trfn: check for agl_exceptions[] later in trfn_name()
[neatmkfn.git] /
1 #!/bin/sh
2 # Generate a neatroff output device
4 # ghostscript fonts directory; should be in GS_FONTPATH
5 FP="/path/to/gs/fonts"
6 # output device directory
7 TP="/path/to/font/devutf"
8 # device resolution
9 RES="720"
10 # pattern of ligatures to ignore
11 LIGIGN="\(ct\|st\|sp\|Rp\)"
13 test -n "$1" && FP="$1"
14 test -n "$2" && TP="$2"
16 # creating DESC
17 mkdir -p $TP
18 echo "fonts 10 R I B BI CW H HI HB S1 S" >$TP/DESC
19 echo "res $RES" >>$TP/DESC
20 echo "hor 1" >>$TP/DESC
21 echo "ver 1" >>$TP/DESC
22 echo "unitwidth 10" >>$TP/DESC
24 # afmconv troff_name font_path extra_mktrfn_options
25 afmconv()
27 echo $1
28 cat $2 | ./mkfn -a -b -r$RES -t "$1" $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 | \
29 sed "/^ligatures /s/ $LIGIGN//g" >$TP/$1
32 # ttfconv troff_name font_path extra_mktrfn_options
33 ttfconv()
35 echo $1
36 cat $2 | ./mkfn -b -l -o -r$RES -t $1 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 | \
37 sed "/^ligatures /s/ $LIGIGN//g" >$TP/$1
40 # otfconv troff_name font_path extra_mktrfn_options
41 otfconv()
43 TTF="/tmp/.neatmkfn.ttf"
44 # convert the OTF file to TTF using fontforge
45 echo -e "Open(\"$2\")\nGenerate(\"$TTF\")" | fontforge >/dev/null 2>&1
46 ttfconv $1 $TTF $3 $4 $5 $6 $7
47 rm $TTF
50 # The standard fonts
51 afmconv R $FP/n021003l.afm -pTimes-Roman
52 afmconv I $FP/n021023l.afm -pTimes-Italic
53 afmconv B $FP/n021004l.afm -pTimes-Bold
54 afmconv BI $FP/n021024l.afm -pTimes-BoldItalic
55 afmconv S $FP/s050000l.afm -pSymbol -s
56 afmconv S1 $FP/n021003l.afm -pTimes-Roman -s
57 afmconv AR $FP/a010013l.afm -pAvantGarde-Book
58 afmconv AI $FP/a010033l.afm -pAvantGarde-BookOblique
59 afmconv AB $FP/a010015l.afm -pAvantGarde-Demi
60 afmconv AX $FP/a010035l.afm -pAvantGarde-DemiOblique
61 afmconv H $FP/n019003l.afm -pHelvetica
62 afmconv HI $FP/n019023l.afm -pHelvetica-Oblique
63 afmconv HB $FP/n019004l.afm -pHelvetica-Bold
64 afmconv HX $FP/n019024l.afm -pHelvetica-BoldOblique
65 afmconv Hr $FP/n019043l.afm -pHelvetica-Narrow
66 afmconv Hi $FP/n019063l.afm -pHelvetica-Narrow-Oblique
67 afmconv Hb $FP/n019044l.afm -pHelvetica-Narrow-Bold
68 afmconv Hx $FP/n019064l.afm -pHelvetica-Narrow-BoldOblique
69 afmconv KR $FP/b018012l.afm -pBookman-Light
70 afmconv KI $FP/b018032l.afm -pBookman-LightItalic
71 afmconv KB $FP/b018015l.afm -pBookman-Demi
72 afmconv KX $FP/b018035l.afm -pBookman-DemiItalic
73 afmconv NR $FP/c059013l.afm -pNewCenturySchlbk-Roman
74 afmconv NI $FP/c059033l.afm -pNewCenturySchlbk-Italic
75 afmconv NB $FP/c059016l.afm -pNewCenturySchlbk-Bold
76 afmconv NX $FP/c059036l.afm -pNewCenturySchlbk-BoldItalic
77 afmconv PA $FP/p052003l.afm -pPalatino-Roman
78 afmconv PR $FP/p052003l.afm -pPalatino-Roman
79 afmconv PI $FP/p052023l.afm -pPalatino-Italic
80 afmconv PB $FP/p052004l.afm -pPalatino-Bold
81 afmconv PX $FP/p052024l.afm -pPalatino-BoldItalic
82 afmconv C $FP/n022003l.afm -pCourier
83 afmconv CO $FP/n022003l.afm -pCourier
84 afmconv CW $FP/n022003l.afm -pCourier
85 afmconv CI $FP/n022023l.afm -pCourier-Oblique
86 afmconv CB $FP/n022004l.afm -pCourier-Bold
87 afmconv CX $FP/n022024l.afm -pCourier-BoldOblique
88 afmconv ZI $FP/z003034l.afm -pZapfChancery-MediumItalic
89 afmconv ZD $FP/d050000l.afm -pZapfDingbats
91 # The first argument of afmconv, ttfconv, and otfconv is the troff
92 # name of the font and their second argument is its path. Any other
93 # argument is passed to mkfn directly. The postscript names of the
94 # fonts are inferred from the fonts themselves To change that, you
95 # can specify their names via the -p argument of *conv functions.
97 find $FP/ -name '*.afm' | while read FN
99 afmconv `basename $FN .afm` $FN
100 done
102 find $FP/ -name '*.ttf' | while read FN
104 ttfconv `basename $FN .ttf` $FN
105 done
107 find $FP/ -name '*.otf' | while read FN
109 otfconv `basename $FN .otf` $FN
110 done