Merge branch 'MDL-53697-master' of git://
[moodle.git] / lang / en / blog.php
1 <?php
2 // This file is part of Moodle -
3 //
4 // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6 // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
7 // (at your option) any later version.
8 //
9 // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 // GNU General Public License for more details.
14 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15 // along with Moodle. If not, see <>.
17 /**
18 * Strings for core subsystem 'blog'
20 * @package core_blog
21 * @copyright 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas {@link}
22 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
25 $string['addnewentry'] = 'Add a new entry';
26 $string['addnewexternalblog'] = 'Register an external blog';
27 $string['assocdescription'] = 'If you are writing about a course and/or activity modules, select them here.';
28 $string['associated'] = 'Associated {$a}';
29 $string['associatewithcourse'] = 'Blog about course {$a->coursename}';
30 $string['associatewithmodule'] = 'Blog about {$a->modtype}: {$a->modname}';
31 $string['association'] = 'Association';
32 $string['associations'] = 'Associations';
33 $string['associationunviewable'] = 'This entry cannot be viewed by others until a course is associated with it or the \'Publish to\' field is changed';
34 $string['autotags'] = 'Add these tags';
35 $string['autotags_help'] = 'Enter one or more local tags (separated by commas) that you want to automatically add to each blog entry copied from the external blog into your local blog.';
36 $string['backupblogshelp'] = 'If enabled then blogs will be included in SITE automated backups';
37 $string['blockexternalstitle'] = 'External blogs';
38 $string['blog'] = 'Blog';
39 $string['blogaboutthis'] = 'Blog about this {$a->type}';
40 $string['blogaboutthiscourse'] = 'Add an entry about this course';
41 $string['blogaboutthismodule'] = 'Add an entry about this {$a}';
42 $string['blogadministration'] = 'Blog administration';
43 $string['blogdeleteconfirm'] = 'Delete the blog entry \'{$a}\'?';
44 $string['blogdisable'] = 'Blogging is disabled!';
45 $string['blogentries'] = 'Blog entries';
46 $string['blogentriesabout'] = 'Blog entries about {$a}';
47 $string['blogentriesbygroupaboutcourse'] = 'Blog entries about {$a->course} by {$a->group}';
48 $string['blogentriesbygroupaboutmodule'] = 'Blog entries about {$a->mod} by {$a->group}';
49 $string['blogentriesbyuseraboutcourse'] = 'Blog entries about {$a->course} by {$a->user}';
50 $string['blogentriesbyuseraboutmodule'] = 'Blog entries about this {$a->mod} by {$a->user}';
51 $string['blogentrybyuser'] = 'Blog entry by {$a}';
52 $string['blogpreferences'] = 'Blog preferences';
53 $string['blogs'] = 'Blogs';
54 $string['blogscourse'] = 'Course blogs';
55 $string['blogssite'] = 'Site blogs';
56 $string['blogtags'] = 'Blog tags';
57 $string['cannotviewcourseblog'] = 'You do not have the required permissions to view blogs in this course';
58 $string['cannotviewcourseorgroupblog'] = 'You do not have the required permissions to view blogs in this course/group';
59 $string['cannotviewsiteblog'] = 'You do not have the required permissions to view all site blogs';
60 $string['cannotviewuserblog'] = 'You do not have the required permissions to read user blogs';
61 $string['configexternalblogcrontime'] = 'How often Moodle checks the external blogs for new entries.';
62 $string['configmaxexternalblogsperuser'] = 'The number of external blogs each user is allowed to link to their Moodle blog.';
63 $string['configuseblogassociations'] = 'Enables the association of blog entries with courses and course modules.';
64 $string['configuseexternalblogs'] = 'Enables users to specify external blog feeds. Moodle regularly checks these blog feeds and copies new entries to the local blog of that user.';
65 $string['courseblog'] = 'Course blog: {$a}';
66 $string['courseblogdisable'] = 'Course blogs are not enabled';
67 $string['courseblogs'] = 'Users can only see blogs for people who share a course';
68 $string['deleteblogassociations'] = 'Delete blog associations';
69 $string['deleteblogassociations_help'] = 'If ticked then blog entries will no longer be associated with this course or any course activities or resources. The blog entries themselves will not be deleted.';
70 $string['deleteentry'] = 'Delete entry';
71 $string['deleteexternalblog'] = 'Unregister this external blog';
72 $string['deleteotagswarn'] = 'Are you sure you want to remove these tags from all blog posts and remove it from the system?';
73 $string['description'] = 'Description';
74 $string['description_help'] = 'Enter a sentence or two summarising the contents of your external blog. (If no description is supplied, the description recorded in your external blog will be used).';
75 $string['donothaveblog'] = 'You do not have your own blog, sorry.';
76 $string['editentry'] = 'Edit a blog entry';
77 $string['editexternalblog'] = 'Edit this external blog';
78 $string['emptybody'] = 'Blog entry body can not be empty';
79 $string['emptyrssfeed'] = 'The URL you entered does not point to a valid RSS feed';
80 $string['emptytitle'] = 'Blog entry title can not be empty';
81 $string['emptyurl'] = 'You must specify a URL to a valid RSS feed';
82 $string['entrybody'] = 'Blog entry body';
83 $string['entrybodyonlydesc'] = 'Entry description';
84 $string['entryerrornotyours'] = 'This entry is not yours';
85 $string['entrysaved'] = 'Your entry has been saved';
86 $string['entrytitle'] = 'Entry title';
87 $string['eventblogentriesviewed'] = 'Blog entries viewed';
88 $string['eventblogassociationadded'] = 'Blog association created';
89 $string['eventblogassociationdeleted'] = 'Blog association deleted';
90 $string['eventblogexternaladded'] = 'External blog registered';
91 $string['eventblogexternalremoved'] = 'External blog unregistered';
92 $string['eventblogexternalupdated'] = 'External blog updated';
93 $string['evententryadded'] = 'Blog entry added';
94 $string['evententrydeleted'] = 'Blog entry deleted';
95 $string['evententryupdated'] = 'Blog entry updated';
96 $string['externalblogcrontime'] = 'External blog cron schedule';
97 $string['externalblogdeleteconfirm'] = 'Unregister this external blog?';
98 $string['externalblogdeleted'] = 'External blog unregistered';
99 $string['externalblogs'] = 'External blogs';
100 $string['eventexternalblogsviewed'] = 'External registered blogs viewed';
101 $string['feedisinvalid'] = 'This feed is invalid';
102 $string['feedisvalid'] = 'This feed is valid';
103 $string['filterblogsby'] = 'Filter entries by...';
104 $string['filtertags'] = 'Filter tags';
105 $string['filtertags_help'] = 'You can use this feature to filter the entries you want to use. If you specify tags here (separated by commas) then only entries with these tags will be copied from the external blog.';
106 $string['groupblog'] = 'Group blog: {$a}';
107 $string['groupblogdisable'] = 'Group blog is not enabled';
108 $string['groupblogentries'] = 'Blog entries associated with {$a->coursename} by group {$a->groupname}';
109 $string['groupblogs'] = 'Users can only see blogs for people who share a group';
110 $string['incorrectblogfilter'] = 'Incorrect blog filter type specified';
111 $string['intro'] = 'This RSS feed was automatically generated from one or more blogs.';
112 $string['invalidgroupid'] = 'Invalid group ID';
113 $string['invalidurl'] = 'This URL is unreachable';
114 $string['linktooriginalentry'] = 'Link to original blog entry';
115 $string['maxexternalblogsperuser'] = 'Maximum number of external blogs per user';
116 $string['myprofileuserblogs'] = 'View all blog entries';
117 $string['name'] = 'Name';
118 $string['name_help'] = 'Enter a descriptive name for your external blog. (If no name is supplied, the title of your external blog will be used).';
119 $string['noentriesyet'] = 'No visible entries here';
120 $string['noguestpost'] = 'Guest can not post blogs!';
121 $string['nopermissionstodeleteentry'] = 'You lack the permissions required to delete this blog entry';
122 $string['norighttodeletetag'] = 'You have no rights to delete this tag - {$a}';
123 $string['nosuchentry'] = 'No such blog entry';
124 $string['notallowedtoedit'] = 'You are not allowed to edit this entry';
125 $string['numberofentries'] = 'Entries: {$a}';
126 $string['numberoftags'] = 'Number of tags to display';
127 $string['pagesize'] = 'Blog entries per page';
128 $string['permalink'] = 'Permalink';
129 $string['personalblogs'] = 'Users can only see their own blog';
130 $string['preferences'] = 'Blog preferences';
131 $string['privacy:metadata:core_comments'] = 'Comments associated with blog entries';
132 $string['privacy:metadata:core_files'] = 'Files attached to blog entries';
133 $string['privacy:metadata:core_tag'] = 'Tags associated with blog entries';
134 $string['privacy:metadata:external'] = 'A link to an external RSS feed';
135 $string['privacy:metadata:external:userid'] = 'The ID of the user who added the external blog entry.';
136 $string['privacy:metadata:external:name'] = 'The name of the feed';
137 $string['privacy:metadata:external:description'] = 'The description of the feed';
138 $string['privacy:metadata:external:url'] = 'The URL of the feed';
139 $string['privacy:metadata:external:filtertags'] = 'The list of tags to filter the entries with';
140 $string['privacy:metadata:external:timemodified'] = 'Date at which the association was last modified';
141 $string['privacy:metadata:external:timefetched'] = 'Date at which the feed was last fetched';
142 $string['privacy:metadata:post'] = 'The information related to blog entries';
143 $string['privacy:metadata:post:userid'] = 'The ID of the user who added the blog entry.';
144 $string['privacy:metadata:post:subject'] = 'Blog entry title.';
145 $string['privacy:metadata:post:summary'] = 'Blog entry.';
146 $string['privacy:metadata:post:content'] = 'The content of an external blog entry.';
147 $string['privacy:metadata:post:uniquehash'] = 'A unique identifier for an external entry, typically a URL';
148 $string['privacy:metadata:post:publishstate'] = 'Whether the entry is visible to others or not';
149 $string['privacy:metadata:post:created'] = 'Date when the entry was created.';
150 $string['privacy:metadata:post:lastmodified'] = 'Date when the entry was last modified.';
151 $string['privacy:metadata:post:usermodified'] = 'The user who last modified the entry';
152 $string['privacy:path:blogassociations'] = 'Associated blog posts';
153 $string['privacy:unknown'] = 'Unknown';
154 $string['publishto'] = 'Publish to';
155 $string['publishto_help'] = 'There are 3 options:
157 * Yourself (draft) - Only you and the administrators can see this entry
158 * Anyone on this site - Anyone who is registered on this site can read this entry
159 * Anyone in the world - Anyone, including guests, could read this entry';
160 $string['publishtocourse'] = 'Users sharing a course with you';
161 $string['publishtocourseassoc'] = 'Members of the associated course';
162 $string['publishtocourseassocparam'] = 'Members of {$a}';
163 $string['publishtogroup'] = 'Users sharing a group with you';
164 $string['publishtogroupassoc'] = 'Your group members in the associated course';
165 $string['publishtogroupassocparam'] = 'Your group members in {$a}';
166 $string['publishtonoone'] = 'Yourself (draft)';
167 $string['publishtosite'] = 'Anyone on this site';
168 $string['publishtoworld'] = 'Anyone in the world';
169 $string['readfirst'] = 'Read this first';
170 $string['relatedblogentries'] = 'Related blog entries';
171 $string['retrievedfrom'] = 'Retrieved from';
172 $string['rssfeed'] = 'Blog RSS feed';
173 $string['searchterm'] = 'Search: {$a}';
174 $string['settingsupdatederror'] = 'An error has occurred, blog preference setting could not be updated';
175 $string['siteblogheading'] = 'Site blog';
176 $string['siteblogdisable'] = 'Site blog is not enabled';
177 $string['siteblogs'] = 'All site users can see all blog entries';
178 $string['tagdatelastused'] = 'Date tag was last used';
179 $string['tagparam'] = 'Tag: {$a}';
180 $string['tags'] = 'Tags';
181 $string['tagsort'] = 'Sort the tag display by';
182 $string['tagtext'] = 'Tag text';
183 $string['timefetched'] = 'Time of last sync';
184 $string['timewithin'] = 'Display tags used within this many days';
185 $string['updateentrywithid'] = 'Updating entry';
186 $string['url'] = 'RSS feed URL';
187 $string['url_help'] = 'Enter the RSS feed URL for your external blog.';
188 $string['useblogassociations'] = 'Enable blog associations';
189 $string['useexternalblogs'] = 'Enable external blogs';
190 $string['userblog'] = 'User blog: {$a}';
191 $string['userblogentries'] = 'Blog entries by {$a}';
192 $string['valid'] = 'Valid';
193 $string['viewallblogentries'] = 'All entries about this {$a}';
194 $string['viewallmodentries'] = 'View all entries about this {$a->type}';
195 $string['viewallmyentries'] = 'View all of my entries';
196 $string['viewentriesbyuseraboutcourse'] = 'View entries about this course by {$a}';
197 $string['viewblogentries'] = 'Entries about this {$a->type}';
198 $string['viewblogsfor'] = 'View all entries for...';
199 $string['viewcourseblogs'] = 'View all entries for this course';
200 $string['viewgroupblogs'] = 'View entries for group...';
201 $string['viewgroupentries'] = 'Group entries';
202 $string['viewmodblogs'] = 'View entries for module...';
203 $string['viewmodentries'] = 'Module entries';
204 $string['viewmyentries'] = 'My entries';
205 $string['viewmyentriesaboutmodule'] = 'View my entries about this {$a}';
206 $string['viewmyentriesaboutcourse'] = 'View my entries about this course';
207 $string['viewsiteentries'] = 'View all entries';
208 $string['viewuserentries'] = 'View all entries by {$a}';
209 $string['worldblogs'] = 'The world can read entries set to be world-accessible';
210 $string['wrongexternalid'] = 'Wrong external blog ID';
211 $string['wrongpostid'] = 'Wrong blog post id';
212 $string['page-blog-edit'] = 'Blog editing pages';
213 $string['page-blog-index'] = 'Blog listing pages';
214 $string['page-blog-x'] = 'All blog pages';