  *  GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
17  *
18  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
19  *  along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
20  *
21  * @package OpenEMR
22  * @author Jerry Padgett <sjpadgett@gmail.com>
23  * @link http://www.open-emr.org
24  */
25 var actpage = {
27         onsiteActivityViews: new model.OnsiteActivityViewCollection(),
28         collectionView: null,
29         onsiteActivityView: null,
30         modelView: null,
31         isInitialized: false,
32         isInitializing: false,
33         fetchParams: { filter: '', orderBy: 'patientId', orderDesc: 'DESC', page: 1, status: 'waiting' },
34         fetchInProgress: false,
35         dialogIsOpen: false,
37         init: function() {
38                 // ensure initialization only occurs once
39                 if (actpage.isInitialized || actpage.isInitializing) return;
40                 actpage.isInitializing = true;
42                 if (!$.isReady && console) console.warn('page was initialized before dom is ready.  views may not render properly.');
44                 // make the return button clickable
45                 $("#returnHome").click(function(e) {
46                         e.preventDefault();
47                         window.location.href = './provider';
48                 });
49                 function showPaymentModal(cpid,recid){
50                          var title = 'Patient Online Payment';
51                          var params = {
52                                 buttons: [
53                                                    { text: 'Help', close: false, style: 'info btn-sm',id: 'formHelp'},
54                                                    { text: 'Cancel', close: true, style: 'default btn-sm'},
55                                    //{ text: 'Download', close: false, style: 'success btn-sm',id:'downloadTemplate'},
56                                    { text: 'Done', style: 'danger btn-sm', close:true}],
57                                 size: eModal.size.xl,
58                                 subtitle: 'Provider Audit.',
59                                 title: title,
60                                 useBin: false,
61                                 url: './../portal_payment.php?pid='+cpid+'&user='+cuser+'&recid='+recid
62                             };
63                         return eModal.ajax(params)
64                             .then(function () { });
65                  };
66                 function showDocumentModal(cpid,recid){
67                          var title = 'Patient Documents';
68                          var params = {
69                                 buttons: [
70                                                    { text: 'Help', close: false, style: 'info btn-sm',id: 'formHelp'},
71                                                    { text: 'Cancel', close: true, style: 'default btn-sm'},
72                                    //{ text: 'Download', close: false, style: 'success btn-sm',id:'downloadTemplate'},
73                                    { text: 'Done', style: 'danger btn-sm', close:true}],
74                                 size: eModal.size.xl,
75                                 subtitle: 'Provider Audit.',
76                                 title: title,
77                                 useBin: false,
78                                 url: './onsitedocuments?pid='+cpid+'&user='+cuser+'&recid='+recid
79                             };
80                         return eModal.iframe(params)
81                             .then(function () { });
82                  };
83                 function showProfileModal(cpid){
84                          var title = 'Demographics Legend Red: Chart Values. Blue: Patient Edits.';
85                          var params = {
86                                 buttons: [
87                                                    { text: 'Help', close: false, style: 'info btn-sm',id: 'formHelp'},
88                                                    { text: 'Cancel', close: true, style: 'default btn-sm'},
89                                    { text: 'Revert Edits', close: false, style: 'success btn-sm',id:'replaceAllButton'},
90                                    { text: 'Commit to Chart', style: 'danger btn-sm', close: false,id:'savePatientButton'}],
91                                 size: eModal.size.xl,
92                                 subtitle: 'Provider Audit.',
93                                 title: title,
94                                 useBin: false,
95                                 url: './patientdata?pid='+cpid+'&user='+cuser
96                             };
97                         return eModal.ajax(params)
98                             .then(function () { });
99                  };
100                 // @todo below for emodal refactor
101         /*function showProfileModal(cpid) {
102             var title = 'Demographics Legend Red: Charted Values. Blue: Patient Edits Provider Audit.';
104             var params = {
105                 buttons: [
106                     { text: 'Help', close: false, style: 'info btn-sm',id: 'formHelp'},
107                     { text: 'Cancel', close: true, style: 'default btn-sm'},
108                     { text: 'Revert Edits', close: false, style: 'success btn-sm',id:'replaceAllButton'},
109                     { text: 'Commit to Chart', style: 'danger btn-sm', close: false,id:'savePatientButton'}],
110                 //onClosed: 'reload',
111                 type: 'GET',
112                 url: './patientdata?pid='+cpid+'&user='+cuser
113             };
114             dlgopen('','','modal-xl', 500, '', title, params);
115         }*/
117         $(document.body).on('hidden.bs.modal', function () {
118             window.location.href = './onsiteactivityviews';
119         });
121                 // initialize the collection view
122                 this.collectionView = new view.CollectionView({
123                         el: $("#onsiteActivityViewCollectionContainer"),
124                         templateEl: $("#onsiteActivityViewCollectionTemplate"),
125                         collection: actpage.onsiteActivityViews
126                 });
128                 // initialize the search filter
129                 $('#filter').change(function(obj) {
130                         actpage.fetchParams.filter = $('#filter').val();
131                         actpage.fetchParams.page = 1;
132                         actpage.fetchOnsiteActivityViews(actpage.fetchParams);
133                 });
135                 // make the rows clickable ('rendered' is a custom event, not a standard backbone event)
136                 this.collectionView.on('rendered',function(){
137                         // attach click handler to the table rows for selection
138                         $('table.collection tbody tr').click(function(e) {
139                                 e.preventDefault();
140                                 var m = actpage.onsiteActivityViews.get(this.id);
141                                 var cpid = m.get('patientId');
142                                 var activity = m.get('activity');
143                                 if(activity == 'document') {
144                     let recid = m.get('tableArgs');
145                     showDocumentModal(cpid, recid);
146                 }
147                                 else if(activity == 'profile') {
148                     showProfileModal(cpid);
149                 }
150                                 else if(activity == 'payment') {
151                     let recid = m.get('id');
152                     showPaymentModal(cpid, recid);
153                 }
154                         });
156                         // make the headers clickable for sorting
157                         $('table.collection thead tr th').click(function(e) {
158                                 e.preventDefault();
159                                 var prop = this.id.replace('header_','');
161                                 // toggle the ascending/descending before we change the sort prop
162                                 actpage.fetchParams.orderDesc = (prop == actpage.fetchParams.orderBy && !actpage.fetchParams.orderDesc) ? '1' : '';
163                                 actpage.fetchParams.orderBy = prop;
164                                 actpage.fetchParams.page = 1;
165                                 actpage.fetchOnsiteActivityViews(actpage.fetchParams);
166                         });
168                         // attach click handlers to the pagination controls
169                         $('.pageButton').click(function(e) {
170                                 e.preventDefault();
171                                 actpage.fetchParams.page = this.id.substr(5);
172                                 actpage.fetchOnsiteActivityViews(actpage.fetchParams);
173                         });
175                         actpage.isInitialized = true;
176                         actpage.isInitializing = false;
177                 });
179                 this.fetchOnsiteActivityViews({ filter: '', orderBy: 'Date', orderDesc: 'DESC', page: 1, status: 'waiting' });
181                 // initialize the model view
182                 this.modelView = new view.ModelView({
183                         el: $("#onsiteActivityViewModelContainer")
184                 });
186                 this.modelView.templateEl = $("#onsiteActivityViewModelTemplate");
188                 if (model.longPollDuration > 0) {
189                         setInterval(function () {
191                                 if (!actpage.dialogIsOpen)      {
192                                         actpage.fetchOnsiteActivityViews(actpage.fetchParams,true);
193                                 }
195                         }, model.longPollDuration);
196                 }
197         },
199         /**
200          * Fetch the collection data from the server
201          * @param object params passed through to collection.fetch
202          * @param bool true to hide the loading animation
203          */
204         fetchOnsiteActivityViews: function(params, hideLoader) {
205                 // persist the params so that paging/sorting/filtering will play together nicely
206                 //params.status = 'waiting';
207                 actpage.fetchParams = params;
209                 if (actpage.fetchInProgress) {
210                         if (console) console.log('supressing fetch because it is already in progress');
211                 }
213                 actpage.fetchInProgress = true;
215                 if (!hideLoader) app.showProgress('loader');
217                 actpage.onsiteActivityViews.fetch({
219                         data: params,
221                         success: function() {
222                                 if (actpage.onsiteActivityViews.collectionHasChanged) {
223                                         // TODO: add any logic necessary if the collection has changed
224                                         // the sync event will trigger the view to re-render
225                                 }
226                                 app.hideProgress('loader');
227                                 actpage.fetchInProgress = false;
228                         },
229                         error: function(m, r) {
230                                 app.appendAlert(app.getErrorMessage(r), 'alert-error',0,'collectionAlert');
231                                 app.hideProgress('loader');
232                                 actpage.fetchInProgress = false;
233                         }
234                 });
235         },
237         /**
238          * show the dialog for editing a model
239          * @param model
240          */
241         showDetailDialog: function(m) {
243                 // show the modal dialog
244                 $('#onsiteActivityViewDetailDialog').modal({ show: true });
246                 // if a model was specified then that means a user is editing an existing record
247                 // if not, then the user is creating a new record
248                 actpage.onsiteActivityView = m ? m : new model.OnsiteActivityViewModel();
250                 actpage.modelView.model = actpage.onsiteActivityView;
252                 if (actpage.onsiteActivityView.id == null || actpage.onsiteActivityView.id == '') {
253                         // this is a new record, there is no need to contact the server
254                         actpage.renderModelView(false);
255                 } else {
256                         app.showProgress('modelLoader');
258                         // fetch the model from the server so we are not updating stale data
259                         actpage.onsiteActivityView.fetch({
261                                 success: function() {
262                                         // data returned from the server.  render the model view
263                                         actpage.renderModelView(true);
264                                 },
266                                 error: function(m, r) {
267                                         app.appendAlert(app.getErrorMessage(r), 'alert-error',0,'modelAlert');
268                                         app.hideProgress('modelLoader');
269                                 }
271                         });
272                 }
273         },
275         /**
276          * Render the model template in the popup
277          * @param bool show the delete button
278          */
279         renderModelView: function(showDeleteButton)     {
280                 actpage.modelView.render();
282                 app.hideProgress('modelLoader');
283                 // initialize any special controls
284                 try {
285                         $('.date-picker')
286                                 .datepicker()
287                                 .on('changeDate', function(ev){
288                                         $('.date-picker').datepicker('hide');
289                                 });
290                 } catch (error) {
291                         // this happens if the datepicker input.value isn't a valid date
292                         if (console) console.log('datepicker error: '+error.message);
293                 }
294                 if (showDeleteButton) {
295                         // attach click handlers to the delete buttons
296                         $('#deleteOnsiteActivityViewButton').click(function(e) {
297                                 e.preventDefault();
298                                 $('#confirmDeleteOnsiteActivityViewContainer').show('fast');
299                         });
301                         $('#cancelDeleteOnsiteActivityViewButton').click(function(e) {
302                                 e.preventDefault();
303                                 $('#confirmDeleteOnsiteActivityViewContainer').hide('fast');
304                         });
306                         $('#confirmDeleteOnsiteActivityViewButton').click(function(e) {
307                                 e.preventDefault();
308                                 actpage.deleteModel();
309                         });
311                 } else {
312                         // no point in initializing the click handlers if we don't show the button
313                         $('#deleteOnsiteActivityViewButtonContainer').hide();
314                 }
315         },