Tests/Specs: Replace Chai with expect.js for assertions, because of browser support.
[mootools.git] / Specs / Element / Element.Dimensions.js
1 /*
2 ---
3 name: Element.Dimensions
4 requires: ~
5 provides: ~
6 ...
7 */
9 describe('Element.Dimensions', function(){
11         var div, relDiv, absDiv, scrollDiv, tallDiv;
13         beforeEach(function(){
14                 div = new Element('div', {
15                         id: 'ElementDimensionsTest',
16                         styles: {
17                                 width: 100,
18                                 height: 100,
19                                 margin: 2,
20                                 padding: 3,
21                                 border: '1px solid black',
22                                 visibility: 'hidden',
23                                 display: 'block',
24                                 position: 'absolute',
25                                 top: 100,
26                                 left: 100,
27                                 overflow: 'hidden',
28                                 zIndex: 1
29                         }
30                 }).inject($(document.body));
32                 relDiv = new Element('div', {
33                         styles: {
34                                 width: 50,
35                                 height: 50,
36                                 margin: 5,
37                                 padding: 5,
38                                 border: '1px solid green',
39                                 visibility: 'hidden',
40                                 position: 'relative',
41                                 overflow: 'hidden',
42                                 'float': 'left',
43                                 'display': 'inline'
44                         }
45                 }).inject(div);
47                 absDiv = new Element('div', {
48                         styles: {
49                                 width: 10,
50                                 height: 10,
51                                 margin: 5,
52                                 padding: 5,
53                                 border: '1px solid red',
54                                 visibility: 'hidden',
55                                 position: 'absolute',
56                                 top: 10,
57                                 left: 10,
58                                 overflow: 'hidden'
59                         }
60                 }).inject(relDiv);
62                 scrollDiv = new Element('div', {
63                         styles: {
64                                 width: 100,
65                                 height: 100,
66                                 overflow: 'scroll',
67                                 visibility: 'hidden',
68                                 position: 'absolute',
69                                 top: 0,
70                                 left: 0
71                         }
72                 }).inject($(document.body));
74                 tallDiv = new Element('div', {
75                         styles: {
76                                 width: 200,
77                                 height: 200,
78                                 visibility: 'hidden'
79                         }
80                 }).inject(scrollDiv);
81         });
83         describe('Element.getSize', function(){
85                 it('should measure the width and height of the element', function(){
86                         expect(div.getSize().x).to.equal(108);
87                         expect(div.getSize().y).to.equal(108);
88                 });
90         });
92         describe("SVG dimensions", function(){
93                 if (!document.addEventListener) return; // IE8- has no support for svg anyway, so this spec does not apply
94                 var svgElements = [{
95                         el: 'svg',
96                         prop: {
97                                 'xmlns': 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg',
98                                 height: '200px',
99                                 width: '142px',
100                                 viewBox: '0 0 512 512'
101                         }
102                 }, {
103                         el: 'polygon',
104                         prop: {
105                                 fill: "#E44D26",
106                                 points: "107.644,470.877 74.633,100.62 437.367,100.62 404.321,470.819 255.778,512"
107                         }
108                 }, {
109                         el: 'polygon',
110                         prop: {
111                                 fill: "#F16529",
112                                 points: "256,480.523 376.03,447.246 404.27,130.894 256,130.894"
113                         }
114                 }, {
115                         el: 'polygon',
116                         prop: {
117                                 fill: "#E44D26",
118                                 points: "107.644,470.877 74.633,100.62 437.367,100.62 404.321,470.819 255.778,512"
119                         }
120                 }, {
121                         el: 'polygon',
122                         prop: {
123                                 fill: "#EBEBEB",
124                                 points: "256,268.217 195.91,268.217 191.76,221.716 256,221.716 256,176.305 255.843,176.305 142.132,176.305 143.219,188.488 154.38,313.627 256,313.627"
125                         }
126                 }, {
127                         el: 'polygon',
128                         prop: {
129                                 fill: "#EBEBEB",
130                                 points: "256,386.153 255.801,386.206 205.227,372.55 201.994,336.333 177.419,336.333 156.409,336.333 162.771,407.634 255.791,433.457 256,433.399"
131                         }
132                 }, {
133                         el: 'path',
134                         prop: {
135                                 d: "M108.382,0h23.077v22.8h21.11V0h23.078v69.044H152.57v-23.12h-21.11v23.12h-23.077V0z"
136                         }
137                 }, {
138                         el: 'path',
139                         prop: {
140                                 d: "M205.994,22.896h-20.316V0h63.72v22.896h-20.325v46.148h-23.078V22.896z"
141                         }
142                 }, {
143                         el: 'path',
144                         prop: {
145                                 d: "M259.511,0h24.063l14.802,24.26L313.163,0h24.072v69.044h-22.982V34.822l-15.877,24.549h-0.397l-15.888-24.549v34.222h-22.58V0z"
146                         }
147                 }, {
148                         el: 'path',
149                         prop: {
150                                 d: "M348.72,0h23.084v46.222h32.453v22.822H348.72V0z"
151                         }
152                 }, {
153                         el: 'polygon',
154                         prop: {
155                                 fill: "#FFFFFF",
156                                 points: "255.843,268.217 255.843,313.627 311.761,313.627 306.49,372.521 255.843,386.191 255.843,433.435 348.937,407.634 349.62,399.962 360.291,280.411 361.399,268.217 349.162,268.217"
157                         }
158                 }, {
159                         el: 'polygon',
160                         prop: {
161                                 fill: "#FFFFFF",
162                                 points: "255.843,176.305 255.843,204.509 255.843,221.605 255.843,221.716 365.385,221.716 365.385,221.716 365.531,221.716 366.442,211.509 368.511,188.488 369.597,176.305"
163                         }
164                 }];
166                 var svgContainer;
167                 svgElements.each(function (e, i){
168                         var thisElement = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', e.el);
169                         thisElement.setProperties(e.prop);
170                         if (i == 0){
171                                 svgContainer = thisElement
172                                 $(document.body).adopt(thisElement);
173                                 return
174                         };
175                         svgContainer.adopt(thisElement);
176                 });
177                 var svgElement = document.getElement('svg');
179                 it("should get the correct height and width of a svg element", function(){
180                         expect(svgElement.getSize().y).to.equal(200);
181                         expect(svgElement.getSize().x).to.equal(142);
182                         svgElement.destroy();
183                 });
184         });
186         describe('Element.getPosition', function(){
188                 it('should measure the x and y position of the element', function(){
189                         expect(div.getPosition()).to.eql({x: 102, y: 102});
190                 });
192                 it('should measure the x and y position of the element relative to another', function(){
193                         expect(relDiv.getPosition(div)).to.eql({x: 8, y: 8});
194                 });
196                 it('should match subpixels if needed', function(){
197                         var oddSizedDiv = new Element('div', {
198                                 styles: {
199                                         width: 51,
200                                         height: 51,
201                                         margin: 5,
202                                         visibility: 'hidden',
203                                         position: 'relative',
204                                         overflow: 'hidden',
205                                         'float': 'left'
206                                 }
207                         }).inject($(document.body));
209                         var insideOddSizedDiv = new Element('div', {
210                                 styles: {
211                                         width: 10,
212                                         height: 10,
213                                         margin: 5.5,
214                                         visibility: 'hidden',
215                                         overflow: 'hidden'
216                                 }
217                         }).inject(oddSizedDiv);
219                         expect(insideOddSizedDiv.getPosition(oddSizedDiv).x)
220                                 .to.equal(insideOddSizedDiv.getBoundingClientRect().left - oddSizedDiv.getBoundingClientRect().left);
221                 });
223         });
225         describe('Element.getCoordinates', function(){
227                 it('should return the coordinates relative to parent', function(){
228                         expect(absDiv.getCoordinates(relDiv)).to.eql({left:15, top:15, width:22, height:22, right:37, bottom:37});
229                 });
231         });
233         describe('Element.getScrollSize', function(){
235                 it('should return the scrollSize', function(){
236                         expect(scrollDiv.getScrollSize()).to.eql({x:200, y:200});
237                 });
239         });
241         describe('Element.scrollTo', function(){
243                 it('should scroll the element', function(){
244                         expect(scrollDiv.scrollTo(20, 20).getScroll()).to.eql({x:20, y:20});
245                 });
247         });
249         afterEach(function(){
250                 [div, relDiv, absDiv, scrollDiv, tallDiv].each(function(el){
251                         $(el).destroy();
252                 });
253         });
257 describe('Element.getOffsetParent', function(){
259         var container, offsetParent, wrapper, child, table, td;
261         beforeEach(function(){
262                 container = new Element('div');
264                 offsetParent = new Element('div', {
265                         styles: {position: 'relative'}
266                 }).inject(container);
268                 wrapper = new Element('div', {
269                         styles: {height: 0}
270                 }).inject(offsetParent);
272                 child = new Element('div').inject(wrapper);
274                 table = new Element('table').inject(offsetParent);
276                 td = new Element('td').inject(new Element('tr').inject(table));
278                 container.inject(document.body);
280         });
282         it('Should return the right offsetParent', function(){
284                 expect(child.getOffsetParent()).to.equal(offsetParent);
286         });
288         it('Should return body for elements with body as offsetParent', function(){
290                 expect(offsetParent.getOffsetParent()).to.equal(document.body);
292         });
294         it('Should return a table element for td-elements', function(){
296                 expect(td.getOffsetParent()).to.equal(table);
298         });
300         it('Should return a td element for elements with position:static inside a td', function(){
302                 child.inject(td);
304                 expect(child.getOffsetParent()).to.equal(td);
306         });
308         it('Should not return a td element for elements with a position other than static inside a td', function(){
310                 child.setStyle('position', 'absolute');
312                 expect(child.getOffsetParent()).to.equal(offsetParent);
314         });
316         it('Should return null for elements with position:fixed', function(){
318                 table.setStyle('position', 'fixed');
320                 expect(table.getOffsetParent()).to.equal(null);
322         });
324         it('Should return null for the body element', function(){
326                 expect($(document.body).getOffsetParent()).to.equal(null);
328         });
330         afterEach(function(){
331                 container.destroy();
332         });