[official-gcc.git] / gcc / d / dmd / aggregate.h
2 /* Compiler implementation of the D programming language
3 * Copyright (C) 1999-2024 by The D Language Foundation, All Rights Reserved
4 * written by Walter Bright
5 *
6 * Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
7 *
8 *
9 */
11 #pragma once
13 #include "dsymbol.h"
14 #include "objc.h"
16 class AliasThis;
17 class Identifier;
18 class Type;
19 class TypeFunction;
20 class Expression;
21 class FuncDeclaration;
22 class CtorDeclaration;
23 class DtorDeclaration;
24 class InterfaceDeclaration;
25 class TypeInfoClassDeclaration;
26 class VarDeclaration;
28 enum class Sizeok : uint8_t
30 none, // size of aggregate is not yet able to compute
31 fwd, // size of aggregate is ready to compute
32 inProcess, // in the midst of computing the size
33 done // size of aggregate is set correctly
36 enum class Baseok : uint8_t
38 none, // base classes not computed yet
39 in, // in process of resolving base classes
40 done, // all base classes are resolved
41 semanticdone // all base classes semantic done
44 namespace dmd
46 FuncDeclaration *search_toString(StructDeclaration *sd);
47 void semanticTypeInfoMembers(StructDeclaration *sd);
50 enum class ClassKind : uint8_t
52 /// the aggregate is a d(efault) struct/class/interface
54 /// the aggregate is a C++ struct/class/interface
55 cpp,
56 /// the aggregate is an Objective-C class/interface
57 objc,
58 /// the aggregate is a C struct
62 struct MangleOverride
64 Dsymbol *agg;
65 Identifier *id;
68 class AggregateDeclaration : public ScopeDsymbol
70 public:
71 Type *type;
72 StorageClass storage_class;
73 unsigned structsize; // size of struct
74 unsigned alignsize; // size of struct for alignment purposes
75 VarDeclarations fields; // VarDeclaration fields
76 Dsymbol *deferred; // any deferred semantic2() or semantic3() symbol
78 ClassKind classKind; // specifies the linkage type
79 CPPMANGLE cppmangle;
81 // overridden symbol with pragma(mangle, "...")
82 MangleOverride *pMangleOverride;
83 /* !=NULL if is nested
84 * pointing to the dsymbol that directly enclosing it.
85 * 1. The function that enclosing it (nested struct and class)
86 * 2. The class that enclosing it (nested class only)
87 * 3. If enclosing aggregate is template, its enclosing dsymbol.
88 * See AggregateDeclaraton::makeNested for the details.
90 Dsymbol *enclosing;
91 VarDeclaration *vthis; // 'this' parameter if this aggregate is nested
92 VarDeclaration *vthis2; // 'this' parameter if this aggregate is a template and is nested
93 // Special member functions
94 FuncDeclarations invs; // Array of invariants
95 FuncDeclaration *inv; // invariant
97 Dsymbol *ctor; // CtorDeclaration or TemplateDeclaration
99 // default constructor - should have no arguments, because
100 // it would be stored in TypeInfo_Class.defaultConstructor
101 CtorDeclaration *defaultCtor;
103 AliasThis *aliasthis; // forward unresolved lookups to aliasthis
105 DtorDeclarations userDtors; // user-defined destructors (`~this()`) - mixins can yield multiple ones
106 DtorDeclaration *aggrDtor; // aggregate destructor calling userDtors and fieldDtor (and base class aggregate dtor for C++ classes)
107 DtorDeclaration *dtor; // the aggregate destructor exposed as `__xdtor` alias
108 // (same as aggrDtor, except for C++ classes with virtual dtor on Windows)
109 DtorDeclaration *tidtor; // aggregate destructor used in TypeInfo (must have extern(D) ABI)
110 DtorDeclaration *fieldDtor; // function destructing (non-inherited) fields
112 Expression *getRTInfo; // pointer to GC info generated by object.RTInfo(this)
114 Visibility visibility;
115 d_bool noDefaultCtor; // no default construction
116 d_bool disableNew; // disallow allocations using `new`
117 Sizeok sizeok; // set when structsize contains valid data
119 virtual Scope *newScope(Scope *sc);
120 virtual void finalizeSize() = 0;
121 uinteger_t size(const Loc &loc) override final;
122 bool fill(const Loc &loc, Expressions &elements, bool ctorinit);
123 Type *getType() override final;
124 bool isDeprecated() const override final; // is aggregate deprecated?
125 bool isNested() const;
126 bool isExport() const override final;
128 Visibility visible() override final;
130 // 'this' type
131 Type *handleType() { return type; }
133 bool hasInvariant();
135 // Back end
136 void *sinit;
138 AggregateDeclaration *isAggregateDeclaration() override final { return this; }
139 void accept(Visitor *v) override { v->visit(this); }
142 struct StructFlags
144 enum Type
146 none = 0x0,
147 hasPointers = 0x1 // NB: should use noPointers as in ClassFlags
151 class StructDeclaration : public AggregateDeclaration
153 public:
154 FuncDeclarations postblits; // Array of postblit functions
155 FuncDeclaration *postblit; // aggregate postblit
157 FuncDeclaration *xeq; // TypeInfo_Struct.xopEquals
158 FuncDeclaration *xcmp; // TypeInfo_Struct.xopCmp
159 FuncDeclaration *xhash; // TypeInfo_Struct.xtoHash
160 static FuncDeclaration *xerreq; // object.xopEquals
161 static FuncDeclaration *xerrcmp; // object.xopCmp
163 // ABI-specific type(s) if the struct can be passed in registers
164 TypeTuple *argTypes;
166 structalign_t alignment; // alignment applied outside of the struct
167 ThreeState ispod; // if struct is POD
168 private:
169 uint16_t bitFields;
170 public:
171 static StructDeclaration *create(const Loc &loc, Identifier *id, bool inObject);
172 StructDeclaration *syntaxCopy(Dsymbol *s) override;
173 const char *kind() const override;
174 void finalizeSize() override final;
175 bool isPOD();
176 bool zeroInit() const; // !=0 if initialize with 0 fill
177 bool zeroInit(bool v);
178 bool hasIdentityAssign() const; // true if has identity opAssign
179 bool hasIdentityAssign(bool v);
180 bool hasBlitAssign() const; // true if opAssign is a blit
181 bool hasBlitAssign(bool v);
182 bool hasIdentityEquals() const; // true if has identity opEquals
183 bool hasIdentityEquals(bool v);
184 bool hasNoFields() const; // has no fields
185 bool hasNoFields(bool v);
186 bool hasCopyCtor() const; // copy constructor
187 bool hasCopyCtor(bool v);
188 // Even if struct is defined as non-root symbol, some built-in operations
189 // (e.g. TypeidExp, NewExp, ArrayLiteralExp, etc) request its TypeInfo.
190 // For those, today TypeInfo_Struct is generated in COMDAT.
191 bool requestTypeInfo() const;
192 bool requestTypeInfo(bool v);
194 StructDeclaration *isStructDeclaration() override final { return this; }
195 void accept(Visitor *v) override { v->visit(this); }
197 unsigned numArgTypes() const;
198 Type *argType(unsigned index);
199 bool hasRegularCtor(bool checkDisabled = false);
202 class UnionDeclaration final : public StructDeclaration
204 public:
205 UnionDeclaration *syntaxCopy(Dsymbol *s) override;
206 const char *kind() const override;
208 UnionDeclaration *isUnionDeclaration() override { return this; }
209 void accept(Visitor *v) override { v->visit(this); }
212 struct BaseClass
214 Type *type; // (before semantic processing)
216 ClassDeclaration *sym;
217 unsigned offset; // 'this' pointer offset
218 // for interfaces: Array of FuncDeclaration's
219 // making up the vtbl[]
220 FuncDeclarations vtbl;
222 DArray<BaseClass> baseInterfaces; // if BaseClass is an interface, these
223 // are a copy of the InterfaceDeclaration::interfaces
225 bool fillVtbl(ClassDeclaration *cd, FuncDeclarations *vtbl, int newinstance);
228 struct ClassFlags
230 enum Type
232 none = 0x0,
233 isCOMclass = 0x1,
234 noPointers = 0x2,
235 hasOffTi = 0x4,
236 hasCtor = 0x8,
237 hasGetMembers = 0x10,
238 hasTypeInfo = 0x20,
239 isAbstract = 0x40,
240 isCPPclass = 0x80,
241 hasDtor = 0x100,
242 hasNameSig = 0x200,
246 class ClassDeclaration : public AggregateDeclaration
248 public:
249 static ClassDeclaration *object;
250 static ClassDeclaration *throwable;
251 static ClassDeclaration *exception;
252 static ClassDeclaration *errorException;
253 static ClassDeclaration *cpp_type_info_ptr;
255 ClassDeclaration *baseClass; // NULL only if this is Object
256 FuncDeclaration *staticCtor;
257 FuncDeclaration *staticDtor;
258 Dsymbols vtbl; // Array of FuncDeclaration's making up the vtbl[]
259 Dsymbols vtblFinal; // More FuncDeclaration's that aren't in vtbl[]
261 BaseClasses *baseclasses; // Array of BaseClass's; first is super,
262 // rest are Interface's
264 DArray<BaseClass*> interfaces; // interfaces[interfaces_dim] for this class
265 // (does not include baseClass)
267 BaseClasses *vtblInterfaces; // array of base interfaces that have
268 // their own vtbl[]
270 TypeInfoClassDeclaration *vclassinfo; // the ClassInfo object for this ClassDeclaration
271 d_bool com; // true if this is a COM class (meaning it derives from IUnknown)
272 d_bool stack; // true if this is a scope class
273 int cppDtorVtblIndex; // slot reserved for the virtual destructor [extern(C++)]
274 d_bool inuse; // to prevent recursive attempts
276 ThreeState isabstract; // if abstract class
277 Baseok baseok; // set the progress of base classes resolving
278 ObjcClassDeclaration objc; // Data for a class declaration that is needed for the Objective-C integration
279 Symbol *cpp_type_info_ptr_sym; // cached instance of class Id.cpp_type_info_ptr
281 static ClassDeclaration *create(const Loc &loc, Identifier *id, BaseClasses *baseclasses, Dsymbols *members, bool inObject);
282 const char *toPrettyChars(bool QualifyTypes = false) override;
283 ClassDeclaration *syntaxCopy(Dsymbol *s) override;
284 Scope *newScope(Scope *sc) override;
286 #define OFFSET_RUNTIME 0x76543210
287 #define OFFSET_FWDREF 0x76543211
288 virtual bool isBaseOf(ClassDeclaration *cd, int *poffset);
290 bool isBaseInfoComplete();
291 void finalizeSize() override;
292 bool hasMonitor();
293 bool isFuncHidden(FuncDeclaration *fd);
294 bool isCOMclass() const;
295 virtual bool isCOMinterface() const;
296 bool isCPPclass() const;
297 virtual bool isCPPinterface() const;
298 bool isAbstract();
299 virtual int vtblOffset() const;
300 const char *kind() const override;
302 void addObjcSymbols(ClassDeclarations *classes, ClassDeclarations *categories) override final;
304 // Back end
305 Dsymbol *vtblsym;
306 Dsymbol *vtblSymbol();
308 ClassDeclaration *isClassDeclaration() override final { return (ClassDeclaration *)this; }
309 void accept(Visitor *v) override { v->visit(this); }
312 class InterfaceDeclaration final : public ClassDeclaration
314 public:
315 InterfaceDeclaration *syntaxCopy(Dsymbol *s) override;
316 Scope *newScope(Scope *sc) override;
317 bool isBaseOf(ClassDeclaration *cd, int *poffset) override;
318 const char *kind() const override;
319 int vtblOffset() const override;
320 bool isCPPinterface() const override;
321 bool isCOMinterface() const override;
323 InterfaceDeclaration *isInterfaceDeclaration() override { return this; }
324 void accept(Visitor *v) override { v->visit(this); }