MDL-35616 import YUI 3.7.2
[moodle.git] / lib / yuilib / 3.7.2 / build / tabview / tabview-coverage.js
1 /*
2 YUI 3.7.2 (build 5639)
3 Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
4 Licensed under the BSD License.
6 */
7 if (typeof _yuitest_coverage == "undefined"){
8     _yuitest_coverage = {};
9     _yuitest_coverline = function(src, line){
10         var coverage = _yuitest_coverage[src];
11         if (!coverage.lines[line]){
12             coverage.calledLines++;
13         }
14         coverage.lines[line]++;
15     };
16     _yuitest_coverfunc = function(src, name, line){
17         var coverage = _yuitest_coverage[src],
18             funcId = name + ":" + line;
19         if (!coverage.functions[funcId]){
20             coverage.calledFunctions++;
21         }
22         coverage.functions[funcId]++;
23     };
25 _yuitest_coverage["build/tabview/tabview.js"] = {
26     lines: {},
27     functions: {},
28     coveredLines: 0,
29     calledLines: 0,
30     coveredFunctions: 0,
31     calledFunctions: 0,
32     path: "build/tabview/tabview.js",
33     code: []
35 _yuitest_coverage["build/tabview/tabview.js"].code=["YUI.add('tabview', function (Y, NAME) {","","/**"," * The TabView module "," *"," * @module tabview"," */","","var _queries = Y.TabviewBase._queries,","    _classNames = Y.TabviewBase._classNames,","    DOT = '.',","    getClassName = Y.ClassNameManager.getClassName,","","    /**","     * Provides a tabbed widget interface ","     * @param config {Object} Object literal specifying tabview configuration properties.","     *","     * @class TabView","     * @constructor","     * @extends Widget","     * @uses WidgetParent","     */","    TabView = Y.Base.create('tabView', Y.Widget, [Y.WidgetParent], {","    _afterChildAdded: function(e) {","        this.get('contentBox').focusManager.refresh();","    },","","    _defListNodeValueFn: function() {","        return Y.Node.create(TabView.LIST_TEMPLATE);","    },","","    _defPanelNodeValueFn: function() {","        return Y.Node.create(TabView.PANEL_TEMPLATE);","    },","","    _afterChildRemoved: function(e) { // update the selected tab when removed","        var i = e.index,","            selection = this.get('selection');","","        if (!selection) { // select previous item if selection removed","            selection = this.item(i - 1) || this.item(0);","            if (selection) {","                selection.set('selected', 1);","            }","        }","","        this.get('contentBox').focusManager.refresh();","    },","","    _initAria: function() {","        var contentBox = this.get('contentBox'),","            tablist =;","","        if (tablist) {","            tablist.setAttrs({","                //'aria-labelledby': ","                role: 'tablist'","            });","        }","    },","","    bindUI: function() {","        //  Use the Node Focus Manager to add keyboard support:","        //  Pressing the left and right arrow keys will move focus","        //  among each of the tabs.","","        this.get('contentBox').plug(Y.Plugin.NodeFocusManager, {","                        descendants: DOT + _classNames.tabLabel,","                        keys: { next: 'down:39', // Right arrow","                                previous: 'down:37' },  // Left arrow","                        circular: true","                    });","","        this.after('render', this._setDefSelection);","        this.after('addChild', this._afterChildAdded);","        this.after('removeChild', this._afterChildRemoved);","    },","    ","    renderUI: function() {","        var contentBox = this.get('contentBox'); ","        this._renderListBox(contentBox);","        this._renderPanelBox(contentBox);","        this._childrenContainer = this.get('listNode');","        this._renderTabs(contentBox);","    },","","    _setDefSelection: function(contentBox) {","        //  If no tab is selected, select the first tab.","        var selection = this.get('selection') || this.item(0);","","        this.some(function(tab) {","            if (tab.get('selected')) {","                selection = tab;","                return true;","            }","        });","        if (selection) {","            // TODO: why both needed? (via widgetParent/Child)?","            this.set('selection', selection);","            selection.set('selected', 1);","        }","    },","","    _renderListBox: function(contentBox) {","        var node = this.get('listNode');","        if (!node.inDoc()) {","            contentBox.append(node);","        }","    },","","    _renderPanelBox: function(contentBox) {","        var node = this.get('panelNode');","        if (!node.inDoc()) {","            contentBox.append(node);","        }","    },","","    _renderTabs: function(contentBox) {","        var tabs = contentBox.all(,","            panelNode = this.get('panelNode'),","            panels = (panelNode) ? this.get('panelNode').get('children') : null,","            tabview = this;","","        if (tabs) { // add classNames and fill in Tab fields from markup when possible","            tabs.addClass(;","            contentBox.all(_queries.tabLabel).addClass(_classNames.tabLabel);","            contentBox.all(_queries.tabPanel).addClass(_classNames.tabPanel);","","            tabs.each(function(node, i) {","                var panelNode = (panels) ? panels.item(i) : null;","                tabview.add({","                    boundingBox: node,","                    contentBox: + _classNames.tabLabel),","                    label: + _classNames.tabLabel).get('text'),","                    panelNode: panelNode","                });","            });","        }","    }","}, {","","    LIST_TEMPLATE: '<ul class=\"' + _classNames.tabviewList + '\"></ul>',","    PANEL_TEMPLATE: '<div class=\"' + _classNames.tabviewPanel + '\"></div>',","","    ATTRS: {","        defaultChildType: {  ","            value: 'Tab'","        },","","        listNode: {","            setter: function(node) {","                node =;","                if (node) {","                    node.addClass(_classNames.tabviewList);","                }","                return node;","            },","","            valueFn: '_defListNodeValueFn'","        },","","        panelNode: {","            setter: function(node) {","                node =;","                if (node) {","                    node.addClass(_classNames.tabviewPanel);","                }","                return node;","            },","","            valueFn: '_defPanelNodeValueFn'","        },","","        tabIndex: {","            value: null","            //validator: '_validTabIndex'","        }","    },","","    HTML_PARSER: {","        listNode: _queries.tabviewList,","        panelNode: _queries.tabviewPanel","    }","});","","Y.TabView = TabView;","var Lang = Y.Lang,","    _queries = Y.TabviewBase._queries,","    _classNames = Y.TabviewBase._classNames,","    getClassName = Y.ClassNameManager.getClassName;","","/**"," * Provides Tab instances for use with TabView"," * @param config {Object} Object literal specifying tabview configuration properties."," *"," * @class Tab"," * @constructor"," * @extends Widget"," * @uses WidgetChild"," */","Y.Tab = Y.Base.create('tab', Y.Widget, [Y.WidgetChild], {","    BOUNDING_TEMPLATE: '<li class=\"' + + '\"></li>',","    CONTENT_TEMPLATE: '<a class=\"' + _classNames.tabLabel + '\"></a>',","    PANEL_TEMPLATE: '<div class=\"' + _classNames.tabPanel + '\"></div>',","","    _uiSetSelectedPanel: function(selected) {","        this.get('panelNode').toggleClass(_classNames.selectedPanel, selected);","    },","","    _afterTabSelectedChange: function(event) {","       this._uiSetSelectedPanel(event.newVal);","    },","","    _afterParentChange: function(e) {","        if (!e.newVal) {","            this._remove();","        } else {","            this._add();","        }","    },","","    _initAria: function() {","        var anchor = this.get('contentBox'),","            id = anchor.get('id'),","            panel = this.get('panelNode');"," ","        if (!id) {","            id = Y.guid();","            anchor.set('id', id);","        }","        //  Apply the ARIA roles, states and properties to each tab","        anchor.set('role', 'tab');","        anchor.get('parentNode').set('role', 'presentation');"," "," ","        //  Apply the ARIA roles, states and properties to each panel","        panel.setAttrs({","            role: 'tabpanel',","            'aria-labelledby': id","        });","    },","","    syncUI: function() {","        this.set('label', this.get('label'));","        this.set('content', this.get('content'));","        this._uiSetSelectedPanel(this.get('selected'));","    },","","    bindUI: function() {","       this.after('selectedChange', this._afterTabSelectedChange);","       this.after('parentChange', this._afterParentChange);","    },","","    renderUI: function() {","        this._renderPanel();","        this._initAria();","    },","","    _renderPanel: function() {","        this.get('parent').get('panelNode')","            .appendChild(this.get('panelNode'));","    },","","    _add: function() {","        var parent = this.get('parent').get('contentBox'),","            list = parent.get('listNode'),","            panel = parent.get('panelNode');","","        if (list) {","            list.appendChild(this.get('boundingBox'));","        }","","        if (panel) {","            panel.appendChild(this.get('panelNode'));","        }","    },","    ","    _remove: function() {","        this.get('boundingBox').remove();","        this.get('panelNode').remove();","    },","","    _onActivate: function(e) {","         if ( === this) {","             //  Prevent the browser from navigating to the URL specified by the ","             //  anchor's href attribute.","             e.domEvent.preventDefault();","   'selected', 1);","         }","    },","    ","    initializer: function() {","       this.publish(this.get('triggerEvent'), { ","           defaultFn: this._onActivate","       });","    },","","    _defLabelSetter: function(label) {","        this.get('contentBox').setContent(label);","        return label;","    },","","    _defContentSetter: function(content) {","        this.get('panelNode').setContent(content);","        return content;","    },","","    _defContentGetter: function(content) {","        return this.get('panelNode').getContent();","    },","","    // find panel by ID mapping from label href","    _defPanelNodeValueFn: function() {","        var href = this.get('contentBox').get('href') || '',","            parent = this.get('parent'),","            hashIndex = href.indexOf('#'),","            panel;","","        href = href.substr(hashIndex);","","        if (href.charAt(0) === '#') { // in-page nav, find by ID","            panel =;","            if (panel) {","                panel.addClass(_classNames.tabPanel);","            }","        }","","        // use the one found by id, or else try matching indices","        if (!panel && parent) {","            panel = parent.get('panelNode')","                    .get('children').item(this.get('index'));","        }","","        if (!panel) { // create if none found","            panel = Y.Node.create(this.PANEL_TEMPLATE);","        }","        return panel;","    }","}, {","    ATTRS: {","        /**","         * @attribute triggerEvent","         * @default \"click\" ","         * @type String","         */","        triggerEvent: {","            value: 'click'","        },","","        /**","         * @attribute label","         * @type HTML","         */","        label: { ","            setter: '_defLabelSetter',","            validator: Lang.isString","        },","","        /**","         * @attribute content","         * @type HTML","         */","        content: {","            setter: '_defContentSetter',","            getter: '_defContentGetter'","        },","","        /**","         * @attribute panelNode","         * @type Y.Node","         */","        panelNode: {","            setter: function(node) {","                node =;","                if (node) {","                    node.addClass(_classNames.tabPanel);","                }","                return node;","            },","            valueFn: '_defPanelNodeValueFn'","        },","        ","        tabIndex: {","            value: null,","            validator: '_validTabIndex'","        }        ","","    },","","    HTML_PARSER: {","        selected: function(contentBox) {","            var ret = (this.get('boundingBox').hasClass(_classNames.selectedTab)) ?","                        1 : 0;","            return ret;","        }","    }","","});","","","}, '3.7.2', {\"requires\": [\"widget\", \"widget-parent\", \"widget-child\", \"tabview-base\", \"node-pluginhost\", \"node-focusmanager\"], \"skinnable\": true});"];
36 _yuitest_coverage["build/tabview/tabview.js"].lines = {"1":0,"9":0,"25":0,"29":0,"33":0,"37":0,"40":0,"41":0,"42":0,"43":0,"47":0,"51":0,"54":0,"55":0,"67":0,"74":0,"75":0,"76":0,"80":0,"81":0,"82":0,"83":0,"84":0,"89":0,"91":0,"92":0,"93":0,"94":0,"97":0,"99":0,"100":0,"105":0,"106":0,"107":0,"112":0,"113":0,"114":0,"119":0,"124":0,"125":0,"126":0,"127":0,"129":0,"130":0,"131":0,"152":0,"153":0,"154":0,"156":0,"164":0,"165":0,"166":0,"168":0,"186":0,"187":0,"201":0,"207":0,"211":0,"215":0,"216":0,"218":0,"223":0,"227":0,"228":0,"229":0,"232":0,"233":0,"237":0,"244":0,"245":0,"246":0,"250":0,"251":0,"255":0,"256":0,"260":0,"265":0,"269":0,"270":0,"273":0,"274":0,"279":0,"280":0,"284":0,"287":0,"288":0,"293":0,"299":0,"300":0,"304":0,"305":0,"309":0,"314":0,"319":0,"321":0,"322":0,"323":0,"324":0,"329":0,"330":0,"334":0,"335":0,"337":0,"374":0,"375":0,"376":0,"378":0,"392":0,"394":0};
37 _yuitest_coverage["build/tabview/tabview.js"].functions = {"_afterChildAdded:24":0,"_defListNodeValueFn:28":0,"_defPanelNodeValueFn:32":0,"_afterChildRemoved:36":0,"_initAria:50":0,"bindUI:62":0,"renderUI:79":0,"(anonymous 2):91":0,"_setDefSelection:87":0,"_renderListBox:104":0,"_renderPanelBox:111":0,"(anonymous 3):129":0,"_renderTabs:118":0,"setter:151":0,"setter:163":0,"_uiSetSelectedPanel:206":0,"_afterTabSelectedChange:210":0,"_afterParentChange:214":0,"_initAria:222":0,"syncUI:243":0,"bindUI:249":0,"renderUI:254":0,"_renderPanel:259":0,"_add:264":0,"_remove:278":0,"_onActivate:283":0,"initializer:292":0,"_defLabelSetter:298":0,"_defContentSetter:303":0,"_defContentGetter:308":0,"_defPanelNodeValueFn:313":0,"setter:373":0,"selected:391":0,"(anonymous 1):1":0};
38 _yuitest_coverage["build/tabview/tabview.js"].coveredLines = 109;
39 _yuitest_coverage["build/tabview/tabview.js"].coveredFunctions = 34;
40 _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 1);
41 YUI.add('tabview', function (Y, NAME) {
43 /**
44  * The TabView module 
45  *
46  * @module tabview
47  */
49 _yuitest_coverfunc("build/tabview/tabview.js", "(anonymous 1)", 1);
50 _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 9);
51 var _queries = Y.TabviewBase._queries,
52     _classNames = Y.TabviewBase._classNames,
53     DOT = '.',
54     getClassName = Y.ClassNameManager.getClassName,
56     /**
57      * Provides a tabbed widget interface 
58      * @param config {Object} Object literal specifying tabview configuration properties.
59      *
60      * @class TabView
61      * @constructor
62      * @extends Widget
63      * @uses WidgetParent
64      */
65     TabView = Y.Base.create('tabView', Y.Widget, [Y.WidgetParent], {
66     _afterChildAdded: function(e) {
67         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/tabview/tabview.js", "_afterChildAdded", 24);
68 _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 25);
69 this.get('contentBox').focusManager.refresh();
70     },
72     _defListNodeValueFn: function() {
73         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/tabview/tabview.js", "_defListNodeValueFn", 28);
74 _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 29);
75 return Y.Node.create(TabView.LIST_TEMPLATE);
76     },
78     _defPanelNodeValueFn: function() {
79         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/tabview/tabview.js", "_defPanelNodeValueFn", 32);
80 _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 33);
81 return Y.Node.create(TabView.PANEL_TEMPLATE);
82     },
84     _afterChildRemoved: function(e) { // update the selected tab when removed
85         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/tabview/tabview.js", "_afterChildRemoved", 36);
86 _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 37);
87 var i = e.index,
88             selection = this.get('selection');
90         _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 40);
91 if (!selection) { // select previous item if selection removed
92             _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 41);
93 selection = this.item(i - 1) || this.item(0);
94             _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 42);
95 if (selection) {
96                 _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 43);
97 selection.set('selected', 1);
98             }
99         }
101         _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 47);
102 this.get('contentBox').focusManager.refresh();
103     },
105     _initAria: function() {
106         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/tabview/tabview.js", "_initAria", 50);
107 _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 51);
108 var contentBox = this.get('contentBox'),
109             tablist =;
111         _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 54);
112 if (tablist) {
113             _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 55);
114 tablist.setAttrs({
115                 //'aria-labelledby': 
116                 role: 'tablist'
117             });
118         }
119     },
121     bindUI: function() {
122         //  Use the Node Focus Manager to add keyboard support:
123         //  Pressing the left and right arrow keys will move focus
124         //  among each of the tabs.
126         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/tabview/tabview.js", "bindUI", 62);
127 _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 67);
128 this.get('contentBox').plug(Y.Plugin.NodeFocusManager, {
129                         descendants: DOT + _classNames.tabLabel,
130                         keys: { next: 'down:39', // Right arrow
131                                 previous: 'down:37' },  // Left arrow
132                         circular: true
133                     });
135         _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 74);
136 this.after('render', this._setDefSelection);
137         _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 75);
138 this.after('addChild', this._afterChildAdded);
139         _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 76);
140 this.after('removeChild', this._afterChildRemoved);
141     },
143     renderUI: function() {
144         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/tabview/tabview.js", "renderUI", 79);
145 _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 80);
146 var contentBox = this.get('contentBox'); 
147         _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 81);
148 this._renderListBox(contentBox);
149         _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 82);
150 this._renderPanelBox(contentBox);
151         _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 83);
152 this._childrenContainer = this.get('listNode');
153         _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 84);
154 this._renderTabs(contentBox);
155     },
157     _setDefSelection: function(contentBox) {
158         //  If no tab is selected, select the first tab.
159         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/tabview/tabview.js", "_setDefSelection", 87);
160 _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 89);
161 var selection = this.get('selection') || this.item(0);
163         _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 91);
164 this.some(function(tab) {
165             _yuitest_coverfunc("build/tabview/tabview.js", "(anonymous 2)", 91);
166 _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 92);
167 if (tab.get('selected')) {
168                 _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 93);
169 selection = tab;
170                 _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 94);
171 return true;
172             }
173         });
174         _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 97);
175 if (selection) {
176             // TODO: why both needed? (via widgetParent/Child)?
177             _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 99);
178 this.set('selection', selection);
179             _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 100);
180 selection.set('selected', 1);
181         }
182     },
184     _renderListBox: function(contentBox) {
185         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/tabview/tabview.js", "_renderListBox", 104);
186 _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 105);
187 var node = this.get('listNode');
188         _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 106);
189 if (!node.inDoc()) {
190             _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 107);
191 contentBox.append(node);
192         }
193     },
195     _renderPanelBox: function(contentBox) {
196         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/tabview/tabview.js", "_renderPanelBox", 111);
197 _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 112);
198 var node = this.get('panelNode');
199         _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 113);
200 if (!node.inDoc()) {
201             _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 114);
202 contentBox.append(node);
203         }
204     },
206     _renderTabs: function(contentBox) {
207         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/tabview/tabview.js", "_renderTabs", 118);
208 _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 119);
209 var tabs = contentBox.all(,
210             panelNode = this.get('panelNode'),
211             panels = (panelNode) ? this.get('panelNode').get('children') : null,
212             tabview = this;
214         _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 124);
215 if (tabs) { // add classNames and fill in Tab fields from markup when possible
216             _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 125);
217 tabs.addClass(;
218             _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 126);
219 contentBox.all(_queries.tabLabel).addClass(_classNames.tabLabel);
220             _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 127);
221 contentBox.all(_queries.tabPanel).addClass(_classNames.tabPanel);
223             _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 129);
224 tabs.each(function(node, i) {
225                 _yuitest_coverfunc("build/tabview/tabview.js", "(anonymous 3)", 129);
226 _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 130);
227 var panelNode = (panels) ? panels.item(i) : null;
228                 _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 131);
229 tabview.add({
230                     boundingBox: node,
231                     contentBox: + _classNames.tabLabel),
232                     label: + _classNames.tabLabel).get('text'),
233                     panelNode: panelNode
234                 });
235             });
236         }
237     }
238 }, {
240     LIST_TEMPLATE: '<ul class="' + _classNames.tabviewList + '"></ul>',
241     PANEL_TEMPLATE: '<div class="' + _classNames.tabviewPanel + '"></div>',
243     ATTRS: {
244         defaultChildType: {  
245             value: 'Tab'
246         },
248         listNode: {
249             setter: function(node) {
250                 _yuitest_coverfunc("build/tabview/tabview.js", "setter", 151);
251 _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 152);
252 node =;
253                 _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 153);
254 if (node) {
255                     _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 154);
256 node.addClass(_classNames.tabviewList);
257                 }
258                 _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 156);
259 return node;
260             },
262             valueFn: '_defListNodeValueFn'
263         },
265         panelNode: {
266             setter: function(node) {
267                 _yuitest_coverfunc("build/tabview/tabview.js", "setter", 163);
268 _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 164);
269 node =;
270                 _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 165);
271 if (node) {
272                     _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 166);
273 node.addClass(_classNames.tabviewPanel);
274                 }
275                 _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 168);
276 return node;
277             },
279             valueFn: '_defPanelNodeValueFn'
280         },
282         tabIndex: {
283             value: null
284             //validator: '_validTabIndex'
285         }
286     },
288     HTML_PARSER: {
289         listNode: _queries.tabviewList,
290         panelNode: _queries.tabviewPanel
291     }
294 _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 186);
295 Y.TabView = TabView;
296 _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 187);
297 var Lang = Y.Lang,
298     _queries = Y.TabviewBase._queries,
299     _classNames = Y.TabviewBase._classNames,
300     getClassName = Y.ClassNameManager.getClassName;
303  * Provides Tab instances for use with TabView
304  * @param config {Object} Object literal specifying tabview configuration properties.
306  * @class Tab
307  * @constructor
308  * @extends Widget
309  * @uses WidgetChild
310  */
311 _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 201);
312 Y.Tab = Y.Base.create('tab', Y.Widget, [Y.WidgetChild], {
313     BOUNDING_TEMPLATE: '<li class="' + + '"></li>',
314     CONTENT_TEMPLATE: '<a class="' + _classNames.tabLabel + '"></a>',
315     PANEL_TEMPLATE: '<div class="' + _classNames.tabPanel + '"></div>',
317     _uiSetSelectedPanel: function(selected) {
318         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/tabview/tabview.js", "_uiSetSelectedPanel", 206);
319 _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 207);
320 this.get('panelNode').toggleClass(_classNames.selectedPanel, selected);
321     },
323     _afterTabSelectedChange: function(event) {
324        _yuitest_coverfunc("build/tabview/tabview.js", "_afterTabSelectedChange", 210);
325 _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 211);
326 this._uiSetSelectedPanel(event.newVal);
327     },
329     _afterParentChange: function(e) {
330         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/tabview/tabview.js", "_afterParentChange", 214);
331 _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 215);
332 if (!e.newVal) {
333             _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 216);
334 this._remove();
335         } else {
336             _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 218);
337 this._add();
338         }
339     },
341     _initAria: function() {
342         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/tabview/tabview.js", "_initAria", 222);
343 _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 223);
344 var anchor = this.get('contentBox'),
345             id = anchor.get('id'),
346             panel = this.get('panelNode');
348         _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 227);
349 if (!id) {
350             _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 228);
351 id = Y.guid();
352             _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 229);
353 anchor.set('id', id);
354         }
355         //  Apply the ARIA roles, states and properties to each tab
356         _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 232);
357 anchor.set('role', 'tab');
358         _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 233);
359 anchor.get('parentNode').set('role', 'presentation');
362         //  Apply the ARIA roles, states and properties to each panel
363         _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 237);
364 panel.setAttrs({
365             role: 'tabpanel',
366             'aria-labelledby': id
367         });
368     },
370     syncUI: function() {
371         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/tabview/tabview.js", "syncUI", 243);
372 _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 244);
373 this.set('label', this.get('label'));
374         _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 245);
375 this.set('content', this.get('content'));
376         _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 246);
377 this._uiSetSelectedPanel(this.get('selected'));
378     },
380     bindUI: function() {
381        _yuitest_coverfunc("build/tabview/tabview.js", "bindUI", 249);
382 _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 250);
383 this.after('selectedChange', this._afterTabSelectedChange);
384        _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 251);
385 this.after('parentChange', this._afterParentChange);
386     },
388     renderUI: function() {
389         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/tabview/tabview.js", "renderUI", 254);
390 _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 255);
391 this._renderPanel();
392         _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 256);
393 this._initAria();
394     },
396     _renderPanel: function() {
397         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/tabview/tabview.js", "_renderPanel", 259);
398 _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 260);
399 this.get('parent').get('panelNode')
400             .appendChild(this.get('panelNode'));
401     },
403     _add: function() {
404         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/tabview/tabview.js", "_add", 264);
405 _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 265);
406 var parent = this.get('parent').get('contentBox'),
407             list = parent.get('listNode'),
408             panel = parent.get('panelNode');
410         _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 269);
411 if (list) {
412             _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 270);
413 list.appendChild(this.get('boundingBox'));
414         }
416         _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 273);
417 if (panel) {
418             _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 274);
419 panel.appendChild(this.get('panelNode'));
420         }
421     },
423     _remove: function() {
424         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/tabview/tabview.js", "_remove", 278);
425 _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 279);
426 this.get('boundingBox').remove();
427         _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 280);
428 this.get('panelNode').remove();
429     },
431     _onActivate: function(e) {
432          _yuitest_coverfunc("build/tabview/tabview.js", "_onActivate", 283);
433 _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 284);
434 if ( === this) {
435              //  Prevent the browser from navigating to the URL specified by the 
436              //  anchor's href attribute.
437              _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 287);
438 e.domEvent.preventDefault();
439              _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 288);
440'selected', 1);
441          }
442     },
444     initializer: function() {
445        _yuitest_coverfunc("build/tabview/tabview.js", "initializer", 292);
446 _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 293);
447 this.publish(this.get('triggerEvent'), { 
448            defaultFn: this._onActivate
449        });
450     },
452     _defLabelSetter: function(label) {
453         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/tabview/tabview.js", "_defLabelSetter", 298);
454 _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 299);
455 this.get('contentBox').setContent(label);
456         _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 300);
457 return label;
458     },
460     _defContentSetter: function(content) {
461         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/tabview/tabview.js", "_defContentSetter", 303);
462 _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 304);
463 this.get('panelNode').setContent(content);
464         _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 305);
465 return content;
466     },
468     _defContentGetter: function(content) {
469         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/tabview/tabview.js", "_defContentGetter", 308);
470 _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 309);
471 return this.get('panelNode').getContent();
472     },
474     // find panel by ID mapping from label href
475     _defPanelNodeValueFn: function() {
476         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/tabview/tabview.js", "_defPanelNodeValueFn", 313);
477 _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 314);
478 var href = this.get('contentBox').get('href') || '',
479             parent = this.get('parent'),
480             hashIndex = href.indexOf('#'),
481             panel;
483         _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 319);
484 href = href.substr(hashIndex);
486         _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 321);
487 if (href.charAt(0) === '#') { // in-page nav, find by ID
488             _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 322);
489 panel =;
490             _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 323);
491 if (panel) {
492                 _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 324);
493 panel.addClass(_classNames.tabPanel);
494             }
495         }
497         // use the one found by id, or else try matching indices
498         _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 329);
499 if (!panel && parent) {
500             _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 330);
501 panel = parent.get('panelNode')
502                     .get('children').item(this.get('index'));
503         }
505         _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 334);
506 if (!panel) { // create if none found
507             _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 335);
508 panel = Y.Node.create(this.PANEL_TEMPLATE);
509         }
510         _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 337);
511 return panel;
512     }
513 }, {
514     ATTRS: {
515         /**
516          * @attribute triggerEvent
517          * @default "click" 
518          * @type String
519          */
520         triggerEvent: {
521             value: 'click'
522         },
524         /**
525          * @attribute label
526          * @type HTML
527          */
528         label: { 
529             setter: '_defLabelSetter',
530             validator: Lang.isString
531         },
533         /**
534          * @attribute content
535          * @type HTML
536          */
537         content: {
538             setter: '_defContentSetter',
539             getter: '_defContentGetter'
540         },
542         /**
543          * @attribute panelNode
544          * @type Y.Node
545          */
546         panelNode: {
547             setter: function(node) {
548                 _yuitest_coverfunc("build/tabview/tabview.js", "setter", 373);
549 _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 374);
550 node =;
551                 _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 375);
552 if (node) {
553                     _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 376);
554 node.addClass(_classNames.tabPanel);
555                 }
556                 _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 378);
557 return node;
558             },
559             valueFn: '_defPanelNodeValueFn'
560         },
562         tabIndex: {
563             value: null,
564             validator: '_validTabIndex'
565         }        
567     },
569     HTML_PARSER: {
570         selected: function(contentBox) {
571             _yuitest_coverfunc("build/tabview/tabview.js", "selected", 391);
572 _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 392);
573 var ret = (this.get('boundingBox').hasClass(_classNames.selectedTab)) ?
574                         1 : 0;
575             _yuitest_coverline("build/tabview/tabview.js", 394);
576 return ret;
577         }
578     }
583 }, '3.7.2', {"requires": ["widget", "widget-parent", "widget-child", "tabview-base", "node-pluginhost", "node-focusmanager"], "skinnable": true});