README: how to add new symbol
[ocurl.git] /
1 (** Lwt support for Curl *)
3 module M = Curl.Multi
5 let log fmt = Printf.ksprintf prerr_endline fmt
7 type multi = {
8 mt :;
9 all_events : (Unix.file_descr, Lwt_engine.event list) Hashtbl.t;
10 wakeners : (Curl.t, Curl.curlCode Lwt.u) Hashtbl.t;
13 let create () =
14 let mt = M.create () in
15 let timer_event = ref Lwt_engine.fake_event in
16 let all_events = Hashtbl.create 32 in
17 let wakeners = Hashtbl.create 32 in
18 let finished s =
19 let rec loop n =
20 match M.remove_finished mt with
21 | None -> ()
22 | Some (h,code) ->
23 begin try
24 let w = Hashtbl.find wakeners h in
25 Hashtbl.remove wakeners h;
26 Lwt.wakeup w code
27 with Not_found ->
28 prerr_endline "curl_lwt: orphan handle, how come?"
29 end;
30 loop (n+1)
32 loop 0
34 let on_readable fd _ =
35 let (_:int) = M.action mt fd M.EV_IN in
36 finished "on_readable";
38 let on_writable fd _ =
39 let (_:int) = M.action mt fd M.EV_OUT in
40 finished "on_writable";
42 let on_timer _ =
43 Lwt_engine.stop_event !timer_event;
44 M.action_timeout mt;
45 finished "on_timer"
47 M.set_timer_function mt begin fun timeout ->
48 Lwt_engine.stop_event !timer_event; (* duplicate stop_event is ok *)
49 timer_event := Lwt_engine.on_timer (float_of_int timeout /. 1000.) false on_timer
50 end;
51 M.set_socket_function mt begin fun fd what ->
52 begin
53 try
54 List.iter Lwt_engine.stop_event (Hashtbl.find all_events fd);
55 Hashtbl.remove all_events fd;
56 with
57 Not_found -> () (* first event for the socket - no association *)
58 end;
59 let events = match what with
61 | M.POLL_IN -> [Lwt_engine.on_readable fd (on_readable fd)]
62 | M.POLL_OUT -> [Lwt_engine.on_writable fd (on_writable fd)]
63 | M.POLL_INOUT -> [Lwt_engine.on_readable fd (on_readable fd); Lwt_engine.on_writable fd (on_writable fd)]
65 match events with
66 | [] -> ()
67 | _ -> Hashtbl.add all_events fd events;
68 end;
69 { mt; all_events; wakeners; }
71 (* lwt may not run in parallel so one global is OK'ish *)
72 let global = lazy (create ())
74 let setopt opt =
75 let t = Lazy.force global in
76 M.setopt opt
78 let perform h =
79 let t = Lazy.force global in
80 let (waiter,wakener) = Lwt.wait () in
81 let waiter = Lwt.protected waiter in
82 Lwt.on_cancel waiter (fun () ->
83 Curl.Multi.remove h;
84 Hashtbl.remove t.wakeners h;
86 Hashtbl.add t.wakeners h wakener;
87 M.add h;
88 waiter