saving a ref in order to remove the unload method
[mootools.git] / Specs / 1.4client / Element / Element.js
1 /*
2 ---
3 name: Element Specs
4 description: n/a
5 requires: [Core/Element.Event]
6 provides: [Element.Event.Specs]
7 ...
8 */
9 describe('Element', function(){
11         describe('Element.getProperty', function(){
13                 it('should remove the onunload method', function(){
14                         var text;
15                         var handler = function(){ text = 'nope'; };
16                         window.addEvent('unload', handler);
17                         window.removeEvent('unload', handler);
18                         window.fireEvent('unload');
19                         expect(text).toBe(undefined);
20                 });
22                 it('should get the attrubte of a form when the form has an input with as ID the attribute name', function(){
23                         var div = new Element('div');
24                         div.innerHTML = '<form action="s"><input id="action"></form>';
25                         expect($(div.firstChild).getProperty('action')).toEqual('s');
26                 });
28                 it('should ignore expandos', function(){
29                         var div = new Element('div');
30                         expect(div.getProperty('inject')).toBeNull();
31                 });
33                 it('should work in collaboration with setProperty', function(){
34                         var div = new Element('div', {random: 'attribute'});
35                         expect(div.getProperty('random')).toEqual('attribute');
36                 });
38                 it('should get custom attributes in html', function(){
39                         var div = new Element('div', {html: '<div data-load="typical"></div>'}).getFirst();
40                         expect(div.get('data-load')).toEqual('typical');
42                         div = new Element('div', {html: '<div data-custom></div>'}).getFirst();
43                         expect(div.get('data-custom')).toEqual('');
45                         div = new Element('div', {html: '<div data-custom="nested"><a data-custom="other"></a></div>'}).getFirst();
46                         expect(div.get('data-custom')).toEqual('nested');
48                         div = new Element('div', {html: '<div><a data-custom="other"></a></div>'}).getFirst();
49                         expect(div.get('data-custom')).toEqual(null);
51                         div = new Element('div', {html: '<a data-custom="singular" href="#">href</a>'}).getFirst();
52                         expect(div.get('data-custom')).toEqual('singular');
54                         div = new Element('div', {html: '<div class="><" data-custom="evil attribute values"></div>'}).getFirst();
55                         expect(div.get('data-custom')).toEqual('evil attribute values');
57                         div = new Element('div', {html: '<div class="> . <" data-custom="aggrevated evil attribute values"></div>'}).getFirst();
58                         expect(div.get('data-custom')).toEqual('aggrevated evil attribute values');
60                         div = new Element('div', {html: '<a href="#"> data-custom="singular"</a>'}).getFirst();
61                         expect(div.get('data-custom')).toEqual(null);
62                 });
65         });
67         describe('Element.set', function(){
69                 describe('value', function(){
71                         it('should return `null` when the value of a input element is set to `undefined`', function(){
72                                 var value;
73                                 expect(new Element('input', {value: value}).get('value')).toEqual('');
74                         });
76                         it('should set a falsey value and not an empty string', function(){
77                                 expect(new Element('input', {value: false}).get('value')).toEqual('false');
78                                 expect(new Element('input', {value: 0}).get('value')).toEqual('0');
79                         });
81                         it('should set the selected option for a select element to matching string w/o falsy matches', function(){
82                                 var form = new Element('form');
83                                 form.set('html', '<select>\
84                                         <option value="">no value</option>\
85                                         <option value="0">value 0</option>\
86                                         <option value="1">value 1</option>\
87                                         </select>');
88                                 expect(form.getElement('select').set('value', 0).get('value')).toEqual('0');
89                         });
91                 });
93                 describe('type', function(){
95                         it('should set the type of a button', function(){
96                                 expect(new Element('button', {type: 'button'}).get('type')).toEqual('button');
97                         });
99                 });
101                 describe('value as object with toString()', function(){
103                         it('should call the toString() method of a passed object', function(){
104                                 var a = new Element('a').set('href', {toString: function(){ return '1'; }});
105                                 expect(a.get('href')).toEqual('1');
106                         });
108                 });
110         });
112         describe("Element.setProperty('type')", function(){
114                 it('should keep the input value after setting a input field to another type (submit button)', function(){
115                         var input = new Element('input', {value: 'myValue', type: 'text'});
116                         input.setProperty('type', 'submit');
117                         expect(input.getProperty('value')).toEqual('myValue');
118                 });
120                 it('should set the right type and value of input fields when a input field is created with CSS selectors', function(){
121                         var input = new Element('input[type="submit"]', {value: 'myValue'});
122                         expect(input.getProperty('value')).toEqual('myValue');
123                 });
125         });
127         describe('Element.get', function(){
129                 describe('value', function(){
131                         it('should get the value of a option element when it does not have the value attribute', function(){
132                                 var select = new Element('select').set('html', '<option>s</option>');
133                                 expect(select.getElement('option').get('value')).toEqual('s');
134                         });
136                         it('should return the text of the selected option for a select element', function(){
137                                 var form = new Element('form');
138                                 form.set('html', '<select>\
139                                         <option>value 1</option>\
140                                         <option>value 2</option>\
141                                         <option selected>value 3</option>\
142                                         <option>value 4</option>\
143                                         </select>');
144                                 expect(form.getElement('select').get('value')).toEqual('value 3');
145                         });
147                         it('should return the text of the selected option for a multiple select element', function(){
148                                 var form = new Element('form');
149                                 form.set('html', '<select multiple>\
150                                         <option>value 1</option>\
151                                         <option selected>value 2</option>\
152                                         <option selected>value 3</option>\
153                                         <option>value 4</option>\
154                                         </select>');
155                                 expect(form.getElement('select').get('value')).toEqual('value 2');
156                         });
158                         it('should return the text of the first option of aselect element', function(){
159                                 var form = new Element('form');
160                                 form.set('html', '<select>\
161                                         <option>value 1</option>\
162                                         <option>value 2</option>\
163                                         </select>');
164                                 expect(form.getElement('select').get('value')).toEqual('value 1');
165                         });
167                         it('should return value of a select element', function(){
168                                 var form = new Element('form');
169                                 form.set('html', '<select multiple>\
170                                         <option value="one">value 1</option>\
171                                         <option selected value="two">value 2</option>\
172                                         </select>');
173                                 expect(form.getElement('select').get('value')).toEqual('two');
174                         });
176                 });
178                 describe('text', function(){
180                         it('should return the original text with `text-transform: uppercase`', function(){
181                                 var div = new Element('div', {html: '<div style="text-transform: uppercase">text</div>'});
182                                 div.inject(document.body);
183                                 expect($(div.firstChild).get('text')).toEqual('text');
184                                 div.destroy();
185                         });
187                 });
189         });
191         describe('tabIndex', function(){
193                 it('should get and set the correct tabIndex', function(){
194                         var div = document.createElement('div');
195                         div.innerHTML = '<input tabindex="2">';
196                         expect($(div.firstChild).get('tabindex')).toEqual(2);
197                         expect($(div.firstChild).set('tabindex', 3).get('tabindex')).toEqual(3);
198                 });
200         });
202         if (document.createElement('video').canPlayType){
203                 describe('Video/Audio loop, controls, and autoplay set/get attributes', function(){
205                         it('should set/get the boolean value of loop, controls, and autoplay', function(){
206                                 var div = new Element('div', {html: '<video loop controls autoplay>'}),
207                                         video = div.getElement('video');
209                                 if ('loop' in video){
210                                         expect(video.getProperty('loop')).toBe(true);
211                                         expect(video.setProperty('loop', false).getProperty('loop')).toBe(false);
212                                 }
213                                 expect(video.getProperty('controls')).toBe(true);
214                                 expect(video.setProperty('controls', false).getProperty('controls')).toBe(false);
215                                 expect(video.getProperty('autoplay')).toBe(true);
216                                 expect(video.setProperty('autoplay', false).getProperty('autoplay')).toBe(false);
217                         });
219                 });
220         }
222         describe("Element.set('html')", function(){
224                 describe('HTML5 tags', function(){
226                         it('should create childNodes for html5 tags', function(){
227                                 expect(new Element('div', {html: '<nav>Muu</nav><p>Tuuls</p><section>!</section>'}).childNodes.length).toEqual(3);
228                         });
230                 });
232                 describe('Numbers', function(){
234                         it('should set a number (so no string) as html', function(){
235                                 expect(new Element('div', {html: 20}).innerHTML).toEqual('20');
236                         });
238                 });
240                 describe('Arrays', function(){
242                         it('should allow an Array as input, the text is concatenated', function(){
243                                 expect(new Element('div', {html: ['moo', 'rocks', 'your', 'socks', 1]}).innerHTML).toEqual('moorocksyoursocks1');
244                         });
246                 });
248         });
250         describe("Element.erase('html')", function(){
252                 it('should empty the html inside an element', function(){
253                         expect(new Element('div', {html: '<p>foo bar</p>'}).erase('html').innerHTML).toEqual('');
254                 });
256         });
258         describe('Element.clone', function(){
260                 it('should not crash IE for multiple clones', function(){
261                         new Element('div', {
262                                 html: '<ul id="testContainer"><li id="template"></li></ul>'
263                         }).inject(document.body);
265                         var container = $('testContainer'),
266                         template = container.getElement('li#template').dispose();
268                         template.clone().set('html', 'Clone #1').inject('testContainer');
269                         template.clone().set('html', 'Clone #2').inject('testContainer');
271                         container.destroy();
272                 });
274         });
276         describe('Element.erase', function(){
278                 var elements, subject, image, textarea;
280                 beforeEach(function(){
281                         elements = [
282                                 subject = new Element('div'),
283                                 image = new Element('img'),
284                                 textarea = new Element('div', {html: '<textarea id="t1">hello</textarea>'}).getFirst()
285                         ].invoke('inject', document.body);
286                 });
288                 afterEach(function(){
289                         elements.invoke('destroy');
290                 });
292                 it('should erase the class of an Element', function(){
293                         subject.set('class', 'test');
294                         subject.erase('class');
295                         expect(subject.get('class')).toEqual(null);
296                 });
298                 it('should erase the id of an Element', function(){
299                         subject.set('id', 'test');
300                         subject.erase('id');
301                         expect(subject.get('id')).toEqual(null);
302                 });
304                 it('should erase the random attribute of an Element', function(){
305                         subject.set('random', 'test');
306                         subject.erase('random');
307                         expect(subject.get('random')).toEqual(null);
308                 });
310                 it('should erase the value attribute of a textarea', function(){
311                         textarea.erase('value');
312                         expect(textarea.get('value')).toEqual('');
313                 });
315         });