weekly release 2.4dev
[moodle.git] / lib / yuilib / 3.7.1 / build / resize-base / resize-base-coverage.js
1 /*
2 YUI 3.7.1 (build 5627)
3 Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
4 Licensed under the BSD License.
5 http://yuilibrary.com/license/
6 */
7 if (typeof _yuitest_coverage == "undefined"){
8     _yuitest_coverage = {};
9     _yuitest_coverline = function(src, line){
10         var coverage = _yuitest_coverage[src];
11         if (!coverage.lines[line]){
12             coverage.calledLines++;
13         }
14         coverage.lines[line]++;
15     };
16     _yuitest_coverfunc = function(src, name, line){
17         var coverage = _yuitest_coverage[src],
18             funcId = name + ":" + line;
19         if (!coverage.functions[funcId]){
20             coverage.calledFunctions++;
21         }
22         coverage.functions[funcId]++;
23     };
25 _yuitest_coverage["build/resize-base/resize-base.js"] = {
26     lines: {},
27     functions: {},
28     coveredLines: 0,
29     calledLines: 0,
30     coveredFunctions: 0,
31     calledFunctions: 0,
32     path: "build/resize-base/resize-base.js",
33     code: []
35 _yuitest_coverage["build/resize-base/resize-base.js"].code=["YUI.add('resize-base', function (Y, NAME) {","","/**"," * The Resize Utility allows you to make an HTML element resizable."," * @module resize"," * @main resize"," */","","var Lang = Y.Lang,","  isArray = Lang.isArray,","      isBoolean = Lang.isBoolean,","  isNumber = Lang.isNumber,","    isString = Lang.isString,",""," YArray  = Y.Array,","   trim = Lang.trim,","    indexOf = YArray.indexOf,",""," COMMA = ',',"," DOT = '.',","   EMPTY_STR = '',","      HANDLE_SUB = '{handle}',","     SPACE = ' ',","","      ACTIVE = 'active',","   ACTIVE_HANDLE = 'activeHandle',","      ACTIVE_HANDLE_NODE = 'activeHandleNode',","     ALL = 'all',"," AUTO_HIDE = 'autoHide',","      BORDER = 'border',","   BOTTOM = 'bottom',","   CLASS_NAME = 'className',","    COLOR = 'color',","     DEF_MIN_HEIGHT = 'defMinHeight',","     DEF_MIN_WIDTH = 'defMinWidth',","       HANDLE = 'handle',","   HANDLES = 'handles',"," HANDLES_WRAPPER = 'handlesWrapper',","  HIDDEN = 'hidden',","   INNER = 'inner',","     LEFT = 'left',","       MARGIN = 'margin',","   NODE = 'node',","       NODE_NAME = 'nodeName',","      NONE = 'none',","       OFFSET_HEIGHT = 'offsetHeight',","      OFFSET_WIDTH = 'offsetWidth',","        PADDING = 'padding',"," PARENT_NODE = 'parentNode',","  POSITION = 'position',","       RELATIVE = 'relative',","       RESIZE = 'resize',","   RESIZING = 'resizing',","       RIGHT = 'right',","     STATIC = 'static',","   STYLE = 'style',","     TOP = 'top',"," WIDTH = 'width',","     WRAP = 'wrap',","       WRAPPER = 'wrapper',"," WRAP_TYPES = 'wrapTypes',",""," EV_MOUSE_UP = 'resize:mouseUp',","      EV_RESIZE = 'resize:resize',"," EV_RESIZE_ALIGN = 'resize:align',","    EV_RESIZE_END = 'resize:end',","        EV_RESIZE_START = 'resize:start',",""," T = 't',","     TR = 'tr',","   R = 'r',","     BR = 'br',","   B = 'b',","     BL = 'bl',","   L = 'l',","     TL = 'tl',","","        concat = function() {","                return Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments).join(SPACE);","    },","","        // round the passed number to get rid of pixel-flickering","    toRoundNumber = function(num) {","              return Math.round(parseFloat(num)) || 0;","     },","","        getCompStyle = function(node, val) {","         return node.getComputedStyle(val);","   },","","        handleAttrName = function(handle) {","          return HANDLE + handle.toUpperCase();","        },","","        isNode = function(v) {","               return (v instanceof Y.Node);","        },","","        toInitialCap = Y.cached(","             function(str) {","                      return str.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + str.substring(1);","         }","    ),","","        capitalize = Y.cached(function() {","           var out = [],","                        args = YArray(arguments, 0, true);","","                YArray.each(args, function(part, i) {","                        if (i > 0) {","                         part = toInitialCap(part);","                   }","                    out.push(part);","              });","","               return out.join(EMPTY_STR);","  }),","","       getCN = Y.ClassNameManager.getClassName,","","  CSS_RESIZE = getCN(RESIZE),","  CSS_RESIZE_HANDLE = getCN(RESIZE, HANDLE),","   CSS_RESIZE_HANDLE_ACTIVE = getCN(RESIZE, HANDLE, ACTIVE),","    CSS_RESIZE_HANDLE_INNER = getCN(RESIZE, HANDLE, INNER),","      CSS_RESIZE_HANDLE_INNER_PLACEHOLDER = getCN(RESIZE, HANDLE, INNER, HANDLE_SUB),","      CSS_RESIZE_HANDLE_PLACEHOLDER = getCN(RESIZE, HANDLE, HANDLE_SUB),","   CSS_RESIZE_HIDDEN_HANDLES = getCN(RESIZE, HIDDEN, HANDLES),","  CSS_RESIZE_HANDLES_WRAPPER = getCN(RESIZE, HANDLES, WRAPPER),","        CSS_RESIZE_WRAPPER = getCN(RESIZE, WRAPPER);","","/**","A base class for Resize, providing:","","   * Basic Lifecycle (initializer, renderUI, bindUI, syncUI, destructor)","   * Applies drag handles to an element to make it resizable","   * Here is the list of valid resize handles:","       `[ 't', 'tr', 'r', 'br', 'b', 'bl', 'l', 'tl' ]`. You can","       read this list as top, top-right, right, bottom-right, bottom,","       bottom-left, left, top-left.","   * The drag handles are inserted into the element and positioned","       absolute. Some elements, such as a textarea or image, don't support","       children. To overcome that, set wrap:true in your config and the","       element willbe wrapped for you automatically.","","Quick Example:","","    var instance = new Y.Resize({","        node: '#resize1',","        preserveRatio: true,","        wrap: true,","        maxHeight: 170,","        maxWidth: 400,","        handles: 't, tr, r, br, b, bl, l, tl'","    });","","Check the list of <a href=\"Resize.html#configattributes\">Configuration Attributes</a> available for","Resize.","","@class Resize","@param config {Object} Object literal specifying widget configuration properties.","@constructor","@extends Base","*/","","function Resize() {","    Resize.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);","}","","Y.mix(Resize, {"," /**","   * Static property provides a string to identify the class.","   *","    * @property NAME","     * @type String","       * @static","    */","  NAME: RESIZE,","","     /**","   * Static property used to define the default attribute","       * configuration for the Resize.","      *","    * @property ATTRS","    * @type Object","       * @static","    */","  ATTRS: {","             /**","           * Stores the active handle during the resize.","                *","            * @attribute activeHandle","            * @default null","              * @private","           * @type String","               */","          activeHandle: {","                      value: null,","                 validator: function(v) {","                return Y.Lang.isString(v) || Y.Lang.isNull(v);","            }","            },","","                /**","           * Stores the active handle element during the resize.","                *","            * @attribute activeHandleNode","                * @default null","              * @private","           * @type Node","                 */","          activeHandleNode: {","                  value: null,","                 validator: isNode","            },","","                /**","         * False to ensure that the resize handles are always visible, true to","         * display them only when the user mouses over the resizable borders.","          *","            * @attribute autoHide","                * @default false","             * @type boolean","              */","          autoHide: {","                  value: false,","                        validator: isBoolean","         },","","                /**","         * The default minimum height of the element. Only used when","            * ResizeConstrained is not plugged.","         *","         * @attribute defMinHeight","         * @default 15","         * @type Number","         */","              defMinHeight: {","                      value: 15,","                   validator: isNumber","          },","","                /**","         * The default minimum width of the element. Only used when","             * ResizeConstrained is not plugged.","         *","         * @attribute defMinWidth","         * @default 15","         * @type Number","         */","               defMinWidth: {","                       value: 15,","                   validator: isNumber","          },","","        /**","         * The handles to use (any combination of): 't', 'b', 'r', 'l', 'bl',","         * 'br', 'tl', 'tr'. Can use a shortcut of All.","         *","         * @attribute handles","         * @default all","         * @type Array | String","         */","         handles: {","                   setter: '_setHandles',","                       value: ALL","           },","","        /**","         * Node to wrap the resize handles.","         *","         * @attribute handlesWrapper","         * @type Node","         */","          handlesWrapper: {","                    readOnly: true,","                      setter: Y.one,","                       valueFn: '_valueHandlesWrapper'","              },","","                /**","         * The selector or element to resize. Required.","         *","         * @attribute node","         * @type Node","         */","                node: {","                      setter: Y.one","                },","","                /**","         * True when the element is being Resized.","         *","         * @attribute resizing","         * @default false","         * @type boolean","         */","          resizing: {","                  value: false,","                        validator: isBoolean","         },","","                /**","           * True to wrap an element with a div if needed (required for textareas","         * and images, defaults to false) in favor of the handles config option.","         * The wrapper element type (default div) could be over-riden passing the","         * <code>wrapper</code> attribute.","           *","            * @attribute wrap","            * @default false","             * @type boolean","              */","          wrap: {","                      setter: '_setWrap',","                  value: false,","                        validator: isBoolean","         },","","                /**","           * Elements that requires a wrapper by default. Normally are elements","         * which cannot have children elements.","               *","            * @attribute wrapTypes","               * @default /canvas|textarea|input|select|button|img/i","                * @readOnly","          * @type Regex","                */","          wrapTypes: {","                 readOnly: true,","                      value: /^canvas|textarea|input|select|button|img|iframe|table|embed$/i","               },","","                /**","           * Element to wrap the <code>wrapTypes</code>. This element will house","         * the handles elements.","             *","            * @attribute wrapper","                 * @default div","               * @type String | Node","                * @writeOnce","                 */","          wrapper: {","                   readOnly: true,","                      valueFn: '_valueWrapper',","                    writeOnce: true","              }","    },","","        RULES: {","             b: function(instance, dx, dy) {","                      var info = instance.info,","                            originalInfo = instance.originalInfo;","","                     info.offsetHeight = originalInfo.offsetHeight + dy;","          },","","                l: function(instance, dx, dy) {","                      var info = instance.info,","                            originalInfo = instance.originalInfo;","","                     info.left = originalInfo.left + dx;","                  info.offsetWidth = originalInfo.offsetWidth - dx;","            },","","                r: function(instance, dx, dy) {","                      var info = instance.info,","                            originalInfo = instance.originalInfo;","","                     info.offsetWidth = originalInfo.offsetWidth + dx;","            },","","                t: function(instance, dx, dy) {","                      var info = instance.info,","                            originalInfo = instance.originalInfo;","","                     info.top = originalInfo.top + dy;","                    info.offsetHeight = originalInfo.offsetHeight - dy;","          },","","                tr: function(instance, dx, dy) {","                     this.t.apply(this, arguments);","                       this.r.apply(this, arguments);","               },","","                bl: function(instance, dx, dy) {","                     this.b.apply(this, arguments);","                       this.l.apply(this, arguments);","               },","","                br: function(instance, dx, dy) {","                     this.b.apply(this, arguments);","                       this.r.apply(this, arguments);","               },","","                tl: function(instance, dx, dy) {","                     this.t.apply(this, arguments);","                       this.l.apply(this, arguments);","               }","    },","","        capitalize: capitalize","});","","Y.Resize = Y.extend(","       Resize,","      Y.Base,","      {","            /**","       * Array containing all possible resizable handles.","           *","            * @property ALL_HANDLES","      * @type {String}","             */","              ALL_HANDLES: [ T, TR, R, BR, B, BL, L, TL ],","","              /**","       * Regex which matches with the handles that could change the height of","           * the resizable element.","         *","            * @property REGEX_CHANGE_HEIGHT","      * @type {String}","             */","              REGEX_CHANGE_HEIGHT: /^(t|tr|b|bl|br|tl)$/i,","","              /**","       * Regex which matches with the handles that could change the left of","             * the resizable element.","         *","            * @property REGEX_CHANGE_LEFT","        * @type {String}","             */","              REGEX_CHANGE_LEFT: /^(tl|l|bl)$/i,","","                /**","       * Regex which matches with the handles that could change the top of","              * the resizable element.","         *","            * @property REGEX_CHANGE_TOP","         * @type {String}","             */","              REGEX_CHANGE_TOP: /^(tl|t|tr)$/i,","","         /**","       * Regex which matches with the handles that could change the width of","            * the resizable element.","         *","            * @property REGEX_CHANGE_WIDTH","       * @type {String}","             */","              REGEX_CHANGE_WIDTH: /^(bl|br|l|r|tl|tr)$/i,","","               /**","       * Template used to create the resize wrapper for the handles.","        *","            * @property HANDLES_WRAP_TEMPLATE","            * @type {String}","             */","              HANDLES_WRAP_TEMPLATE: '<div class=\"'+CSS_RESIZE_HANDLES_WRAPPER+'\"></div>',","","            /**","       * Template used to create the resize wrapper node when needed.","       *","            * @property WRAP_TEMPLATE","            * @type {String}","             */","              WRAP_TEMPLATE: '<div class=\"'+CSS_RESIZE_WRAPPER+'\"></div>',","","            /**","       * Template used to create each resize handle.","        *","            * @property HANDLE_TEMPLATE","          * @type {String}","             */","              HANDLE_TEMPLATE: '<div class=\"'+concat(CSS_RESIZE_HANDLE, CSS_RESIZE_HANDLE_PLACEHOLDER)+'\">' +","                                                    '<div class=\"'+concat(CSS_RESIZE_HANDLE_INNER, CSS_RESIZE_HANDLE_INNER_PLACEHOLDER)+'\">&nbsp;</div>' +","                                             '</div>',","","","              /**","           * Each box has a content area and optional surrounding padding and","           * border areas. This property stores the sum of all horizontal","               * surrounding * information needed to adjust the node height.","                *","            * @property totalHSurrounding","                * @default 0","                 * @type number","               */","          totalHSurrounding: 0,","","             /**","           * Each box has a content area and optional surrounding padding and","           * border areas. This property stores the sum of all vertical","                 * surrounding * information needed to adjust the node height.","                *","            * @property totalVSurrounding","                * @default 0","                 * @type number","               */","          totalVSurrounding: 0,","","             /**","           * Stores the <a href=\"Resize.html#attr_node\">node</a>","              * surrounding information retrieved from","             * <a href=\"Resize.html#method__getBoxSurroundingInfo\">_getBoxSurroundingInfo</a>.","          *","            * @property nodeSurrounding","          * @type Object","               * @default null","              */","          nodeSurrounding: null,","","            /**","           * Stores the <a href=\"Resize.html#attr_wrapper\">wrapper</a>","                * surrounding information retrieved from","             * <a href=\"Resize.html#method__getBoxSurroundingInfo\">_getBoxSurroundingInfo</a>.","          *","            * @property wrapperSurrounding","               * @type Object","               * @default null","              */","          wrapperSurrounding: null,","","         /**","           * Whether the handle being dragged can change the height.","            *","            * @property changeHeightHandles","              * @default false","             * @type boolean","              */","          changeHeightHandles: false,","","               /**","           * Whether the handle being dragged can change the left.","              *","            * @property changeLeftHandles","                * @default false","             * @type boolean","              */","          changeLeftHandles: false,","","         /**","           * Whether the handle being dragged can change the top.","               *","            * @property changeTopHandles","                 * @default false","             * @type boolean","              */","          changeTopHandles: false,","","          /**","           * Whether the handle being dragged can change the width.","             *","            * @property changeWidthHandles","               * @default false","             * @type boolean","              */","          changeWidthHandles: false,","","                /**","           * Store DD.Delegate reference for the respective Resize instance.","            *","            * @property delegate","                 * @default null","              * @type Object","               */","          delegate: null,","","       /**","           * Stores the current values for the height, width, top and left. You are","             * able to manipulate these values on resize in order to change the resize","            * behavior.","          *","            * @property info","             * @type Object","       * @protected","         */","              info: null,","","               /**","       * Stores the last values for the height, width, top and left.","        *","            * @property lastInfo","         * @type Object","       * @protected","         */","              lastInfo: null,","","       /**","           * Stores the original values for the height, width, top and left, stored","             * on resize start.","           *","            * @property originalInfo","             * @type Object","       * @protected","         */","              originalInfo: null,","","           /**","           * Construction logic executed during Resize instantiation. Lifecycle.","        *","            * @method initializer","        * @protected","         */","              initializer: function() {","                    this._eventHandles = [];","","                  this.renderer();","             },","","            /**","           * Create the DOM structure for the Resize. Lifecycle.","        *","            * @method renderUI","           * @protected","         */","              renderUI: function() {","                       var instance = this;","","                      instance._renderHandles();","           },","","            /**","           * Bind the events on the Resize UI. Lifecycle.","       *","            * @method bindUI","             * @protected","         */","              bindUI: function() {","                 var instance = this;","","                      instance._createEvents();","                    instance._bindDD();","                  instance._bindHandle();","              },","","            /**","           * Sync the Resize UI.","        *","            * @method syncUI","             * @protected","         */","              syncUI: function() {","                 var instance = this;","","                      this.get(NODE).addClass(CSS_RESIZE);","","                      // hide handles if AUTO_HIDE is true","                 instance._setHideHandlesUI(","                          instance.get(AUTO_HIDE)","                      );","           },","","            /**","           * Destructor lifecycle implementation for the Resize class.","          * Detaches all previously attached listeners and removes the Resize handles.","         *","            * @method destructor","         * @protected","         */","              destructor: function() {","                     var instance = this,","                         node = instance.get(NODE),","                           wrapper = instance.get(WRAPPER),","                             pNode = wrapper.get(PARENT_NODE);","","                 Y.each(","                              instance._eventHandles,","                              function(handle, index) {","                                    handle.detach();","                             }","                    );","","                        instance._eventHandles.length = 0;","","                        // destroy handles dd and remove them from the dom","                   instance.eachHandle(function(handleEl) {","                             instance.delegate.dd.destroy();","","                           // remove handle","                             handleEl.remove(true);","                       });","","                       instance.delegate.destroy();","","                      // unwrap node","                       if (instance.get(WRAP)) {","                            instance._copyStyles(wrapper, node);","","                              if (pNode) {","                                 pNode.insertBefore(node, wrapper);","                           }","","                         wrapper.remove(true);","                        }","","                 node.removeClass(CSS_RESIZE);","                        node.removeClass(CSS_RESIZE_HIDDEN_HANDLES);","         },","","            /**","           * Creates DOM (or manipulates DOM for progressive enhancement)","       * This method is invoked by initializer(). It's chained automatically for","            * subclasses if required.","            *","            * @method renderer","           * @protected","         */","          renderer: function() {","           this.renderUI();","             this.bindUI();","               this.syncUI();","           },","","        /**","           * <p>Loop through each handle which is being used and executes a callback.</p>","       * <p>Example:</p>","            * <pre><code>instance.eachHandle(","                *      function(handleName, index) { ... }","           *  );</code></pre>","       *","            * @method eachHandle","         * @param {function} fn Callback function to be executed for each handle.","             */","              eachHandle: function(fn) {","                   var instance = this;","","                      Y.each(","                              instance.get(HANDLES),","                               function(handle, i) {","                                        var handleEl = instance.get(","                                         handleAttrName(handle)","                                       );","","                                        fn.apply(instance, [handleEl, handle, i]);","                           }","                    );","           },","","            /**","           * Bind the handles DragDrop events to the Resize instance.","           *","            * @method _bindDD","            * @private","           */","              _bindDD: function() {","                        var instance = this;","","                      instance.delegate = new Y.DD.Delegate(","                               {","                                    bubbleTargets: instance,","                                     container: instance.get(HANDLES_WRAPPER),","                                    dragConfig: {","                                                clickPixelThresh: 0,","                                         clickTimeThresh: 0,","                                          useShim: true,","                                               move: false","                                  },","                                   nodes: DOT+CSS_RESIZE_HANDLE,","                                        target: false","                                }","                    );","","                        instance._eventHandles.push(","                         instance.on('drag:drag', instance._handleResizeEvent),","                               instance.on('drag:dropmiss', instance._handleMouseUpEvent),","                          instance.on('drag:end', instance._handleResizeEndEvent),","                             instance.on('drag:start', instance._handleResizeStartEvent)","                  );","           },","","            /**","           * Bind the events related to the handles (_onHandleMouseEnter, _onHandleMouseLeave).","         *","            * @method _bindHandle","        * @private","           */","              _bindHandle: function() {","                    var instance = this,","                         wrapper = instance.get(WRAPPER);","","                  instance._eventHandles.push(","                         wrapper.on('mouseenter', Y.bind(instance._onWrapperMouseEnter, instance)),","                           wrapper.on('mouseleave', Y.bind(instance._onWrapperMouseLeave, instance)),","                           wrapper.delegate('mouseenter', Y.bind(instance._onHandleMouseEnter, instance), DOT+CSS_RESIZE_HANDLE),","                               wrapper.delegate('mouseleave', Y.bind(instance._onHandleMouseLeave, instance), DOT+CSS_RESIZE_HANDLE)","                        );","           },","","            /**","           * Create the custom events used on the Resize.","       *","            * @method _createEvents","      * @private","           */","              _createEvents: function() {","                  var instance = this,","                         // create publish function for kweight optimization","                          publish = function(name, fn) {","                                       instance.publish(name, {","                                             defaultFn: fn,","                                               queuable: false,","                                             emitFacade: true,","                                            bubbles: true,","                                               prefix: RESIZE","                                       });","                          };","","                        /**","                   * Handles the resize start event. Fired when a handle starts to be","           * dragged.","                   *","            * @event resize:start","                * @preventable _defResizeStartFn","             * @param {Event.Facade} event The resize start event.","                * @bubbles Resize","            * @type {Event.Custom}","               */","                  publish(EV_RESIZE_START, this._defResizeStartFn);","","                 /**","                   * Handles the resize event. Fired on each pixel when the handle is","           * being dragged.","                     *","            * @event resize:resize","               * @preventable _defResizeFn","          * @param {Event.Facade} event The resize event.","              * @bubbles Resize","            * @type {Event.Custom}","               */","                  publish(EV_RESIZE, this._defResizeFn);","","                    /**","                   * Handles the resize align event.","                    *","            * @event resize:align","                * @preventable _defResizeAlignFn","             * @param {Event.Facade} event The resize align event.","                * @bubbles Resize","            * @type {Event.Custom}","               */","                  publish(EV_RESIZE_ALIGN, this._defResizeAlignFn);","","                 /**","                   * Handles the resize end event. Fired when a handle stop to be","               * dragged.","                   *","            * @event resize:end","          * @preventable _defResizeEndFn","               * @param {Event.Facade} event The resize end event.","          * @bubbles Resize","            * @type {Event.Custom}","               */","                  publish(EV_RESIZE_END, this._defResizeEndFn);","","                     /**","                   * Handles the resize mouseUp event. Fired when a mouseUp event happens on a","          * handle.","                    *","            * @event resize:mouseUp","              * @preventable _defMouseUpFn","                 * @param {Event.Facade} event The resize mouseUp event.","              * @bubbles Resize","            * @type {Event.Custom}","               */","                  publish(EV_MOUSE_UP, this._defMouseUpFn);","            },","","            /**","            * Responsible for loop each handle element and append to the wrapper.","        *","            * @method _renderHandles","             * @protected","         */","             _renderHandles: function() {","                 var instance = this,","                         wrapper = instance.get(WRAPPER),","                             handlesWrapper = instance.get(HANDLES_WRAPPER);","","                   instance.eachHandle(function(handleEl) {","                             handlesWrapper.append(handleEl);","                     });","","                       wrapper.append(handlesWrapper);","              },","","            /**","           * Creates the handle element based on the handle name and initialize the","             * DragDrop on it.","            *","            * @method _buildHandle","       * @param {String} handle Handle name ('t', 'tr', 'b', ...).","          * @protected","         */","              _buildHandle: function(handle) {","                     var instance = this;","","                      return Y.Node.create(","                                Y.Lang.sub(instance.HANDLE_TEMPLATE, {","                                       handle: handle","                               })","                   );","           },","","            /**","           * Basic resize calculations.","         *","            * @method _calcResize","        * @protected","         */","              _calcResize: function() {","                    var instance = this,","                         handle = instance.handle,","                            info = instance.info,","                                originalInfo = instance.originalInfo,","","                             dx = info.actXY[0] - originalInfo.actXY[0],","                          dy = info.actXY[1] - originalInfo.actXY[1];","","            if (handle && Y.Resize.RULES[handle]) {","                     Y.Resize.RULES[handle](instance, dx, dy);","            }","                        else {","                       }","            },","","                /**","       * Helper method to update the current size value on","          * <a href=\"Resize.html#property_info\">info</a> to respect the","      * min/max values and fix the top/left calculations.","              *","            * @method _checkSize","                 * @param {String} offset 'offsetHeight' or 'offsetWidth'","             * @param {number} size Size to restrict the offset","           * @protected","                 */","          _checkSize: function(offset, size) {","                 var instance = this,","                         info = instance.info,","                                originalInfo = instance.originalInfo,","                                axis = (offset == OFFSET_HEIGHT) ? TOP : LEFT;","","                    // forcing the offsetHeight/offsetWidth to be the passed size","                        info[offset] = size;","","                      // predicting, based on the original information, the last left valid in case of reach the min/max dimension","                 // this calculation avoid browser event leaks when user interact very fast","                   if (((axis == LEFT) && instance.changeLeftHandles) ||","                                ((axis == TOP) && instance.changeTopHandles)) {","","                           info[axis] = originalInfo[axis] + originalInfo[offset] - size;","                       }","            },","","            /**","           * Copy relevant styles of the <a href=\"Resize.html#attr_node\">node</a>","             * to the <a href=\"Resize.html#attr_wrapper\">wrapper</a>.","           *","            * @method _copyStyles","        * @param {Node} node Node from.","      * @param {Node} wrapper Node to.","             * @protected","         */","              _copyStyles: function(node, wrapper) {","                       var position = node.getStyle(POSITION).toLowerCase(),","                                surrounding = this._getBoxSurroundingInfo(node),","                             wrapperStyle;","","                     // resizable wrapper should be positioned","                    if (position == STATIC) {","                            position = RELATIVE;","                 }","","                 wrapperStyle = {","                             position: position,","                          left: getCompStyle(node, LEFT),","                              top: getCompStyle(node, TOP)","                 };","","                        Y.mix(wrapperStyle, surrounding.margin);","                     Y.mix(wrapperStyle, surrounding.border);","","                  wrapper.setStyles(wrapperStyle);","","                  // remove margin and border from the internal node","                   node.setStyles({ border: 0, margin: 0 });","","                 wrapper.sizeTo(","                              node.get(OFFSET_WIDTH) + surrounding.totalHBorder,","                           node.get(OFFSET_HEIGHT) + surrounding.totalVBorder","                   );","           },","","                // extract handle name from a string","         // using Y.cached to memoize the function for performance","            _extractHandleName: Y.cached(","                        function(node) {","                             var className = node.get(CLASS_NAME),","","                                     match = className.match(","                                             new RegExp(","                                                  getCN(RESIZE, HANDLE, '(\\\\w{1,2})\\\\b')","                                           )","                                    );","","                                return match ? match[1] : null;","                      }","            ),","","            /**","           * <p>Generates metadata to the <a href=\"Resize.html#property_info\">info</a>","        * and <a href=\"Resize.html#property_originalInfo\">originalInfo</a></p>","             * <pre><code>bottom, actXY, left, top, offsetHeight, offsetWidth, right</code></pre>","         *","            * @method _getInfo","           * @param {Node} node","         * @param {EventFacade} event","         * @private","           */","              _getInfo: function(node, event) {","                    var actXY = [0,0],","                           drag = event.dragEvent.target,","                               nodeXY = node.getXY(),","                               nodeX = nodeXY[0],","                           nodeY = nodeXY[1],","                           offsetHeight = node.get(OFFSET_HEIGHT),","                              offsetWidth = node.get(OFFSET_WIDTH);","","                     if (event) {","                         // the xy that the node will be set to. Changing this will alter the position as it's dragged.","                               actXY = (drag.actXY.length ? drag.actXY : drag.lastXY);","                      }","","                 return {","                             actXY: actXY,","                                bottom: (nodeY + offsetHeight),","                              left: nodeX,","                         offsetHeight: offsetHeight,","                          offsetWidth: offsetWidth,","                            right: (nodeX + offsetWidth),","                                top: nodeY","                   };","           },","","                /**","           * Each box has a content area and optional surrounding margin,","               * padding and * border areas. This method get all this information from","              * the passed node. For more reference see","            * <a href=\"http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/box.html#box-dimensions\">","            * http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/box.html#box-dimensions</a>.","            *","            * @method _getBoxSurroundingInfo","             * @param {Node} node","                 * @private","           * @return {Object}","           */","          _getBoxSurroundingInfo: function(node) {","                     var     info = {","                             padding: {},","                         margin: {},","                          border: {}","                   };","","                        if (isNode(node)) {","                          Y.each([ TOP, RIGHT, BOTTOM, LEFT ], function(dir) {","                                 var paddingProperty = capitalize(PADDING, dir),","                                              marginProperty = capitalize(MARGIN, dir),","                                            borderWidthProperty = capitalize(BORDER, dir, WIDTH),","                                                borderColorProperty = capitalize(BORDER, dir, COLOR),","                                                borderStyleProperty = capitalize(BORDER, dir, STYLE);","","                                     info.border[borderColorProperty] = getCompStyle(node, borderColorProperty);","                                  info.border[borderStyleProperty] = getCompStyle(node, borderStyleProperty);","                                  info.border[borderWidthProperty] = getCompStyle(node, borderWidthProperty);","                                  info.margin[marginProperty] = getCompStyle(node, marginProperty);","                                    info.padding[paddingProperty] = getCompStyle(node, paddingProperty);","                         });","                  }","","                 info.totalHBorder = (toRoundNumber(info.border.borderLeftWidth) + toRoundNumber(info.border.borderRightWidth));","                      info.totalHPadding = (toRoundNumber(info.padding.paddingLeft) + toRoundNumber(info.padding.paddingRight));","                   info.totalVBorder = (toRoundNumber(info.border.borderBottomWidth) + toRoundNumber(info.border.borderTopWidth));","                      info.totalVPadding = (toRoundNumber(info.padding.paddingBottom) + toRoundNumber(info.padding.paddingTop));","","                        return info;","         },","","                /**","       * Sync the Resize UI with internal values from","       * <a href=\"Resize.html#property_info\">info</a>.","            *","            * @method _syncUI","            * @protected","         */","              _syncUI: function() {","                        var instance = this,","                         info = instance.info,","                                wrapperSurrounding = instance.wrapperSurrounding,","                            wrapper = instance.get(WRAPPER),","                             node = instance.get(NODE);","","                        wrapper.sizeTo(info.offsetWidth, info.offsetHeight);","","                      if (instance.changeLeftHandles || instance.changeTopHandles) {","                               wrapper.setXY([info.left, info.top]);","                        }","","                 // if a wrap node is being used","                      if (!wrapper.compareTo(node)) {","                              // the original internal node borders were copied to the wrapper on _copyStyles, to compensate that subtract the borders from the internal node","                              node.sizeTo(","                                 info.offsetWidth - wrapperSurrounding.totalHBorder,","                                  info.offsetHeight - wrapperSurrounding.totalVBorder","                          );","                   }","","                 // prevent webkit textarea resize","                    if (Y.UA.webkit) {","                           node.setStyle(RESIZE, NONE);","                 }","            },","","                /**","       * Update <code>instance.changeHeightHandles,","             * instance.changeLeftHandles, instance.changeTopHandles,","             * instance.changeWidthHandles</code> information.","        *","            * @method _updateChangeHandleInfo","            * @private","           */","              _updateChangeHandleInfo: function(handle) {","                  var instance = this;","","                      instance.changeHeightHandles = instance.REGEX_CHANGE_HEIGHT.test(handle);","                    instance.changeLeftHandles = instance.REGEX_CHANGE_LEFT.test(handle);","                        instance.changeTopHandles = instance.REGEX_CHANGE_TOP.test(handle);","                  instance.changeWidthHandles = instance.REGEX_CHANGE_WIDTH.test(handle);","              },","","                /**","       * Update <a href=\"Resize.html#property_info\">info</a> values (bottom, actXY, left, top, offsetHeight, offsetWidth, right).","         *","            * @method _updateInfo","        * @private","           */","              _updateInfo: function(event) {","                       var instance = this;","","                      instance.info = instance._getInfo(instance.get(WRAPPER), event);","             },","","                /**","       * Update properties","          * <a href=\"Resize.html#property_nodeSurrounding\">nodeSurrounding</a>,","      * <a href=\"Resize.html#property_nodeSurrounding\">wrapperSurrounding</a>,","           * <a href=\"Resize.html#property_nodeSurrounding\">totalVSurrounding</a>,","            * <a href=\"Resize.html#property_nodeSurrounding\">totalHSurrounding</a>.","            *","            * @method _updateSurroundingInfo","             * @private","           */","              _updateSurroundingInfo: function() {","                 var instance = this,","                         node = instance.get(NODE),","                           wrapper = instance.get(WRAPPER),","                             nodeSurrounding = instance._getBoxSurroundingInfo(node),","                             wrapperSurrounding = instance._getBoxSurroundingInfo(wrapper);","","                    instance.nodeSurrounding = nodeSurrounding;","                  instance.wrapperSurrounding = wrapperSurrounding;","","                 instance.totalVSurrounding = (nodeSurrounding.totalVPadding + wrapperSurrounding.totalVBorder);","                      instance.totalHSurrounding = (nodeSurrounding.totalHPadding + wrapperSurrounding.totalHBorder);","              },","","            /**","           * Set the active state of the handles.","       *","            * @method _setActiveHandlesUI","        * @param {boolean} val True to activate the handles, false to deactivate.","            * @protected","         */","              _setActiveHandlesUI: function(val) {","                 var instance = this,","                         activeHandleNode = instance.get(ACTIVE_HANDLE_NODE);","","                      if (activeHandleNode) {","                              if (val) {","                                   // remove CSS_RESIZE_HANDLE_ACTIVE from all handles before addClass on the active","                                    instance.eachHandle(","                                         function(handleEl) {","                                                 handleEl.removeClass(CSS_RESIZE_HANDLE_ACTIVE);","                                              }","                                    );","","                                        activeHandleNode.addClass(CSS_RESIZE_HANDLE_ACTIVE);","                         }","                            else {","                                       activeHandleNode.removeClass(CSS_RESIZE_HANDLE_ACTIVE);","                              }","                    }","            },","","            /**","           * Setter for the handles attribute","           *","            * @method _setHandles","        * @protected","         * @param {String} val","        */","              _setHandles: function(val) {","                 var instance = this,","                         handles = [];","","                     // handles attr accepts both array or string","                 if (isArray(val)) {","                          handles = val;","                       }","                    else if (isString(val)) {","                            // if the handles attr passed in is an ALL string...","                         if (val.toLowerCase() == ALL) {","                                      handles = instance.ALL_HANDLES;","                              }","                            // otherwise, split the string to extract the handles","                                else {","                                       Y.each(","                                              val.split(COMMA),","                                            function(node, i) {","                                                  var handle = trim(node);","","                                                  // if its a valid handle, add it to the handles output","                                                       if (indexOf(instance.ALL_HANDLES, handle) > -1) {","                                                            handles.push(handle);","                                                        }","                                            }","                                    );","                           }","                    }","","                 return handles;","              },","","            /**","           * Set the visibility of the handles.","         *","            * @method _setHideHandlesUI","          * @param {boolean} val True to hide the handles, false to show.","      * @protected","         */","              _setHideHandlesUI: function(val) {","                   var instance = this,","                         wrapper = instance.get(WRAPPER);","","                  if (!instance.get(RESIZING)) {","                               if (val) {","                                   wrapper.addClass(CSS_RESIZE_HIDDEN_HANDLES);","                         }","                            else {","                                       wrapper.removeClass(CSS_RESIZE_HIDDEN_HANDLES);","                              }","                    }","            },","","            /**","           * Setter for the wrap attribute","      *","            * @method _setWrap","           * @protected","         * @param {boolean} val","       */","              _setWrap: function(val) {","                    var instance = this,","                         node = instance.get(NODE),","                           nodeName = node.get(NODE_NAME),","                              typeRegex = instance.get(WRAP_TYPES);","","                     // if nodeName is listed on WRAP_TYPES force use the wrapper","                 if (typeRegex.test(nodeName)) {","                              val = true;","                  }","","                 return val;","          },","","            /**","           * Default resize:mouseUp handler","             *","            * @method _defMouseUpFn","      * @param {EventFacade} event The Event object","        * @protected","         */","              _defMouseUpFn: function(event) {","                     var instance = this;","","                      instance.set(RESIZING, false);","               },","","            /**","           * Default resize:resize handler","      *","            * @method _defResizeFn","       * @param {EventFacade} event The Event object","        * @protected","         */","              _defResizeFn: function(event) {","                      var instance = this;","","                      instance._resize(event);","             },","","                /**","       * Logic method for _defResizeFn. Allow AOP.","          *","            * @method _resize","            * @param {EventFacade} event The Event object","        * @protected","         */","              _resize: function(event) {","                   var instance = this;","","                      instance._handleResizeAlignEvent(event.dragEvent);","","                        // _syncUI of the wrapper, not using proxy","                   instance._syncUI();","          },","","                /**","       * Default resize:align handler","       *","            * @method _defResizeAlignFn","          * @param {EventFacade} event The Event object","        * @protected","         */","              _defResizeAlignFn: function(event) {","                 var instance = this;","","                      instance._resizeAlign(event);","                },","","                /**","       * Logic method for _defResizeAlignFn. Allow AOP.","             *","            * @method _resizeAlign","       * @param {EventFacade} event The Event object","        * @protected","         */","              _resizeAlign: function(event) {","                      var instance = this,","                         info,","                                defMinHeight,","                                defMinWidth;","","                      instance.lastInfo = instance.info;","","                        // update the instance.info values","                   instance._updateInfo(event);","","                      info = instance.info;","","                     // basic resize calculations","                 instance._calcResize();","","                   // if Y.Plugin.ResizeConstrained is not plugged, check for min dimension","                     if (!instance.con) {","                         defMinHeight = (instance.get(DEF_MIN_HEIGHT) + instance.totalVSurrounding);","                          defMinWidth = (instance.get(DEF_MIN_WIDTH) + instance.totalHSurrounding);","","                         if (info.offsetHeight <= defMinHeight) {","                                     instance._checkSize(OFFSET_HEIGHT, defMinHeight);","                            }","","                         if (info.offsetWidth <= defMinWidth) {","                                       instance._checkSize(OFFSET_WIDTH, defMinWidth);","                              }","                    }","            },","","            /**","           * Default resize:end handler","         *","            * @method _defResizeEndFn","            * @param {EventFacade} event The Event object","        * @protected","         */","              _defResizeEndFn: function(event) {","                   var instance = this;","","                      instance._resizeEnd(event);","          },","","                /**","       * Logic method for _defResizeEndFn. Allow AOP.","       *","            * @method _resizeEnd","         * @param {EventFacade} event The Event object","        * @protected","         */","              _resizeEnd: function(event) {","                        var instance = this,","                         drag = event.dragEvent.target;","","                    // reseting actXY from drag when drag end","                    drag.actXY = [];","","                  // syncUI when resize end","                    instance._syncUI();","","                       instance._setActiveHandlesUI(false);","","                      instance.set(ACTIVE_HANDLE, null);","                   instance.set(ACTIVE_HANDLE_NODE, null);","","                   instance.handle = null;","              },","","            /**","           * Default resize:start handler","       *","            * @method _defResizeStartFn","          * @param {EventFacade} event The Event object","        * @protected","         */","              _defResizeStartFn: function(event) {","                 var instance = this;","","                      instance._resizeStart(event);","                },","","                /**","       * Logic method for _defResizeStartFn. Allow AOP.","             *","            * @method _resizeStart","       * @param {EventFacade} event The Event object","        * @protected","         */","              _resizeStart: function(event) {","                      var instance = this,","                         wrapper = instance.get(WRAPPER);","","                  instance.handle = instance.get(ACTIVE_HANDLE);","","                    instance.set(RESIZING, true);","","                     instance._updateSurroundingInfo();","","                        // create an originalInfo information for reference","                  instance.originalInfo = instance._getInfo(wrapper, event);","","                        instance._updateInfo(event);","         },","","            /**","           * Fires the resize:mouseUp event.","            *","            * @method _handleMouseUpEvent","        * @param {EventFacade} event resize:mouseUp event facade","             * @protected","         */","              _handleMouseUpEvent: function(event) {","                       this.fire(EV_MOUSE_UP, { dragEvent: event, info: this.info });","               },","","            /**","           * Fires the resize:resize event.","             *","            * @method _handleResizeEvent","         * @param {EventFacade} event resize:resize event facade","      * @protected","         */","              _handleResizeEvent: function(event) {","                        this.fire(EV_RESIZE, { dragEvent: event, info: this.info });","         },","","            /**","           * Fires the resize:align event.","      *","            * @method _handleResizeAlignEvent","            * @param {EventFacade} event resize:resize event facade","      * @protected","         */","              _handleResizeAlignEvent: function(event) {","                   this.fire(EV_RESIZE_ALIGN, { dragEvent: event, info: this.info });","           },","","            /**","           * Fires the resize:end event.","        *","            * @method _handleResizeEndEvent","      * @param {EventFacade} event resize:end event facade","         * @protected","         */","              _handleResizeEndEvent: function(event) {","                     this.fire(EV_RESIZE_END, { dragEvent: event, info: this.info });","             },","","            /**","           * Fires the resize:start event.","      *","            * @method _handleResizeStartEvent","            * @param {EventFacade} event resize:start event facade","       * @protected","         */","              _handleResizeStartEvent: function(event) {","            if (!this.get(ACTIVE_HANDLE)) {","                //This handles the \"touch\" case","                     this._setHandleFromNode(event.target.get('node'));","            }","                       this.fire(EV_RESIZE_START, { dragEvent: event, info: this.info });","           },","","                /**","           * Mouseenter event handler for the <a href=\"Resize.html#attr_wrapper\">wrapper</a>.","                 *","            * @method _onWrapperMouseEnter","           * @param {EventFacade} event","             * @protected","                 */","          _onWrapperMouseEnter: function(event) {","                      var instance = this;","","                      if (instance.get(AUTO_HIDE)) {","                               instance._setHideHandlesUI(false);","                   }","            },","","                /**","           * Mouseleave event handler for the <a href=\"Resize.html#attr_wrapper\">wrapper</a>.","                 *","            * @method _onWrapperMouseLeave","           * @param {EventFacade} event","             * @protected","                 */","          _onWrapperMouseLeave: function(event) {","                      var instance = this;","","                      if (instance.get(AUTO_HIDE)) {","                               instance._setHideHandlesUI(true);","                    }","            },","","                /**","           * Handles setting the activeHandle from a node, used from startDrag (for touch) and mouseenter (for mouse).","          *","            * @method _setHandleFromNode","             * @param {Node} node","             * @protected","                 */","        _setHandleFromNode: function(node) {","                   var instance = this,","                         handle = instance._extractHandleName(node);","","                       if (!instance.get(RESIZING)) {","                               instance.set(ACTIVE_HANDLE, handle);","                         instance.set(ACTIVE_HANDLE_NODE, node);","","                           instance._setActiveHandlesUI(true);","                          instance._updateChangeHandleInfo(handle);","                    }","        },","","            /**","           * Mouseenter event handler for the handles.","          *","            * @method _onHandleMouseEnter","            * @param {EventFacade} event","             * @protected","                 */","          _onHandleMouseEnter: function(event) {","                       this._setHandleFromNode(event.currentTarget);","                },","","                /**","           * Mouseout event handler for the handles.","            *","            * @method _onHandleMouseLeave","            * @param {EventFacade} event","             * @protected","                 */","          _onHandleMouseLeave: function(event) {","                       var instance = this;","","                      if (!instance.get(RESIZING)) {","                               instance._setActiveHandlesUI(false);","                 }","            },","","                /**","       * Default value for the wrapper handles node attribute","       *","            * @method _valueHandlesWrapper","       * @protected","         * @readOnly","          */","              _valueHandlesWrapper: function() {","                   return Y.Node.create(this.HANDLES_WRAP_TEMPLATE);","            },","","                /**","       * Default value for the wrapper attribute","            *","            * @method _valueWrapper","      * @protected","         * @readOnly","          */","              _valueWrapper: function() {","                  var instance = this,","                         node = instance.get(NODE),","                           pNode = node.get(PARENT_NODE),","                               // by deafult the wrapper is always the node","                         wrapper = node;","","                   // if the node is listed on the wrapTypes or wrap is set to true, create another wrapper","                     if (instance.get(WRAP)) {","                            wrapper = Y.Node.create(instance.WRAP_TEMPLATE);","","                          if (pNode) {","                                 pNode.insertBefore(wrapper, node);","                           }","","                         wrapper.append(node);","","                             instance._copyStyles(node, wrapper);","","                              // remove positioning of wrapped node, the WRAPPER take care about positioning","                               node.setStyles({","                                     position: STATIC,","                                    left: 0,","                                     top: 0","                               });","                  }","","                 return wrapper;","              }","    }",");","","Y.each(Y.Resize.prototype.ALL_HANDLES, function(handle, i) {","     // creating ATTRS with the handles elements","  Y.Resize.ATTRS[handleAttrName(handle)] = {","           setter: function() {","                 return this._buildHandle(handle);","            },","           value: null,","         writeOnce: true","      };","});","","","}, '3.7.1', {\"requires\": [\"base\", \"widget\", \"event\", \"oop\", \"dd-drag\", \"dd-delegate\", \"dd-drop\"], \"skinnable\": true});"];
36 _yuitest_coverage["build/resize-base/resize-base.js"].lines = {"1":0,"9":0,"79":0,"84":0,"88":0,"92":0,"96":0,"101":0,"106":0,"109":0,"110":0,"111":0,"113":0,"116":0,"165":0,"166":0,"169":0,"199":0,"350":0,"353":0,"357":0,"360":0,"361":0,"365":0,"368":0,"372":0,"375":0,"376":0,"380":0,"381":0,"385":0,"386":0,"390":0,"391":0,"395":0,"396":0,"403":0,"604":0,"606":0,"616":0,"618":0,"628":0,"630":0,"631":0,"632":0,"642":0,"644":0,"647":0,"660":0,"665":0,"668":0,"672":0,"675":0,"676":0,"679":0,"682":0,"685":0,"686":0,"688":0,"689":0,"692":0,"695":0,"696":0,"708":0,"709":0,"710":0,"724":0,"726":0,"729":0,"733":0,"745":0,"747":0,"762":0,"777":0,"780":0,"795":0,"798":0,"817":0,"829":0,"840":0,"852":0,"864":0,"874":0,"878":0,"879":0,"882":0,"894":0,"896":0,"910":0,"918":0,"919":0,"936":0,"942":0,"946":0,"949":0,"963":0,"968":0,"969":0,"972":0,"978":0,"979":0,"981":0,"984":0,"986":0,"996":0,"1004":0,"1019":0,"1027":0,"1029":0,"1032":0,"1056":0,"1062":0,"1063":0,"1064":0,"1070":0,"1071":0,"1072":0,"1073":0,"1074":0,"1078":0,"1079":0,"1080":0,"1081":0,"1083":0,"1094":0,"1100":0,"1102":0,"1103":0,"1107":0,"1109":0,"1116":0,"1117":0,"1130":0,"1132":0,"1133":0,"1134":0,"1135":0,"1145":0,"1147":0,"1161":0,"1167":0,"1168":0,"1170":0,"1171":0,"1182":0,"1185":0,"1186":0,"1188":0,"1190":0,"1194":0,"1197":0,"1210":0,"1214":0,"1215":0,"1217":0,"1219":0,"1220":0,"1224":0,"1227":0,"1230":0,"1231":0,"1238":0,"1249":0,"1252":0,"1253":0,"1254":0,"1257":0,"1270":0,"1276":0,"1277":0,"1280":0,"1291":0,"1293":0,"1304":0,"1306":0,"1317":0,"1319":0,"1322":0,"1333":0,"1335":0,"1346":0,"1351":0,"1354":0,"1356":0,"1359":0,"1362":0,"1363":0,"1364":0,"1366":0,"1367":0,"1370":0,"1371":0,"1384":0,"1386":0,"1397":0,"1401":0,"1404":0,"1406":0,"1408":0,"1409":0,"1411":0,"1422":0,"1424":0,"1435":0,"1438":0,"1440":0,"1442":0,"1445":0,"1447":0,"1458":0,"1469":0,"1480":0,"1491":0,"1502":0,"1504":0,"1506":0,"1517":0,"1519":0,"1520":0,"1532":0,"1534":0,"1535":0,"1547":0,"1550":0,"1551":0,"1552":0,"1554":0,"1555":0,"1567":0,"1578":0,"1580":0,"1581":0,"1593":0,"1604":0,"1611":0,"1612":0,"1614":0,"1615":0,"1618":0,"1620":0,"1623":0,"1630":0,"1635":0,"1637":0,"1639":0};
37 _yuitest_coverage["build/resize-base/resize-base.js"].functions = {"concat:78":0,"toRoundNumber:83":0,"getCompStyle:87":0,"handleAttrName:91":0,"isNode:95":0,"(anonymous 2):100":0,"(anonymous 4):109":0,"(anonymous 3):105":0,"Resize:165":0,"validator:198":0,"b:349":0,"l:356":0,"r:364":0,"t:371":0,"tr:379":0,"bl:384":0,"br:389":0,"tl:394":0,"initializer:603":0,"renderUI:615":0,"bindUI:627":0,"syncUI:641":0,"(anonymous 5):667":0,"(anonymous 6):675":0,"destructor:659":0,"renderer:707":0,"(anonymous 7):728":0,"eachHandle:723":0,"_bindDD:744":0,"_bindHandle:776":0,"publish:797":0,"_createEvents:794":0,"(anonymous 8):878":0,"_renderHandles:873":0,"_buildHandle:893":0,"_calcResize:909":0,"_checkSize:935":0,"_copyStyles:962":0,"(anonymous 9):995":0,"_getInfo:1018":0,"(anonymous 10):1063":0,"_getBoxSurroundingInfo:1055":0,"_syncUI:1093":0,"_updateChangeHandleInfo:1129":0,"_updateInfo:1144":0,"_updateSurroundingInfo:1160":0,"(anonymous 11):1189":0,"_setActiveHandlesUI:1181":0,"(anonymous 12):1226":0,"_setHandles:1209":0,"_setHideHandlesUI:1248":0,"_setWrap:1269":0,"_defMouseUpFn:1290":0,"_defResizeFn:1303":0,"_resize:1316":0,"_defResizeAlignFn:1332":0,"_resizeAlign:1345":0,"_defResizeEndFn:1383":0,"_resizeEnd:1396":0,"_defResizeStartFn:1421":0,"_resizeStart:1434":0,"_handleMouseUpEvent:1457":0,"_handleResizeEvent:1468":0,"_handleResizeAlignEvent:1479":0,"_handleResizeEndEvent:1490":0,"_handleResizeStartEvent:1501":0,"_onWrapperMouseEnter:1516":0,"_onWrapperMouseLeave:1531":0,"_setHandleFromNode:1546":0,"_onHandleMouseEnter:1566":0,"_onHandleMouseLeave:1577":0,"_valueHandlesWrapper:1592":0,"_valueWrapper:1603":0,"setter:1638":0,"(anonymous 13):1635":0,"(anonymous 1):1":0};
38 _yuitest_coverage["build/resize-base/resize-base.js"].coveredLines = 245;
39 _yuitest_coverage["build/resize-base/resize-base.js"].coveredFunctions = 76;
40 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1);
41 YUI.add('resize-base', function (Y, NAME) {
43 /**
44  * The Resize Utility allows you to make an HTML element resizable.
45  * @module resize
46  * @main resize
47  */
49 _yuitest_coverfunc("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", "(anonymous 1)", 1);
50 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 9);
51 var Lang = Y.Lang,
52         isArray = Lang.isArray,
53         isBoolean = Lang.isBoolean,
54         isNumber = Lang.isNumber,
55         isString = Lang.isString,
57         YArray  = Y.Array,
58         trim = Lang.trim,
59         indexOf = YArray.indexOf,
61         COMMA = ',',
62         DOT = '.',
63         EMPTY_STR = '',
64         HANDLE_SUB = '{handle}',
65         SPACE = ' ',
67         ACTIVE = 'active',
68         ACTIVE_HANDLE = 'activeHandle',
69         ACTIVE_HANDLE_NODE = 'activeHandleNode',
70         ALL = 'all',
71         AUTO_HIDE = 'autoHide',
72         BORDER = 'border',
73         BOTTOM = 'bottom',
74         CLASS_NAME = 'className',
75         COLOR = 'color',
76         DEF_MIN_HEIGHT = 'defMinHeight',
77         DEF_MIN_WIDTH = 'defMinWidth',
78         HANDLE = 'handle',
79         HANDLES = 'handles',
80         HANDLES_WRAPPER = 'handlesWrapper',
81         HIDDEN = 'hidden',
82         INNER = 'inner',
83         LEFT = 'left',
84         MARGIN = 'margin',
85         NODE = 'node',
86         NODE_NAME = 'nodeName',
87         NONE = 'none',
88         OFFSET_HEIGHT = 'offsetHeight',
89         OFFSET_WIDTH = 'offsetWidth',
90         PADDING = 'padding',
91         PARENT_NODE = 'parentNode',
92         POSITION = 'position',
93         RELATIVE = 'relative',
94         RESIZE = 'resize',
95         RESIZING = 'resizing',
96         RIGHT = 'right',
97         STATIC = 'static',
98         STYLE = 'style',
99         TOP = 'top',
100         WIDTH = 'width',
101         WRAP = 'wrap',
102         WRAPPER = 'wrapper',
103         WRAP_TYPES = 'wrapTypes',
105         EV_MOUSE_UP = 'resize:mouseUp',
106         EV_RESIZE = 'resize:resize',
107         EV_RESIZE_ALIGN = 'resize:align',
108         EV_RESIZE_END = 'resize:end',
109         EV_RESIZE_START = 'resize:start',
111         T = 't',
112         TR = 'tr',
113         R = 'r',
114         BR = 'br',
115         B = 'b',
116         BL = 'bl',
117         L = 'l',
118         TL = 'tl',
120         concat = function() {
121                 _yuitest_coverfunc("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", "concat", 78);
122 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 79);
123 return Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments).join(SPACE);
124         },
126         // round the passed number to get rid of pixel-flickering
127         toRoundNumber = function(num) {
128                 _yuitest_coverfunc("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", "toRoundNumber", 83);
129 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 84);
130 return Math.round(parseFloat(num)) || 0;
131         },
133         getCompStyle = function(node, val) {
134                 _yuitest_coverfunc("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", "getCompStyle", 87);
135 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 88);
136 return node.getComputedStyle(val);
137         },
139         handleAttrName = function(handle) {
140                 _yuitest_coverfunc("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", "handleAttrName", 91);
141 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 92);
142 return HANDLE + handle.toUpperCase();
143         },
145         isNode = function(v) {
146                 _yuitest_coverfunc("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", "isNode", 95);
147 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 96);
148 return (v instanceof Y.Node);
149         },
151         toInitialCap = Y.cached(
152                 function(str) {
153                         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", "(anonymous 2)", 100);
154 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 101);
155 return str.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + str.substring(1);
156                 }
157         ),
159         capitalize = Y.cached(function() {
160                 _yuitest_coverfunc("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", "(anonymous 3)", 105);
161 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 106);
162 var out = [],
163                         args = YArray(arguments, 0, true);
165                 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 109);
166 YArray.each(args, function(part, i) {
167                         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", "(anonymous 4)", 109);
168 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 110);
169 if (i > 0) {
170                                 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 111);
171 part = toInitialCap(part);
172                         }
173                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 113);
174 out.push(part);
175                 });
177                 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 116);
178 return out.join(EMPTY_STR);
179         }),
181         getCN = Y.ClassNameManager.getClassName,
183         CSS_RESIZE = getCN(RESIZE),
194 A base class for Resize, providing:
196    * Basic Lifecycle (initializer, renderUI, bindUI, syncUI, destructor)
197    * Applies drag handles to an element to make it resizable
198    * Here is the list of valid resize handles:
199        `[ 't', 'tr', 'r', 'br', 'b', 'bl', 'l', 'tl' ]`. You can
200        read this list as top, top-right, right, bottom-right, bottom,
201        bottom-left, left, top-left.
202    * The drag handles are inserted into the element and positioned
203        absolute. Some elements, such as a textarea or image, don't support
204        children. To overcome that, set wrap:true in your config and the
205        element willbe wrapped for you automatically.
207 Quick Example:
209     var instance = new Y.Resize({
210         node: '#resize1',
211         preserveRatio: true,
212         wrap: true,
213         maxHeight: 170,
214         maxWidth: 400,
215         handles: 't, tr, r, br, b, bl, l, tl'
216     });
218 Check the list of <a href="Resize.html#configattributes">Configuration Attributes</a> available for
219 Resize.
221 @class Resize
222 @param config {Object} Object literal specifying widget configuration properties.
223 @constructor
224 @extends Base
227 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 165);
228 function Resize() {
229     _yuitest_coverfunc("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", "Resize", 165);
230 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 166);
231 Resize.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
234 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 169);
235 Y.mix(Resize, {
236         /**
237          * Static property provides a string to identify the class.
238          *
239          * @property NAME
240          * @type String
241          * @static
242          */
243         NAME: RESIZE,
245         /**
246          * Static property used to define the default attribute
247          * configuration for the Resize.
248          *
249          * @property ATTRS
250          * @type Object
251          * @static
252          */
253         ATTRS: {
254                 /**
255                  * Stores the active handle during the resize.
256                  *
257                  * @attribute activeHandle
258                  * @default null
259                  * @private
260                  * @type String
261                  */
262                 activeHandle: {
263                         value: null,
264                         validator: function(v) {
265                 _yuitest_coverfunc("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", "validator", 198);
266 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 199);
267 return Y.Lang.isString(v) || Y.Lang.isNull(v);
268             }
269                 },
271                 /**
272                  * Stores the active handle element during the resize.
273                  *
274                  * @attribute activeHandleNode
275                  * @default null
276                  * @private
277                  * @type Node
278                  */
279                 activeHandleNode: {
280                         value: null,
281                         validator: isNode
282                 },
284                 /**
285          * False to ensure that the resize handles are always visible, true to
286          * display them only when the user mouses over the resizable borders.
287                  *
288                  * @attribute autoHide
289                  * @default false
290                  * @type boolean
291                  */
292                 autoHide: {
293                         value: false,
294                         validator: isBoolean
295                 },
297                 /**
298          * The default minimum height of the element. Only used when
299                  * ResizeConstrained is not plugged.
300          *
301          * @attribute defMinHeight
302          * @default 15
303          * @type Number
304          */
305                 defMinHeight: {
306                         value: 15,
307                         validator: isNumber
308                 },
310                 /**
311          * The default minimum width of the element. Only used when
312                  * ResizeConstrained is not plugged.
313          *
314          * @attribute defMinWidth
315          * @default 15
316          * @type Number
317          */
318                 defMinWidth: {
319                         value: 15,
320                         validator: isNumber
321                 },
323         /**
324          * The handles to use (any combination of): 't', 'b', 'r', 'l', 'bl',
325          * 'br', 'tl', 'tr'. Can use a shortcut of All.
326          *
327          * @attribute handles
328          * @default all
329          * @type Array | String
330          */
331                 handles: {
332                         setter: '_setHandles',
333                         value: ALL
334                 },
336         /**
337          * Node to wrap the resize handles.
338          *
339          * @attribute handlesWrapper
340          * @type Node
341          */
342                 handlesWrapper: {
343                         readOnly: true,
344                         setter: Y.one,
345                         valueFn: '_valueHandlesWrapper'
346                 },
348                 /**
349          * The selector or element to resize. Required.
350          *
351          * @attribute node
352          * @type Node
353          */
354                 node: {
355                         setter: Y.one
356                 },
358                 /**
359          * True when the element is being Resized.
360          *
361          * @attribute resizing
362          * @default false
363          * @type boolean
364          */
365                 resizing: {
366                         value: false,
367                         validator: isBoolean
368                 },
370                 /**
371                  * True to wrap an element with a div if needed (required for textareas
372          * and images, defaults to false) in favor of the handles config option.
373          * The wrapper element type (default div) could be over-riden passing the
374          * <code>wrapper</code> attribute.
375                  *
376                  * @attribute wrap
377                  * @default false
378                  * @type boolean
379                  */
380                 wrap: {
381                         setter: '_setWrap',
382                         value: false,
383                         validator: isBoolean
384                 },
386                 /**
387                  * Elements that requires a wrapper by default. Normally are elements
388          * which cannot have children elements.
389                  *
390                  * @attribute wrapTypes
391                  * @default /canvas|textarea|input|select|button|img/i
392                  * @readOnly
393                  * @type Regex
394                  */
395                 wrapTypes: {
396                         readOnly: true,
397                         value: /^canvas|textarea|input|select|button|img|iframe|table|embed$/i
398                 },
400                 /**
401                  * Element to wrap the <code>wrapTypes</code>. This element will house
402          * the handles elements.
403                  *
404                  * @attribute wrapper
405                  * @default div
406                  * @type String | Node
407                  * @writeOnce
408                  */
409                 wrapper: {
410                         readOnly: true,
411                         valueFn: '_valueWrapper',
412                         writeOnce: true
413                 }
414         },
416         RULES: {
417                 b: function(instance, dx, dy) {
418                         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", "b", 349);
419 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 350);
420 var info = instance.info,
421                                 originalInfo = instance.originalInfo;
423                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 353);
424 info.offsetHeight = originalInfo.offsetHeight + dy;
425                 },
427                 l: function(instance, dx, dy) {
428                         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", "l", 356);
429 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 357);
430 var info = instance.info,
431                                 originalInfo = instance.originalInfo;
433                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 360);
434 info.left = originalInfo.left + dx;
435                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 361);
436 info.offsetWidth = originalInfo.offsetWidth - dx;
437                 },
439                 r: function(instance, dx, dy) {
440                         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", "r", 364);
441 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 365);
442 var info = instance.info,
443                                 originalInfo = instance.originalInfo;
445                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 368);
446 info.offsetWidth = originalInfo.offsetWidth + dx;
447                 },
449                 t: function(instance, dx, dy) {
450                         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", "t", 371);
451 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 372);
452 var info = instance.info,
453                                 originalInfo = instance.originalInfo;
455                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 375);
456 info.top = originalInfo.top + dy;
457                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 376);
458 info.offsetHeight = originalInfo.offsetHeight - dy;
459                 },
461                 tr: function(instance, dx, dy) {
462                         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", "tr", 379);
463 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 380);
464 this.t.apply(this, arguments);
465                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 381);
466 this.r.apply(this, arguments);
467                 },
469                 bl: function(instance, dx, dy) {
470                         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", "bl", 384);
471 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 385);
472 this.b.apply(this, arguments);
473                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 386);
474 this.l.apply(this, arguments);
475                 },
477                 br: function(instance, dx, dy) {
478                         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", "br", 389);
479 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 390);
480 this.b.apply(this, arguments);
481                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 391);
482 this.r.apply(this, arguments);
483                 },
485                 tl: function(instance, dx, dy) {
486                         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", "tl", 394);
487 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 395);
488 this.t.apply(this, arguments);
489                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 396);
490 this.l.apply(this, arguments);
491                 }
492         },
494         capitalize: capitalize
497 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 403);
498 Y.Resize = Y.extend(
499         Resize,
500         Y.Base,
501         {
502                 /**
503              * Array containing all possible resizable handles.
504              *
505              * @property ALL_HANDLES
506              * @type {String}
507              */
508                 ALL_HANDLES: [ T, TR, R, BR, B, BL, L, TL ],
510                 /**
511              * Regex which matches with the handles that could change the height of
512                  * the resizable element.
513              *
514              * @property REGEX_CHANGE_HEIGHT
515              * @type {String}
516              */
517                 REGEX_CHANGE_HEIGHT: /^(t|tr|b|bl|br|tl)$/i,
519                 /**
520              * Regex which matches with the handles that could change the left of
521                  * the resizable element.
522              *
523              * @property REGEX_CHANGE_LEFT
524              * @type {String}
525              */
526                 REGEX_CHANGE_LEFT: /^(tl|l|bl)$/i,
528                 /**
529              * Regex which matches with the handles that could change the top of
530                  * the resizable element.
531              *
532              * @property REGEX_CHANGE_TOP
533              * @type {String}
534              */
535                 REGEX_CHANGE_TOP: /^(tl|t|tr)$/i,
537                 /**
538              * Regex which matches with the handles that could change the width of
539                  * the resizable element.
540              *
541              * @property REGEX_CHANGE_WIDTH
542              * @type {String}
543              */
544                 REGEX_CHANGE_WIDTH: /^(bl|br|l|r|tl|tr)$/i,
546                 /**
547              * Template used to create the resize wrapper for the handles.
548              *
549              * @property HANDLES_WRAP_TEMPLATE
550              * @type {String}
551              */
552                 HANDLES_WRAP_TEMPLATE: '<div class="'+CSS_RESIZE_HANDLES_WRAPPER+'"></div>',
554                 /**
555              * Template used to create the resize wrapper node when needed.
556              *
557              * @property WRAP_TEMPLATE
558              * @type {String}
559              */
560                 WRAP_TEMPLATE: '<div class="'+CSS_RESIZE_WRAPPER+'"></div>',
562                 /**
563              * Template used to create each resize handle.
564              *
565              * @property HANDLE_TEMPLATE
566              * @type {String}
567              */
568                 HANDLE_TEMPLATE: '<div class="'+concat(CSS_RESIZE_HANDLE, CSS_RESIZE_HANDLE_PLACEHOLDER)+'">' +
569                                                         '<div class="'+concat(CSS_RESIZE_HANDLE_INNER, CSS_RESIZE_HANDLE_INNER_PLACEHOLDER)+'">&nbsp;</div>' +
570                                                 '</div>',
573                 /**
574                  * Each box has a content area and optional surrounding padding and
575                  * border areas. This property stores the sum of all horizontal
576                  * surrounding * information needed to adjust the node height.
577                  *
578                  * @property totalHSurrounding
579                  * @default 0
580                  * @type number
581                  */
582                 totalHSurrounding: 0,
584                 /**
585                  * Each box has a content area and optional surrounding padding and
586                  * border areas. This property stores the sum of all vertical
587                  * surrounding * information needed to adjust the node height.
588                  *
589                  * @property totalVSurrounding
590                  * @default 0
591                  * @type number
592                  */
593                 totalVSurrounding: 0,
595                 /**
596                  * Stores the <a href="Resize.html#attr_node">node</a>
597                  * surrounding information retrieved from
598                  * <a href="Resize.html#method__getBoxSurroundingInfo">_getBoxSurroundingInfo</a>.
599                  *
600                  * @property nodeSurrounding
601                  * @type Object
602                  * @default null
603                  */
604                 nodeSurrounding: null,
606                 /**
607                  * Stores the <a href="Resize.html#attr_wrapper">wrapper</a>
608                  * surrounding information retrieved from
609                  * <a href="Resize.html#method__getBoxSurroundingInfo">_getBoxSurroundingInfo</a>.
610                  *
611                  * @property wrapperSurrounding
612                  * @type Object
613                  * @default null
614                  */
615                 wrapperSurrounding: null,
617                 /**
618                  * Whether the handle being dragged can change the height.
619                  *
620                  * @property changeHeightHandles
621                  * @default false
622                  * @type boolean
623                  */
624                 changeHeightHandles: false,
626                 /**
627                  * Whether the handle being dragged can change the left.
628                  *
629                  * @property changeLeftHandles
630                  * @default false
631                  * @type boolean
632                  */
633                 changeLeftHandles: false,
635                 /**
636                  * Whether the handle being dragged can change the top.
637                  *
638                  * @property changeTopHandles
639                  * @default false
640                  * @type boolean
641                  */
642                 changeTopHandles: false,
644                 /**
645                  * Whether the handle being dragged can change the width.
646                  *
647                  * @property changeWidthHandles
648                  * @default false
649                  * @type boolean
650                  */
651                 changeWidthHandles: false,
653                 /**
654                  * Store DD.Delegate reference for the respective Resize instance.
655                  *
656                  * @property delegate
657                  * @default null
658                  * @type Object
659                  */
660                 delegate: null,
662             /**
663              * Stores the current values for the height, width, top and left. You are
664              * able to manipulate these values on resize in order to change the resize
665              * behavior.
666              *
667              * @property info
668              * @type Object
669              * @protected
670              */
671                 info: null,
673                 /**
674              * Stores the last values for the height, width, top and left.
675              *
676              * @property lastInfo
677              * @type Object
678              * @protected
679              */
680                 lastInfo: null,
682             /**
683              * Stores the original values for the height, width, top and left, stored
684              * on resize start.
685              *
686              * @property originalInfo
687              * @type Object
688              * @protected
689              */
690                 originalInfo: null,
692             /**
693              * Construction logic executed during Resize instantiation. Lifecycle.
694              *
695              * @method initializer
696              * @protected
697              */
698                 initializer: function() {
699                         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", "initializer", 603);
700 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 604);
701 this._eventHandles = [];
703                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 606);
704 this.renderer();
705                 },
707             /**
708              * Create the DOM structure for the Resize. Lifecycle.
709              *
710              * @method renderUI
711              * @protected
712              */
713                 renderUI: function() {
714                         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", "renderUI", 615);
715 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 616);
716 var instance = this;
718                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 618);
719 instance._renderHandles();
720                 },
722             /**
723              * Bind the events on the Resize UI. Lifecycle.
724              *
725              * @method bindUI
726              * @protected
727              */
728                 bindUI: function() {
729                         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", "bindUI", 627);
730 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 628);
731 var instance = this;
733                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 630);
734 instance._createEvents();
735                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 631);
736 instance._bindDD();
737                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 632);
738 instance._bindHandle();
739                 },
741             /**
742              * Sync the Resize UI.
743              *
744              * @method syncUI
745              * @protected
746              */
747                 syncUI: function() {
748                         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", "syncUI", 641);
749 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 642);
750 var instance = this;
752                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 644);
753 this.get(NODE).addClass(CSS_RESIZE);
755                         // hide handles if AUTO_HIDE is true
756                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 647);
757 instance._setHideHandlesUI(
758                                 instance.get(AUTO_HIDE)
759                         );
760                 },
762             /**
763              * Destructor lifecycle implementation for the Resize class.
764              * Detaches all previously attached listeners and removes the Resize handles.
765              *
766              * @method destructor
767              * @protected
768              */
769                 destructor: function() {
770                         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", "destructor", 659);
771 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 660);
772 var instance = this,
773                                 node = instance.get(NODE),
774                                 wrapper = instance.get(WRAPPER),
775                                 pNode = wrapper.get(PARENT_NODE);
777                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 665);
778 Y.each(
779                                 instance._eventHandles,
780                                 function(handle, index) {
781                                         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", "(anonymous 5)", 667);
782 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 668);
783 handle.detach();
784                                 }
785                         );
787                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 672);
788 instance._eventHandles.length = 0;
790                         // destroy handles dd and remove them from the dom
791                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 675);
792 instance.eachHandle(function(handleEl) {
793                                 _yuitest_coverfunc("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", "(anonymous 6)", 675);
794 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 676);
795 instance.delegate.dd.destroy();
797                                 // remove handle
798                                 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 679);
799 handleEl.remove(true);
800                         });
802                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 682);
803 instance.delegate.destroy();
805                         // unwrap node
806                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 685);
807 if (instance.get(WRAP)) {
808                                 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 686);
809 instance._copyStyles(wrapper, node);
811                                 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 688);
812 if (pNode) {
813                                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 689);
814 pNode.insertBefore(node, wrapper);
815                                 }
817                                 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 692);
818 wrapper.remove(true);
819                         }
821                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 695);
822 node.removeClass(CSS_RESIZE);
823                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 696);
824 node.removeClass(CSS_RESIZE_HIDDEN_HANDLES);
825                 },
827             /**
828              * Creates DOM (or manipulates DOM for progressive enhancement)
829              * This method is invoked by initializer(). It's chained automatically for
830              * subclasses if required.
831              *
832              * @method renderer
833              * @protected
834              */
835             renderer: function() {
836                 _yuitest_coverfunc("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", "renderer", 707);
837 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 708);
838 this.renderUI();
839                 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 709);
840 this.bindUI();
841                 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 710);
842 this.syncUI();
843             },
845             /**
846              * <p>Loop through each handle which is being used and executes a callback.</p>
847              * <p>Example:</p>
848              * <pre><code>instance.eachHandle(
849                  *      function(handleName, index) { ... }
850                  *  );</code></pre>
851              *
852              * @method eachHandle
853              * @param {function} fn Callback function to be executed for each handle.
854              */
855                 eachHandle: function(fn) {
856                         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", "eachHandle", 723);
857 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 724);
858 var instance = this;
860                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 726);
861 Y.each(
862                                 instance.get(HANDLES),
863                                 function(handle, i) {
864                                         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", "(anonymous 7)", 728);
865 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 729);
866 var handleEl = instance.get(
867                                                 handleAttrName(handle)
868                                         );
870                                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 733);
871 fn.apply(instance, [handleEl, handle, i]);
872                                 }
873                         );
874                 },
876             /**
877              * Bind the handles DragDrop events to the Resize instance.
878              *
879              * @method _bindDD
880              * @private
881              */
882                 _bindDD: function() {
883                         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", "_bindDD", 744);
884 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 745);
885 var instance = this;
887                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 747);
888 instance.delegate = new Y.DD.Delegate(
889                                 {
890                                         bubbleTargets: instance,
891                                         container: instance.get(HANDLES_WRAPPER),
892                                         dragConfig: {
893                                                 clickPixelThresh: 0,
894                                                 clickTimeThresh: 0,
895                                                 useShim: true,
896                                                 move: false
897                                         },
898                                         nodes: DOT+CSS_RESIZE_HANDLE,
899                                         target: false
900                                 }
901                         );
903                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 762);
904 instance._eventHandles.push(
905                                 instance.on('drag:drag', instance._handleResizeEvent),
906                                 instance.on('drag:dropmiss', instance._handleMouseUpEvent),
907                                 instance.on('drag:end', instance._handleResizeEndEvent),
908                                 instance.on('drag:start', instance._handleResizeStartEvent)
909                         );
910                 },
912             /**
913              * Bind the events related to the handles (_onHandleMouseEnter, _onHandleMouseLeave).
914              *
915              * @method _bindHandle
916              * @private
917              */
918                 _bindHandle: function() {
919                         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", "_bindHandle", 776);
920 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 777);
921 var instance = this,
922                                 wrapper = instance.get(WRAPPER);
924                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 780);
925 instance._eventHandles.push(
926                                 wrapper.on('mouseenter', Y.bind(instance._onWrapperMouseEnter, instance)),
927                                 wrapper.on('mouseleave', Y.bind(instance._onWrapperMouseLeave, instance)),
928                                 wrapper.delegate('mouseenter', Y.bind(instance._onHandleMouseEnter, instance), DOT+CSS_RESIZE_HANDLE),
929                                 wrapper.delegate('mouseleave', Y.bind(instance._onHandleMouseLeave, instance), DOT+CSS_RESIZE_HANDLE)
930                         );
931                 },
933             /**
934              * Create the custom events used on the Resize.
935              *
936              * @method _createEvents
937              * @private
938              */
939                 _createEvents: function() {
940                         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", "_createEvents", 794);
941 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 795);
942 var instance = this,
943                                 // create publish function for kweight optimization
944                                 publish = function(name, fn) {
945                                         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", "publish", 797);
946 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 798);
947 instance.publish(name, {
948                                                 defaultFn: fn,
949                                                 queuable: false,
950                                                 emitFacade: true,
951                                                 bubbles: true,
952                                                 prefix: RESIZE
953                                         });
954                                 };
956                         /**
957                          * Handles the resize start event. Fired when a handle starts to be
958                  * dragged.
959                          *
960                  * @event resize:start
961                  * @preventable _defResizeStartFn
962                  * @param {Event.Facade} event The resize start event.
963                  * @bubbles Resize
964                  * @type {Event.Custom}
965                  */
966                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 817);
967 publish(EV_RESIZE_START, this._defResizeStartFn);
969                         /**
970                          * Handles the resize event. Fired on each pixel when the handle is
971                  * being dragged.
972                          *
973                  * @event resize:resize
974                  * @preventable _defResizeFn
975                  * @param {Event.Facade} event The resize event.
976                  * @bubbles Resize
977                  * @type {Event.Custom}
978                  */
979                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 829);
980 publish(EV_RESIZE, this._defResizeFn);
982                         /**
983                          * Handles the resize align event.
984                          *
985                  * @event resize:align
986                  * @preventable _defResizeAlignFn
987                  * @param {Event.Facade} event The resize align event.
988                  * @bubbles Resize
989                  * @type {Event.Custom}
990                  */
991                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 840);
992 publish(EV_RESIZE_ALIGN, this._defResizeAlignFn);
994                         /**
995                          * Handles the resize end event. Fired when a handle stop to be
996                  * dragged.
997                          *
998                  * @event resize:end
999                  * @preventable _defResizeEndFn
1000                  * @param {Event.Facade} event The resize end event.
1001                  * @bubbles Resize
1002                  * @type {Event.Custom}
1003                  */
1004                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 852);
1005 publish(EV_RESIZE_END, this._defResizeEndFn);
1007                         /**
1008                          * Handles the resize mouseUp event. Fired when a mouseUp event happens on a
1009                  * handle.
1010                          *
1011                  * @event resize:mouseUp
1012                  * @preventable _defMouseUpFn
1013                  * @param {Event.Facade} event The resize mouseUp event.
1014                  * @bubbles Resize
1015                  * @type {Event.Custom}
1016                  */
1017                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 864);
1018 publish(EV_MOUSE_UP, this._defMouseUpFn);
1019                 },
1021             /**
1022               * Responsible for loop each handle element and append to the wrapper.
1023               *
1024               * @method _renderHandles
1025               * @protected
1026               */
1027                 _renderHandles: function() {
1028                         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", "_renderHandles", 873);
1029 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 874);
1030 var instance = this,
1031                                 wrapper = instance.get(WRAPPER),
1032                                 handlesWrapper = instance.get(HANDLES_WRAPPER);
1034                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 878);
1035 instance.eachHandle(function(handleEl) {
1036                                 _yuitest_coverfunc("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", "(anonymous 8)", 878);
1037 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 879);
1038 handlesWrapper.append(handleEl);
1039                         });
1041                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 882);
1042 wrapper.append(handlesWrapper);
1043                 },
1045             /**
1046              * Creates the handle element based on the handle name and initialize the
1047              * DragDrop on it.
1048              *
1049              * @method _buildHandle
1050              * @param {String} handle Handle name ('t', 'tr', 'b', ...).
1051              * @protected
1052              */
1053                 _buildHandle: function(handle) {
1054                         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", "_buildHandle", 893);
1055 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 894);
1056 var instance = this;
1058                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 896);
1059 return Y.Node.create(
1060                                 Y.Lang.sub(instance.HANDLE_TEMPLATE, {
1061                                         handle: handle
1062                                 })
1063                         );
1064                 },
1066             /**
1067              * Basic resize calculations.
1068              *
1069              * @method _calcResize
1070              * @protected
1071              */
1072                 _calcResize: function() {
1073                         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", "_calcResize", 909);
1074 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 910);
1075 var instance = this,
1076                                 handle = instance.handle,
1077                                 info = instance.info,
1078                                 originalInfo = instance.originalInfo,
1080                                 dx = info.actXY[0] - originalInfo.actXY[0],
1081                                 dy = info.actXY[1] - originalInfo.actXY[1];
1083             _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 918);
1084 if (handle && Y.Resize.RULES[handle]) {
1085                             _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 919);
1086 Y.Resize.RULES[handle](instance, dx, dy);
1087             }
1088                         else {
1089                         }
1090                 },
1092                 /**
1093              * Helper method to update the current size value on
1094              * <a href="Resize.html#property_info">info</a> to respect the
1095              * min/max values and fix the top/left calculations.
1096                  *
1097                  * @method _checkSize
1098                  * @param {String} offset 'offsetHeight' or 'offsetWidth'
1099                  * @param {number} size Size to restrict the offset
1100                  * @protected
1101                  */
1102                 _checkSize: function(offset, size) {
1103                         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", "_checkSize", 935);
1104 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 936);
1105 var instance = this,
1106                                 info = instance.info,
1107                                 originalInfo = instance.originalInfo,
1108                                 axis = (offset == OFFSET_HEIGHT) ? TOP : LEFT;
1110                         // forcing the offsetHeight/offsetWidth to be the passed size
1111                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 942);
1112 info[offset] = size;
1114                         // predicting, based on the original information, the last left valid in case of reach the min/max dimension
1115                         // this calculation avoid browser event leaks when user interact very fast
1116                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 946);
1117 if (((axis == LEFT) && instance.changeLeftHandles) ||
1118                                 ((axis == TOP) && instance.changeTopHandles)) {
1120                                 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 949);
1121 info[axis] = originalInfo[axis] + originalInfo[offset] - size;
1122                         }
1123                 },
1125             /**
1126              * Copy relevant styles of the <a href="Resize.html#attr_node">node</a>
1127              * to the <a href="Resize.html#attr_wrapper">wrapper</a>.
1128              *
1129              * @method _copyStyles
1130              * @param {Node} node Node from.
1131              * @param {Node} wrapper Node to.
1132              * @protected
1133              */
1134                 _copyStyles: function(node, wrapper) {
1135                         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", "_copyStyles", 962);
1136 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 963);
1137 var position = node.getStyle(POSITION).toLowerCase(),
1138                                 surrounding = this._getBoxSurroundingInfo(node),
1139                                 wrapperStyle;
1141                         // resizable wrapper should be positioned
1142                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 968);
1143 if (position == STATIC) {
1144                                 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 969);
1145 position = RELATIVE;
1146                         }
1148                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 972);
1149 wrapperStyle = {
1150                                 position: position,
1151                                 left: getCompStyle(node, LEFT),
1152                                 top: getCompStyle(node, TOP)
1153                         };
1155                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 978);
1156 Y.mix(wrapperStyle, surrounding.margin);
1157                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 979);
1158 Y.mix(wrapperStyle, surrounding.border);
1160                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 981);
1161 wrapper.setStyles(wrapperStyle);
1163                         // remove margin and border from the internal node
1164                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 984);
1165 node.setStyles({ border: 0, margin: 0 });
1167                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 986);
1168 wrapper.sizeTo(
1169                                 node.get(OFFSET_WIDTH) + surrounding.totalHBorder,
1170                                 node.get(OFFSET_HEIGHT) + surrounding.totalVBorder
1171                         );
1172                 },
1174                 // extract handle name from a string
1175                 // using Y.cached to memoize the function for performance
1176                 _extractHandleName: Y.cached(
1177                         function(node) {
1178                                 _yuitest_coverfunc("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", "(anonymous 9)", 995);
1179 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 996);
1180 var className = node.get(CLASS_NAME),
1182                                         match = className.match(
1183                                                 new RegExp(
1184                                                         getCN(RESIZE, HANDLE, '(\\w{1,2})\\b')
1185                                                 )
1186                                         );
1188                                 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1004);
1189 return match ? match[1] : null;
1190                         }
1191                 ),
1193             /**
1194              * <p>Generates metadata to the <a href="Resize.html#property_info">info</a>
1195              * and <a href="Resize.html#property_originalInfo">originalInfo</a></p>
1196              * <pre><code>bottom, actXY, left, top, offsetHeight, offsetWidth, right</code></pre>
1197              *
1198              * @method _getInfo
1199              * @param {Node} node
1200              * @param {EventFacade} event
1201              * @private
1202              */
1203                 _getInfo: function(node, event) {
1204                         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", "_getInfo", 1018);
1205 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1019);
1206 var actXY = [0,0],
1207                                 drag = event.dragEvent.target,
1208                                 nodeXY = node.getXY(),
1209                                 nodeX = nodeXY[0],
1210                                 nodeY = nodeXY[1],
1211                                 offsetHeight = node.get(OFFSET_HEIGHT),
1212                                 offsetWidth = node.get(OFFSET_WIDTH);
1214                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1027);
1215 if (event) {
1216                                 // the xy that the node will be set to. Changing this will alter the position as it's dragged.
1217                                 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1029);
1218 actXY = (drag.actXY.length ? drag.actXY : drag.lastXY);
1219                         }
1221                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1032);
1222 return {
1223                                 actXY: actXY,
1224                                 bottom: (nodeY + offsetHeight),
1225                                 left: nodeX,
1226                                 offsetHeight: offsetHeight,
1227                                 offsetWidth: offsetWidth,
1228                                 right: (nodeX + offsetWidth),
1229                                 top: nodeY
1230                         };
1231                 },
1233                 /**
1234                  * Each box has a content area and optional surrounding margin,
1235                  * padding and * border areas. This method get all this information from
1236                  * the passed node. For more reference see
1237                  * <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/box.html#box-dimensions">
1238                  * http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/box.html#box-dimensions</a>.
1239                  *
1240                  * @method _getBoxSurroundingInfo
1241                  * @param {Node} node
1242                  * @private
1243                  * @return {Object}
1244                  */
1245                 _getBoxSurroundingInfo: function(node) {
1246                         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", "_getBoxSurroundingInfo", 1055);
1247 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1056);
1248 var     info = {
1249                                 padding: {},
1250                                 margin: {},
1251                                 border: {}
1252                         };
1254                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1062);
1255 if (isNode(node)) {
1256                                 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1063);
1257 Y.each([ TOP, RIGHT, BOTTOM, LEFT ], function(dir) {
1258                                         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", "(anonymous 10)", 1063);
1259 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1064);
1260 var paddingProperty = capitalize(PADDING, dir),
1261                                                 marginProperty = capitalize(MARGIN, dir),
1262                                                 borderWidthProperty = capitalize(BORDER, dir, WIDTH),
1263                                                 borderColorProperty = capitalize(BORDER, dir, COLOR),
1264                                                 borderStyleProperty = capitalize(BORDER, dir, STYLE);
1266                                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1070);
1267 info.border[borderColorProperty] = getCompStyle(node, borderColorProperty);
1268                                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1071);
1269 info.border[borderStyleProperty] = getCompStyle(node, borderStyleProperty);
1270                                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1072);
1271 info.border[borderWidthProperty] = getCompStyle(node, borderWidthProperty);
1272                                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1073);
1273 info.margin[marginProperty] = getCompStyle(node, marginProperty);
1274                                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1074);
1275 info.padding[paddingProperty] = getCompStyle(node, paddingProperty);
1276                                 });
1277                         }
1279                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1078);
1280 info.totalHBorder = (toRoundNumber(info.border.borderLeftWidth) + toRoundNumber(info.border.borderRightWidth));
1281                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1079);
1282 info.totalHPadding = (toRoundNumber(info.padding.paddingLeft) + toRoundNumber(info.padding.paddingRight));
1283                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1080);
1284 info.totalVBorder = (toRoundNumber(info.border.borderBottomWidth) + toRoundNumber(info.border.borderTopWidth));
1285                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1081);
1286 info.totalVPadding = (toRoundNumber(info.padding.paddingBottom) + toRoundNumber(info.padding.paddingTop));
1288                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1083);
1289 return info;
1290                 },
1292                 /**
1293              * Sync the Resize UI with internal values from
1294              * <a href="Resize.html#property_info">info</a>.
1295              *
1296              * @method _syncUI
1297              * @protected
1298              */
1299                 _syncUI: function() {
1300                         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", "_syncUI", 1093);
1301 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1094);
1302 var instance = this,
1303                                 info = instance.info,
1304                                 wrapperSurrounding = instance.wrapperSurrounding,
1305                                 wrapper = instance.get(WRAPPER),
1306                                 node = instance.get(NODE);
1308                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1100);
1309 wrapper.sizeTo(info.offsetWidth, info.offsetHeight);
1311                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1102);
1312 if (instance.changeLeftHandles || instance.changeTopHandles) {
1313                                 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1103);
1314 wrapper.setXY([info.left, info.top]);
1315                         }
1317                         // if a wrap node is being used
1318                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1107);
1319 if (!wrapper.compareTo(node)) {
1320                                 // the original internal node borders were copied to the wrapper on _copyStyles, to compensate that subtract the borders from the internal node
1321                                 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1109);
1322 node.sizeTo(
1323                                         info.offsetWidth - wrapperSurrounding.totalHBorder,
1324                                         info.offsetHeight - wrapperSurrounding.totalVBorder
1325                                 );
1326                         }
1328                         // prevent webkit textarea resize
1329                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1116);
1330 if (Y.UA.webkit) {
1331                                 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1117);
1332 node.setStyle(RESIZE, NONE);
1333                         }
1334                 },
1336                 /**
1337              * Update <code>instance.changeHeightHandles,
1338                  * instance.changeLeftHandles, instance.changeTopHandles,
1339                  * instance.changeWidthHandles</code> information.
1340              *
1341              * @method _updateChangeHandleInfo
1342              * @private
1343              */
1344                 _updateChangeHandleInfo: function(handle) {
1345                         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", "_updateChangeHandleInfo", 1129);
1346 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1130);
1347 var instance = this;
1349                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1132);
1350 instance.changeHeightHandles = instance.REGEX_CHANGE_HEIGHT.test(handle);
1351                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1133);
1352 instance.changeLeftHandles = instance.REGEX_CHANGE_LEFT.test(handle);
1353                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1134);
1354 instance.changeTopHandles = instance.REGEX_CHANGE_TOP.test(handle);
1355                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1135);
1356 instance.changeWidthHandles = instance.REGEX_CHANGE_WIDTH.test(handle);
1357                 },
1359                 /**
1360              * Update <a href="Resize.html#property_info">info</a> values (bottom, actXY, left, top, offsetHeight, offsetWidth, right).
1361              *
1362              * @method _updateInfo
1363              * @private
1364              */
1365                 _updateInfo: function(event) {
1366                         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", "_updateInfo", 1144);
1367 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1145);
1368 var instance = this;
1370                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1147);
1371 instance.info = instance._getInfo(instance.get(WRAPPER), event);
1372                 },
1374                 /**
1375              * Update properties
1376              * <a href="Resize.html#property_nodeSurrounding">nodeSurrounding</a>,
1377              * <a href="Resize.html#property_nodeSurrounding">wrapperSurrounding</a>,
1378              * <a href="Resize.html#property_nodeSurrounding">totalVSurrounding</a>,
1379              * <a href="Resize.html#property_nodeSurrounding">totalHSurrounding</a>.
1380              *
1381              * @method _updateSurroundingInfo
1382              * @private
1383              */
1384                 _updateSurroundingInfo: function() {
1385                         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", "_updateSurroundingInfo", 1160);
1386 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1161);
1387 var instance = this,
1388                                 node = instance.get(NODE),
1389                                 wrapper = instance.get(WRAPPER),
1390                                 nodeSurrounding = instance._getBoxSurroundingInfo(node),
1391                                 wrapperSurrounding = instance._getBoxSurroundingInfo(wrapper);
1393                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1167);
1394 instance.nodeSurrounding = nodeSurrounding;
1395                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1168);
1396 instance.wrapperSurrounding = wrapperSurrounding;
1398                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1170);
1399 instance.totalVSurrounding = (nodeSurrounding.totalVPadding + wrapperSurrounding.totalVBorder);
1400                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1171);
1401 instance.totalHSurrounding = (nodeSurrounding.totalHPadding + wrapperSurrounding.totalHBorder);
1402                 },
1404             /**
1405              * Set the active state of the handles.
1406              *
1407              * @method _setActiveHandlesUI
1408              * @param {boolean} val True to activate the handles, false to deactivate.
1409              * @protected
1410              */
1411                 _setActiveHandlesUI: function(val) {
1412                         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", "_setActiveHandlesUI", 1181);
1413 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1182);
1414 var instance = this,
1415                                 activeHandleNode = instance.get(ACTIVE_HANDLE_NODE);
1417                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1185);
1418 if (activeHandleNode) {
1419                                 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1186);
1420 if (val) {
1421                                         // remove CSS_RESIZE_HANDLE_ACTIVE from all handles before addClass on the active
1422                                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1188);
1423 instance.eachHandle(
1424                                                 function(handleEl) {
1425                                                         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", "(anonymous 11)", 1189);
1426 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1190);
1427 handleEl.removeClass(CSS_RESIZE_HANDLE_ACTIVE);
1428                                                 }
1429                                         );
1431                                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1194);
1432 activeHandleNode.addClass(CSS_RESIZE_HANDLE_ACTIVE);
1433                                 }
1434                                 else {
1435                                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1197);
1436 activeHandleNode.removeClass(CSS_RESIZE_HANDLE_ACTIVE);
1437                                 }
1438                         }
1439                 },
1441             /**
1442              * Setter for the handles attribute
1443              *
1444              * @method _setHandles
1445              * @protected
1446              * @param {String} val
1447              */
1448                 _setHandles: function(val) {
1449                         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", "_setHandles", 1209);
1450 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1210);
1451 var instance = this,
1452                                 handles = [];
1454                         // handles attr accepts both array or string
1455                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1214);
1456 if (isArray(val)) {
1457                                 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1215);
1458 handles = val;
1459                         }
1460                         else {_yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1217);
1461 if (isString(val)) {
1462                                 // if the handles attr passed in is an ALL string...
1463                                 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1219);
1464 if (val.toLowerCase() == ALL) {
1465                                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1220);
1466 handles = instance.ALL_HANDLES;
1467                                 }
1468                                 // otherwise, split the string to extract the handles
1469                                 else {
1470                                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1224);
1471 Y.each(
1472                                                 val.split(COMMA),
1473                                                 function(node, i) {
1474                                                         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", "(anonymous 12)", 1226);
1475 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1227);
1476 var handle = trim(node);
1478                                                         // if its a valid handle, add it to the handles output
1479                                                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1230);
1480 if (indexOf(instance.ALL_HANDLES, handle) > -1) {
1481                                                                 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1231);
1482 handles.push(handle);
1483                                                         }
1484                                                 }
1485                                         );
1486                                 }
1487                         }}
1489                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1238);
1490 return handles;
1491                 },
1493             /**
1494              * Set the visibility of the handles.
1495              *
1496              * @method _setHideHandlesUI
1497              * @param {boolean} val True to hide the handles, false to show.
1498              * @protected
1499              */
1500                 _setHideHandlesUI: function(val) {
1501                         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", "_setHideHandlesUI", 1248);
1502 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1249);
1503 var instance = this,
1504                                 wrapper = instance.get(WRAPPER);
1506                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1252);
1507 if (!instance.get(RESIZING)) {
1508                                 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1253);
1509 if (val) {
1510                                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1254);
1511 wrapper.addClass(CSS_RESIZE_HIDDEN_HANDLES);
1512                                 }
1513                                 else {
1514                                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1257);
1515 wrapper.removeClass(CSS_RESIZE_HIDDEN_HANDLES);
1516                                 }
1517                         }
1518                 },
1520             /**
1521              * Setter for the wrap attribute
1522              *
1523              * @method _setWrap
1524              * @protected
1525              * @param {boolean} val
1526              */
1527                 _setWrap: function(val) {
1528                         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", "_setWrap", 1269);
1529 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1270);
1530 var instance = this,
1531                                 node = instance.get(NODE),
1532                                 nodeName = node.get(NODE_NAME),
1533                                 typeRegex = instance.get(WRAP_TYPES);
1535                         // if nodeName is listed on WRAP_TYPES force use the wrapper
1536                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1276);
1537 if (typeRegex.test(nodeName)) {
1538                                 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1277);
1539 val = true;
1540                         }
1542                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1280);
1543 return val;
1544                 },
1546             /**
1547              * Default resize:mouseUp handler
1548              *
1549              * @method _defMouseUpFn
1550              * @param {EventFacade} event The Event object
1551              * @protected
1552              */
1553                 _defMouseUpFn: function(event) {
1554                         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", "_defMouseUpFn", 1290);
1555 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1291);
1556 var instance = this;
1558                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1293);
1559 instance.set(RESIZING, false);
1560                 },
1562             /**
1563              * Default resize:resize handler
1564              *
1565              * @method _defResizeFn
1566              * @param {EventFacade} event The Event object
1567              * @protected
1568              */
1569                 _defResizeFn: function(event) {
1570                         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", "_defResizeFn", 1303);
1571 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1304);
1572 var instance = this;
1574                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1306);
1575 instance._resize(event);
1576                 },
1578                 /**
1579              * Logic method for _defResizeFn. Allow AOP.
1580              *
1581              * @method _resize
1582              * @param {EventFacade} event The Event object
1583              * @protected
1584              */
1585                 _resize: function(event) {
1586                         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", "_resize", 1316);
1587 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1317);
1588 var instance = this;
1590                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1319);
1591 instance._handleResizeAlignEvent(event.dragEvent);
1593                         // _syncUI of the wrapper, not using proxy
1594                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1322);
1595 instance._syncUI();
1596                 },
1598                 /**
1599              * Default resize:align handler
1600              *
1601              * @method _defResizeAlignFn
1602              * @param {EventFacade} event The Event object
1603              * @protected
1604              */
1605                 _defResizeAlignFn: function(event) {
1606                         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", "_defResizeAlignFn", 1332);
1607 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1333);
1608 var instance = this;
1610                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1335);
1611 instance._resizeAlign(event);
1612                 },
1614                 /**
1615              * Logic method for _defResizeAlignFn. Allow AOP.
1616              *
1617              * @method _resizeAlign
1618              * @param {EventFacade} event The Event object
1619              * @protected
1620              */
1621                 _resizeAlign: function(event) {
1622                         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", "_resizeAlign", 1345);
1623 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1346);
1624 var instance = this,
1625                                 info,
1626                                 defMinHeight,
1627                                 defMinWidth;
1629                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1351);
1630 instance.lastInfo = instance.info;
1632                         // update the instance.info values
1633                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1354);
1634 instance._updateInfo(event);
1636                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1356);
1637 info = instance.info;
1639                         // basic resize calculations
1640                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1359);
1641 instance._calcResize();
1643                         // if Y.Plugin.ResizeConstrained is not plugged, check for min dimension
1644                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1362);
1645 if (!instance.con) {
1646                                 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1363);
1647 defMinHeight = (instance.get(DEF_MIN_HEIGHT) + instance.totalVSurrounding);
1648                                 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1364);
1649 defMinWidth = (instance.get(DEF_MIN_WIDTH) + instance.totalHSurrounding);
1651                                 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1366);
1652 if (info.offsetHeight <= defMinHeight) {
1653                                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1367);
1654 instance._checkSize(OFFSET_HEIGHT, defMinHeight);
1655                                 }
1657                                 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1370);
1658 if (info.offsetWidth <= defMinWidth) {
1659                                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1371);
1660 instance._checkSize(OFFSET_WIDTH, defMinWidth);
1661                                 }
1662                         }
1663                 },
1665             /**
1666              * Default resize:end handler
1667              *
1668              * @method _defResizeEndFn
1669              * @param {EventFacade} event The Event object
1670              * @protected
1671              */
1672                 _defResizeEndFn: function(event) {
1673                         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", "_defResizeEndFn", 1383);
1674 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1384);
1675 var instance = this;
1677                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1386);
1678 instance._resizeEnd(event);
1679                 },
1681                 /**
1682              * Logic method for _defResizeEndFn. Allow AOP.
1683              *
1684              * @method _resizeEnd
1685              * @param {EventFacade} event The Event object
1686              * @protected
1687              */
1688                 _resizeEnd: function(event) {
1689                         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", "_resizeEnd", 1396);
1690 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1397);
1691 var instance = this,
1692                                 drag = event.dragEvent.target;
1694                         // reseting actXY from drag when drag end
1695                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1401);
1696 drag.actXY = [];
1698                         // syncUI when resize end
1699                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1404);
1700 instance._syncUI();
1702                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1406);
1703 instance._setActiveHandlesUI(false);
1705                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1408);
1706 instance.set(ACTIVE_HANDLE, null);
1707                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1409);
1708 instance.set(ACTIVE_HANDLE_NODE, null);
1710                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1411);
1711 instance.handle = null;
1712                 },
1714             /**
1715              * Default resize:start handler
1716              *
1717              * @method _defResizeStartFn
1718              * @param {EventFacade} event The Event object
1719              * @protected
1720              */
1721                 _defResizeStartFn: function(event) {
1722                         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", "_defResizeStartFn", 1421);
1723 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1422);
1724 var instance = this;
1726                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1424);
1727 instance._resizeStart(event);
1728                 },
1730                 /**
1731              * Logic method for _defResizeStartFn. Allow AOP.
1732              *
1733              * @method _resizeStart
1734              * @param {EventFacade} event The Event object
1735              * @protected
1736              */
1737                 _resizeStart: function(event) {
1738                         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", "_resizeStart", 1434);
1739 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1435);
1740 var instance = this,
1741                                 wrapper = instance.get(WRAPPER);
1743                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1438);
1744 instance.handle = instance.get(ACTIVE_HANDLE);
1746                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1440);
1747 instance.set(RESIZING, true);
1749                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1442);
1750 instance._updateSurroundingInfo();
1752                         // create an originalInfo information for reference
1753                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1445);
1754 instance.originalInfo = instance._getInfo(wrapper, event);
1756                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1447);
1757 instance._updateInfo(event);
1758                 },
1760             /**
1761              * Fires the resize:mouseUp event.
1762              *
1763              * @method _handleMouseUpEvent
1764              * @param {EventFacade} event resize:mouseUp event facade
1765              * @protected
1766              */
1767                 _handleMouseUpEvent: function(event) {
1768                         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", "_handleMouseUpEvent", 1457);
1769 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1458);
1770 this.fire(EV_MOUSE_UP, { dragEvent: event, info: this.info });
1771                 },
1773             /**
1774              * Fires the resize:resize event.
1775              *
1776              * @method _handleResizeEvent
1777              * @param {EventFacade} event resize:resize event facade
1778              * @protected
1779              */
1780                 _handleResizeEvent: function(event) {
1781                         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", "_handleResizeEvent", 1468);
1782 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1469);
1783 this.fire(EV_RESIZE, { dragEvent: event, info: this.info });
1784                 },
1786             /**
1787              * Fires the resize:align event.
1788              *
1789              * @method _handleResizeAlignEvent
1790              * @param {EventFacade} event resize:resize event facade
1791              * @protected
1792              */
1793                 _handleResizeAlignEvent: function(event) {
1794                         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", "_handleResizeAlignEvent", 1479);
1795 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1480);
1796 this.fire(EV_RESIZE_ALIGN, { dragEvent: event, info: this.info });
1797                 },
1799             /**
1800              * Fires the resize:end event.
1801              *
1802              * @method _handleResizeEndEvent
1803              * @param {EventFacade} event resize:end event facade
1804              * @protected
1805              */
1806                 _handleResizeEndEvent: function(event) {
1807                         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", "_handleResizeEndEvent", 1490);
1808 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1491);
1809 this.fire(EV_RESIZE_END, { dragEvent: event, info: this.info });
1810                 },
1812             /**
1813              * Fires the resize:start event.
1814              *
1815              * @method _handleResizeStartEvent
1816              * @param {EventFacade} event resize:start event facade
1817              * @protected
1818              */
1819                 _handleResizeStartEvent: function(event) {
1820             _yuitest_coverfunc("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", "_handleResizeStartEvent", 1501);
1821 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1502);
1822 if (!this.get(ACTIVE_HANDLE)) {
1823                 //This handles the "touch" case
1824                             _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1504);
1825 this._setHandleFromNode(event.target.get('node'));
1826             }
1827                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1506);
1828 this.fire(EV_RESIZE_START, { dragEvent: event, info: this.info });
1829                 },
1831                 /**
1832                  * Mouseenter event handler for the <a href="Resize.html#attr_wrapper">wrapper</a>.
1833                  *
1834                  * @method _onWrapperMouseEnter
1835              * @param {EventFacade} event
1836                  * @protected
1837                  */
1838                 _onWrapperMouseEnter: function(event) {
1839                         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", "_onWrapperMouseEnter", 1516);
1840 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1517);
1841 var instance = this;
1843                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1519);
1844 if (instance.get(AUTO_HIDE)) {
1845                                 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1520);
1846 instance._setHideHandlesUI(false);
1847                         }
1848                 },
1850                 /**
1851                  * Mouseleave event handler for the <a href="Resize.html#attr_wrapper">wrapper</a>.
1852                  *
1853                  * @method _onWrapperMouseLeave
1854              * @param {EventFacade} event
1855                  * @protected
1856                  */
1857                 _onWrapperMouseLeave: function(event) {
1858                         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", "_onWrapperMouseLeave", 1531);
1859 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1532);
1860 var instance = this;
1862                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1534);
1863 if (instance.get(AUTO_HIDE)) {
1864                                 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1535);
1865 instance._setHideHandlesUI(true);
1866                         }
1867                 },
1869                 /**
1870                  * Handles setting the activeHandle from a node, used from startDrag (for touch) and mouseenter (for mouse).
1871                  *
1872                  * @method _setHandleFromNode
1873              * @param {Node} node
1874                  * @protected
1875                  */
1876         _setHandleFromNode: function(node) {
1877                         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", "_setHandleFromNode", 1546);
1878 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1547);
1879 var instance = this,
1880                                 handle = instance._extractHandleName(node);
1882                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1550);
1883 if (!instance.get(RESIZING)) {
1884                                 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1551);
1885 instance.set(ACTIVE_HANDLE, handle);
1886                                 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1552);
1887 instance.set(ACTIVE_HANDLE_NODE, node);
1889                                 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1554);
1890 instance._setActiveHandlesUI(true);
1891                                 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1555);
1892 instance._updateChangeHandleInfo(handle);
1893                         }
1894         },
1896                 /**
1897                  * Mouseenter event handler for the handles.
1898                  *
1899                  * @method _onHandleMouseEnter
1900              * @param {EventFacade} event
1901                  * @protected
1902                  */
1903                 _onHandleMouseEnter: function(event) {
1904                         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", "_onHandleMouseEnter", 1566);
1905 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1567);
1906 this._setHandleFromNode(event.currentTarget);
1907                 },
1909                 /**
1910                  * Mouseout event handler for the handles.
1911                  *
1912                  * @method _onHandleMouseLeave
1913              * @param {EventFacade} event
1914                  * @protected
1915                  */
1916                 _onHandleMouseLeave: function(event) {
1917                         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", "_onHandleMouseLeave", 1577);
1918 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1578);
1919 var instance = this;
1921                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1580);
1922 if (!instance.get(RESIZING)) {
1923                                 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1581);
1924 instance._setActiveHandlesUI(false);
1925                         }
1926                 },
1928                 /**
1929              * Default value for the wrapper handles node attribute
1930              *
1931              * @method _valueHandlesWrapper
1932              * @protected
1933              * @readOnly
1934              */
1935                 _valueHandlesWrapper: function() {
1936                         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", "_valueHandlesWrapper", 1592);
1937 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1593);
1938 return Y.Node.create(this.HANDLES_WRAP_TEMPLATE);
1939                 },
1941                 /**
1942              * Default value for the wrapper attribute
1943              *
1944              * @method _valueWrapper
1945              * @protected
1946              * @readOnly
1947              */
1948                 _valueWrapper: function() {
1949                         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", "_valueWrapper", 1603);
1950 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1604);
1951 var instance = this,
1952                                 node = instance.get(NODE),
1953                                 pNode = node.get(PARENT_NODE),
1954                                 // by deafult the wrapper is always the node
1955                                 wrapper = node;
1957                         // if the node is listed on the wrapTypes or wrap is set to true, create another wrapper
1958                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1611);
1959 if (instance.get(WRAP)) {
1960                                 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1612);
1961 wrapper = Y.Node.create(instance.WRAP_TEMPLATE);
1963                                 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1614);
1964 if (pNode) {
1965                                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1615);
1966 pNode.insertBefore(wrapper, node);
1967                                 }
1969                                 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1618);
1970 wrapper.append(node);
1972                                 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1620);
1973 instance._copyStyles(node, wrapper);
1975                                 // remove positioning of wrapped node, the WRAPPER take care about positioning
1976                                 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1623);
1977 node.setStyles({
1978                                         position: STATIC,
1979                                         left: 0,
1980                                         top: 0
1981                                 });
1982                         }
1984                         _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1630);
1985 return wrapper;
1986                 }
1987         }
1990 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1635);
1991 Y.each(Y.Resize.prototype.ALL_HANDLES, function(handle, i) {
1992         // creating ATTRS with the handles elements
1993         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", "(anonymous 13)", 1635);
1994 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1637);
1995 Y.Resize.ATTRS[handleAttrName(handle)] = {
1996                 setter: function() {
1997                         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", "setter", 1638);
1998 _yuitest_coverline("build/resize-base/resize-base.js", 1639);
1999 return this._buildHandle(handle);
2000                 },
2001                 value: null,
2002                 writeOnce: true
2003         };
2007 }, '3.7.1', {"requires": ["base", "widget", "event", "oop", "dd-drag", "dd-delegate", "dd-drop"], "skinnable": true});