Remove outermost loop parameter.
[official-gcc/graphite-test-results.git] / libpcp /
1 // Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
2 // Contributed by Jan Sjodin <>.
4 // This file is part of the Polyhedral Compilation Package Library (libpcp).
6 // Libpcp is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
7 // under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
8 // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
9 // (at your option) any later version.
11 // Libpcp is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
12 // WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
13 // FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
14 // more details.
16 // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
17 // along with libpcp; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the
18 // Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
19 // MA 02110-1301, USA.
21 // As a special exception, if you link this library with other files, so me
22 // of which are compiled with GCC, to produce an executable, this library
23 // does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by the
24 // GNU General Public License. This exception does not however invalidate
25 // any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU
26 // General Public License.
28 #include "pcp_error.h"
29 #include "pcp_parser.h"
30 #include "pcp_dynamic_array.h"
31 #include "pcp_tester.h"
32 #include "pcp_emitter.h"
33 #include "pcp_scalar_order.h"
34 #include "pcp_expr_canonicalizer.h"
35 #include "pcp_domain.h"
36 #include "pcp_scattering.h"
38 // Tester Option Class
40 // Set action to ACTION.
42 bool PcpTester::PcpTest::isHelp()
44 return false;
47 void
48 PcpTester::PcpTestHelp::setTests(PcpArray<PcpTest*>* tests)
50 this->tests = tests;
53 PcpArray<PcpTester::PcpTest*>*
54 PcpTester::PcpTestHelp::getTests()
56 return this->tests;
59 bool
60 PcpTester::PcpTestHelp::run(const char* filename)
62 PcpError::reportErrorNewline("Usage: pcp-tester --option filename.pcp");
63 PcpError::reportErrorNewline("Possible options are:");
64 int i;
65 PcpArray<PcpTester::PcpTest*>* tests = this->getTests();
66 for(i = 0; i < tests->getSize(); i++)
68 PcpTester::PcpTest* test = tests->get(i);
69 if(test != this)
71 PcpError::reportError("--");
72 PcpError::reportError(test->getFlagName());
73 PcpError::reportError(" - ");
74 PcpError::reportErrorNewline(test->getDescription());
79 const char*
80 PcpTester::PcpTestHelp::getFlagName()
82 return "help";
85 const char*
86 PcpTester::PcpTestHelp::getDescription()
88 return "Display this message";
91 bool
92 PcpTester::PcpTestHelp::isHelp()
94 return true;
97 PcpTester::PcpTestHelp::PcpTestHelp(PcpArray<PcpTester::PcpTest*>* tests)
99 this->setTests(tests);
102 // Run the identity test for the parser and emitter, return true
103 // if the test passes
104 bool
105 PcpTester::PcpTestIdentity::run(const char* filename)
107 PcpScop* scop = PcpParser::parseFile(filename);
108 if(scop == NULL)
110 PcpError::reportErrorNewline("Fatal error, aborting");
111 return false;
114 const char* parsedScop = PcpEmitter::pcpScopToString(scop);
115 const char* parsedScop2 =
116 PcpEmitter::pcpScopToString(PcpParser::parse(parsedScop));
117 const char* parsedScop3 =
118 PcpEmitter::pcpScopToString(PcpParser::parse(parsedScop2));
119 bool compareSuccess = compareScopStrings(parsedScop2, parsedScop3);
120 if(!compareSuccess)
122 PcpError::reportError("Identity check failed for file: ");
123 PcpError::reportErrorNewline(filename);
125 return compareSuccess;
128 const char*
129 PcpTester::PcpTestIdentity::getFlagName()
131 return "identity";
134 const char*
135 PcpTester::PcpTestIdentity::getDescription()
137 return "Identity test for the parser and emitter";
140 PcpTester::PcpTestIdentity::PcpTestIdentity()
144 bool
145 PcpTester::PcpTestScalarOrder::run(const char* filename)
147 PcpScop* scop = PcpParser::parseFile(filename);
149 if(scop == NULL)
151 PcpError::reportErrorNewline("Fatal error, aborting");
152 return false;
155 PcpScalarOrder order(scop);
157 return true;
160 const char*
161 PcpTester::PcpTestScalarOrder::getFlagName()
163 return "scalarorder";
166 const char*
167 PcpTester::PcpTestScalarOrder::getDescription()
169 return "test ordering of scalars (ivs and parameters)";
172 PcpTester::PcpTestScalarOrder::PcpTestScalarOrder()
176 bool
177 PcpTester::PcpTestExprCanonicalize::run(const char* filename)
179 PcpScop* scop = PcpParser::parseFile(filename);
181 if(scop == NULL)
183 PcpError::reportErrorNewline("Fatal error, aborting");
184 return false;
187 PcpScalarOrder order(scop);
189 printf("%s", PcpEmitter::pcpScopToString(scop));
190 PcpExprCanonicalizer canonicalizer(&order);
191 canonicalizer.canonicalize(scop);
193 printf("%s", PcpEmitter::pcpScopToString(scop));
194 return true;
197 const char*
198 PcpTester::PcpTestExprCanonicalize::getFlagName()
200 return "canonicalize";
203 const char*
204 PcpTester::PcpTestExprCanonicalize::getDescription()
206 return "Test canonicalization of expressions";
209 PcpTester::PcpTestExprCanonicalize::PcpTestExprCanonicalize()
213 bool
214 PcpTester::PcpTestBuildDomain::run(const char* filename)
216 PcpScop* scop = PcpParser::parseFile(filename);
218 if(scop == NULL)
220 PcpError::reportErrorNewline("Fatal error, aborting");
221 return false;
224 PcpScalarOrder order(scop);
226 //printf("%s", PcpEmitter::pcpScopToString(scop));
227 PcpExprCanonicalizer canonicalizer(&order);
228 canonicalizer.canonicalize(scop);
230 printf("%s", PcpEmitter::pcpScopToString(scop));
232 printf("DomainExpressions:\n");
233 PcpDomainMap map(scop, &canonicalizer);
235 return true;
238 const char*
239 PcpTester::PcpTestBuildDomain::getFlagName()
241 return "builddomain";
244 const char*
245 PcpTester::PcpTestBuildDomain::getDescription()
247 return "Test building of statment domains";
250 PcpTester::PcpTestBuildDomain::PcpTestBuildDomain()
254 bool
255 PcpTester::PcpTestBuildScattering::run(const char* filename)
257 PcpScop* scop = PcpParser::parseFile(filename);
259 if(scop == NULL)
261 PcpError::reportErrorNewline("Fatal error, aborting");
262 return false;
264 printf("ScatteringExpressions:\n");
265 PcpScatteringMap map(scop);
266 return true;
269 const char*
270 PcpTester::PcpTestBuildScattering::getFlagName()
272 return "buildscattering";
275 const char*
276 PcpTester::PcpTestBuildScattering::getDescription()
278 return "Test building of scattering functions";
281 PcpTester::PcpTestBuildScattering::PcpTestBuildScattering()
286 void
287 PcpTester::reportCommandLineInfo()
289 PcpError::reportErrorNewline ("Expected syntax: pcptester <action> filename");
292 // Return true if STRING is an option string (starting with '--')
294 bool
295 PcpTester::isOptionString(const char* string)
297 // Option syntax: --option
298 int length = strlen(string);
299 return length >= 3 && string[0] == '-' && string[1] == '-';
302 // Parse OPTIONSTRING and return the corresponding option, if parsing fails
303 // return NULL
305 PcpTester::PcpTest*
306 PcpTester::parseOption(const char* optionString)
308 // Option syntax: --option
310 if(!isOptionString(optionString))
312 PcpError::reportError("Illegal option string:");
313 PcpError::reportErrorNewline(optionString);
314 return NULL;
317 PcpArray<PcpTester::PcpTest*>* tests = this->getTests();
318 for(int i = 0; i < tests->getSize(); i++)
320 PcpTester::PcpTest* test = tests->get(i);
321 if(strcmp(test->getFlagName(), &(optionString[2])) == 0)
322 return test;
325 PcpError::reportError("Unknown option:");
326 PcpError::reportErrorNewline(optionString);
327 PcpTestHelp testHelp(this->getTests());
329 return NULL;
332 // Parse the different options given the argument count and strings from
333 // command line
335 // Expected syntax:
336 // pcptester [options] filename
338 // Where options may be one or more of the following:
340 // --identity
341 // --help
343 PcpArray<PcpTester::PcpTest*>*
344 PcpTester::parseOptions(int argc, char** argv)
346 PcpDynamicArray<PcpTester::PcpTest*>* options =
347 new PcpDynamicArray<PcpTester::PcpTest*>(1);
349 int currentArg = 1;
351 // Parse options
352 while(currentArg < argc - 1)
354 const char* arg = argv[currentArg];
355 PcpTester::PcpTest* option = parseOption(arg);
356 if(option != NULL)
357 options->add(option);
358 else
360 delete options;
361 return NULL;
363 currentArg++;
365 return options;
368 // Get the file name from the command arguments
370 const char*
371 PcpTester::parseFileName(int argc, char** argv)
373 return argv[argc -1];
376 // Compare two strings, return true if they are equal,
377 // false otherwise.
379 bool
380 PcpTester::PcpTestIdentity::compareScopStrings(const char* str1,
381 const char* str2)
383 int i = 0;
384 while (str1[i] != '\0' && str2[i] != '\0'
385 && str1[i] == str2[i])
387 i = i + 1;
389 if (str1[i] == '\0' && str2[i] == '\0')
390 return true;
391 return false;
394 void
395 PcpTester::setTests(PcpArray<PcpTester::PcpTest*>* tests)
397 this->tests = tests;
400 PcpArray<PcpTester::PcpTest*>*
401 PcpTester::getTests()
403 return this->tests;
406 // Start the tester with given FILENAME and OPTIONS
407 bool
408 PcpTester::start(const char* filename, PcpArray<PcpTester::PcpTest*>* options)
411 if(filename == NULL || options == NULL)
413 PcpError::reportErrorNewline("Bad arguments to tester, aborting");
414 this->reportCommandLineInfo();
415 return false;
418 if(options->getSize() < 1)
420 PcpError::reportErrorNewline("No actions given to tester");
421 this->reportCommandLineInfo();
422 return false;
426 bool success = true;
427 PcpIterator<PcpTester::PcpTest*>* iter = options->getIterator();
428 for (;iter->hasNext(); iter->next())
430 PcpTester::PcpTest* test = iter->get();
431 test->run(filename);
433 delete iter;
435 return success;
438 // Start method for the tester.
440 bool
441 PcpTester::run(int argc, char** argv)
443 PcpArray<PcpTester::PcpTest*>* options;
444 const char* filename;
446 if(argc < 2)
448 PcpError::reportError("Too few arguments");
449 this->reportCommandLineInfo();
450 return false;
453 // Special case for handling "pcptester --help"
454 if(argc == 2
455 && this->isOptionString(argv[1]))
457 PcpTest* test = this->parseOption(argv[1]);
458 if(test->isHelp())
460 test->run(NULL);
461 return true;
463 else
465 PcpError::reportErrorNewline("Error: No filename given");
466 PcpError::reportErrorNewline("Usage: pcp-tester --option filename.pcp");
467 return false;
471 options = parseOptions(argc, argv);
472 if(options == NULL)
473 return false;
476 filename = this->parseFileName(argc, argv);
478 return this->start(filename, options);
481 PcpTester::PcpTester()
483 PcpDynamicArray<PcpTest*>* tests = new PcpDynamicArray<PcpTest*>();
484 tests->add(new PcpTestHelp(tests));
485 tests->add(new PcpTestIdentity());
486 tests->add(new PcpTestScalarOrder());
487 tests->add(new PcpTestExprCanonicalize());
488 tests->add(new PcpTestBuildDomain());
489 tests->add(new PcpTestBuildScattering());
490 this->setTests(tests);
493 // Main function for the pcptester
495 int main(int argc, char** argv)
497 PcpTester* tester = new PcpTester();
498 bool result = tester->run(argc, argv);
499 delete tester;
500 return result == false;