[Docs] add CREATEDB permission to database user
[mygpo.git] / doc / dev / files-overview.rst
1 File Overview
2 =============
4 The ``mygpo`` project consists of the following files ::
6   mygpo/
7     __init__.py
8     settings.py                                                # default settings
9     settings_prod.py                                           # "productive" settings which overwrite those in settings.py
10     cache.py                                                   # utils around Django's cache
11     manage.py                                                  # https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/django-admin/
12     constants.py                                               # defines some global constants
13     flattr.py                                                  # Flattr support (https://flattr.com/)
14     utils.py                                                   # utilities
15     cel.py                                                     # Celery integration (http://celeryproject.org/)
16     urls.py                                                    # Django URL dispatcher (https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/http/urls/)
17     shell.py                                                   # import * for commonly used methods when working in the Django shell
18     test.py                                                    # custom Django test suite runner
19     decorators.py                                              # globally used decorators
20     print-couchdb.py                                           # script to print the main CouchDB database
22     admin/                                                     # functionality to be used by site-admins
23       auth.py                                                  # authentication of admins
24       group.py                                                 # groups / matches episodes (eg for merging)
25       clients.py                                               # client statistics
26       views.py                                                 # Django views for the admin area (https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/http/views/)
27       urls.py                                                  # Django URL dispatcher for the admin area
28       tasks.py                                                 # Celery tasks
30     maintenance/
31       merge.py                                                 # Merging of podcasts and related objects
32       management/changescmd.py                                 # base class for commands that use the CouchDB changes feed (https://couchdb.readthedocs.org/en/latest/changes.html)
33       management/podcastcmd.py                                 # base class for commands that operate on (multiple) podcasts
34       management/commands/celery.py                            # Celery worker
35       management/commands/assign-podcast-slugs.py              # assigns slugs to podcasts (one-time command, now unused)
36       management/commands/cleanup-unused-users.py              # removes users that have been marked as deleted
37       management/commands/assign-episode-slugs.py              # assigns slugs to episodes (one-time command, now unused)
38       management/commands/listening-stats.py                   # stats about the intervald between publishing and playing episodes
39       management/commands/merge-episode-states.py              # merges duplicates of episodes states
40       management/commands/move-subscriber-data.py              # moves subscriber data from podcasts into separate objects
41       management/commands/import-episode-actions.py            # imports episode actions from files
43     data/                                                      # stuff related to podcast and episode data
44       youtube.py                                               # utils for accessing YouTube data
45       delicious.py                                             # utils for accessing delicious.com data
46       flickr.py                                                # utils for accessing Flickr data
47       podcast.py                                               # podcast-related utils
48       mimetype.py                                              # utils for handling mime types
49       signals.py                                               # Django Signals for podcast-related events (https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/signals/)
50       tasks.py                                                 # podcast-related Celery tasks
51       feeddownloader.py                                        # fetching, parsing and updating podcasts based on their feeds
52       management/commands/feed-downloader.py                   # command-wrapper around feeddownloader.py
53       management/commands/update-related-podcasts.py           # calculates and sets related podcasts for existing podcasts
54       management/commands/tag-downloader.py                    # fetches and updates tags for existing podcasts
55       management//commands/group-podcasts.py                   # group two related podcasts
57     publisher/
58       __init__.py
59       auth.py
60       tests.py
61       forms.py
62       utils.py
63       views.py
64       urls.py
65       management/__init__.py
66       management/commands/make-publisher.py
67       management/commands/__init__.py
68       templatetags/__init__.py
69       templatetags/pcharts.py
71     users/
72       __init__.py
73       tests.py
74       sync.py
75       models.py
76       settings.py
77       ratings.py
78       signals.py
79       tasks.py
80       subscriptions.py
81       management/__init__.py
82       management/commands/__init__.py
83       management/commands/assign-upload-timestamps.py
85     api/
86       __init__.py
87       tests.py
88       backend.py
89       constants.py
90       opml.py
91       legacy.py
92       models.py
93       exceptions.py
94       views.py
95       urls.py
96       basic_auth.py
97       httpresponse.py
98       simple.py
99       tasks.py
100       advanced/auth.py
101       advanced/sync.py
102       advanced/lists.py
103       advanced/settings.py
104       advanced/__init__.py
105       advanced/episode.py
106       advanced/directory.py
107       management/commands/__init__.py
108       management/__init__.py
110     directory/
111       __init__.py
112       tests.py
113       models.py
114       views.py
115       urls.py
116       search.py
117       toplist.py
118       tags.py
119       tasks.py
120       management/__init__.py
121       management/commands/__init__.py
122       management/commands/category-merge-spellings.py
123       management/commands/update-episode-toplist.py
124       management/commands/set-example-podcasts.py
125       management/commands/update-toplist.py
127     pubsub
128       models.py
129       views.py
130       urls.py
131       __init__.py
132       signals.py
134     web/
135       __init__.py
136       auth.py
137       tests.py
138       forms.py
139       google.py
140       utils.py
141       logo.py
142       urls.py
143       heatmap.py
144       views/__init__.py
145       views/podcast.py
146       views/settings.py
147       views/subscriptions.py
148       views/device.py
149       views/users.py
150       views/episode.py
151       views/security.py
152       templatetags/__init__.py
153       templatetags/devices.py
154       templatetags/facebook.py
155       templatetags/youtube.py
156       templatetags/google.py
157       templatetags/utils.py
158       templatetags/time.py
159       templatetags/flickr.py
160       templatetags/math.py
161       templatetags/mygpoutil.py
162       templatetags/menu.py
163       templatetags/charts.py
164       templatetags/podcasts.py
165       templatetags/episodes.py
166       templatetags/googleanalytics.py
167       management/__init__.py
168       management/commands/__init__.py
170     userfeeds/
171       __init__.py
172       auth.py
173       tests.py
174       feeds.py
175       views.py
176       urls.py
178     core/
179       __init__.py
180       tests.py
181       oldid.py
182       json.py
183       models.py
184       proxy.py
185       signals.py
186       podcasts.py
187       tasks.py
188       graphite.py
189       slugs.py
190       management/__init__.py
191       management/commands/__init__.py
193     share/
194       __init__.py
195       userpage.py
196       models.py
197       views.py
198       urls.py
199       templatetags/__init__.py
200       templatetags/gravatar.py
202     db/
203       __init__.py
205     db/couchdb/
206       __init__.py
207       common.py
208       episode_state.py
209       utils.py
210       user.py
211       models.py
212       podcast_state.py
213       podcast.py
214       podcastlist.py
215       episode.py
216       directory.py
217       pubsub.py
218       management/__init__.py
219       management/commands/__init__.py
220       management/commands/touch-couchdb-views.py
221       management/commands/compact-couchdb.py
222       management/commands/dump-sample.py
223       management/commands/sync-design-docs.py
224       management/commands/count-view-usage.py