do not fail tests on missing libcurl features
[ocurl.git] / examples /
1 open Curl
3 let test1 size =
4 let h = init () in
5 let s1 = String.make size 'd' in
6 set_private h s1;
7 let s2 = String.make size 'c' in
8 set_httppost h [CURLFORM_CONTENT ("part", s2, DEFAULT)];
9 assert (get_private h = s1);
10 cleanup h
12 let test2 size =
13 let h = init () in
14 let s = String.make size 'a' in
15 set_mimepost h [{encoding=CURLMIME_BINARY;headers=[];subparts=[];data=CURLMIME_DATA s}];
16 (* doesn't work, see *)
17 (* let g = duphandle h in *)
18 let g = init () in
19 cleanup h;
20 cleanup g
22 let rss () =
23 let path = Printf.sprintf "/proc/%d/statm" (Unix.getpid ()) in
24 try
25 let ch = open_in path in
26 let n = Scanf.fscanf ch "%_d %d" (fun x -> 4*1024*x) in close_in_noerr ch; n
27 with exn -> Printf.eprintf "Error opening %s (%s), ignoring\n%!" path (Printexc.to_string exn); 0
29 let check test count leak_size =
30 try
31 let rss1 = rss () in
32 for i = 0 to pred count do
33 test leak_size;
34 Gc.compact ();
35 done;
36 let rss2 = rss () in
37 Printf.printf "RSS %d -> %d %s\n%!" rss1 rss2 (if rss2 - rss1 < count * leak_size / 10 then "OK" else "LEAKING")
38 with
39 Curl.NotImplemented s -> Printf.printf "skipping test : libcurl doesn't provide %s\n%!" s
41 let () =
42 let mb = 1024 * 1024 in
43 check test1 200 mb;
44 check test2 100 mb;