weekly release 2.4dev
[moodle.git] / lib / yuilib / 3.7.1 / build / base-core / base-core-coverage.js
1 /*
2 YUI 3.7.1 (build 5627)
3 Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
4 Licensed under the BSD License.
5 http://yuilibrary.com/license/
6 */
7 if (typeof _yuitest_coverage == "undefined"){
8     _yuitest_coverage = {};
9     _yuitest_coverline = function(src, line){
10         var coverage = _yuitest_coverage[src];
11         if (!coverage.lines[line]){
12             coverage.calledLines++;
13         }
14         coverage.lines[line]++;
15     };
16     _yuitest_coverfunc = function(src, name, line){
17         var coverage = _yuitest_coverage[src],
18             funcId = name + ":" + line;
19         if (!coverage.functions[funcId]){
20             coverage.calledFunctions++;
21         }
22         coverage.functions[funcId]++;
23     };
25 _yuitest_coverage["build/base-core/base-core.js"] = {
26     lines: {},
27     functions: {},
28     coveredLines: 0,
29     calledLines: 0,
30     coveredFunctions: 0,
31     calledFunctions: 0,
32     path: "build/base-core/base-core.js",
33     code: []
35 _yuitest_coverage["build/base-core/base-core.js"].code=["YUI.add('base-core', function (Y, NAME) {","","    /**","     * The base module provides the Base class, which objects requiring attribute and custom event support can extend. ","     * The module also provides two ways to reuse code - It augments Base with the Plugin.Host interface which provides ","     * plugin support and also provides the BaseCore.build method which provides a way to build custom classes using extensions.","     *","     * @module base","     */","","    /**","     * <p>The base-core module provides the BaseCore class, the lightest version of Base, ","     * which provides Base's basic lifecycle management and ATTRS construction support, ","     * but doesn't fire init/destroy or attribute change events.</p> ","     * ","     * <p>It mixes in AttributeCore, which is the lightest version of Attribute</p>","     *","     * @module base","     * @submodule base-core","     */","    var O = Y.Object,","        L = Y.Lang,","        DOT = \".\",","        INITIALIZED = \"initialized\",","        DESTROYED = \"destroyed\",","        INITIALIZER = \"initializer\",","        VALUE = \"value\",","        OBJECT_CONSTRUCTOR = Object.prototype.constructor,","        DEEP = \"deep\",","        SHALLOW = \"shallow\",","        DESTRUCTOR = \"destructor\",","","        AttributeCore = Y.AttributeCore,","","        _wlmix = function(r, s, wlhash) {","            var p;","            for (p in s) {","                if(wlhash[p]) { ","                    r[p] = s[p];","                }","            }","            return r;","        };","","    /**","     * The BaseCore class, is the lightest version of Base, and provides Base's ","     * basic lifecycle management and ATTRS construction support, but doesn't ","     * fire init/destroy or attribute change events.","     *","     * BaseCore also handles the chaining of initializer and destructor methods across ","     * the hierarchy as part of object construction and destruction. Additionally, attributes ","     * configured through the static <a href=\"#property_BaseCore.ATTRS\">ATTRS</a> ","     * property for each class in the hierarchy will be initialized by BaseCore.","     *","     * Classes which require attribute support, but don't intend to use/expose attribute ","     * change events can extend BaseCore instead of Base for optimal kweight and ","     * runtime performance.","     * ","     * @class BaseCore","     * @constructor","     * @uses AttributeCore","     * @param {Object} cfg Object with configuration property name/value pairs. ","     * The object can be used to provide initial values for the objects published ","     * attributes.","     */","    function BaseCore(cfg) {","        if (!this._BaseInvoked) {","            this._BaseInvoked = true;","","            this._initBase(cfg);","        }","    }","","    /**","     * The list of properties which can be configured for each attribute ","     * (e.g. setter, getter, writeOnce, readOnly etc.)","     *","     * @property _ATTR_CFG","     * @type Array","     * @static","     * @private","     */","    BaseCore._ATTR_CFG = AttributeCore._ATTR_CFG.concat(\"cloneDefaultValue\");","    BaseCore._ATTR_CFG_HASH = Y.Array.hash(BaseCore._ATTR_CFG);","","    /**","     * The array of non-attribute configuration properties supported by this class. ","     * ","     * For example `BaseCore` defines a \"plugins\" configuration property which ","     * should not be set up as an attribute. This property is primarily required so ","     * that when <a href=\"#property__allowAdHocAttrs\">`_allowAdHocAttrs`</a> is enabled by a class, ","     * non-attribute configuration properties don't get added as ad-hoc attributes.  ","     *","     * @property _NON_ATTRS_CFG","     * @type Array","     * @static","     * @private","     */","    BaseCore._NON_ATTRS_CFG = [\"plugins\"];","","    /**","     * This property controls whether or not instances of this class should","     * allow users to add ad-hoc attributes through the constructor configuration ","     * hash.","     *","     * AdHoc attributes are attributes which are not defined by the class, and are ","     * not handled by the MyClass._NON_ATTRS_CFG  ","     * ","     * @property _allowAdHocAttrs","     * @type boolean","     * @default undefined (false)","     * @protected","     */","","    /**","     * The string to be used to identify instances of this class.","     * ","     * Classes extending BaseCore, should define their own","     * static NAME property, which should be camelCase by","     * convention (e.g. MyClass.NAME = \"myClass\";).","     *","     * @property NAME","     * @type String","     * @static","     */","    BaseCore.NAME = \"baseCore\";","","    /**","     * The default set of attributes which will be available for instances of this class, and ","     * their configuration. In addition to the configuration properties listed by ","     * AttributeCore's <a href=\"AttributeCore.html#method_addAttr\">addAttr</a> method, ","     * the attribute can also be configured with a \"cloneDefaultValue\" property, which ","     * defines how the statically defined value field should be protected ","     * (\"shallow\", \"deep\" and false are supported values). ","     *","     * By default if the value is an object literal or an array it will be \"shallow\" ","     * cloned, to protect the default value.","     *","     * @property ATTRS","     * @type Object","     * @static","     */","    BaseCore.ATTRS = {","        /**","         * Flag indicating whether or not this object","         * has been through the init lifecycle phase.","         *","         * @attribute initialized","         * @readonly","         * @default false","         * @type boolean","         */","        initialized: {","            readOnly:true,","            value:false","        },","","        /**","         * Flag indicating whether or not this object","         * has been through the destroy lifecycle phase.","         *","         * @attribute destroyed","         * @readonly","         * @default false","         * @type boolean","         */","        destroyed: {","            readOnly:true,","            value:false","        }","    };","","    BaseCore.prototype = {","","        /**","         * Internal construction logic for BaseCore.","         *","         * @method _initBase","         * @param {Object} config The constructor configuration object","         * @private","         */","        _initBase : function(config) {","","            Y.stamp(this);","","            this._initAttribute(config);","","            // If Plugin.Host has been augmented [ through base-pluginhost ], setup it's","            // initial state, but don't initialize Plugins yet. That's done after initialization.","            var PluginHost = Y.Plugin && Y.Plugin.Host;","            if (this._initPlugins && PluginHost) {","                PluginHost.call(this);","            }","","            if (this._lazyAddAttrs !== false) { this._lazyAddAttrs = true; }","","            /**","             * The string used to identify the class of this object.","             *","             * @deprecated Use this.constructor.NAME","             * @property name","             * @type String","             */","            this.name = this.constructor.NAME;","    ","            this.init.apply(this, arguments);","        },","","        /**","         * Initializes AttributeCore ","         * ","         * @method _initAttribute","         * @private","         */","        _initAttribute: function() {","            AttributeCore.apply(this);","        },","","        /**","         * Init lifecycle method, invoked during construction. Sets up attributes ","         * and invokes initializers for the class hierarchy.","         *","         * @method init","         * @chainable","         * @param {Object} cfg Object with configuration property name/value pairs","         * @return {BaseCore} A reference to this object","         */","        init: function(cfg) {","","            this._baseInit(cfg);","","            return this;","        },","","        /**","         * Internal initialization implementation for BaseCore","         *","         * @method _baseInit","         * @private","         */","        _baseInit: function(cfg) {","            this._initHierarchy(cfg);","","            if (this._initPlugins) {","                // Need to initPlugins manually, to handle constructor parsing, static Plug parsing","                this._initPlugins(cfg);","            }","            this._set(INITIALIZED, true);","        },","","        /**","         * Destroy lifecycle method. Invokes destructors for the class hierarchy.","         *","         * @method destroy","         * @return {BaseCore} A reference to this object","         * @chainable","         */","        destroy: function() {","            this._baseDestroy();","            return this;","        },","","        /**","         * Internal destroy implementation for BaseCore","         *","         * @method _baseDestroy","         * @private","         */","        _baseDestroy : function() {","            if (this._destroyPlugins) {","                this._destroyPlugins();","            }","            this._destroyHierarchy();","            this._set(DESTROYED, true);","        },","","        /**","         * Returns the class hierarchy for this object, with BaseCore being the last class in the array.","         *","         * @method _getClasses","         * @protected","         * @return {Function[]} An array of classes (constructor functions), making up the class hierarchy for this object.","         * This value is cached the first time the method, or _getAttrCfgs, is invoked. Subsequent invocations return the ","         * cached value.","         */","        _getClasses : function() {","            if (!this._classes) {","                this._initHierarchyData();","            }","            return this._classes;","        },","","        /**","         * Returns an aggregated set of attribute configurations, by traversing ","         * the class hierarchy.","         *","         * @method _getAttrCfgs","         * @protected","         * @return {Object} The hash of attribute configurations, aggregated across classes in the hierarchy","         * This value is cached the first time the method, or _getClasses, is invoked. Subsequent invocations return","         * the cached value.","         */","        _getAttrCfgs : function() {","            if (!this._attrs) {","                this._initHierarchyData();","            }","            return this._attrs;","        },","","        /**","         * A helper method used when processing ATTRS across the class hierarchy during ","         * initialization. Returns a disposable object with the attributes defined for ","         * the provided class, extracted from the set of all attributes passed in.","         *","         * @method _filterAttrCfs","         * @private","         *","         * @param {Function} clazz The class for which the desired attributes are required.","         * @param {Object} allCfgs The set of all attribute configurations for this instance. ","         * Attributes will be removed from this set, if they belong to the filtered class, so","         * that by the time all classes are processed, allCfgs will be empty.","         * ","         * @return {Object} The set of attributes belonging to the class passed in, in the form","         * of an object with attribute name/configuration pairs.","         */","        _filterAttrCfgs : function(clazz, allCfgs) {","            var cfgs = null, attr, attrs = clazz.ATTRS;","","            if (attrs) {","                for (attr in attrs) {","                    if (allCfgs[attr]) {","                        cfgs = cfgs || {};","                        cfgs[attr] = allCfgs[attr];","                        allCfgs[attr] = null;","                    }","                }","            }","","            return cfgs;","        },","","        /**","         * @method _filterAdHocAttrs","         * @private","         *","         * @param {Object} allAttrs The set of all attribute configurations for this instance. ","         * Attributes will be removed from this set, if they belong to the filtered class, so","         * that by the time all classes are processed, allCfgs will be empty.","         * @param {Object} userVals The config object passed in by the user, from which adhoc attrs are to be filtered.","         * @return {Object} The set of adhoc attributes passed in, in the form","         * of an object with attribute name/configuration pairs.","         */","        _filterAdHocAttrs : function(allAttrs, userVals) {","            var adHocs,","                nonAttrs = this._nonAttrs,","                attr;","","            if (userVals) {","                adHocs = {};","                for (attr in userVals) {","                    if (!allAttrs[attr] && !nonAttrs[attr] && userVals.hasOwnProperty(attr)) {","                        adHocs[attr] = {","                            value:userVals[attr]","                        };","                    }","                }","            }","","            return adHocs;","        },","","        /**","         * A helper method used by _getClasses and _getAttrCfgs, which determines both","         * the array of classes and aggregate set of attribute configurations","         * across the class hierarchy for the instance.","         *","         * @method _initHierarchyData","         * @private","         */","        _initHierarchyData : function() {","            var c = this.constructor,","                i,","                l,","                nonAttrsCfg,","                nonAttrs = (this._allowAdHocAttrs) ? {} : null,","                classes = [],","                attrs = [];","","            while (c) {","                // Add to classes","                classes[classes.length] = c;","","                // Add to attributes","                if (c.ATTRS) {","                    attrs[attrs.length] = c.ATTRS;","                }","","                if (this._allowAdHocAttrs) {","                    nonAttrsCfg = c._NON_ATTRS_CFG; ","                    if (nonAttrsCfg) {","                        for (i = 0, l = nonAttrsCfg.length; i < l; i++) {","                            nonAttrs[nonAttrsCfg[i]] = true;","                        }","                    }","                }","","                c = c.superclass ? c.superclass.constructor : null;","            }","","            this._classes = classes;","            this._nonAttrs = nonAttrs;","            this._attrs = this._aggregateAttrs(attrs);","        },","","        /**","         * Utility method to define the attribute hash used to filter/whitelist property mixes for ","         * this class. ","         * ","         * @method _attrCfgHash","         * @private","         */","        _attrCfgHash: function() {","            return BaseCore._ATTR_CFG_HASH;","        },","","        /**","         * A helper method, used by _initHierarchyData to aggregate ","         * attribute configuration across the instances class hierarchy.","         *","         * The method will protect the attribute configuration value to protect the statically defined ","         * default value in ATTRS if required (if the value is an object literal, array or the ","         * attribute configuration has cloneDefaultValue set to shallow or deep).","         *","         * @method _aggregateAttrs","         * @private","         * @param {Array} allAttrs An array of ATTRS definitions across classes in the hierarchy ","         * (subclass first, Base last)","         * @return {Object} The aggregate set of ATTRS definitions for the instance","         */","        _aggregateAttrs : function(allAttrs) {","            var attr,","                attrs,","                cfg,","                val,","                path,","                i,","                clone,","                cfgPropsHash = this._attrCfgHash(),","                aggAttr,","                aggAttrs = {};","","            if (allAttrs) {","                for (i = allAttrs.length-1; i >= 0; --i) {","                    attrs = allAttrs[i];","","                    for (attr in attrs) {","                        if (attrs.hasOwnProperty(attr)) {","","                            // Protect config passed in","                            cfg = _wlmix({}, attrs[attr], cfgPropsHash);","","                            val = cfg.value;","                            clone = cfg.cloneDefaultValue;","","                            if (val) {","                                if ( (clone === undefined && (OBJECT_CONSTRUCTOR === val.constructor || L.isArray(val))) || clone === DEEP || clone === true) {","                                    cfg.value = Y.clone(val);","                                } else if (clone === SHALLOW) {","                                    cfg.value = Y.merge(val);","                                }","                                // else if (clone === false), don't clone the static default value. ","                                // It's intended to be used by reference.","                            }","","                            path = null;","                            if (attr.indexOf(DOT) !== -1) {","                                path = attr.split(DOT);","                                attr = path.shift();","                            }","","                            aggAttr = aggAttrs[attr];","                            if (path && aggAttr && aggAttr.value) {","                                O.setValue(aggAttr.value, path, val);","                            } else if (!path) {","                                if (!aggAttr) {","                                    aggAttrs[attr] = cfg;","                                } else {","                                    if (aggAttr.valueFn && VALUE in cfg) {","                                        aggAttr.valueFn = null;    ","                                    }","                                    _wlmix(aggAttr, cfg, cfgPropsHash);","                                }","                            }","                        }","                    }","                }","            }","","            return aggAttrs;","        },","","        /**","         * Initializes the class hierarchy for the instance, which includes ","         * initializing attributes for each class defined in the class's ","         * static <a href=\"#property_BaseCore.ATTRS\">ATTRS</a> property and ","         * invoking the initializer method on the prototype of each class in the hierarchy.","         *","         * @method _initHierarchy","         * @param {Object} userVals Object with configuration property name/value pairs","         * @private","         */","        _initHierarchy : function(userVals) {","            var lazy = this._lazyAddAttrs,","                constr,","                constrProto,","                ci,","                ei,","                el,","                extProto,","                exts,","                classes = this._getClasses(),","                attrCfgs = this._getAttrCfgs(),","                cl = classes.length - 1;","","            for (ci = cl; ci >= 0; ci--) {","","                constr = classes[ci];","                constrProto = constr.prototype;","                exts = constr._yuibuild && constr._yuibuild.exts; ","","                if (exts) {","                    for (ei = 0, el = exts.length; ei < el; ei++) {","                        exts[ei].apply(this, arguments);","                    }","                }","","                this.addAttrs(this._filterAttrCfgs(constr, attrCfgs), userVals, lazy);","","                if (this._allowAdHocAttrs && ci === cl) {                ","                    this.addAttrs(this._filterAdHocAttrs(attrCfgs, userVals), userVals, lazy);","                }","","                // Using INITIALIZER in hasOwnProperty check, for performance reasons (helps IE6 avoid GC thresholds when","                // referencing string literals). Not using it in apply, again, for performance \".\" is faster. ","                if (constrProto.hasOwnProperty(INITIALIZER)) {","                    constrProto.initializer.apply(this, arguments);","                }","","                if (exts) {","                    for (ei = 0; ei < el; ei++) {","                        extProto = exts[ei].prototype;","                        if (extProto.hasOwnProperty(INITIALIZER)) {","                            extProto.initializer.apply(this, arguments);","                        }","                    }","                }","            }","        },","","        /**","         * Destroys the class hierarchy for this instance by invoking","         * the destructor method on the prototype of each class in the hierarchy.","         *","         * @method _destroyHierarchy","         * @private","         */","        _destroyHierarchy : function() {","            var constr,","                constrProto,","                ci, cl, ei, el, exts, extProto,","                classes = this._getClasses();","","            for (ci = 0, cl = classes.length; ci < cl; ci++) {","                constr = classes[ci];","                constrProto = constr.prototype;","                exts = constr._yuibuild && constr._yuibuild.exts; ","","                if (exts) {","                    for (ei = 0, el = exts.length; ei < el; ei++) {","                        extProto = exts[ei].prototype;","                        if (extProto.hasOwnProperty(DESTRUCTOR)) {","                            extProto.destructor.apply(this, arguments);","                        }","                    }","                }","","                if (constrProto.hasOwnProperty(DESTRUCTOR)) {","                    constrProto.destructor.apply(this, arguments);","                }","            }","        },","","        /**","         * Default toString implementation. Provides the constructor NAME","         * and the instance guid, if set.","         *","         * @method toString","         * @return {String} String representation for this object","         */","        toString: function() {","            return this.name + \"[\" + Y.stamp(this, true) + \"]\";","        }","    };","","    // Straightup augment, no wrapper functions","    Y.mix(BaseCore, AttributeCore, false, null, 1);","","    // Fix constructor","    BaseCore.prototype.constructor = BaseCore;","","    Y.BaseCore = BaseCore;","","","}, '3.7.1', {\"requires\": [\"attribute-core\"]});"];
36 _yuitest_coverage["build/base-core/base-core.js"].lines = {"1":0,"21":0,"36":0,"37":0,"38":0,"39":0,"42":0,"66":0,"67":0,"68":0,"70":0,"83":0,"84":0,"99":0,"126":0,"143":0,"173":0,"184":0,"186":0,"190":0,"191":0,"192":0,"195":0,"204":0,"206":0,"216":0,"230":0,"232":0,"242":0,"244":0,"246":0,"248":0,"259":0,"260":0,"270":0,"271":0,"273":0,"274":0,"287":0,"288":0,"290":0,"304":0,"305":0,"307":0,"327":0,"329":0,"330":0,"331":0,"332":0,"333":0,"334":0,"339":0,"354":0,"358":0,"359":0,"360":0,"361":0,"362":0,"369":0,"381":0,"389":0,"391":0,"394":0,"395":0,"398":0,"399":0,"400":0,"401":0,"402":0,"407":0,"410":0,"411":0,"412":0,"423":0,"441":0,"452":0,"453":0,"454":0,"456":0,"457":0,"460":0,"462":0,"463":0,"465":0,"466":0,"467":0,"468":0,"469":0,"475":0,"476":0,"477":0,"478":0,"481":0,"482":0,"483":0,"484":0,"485":0,"486":0,"488":0,"489":0,"491":0,"499":0,"513":0,"525":0,"527":0,"528":0,"529":0,"531":0,"532":0,"533":0,"537":0,"539":0,"540":0,"545":0,"546":0,"549":0,"550":0,"551":0,"552":0,"553":0,"568":0,"573":0,"574":0,"575":0,"576":0,"578":0,"579":0,"580":0,"581":0,"582":0,"587":0,"588":0,"601":0,"606":0,"609":0,"611":0};
37 _yuitest_coverage["build/base-core/base-core.js"].functions = {"_wlmix:35":0,"BaseCore:66":0,"_initBase:182":0,"_initAttribute:215":0,"init:228":0,"_baseInit:241":0,"destroy:258":0,"_baseDestroy:269":0,"_getClasses:286":0,"_getAttrCfgs:303":0,"_filterAttrCfgs:326":0,"_filterAdHocAttrs:353":0,"_initHierarchyData:380":0,"_attrCfgHash:422":0,"_aggregateAttrs:440":0,"_initHierarchy:512":0,"_destroyHierarchy:567":0,"toString:600":0,"(anonymous 1):1":0};
38 _yuitest_coverage["build/base-core/base-core.js"].coveredLines = 136;
39 _yuitest_coverage["build/base-core/base-core.js"].coveredFunctions = 19;
40 _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 1);
41 YUI.add('base-core', function (Y, NAME) {
43     /**
44      * The base module provides the Base class, which objects requiring attribute and custom event support can extend. 
45      * The module also provides two ways to reuse code - It augments Base with the Plugin.Host interface which provides 
46      * plugin support and also provides the BaseCore.build method which provides a way to build custom classes using extensions.
47      *
48      * @module base
49      */
51     /**
52      * <p>The base-core module provides the BaseCore class, the lightest version of Base, 
53      * which provides Base's basic lifecycle management and ATTRS construction support, 
54      * but doesn't fire init/destroy or attribute change events.</p> 
55      * 
56      * <p>It mixes in AttributeCore, which is the lightest version of Attribute</p>
57      *
58      * @module base
59      * @submodule base-core
60      */
61     _yuitest_coverfunc("build/base-core/base-core.js", "(anonymous 1)", 1);
62 _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 21);
63 var O = Y.Object,
64         L = Y.Lang,
65         DOT = ".",
66         INITIALIZED = "initialized",
67         DESTROYED = "destroyed",
68         INITIALIZER = "initializer",
69         VALUE = "value",
70         OBJECT_CONSTRUCTOR = Object.prototype.constructor,
71         DEEP = "deep",
72         SHALLOW = "shallow",
73         DESTRUCTOR = "destructor",
75         AttributeCore = Y.AttributeCore,
77         _wlmix = function(r, s, wlhash) {
78             _yuitest_coverfunc("build/base-core/base-core.js", "_wlmix", 35);
79 _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 36);
80 var p;
81             _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 37);
82 for (p in s) {
83                 _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 38);
84 if(wlhash[p]) { 
85                     _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 39);
86 r[p] = s[p];
87                 }
88             }
89             _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 42);
90 return r;
91         };
93     /**
94      * The BaseCore class, is the lightest version of Base, and provides Base's 
95      * basic lifecycle management and ATTRS construction support, but doesn't 
96      * fire init/destroy or attribute change events.
97      *
98      * BaseCore also handles the chaining of initializer and destructor methods across 
99      * the hierarchy as part of object construction and destruction. Additionally, attributes 
100      * configured through the static <a href="#property_BaseCore.ATTRS">ATTRS</a> 
101      * property for each class in the hierarchy will be initialized by BaseCore.
102      *
103      * Classes which require attribute support, but don't intend to use/expose attribute 
104      * change events can extend BaseCore instead of Base for optimal kweight and 
105      * runtime performance.
106      * 
107      * @class BaseCore
108      * @constructor
109      * @uses AttributeCore
110      * @param {Object} cfg Object with configuration property name/value pairs. 
111      * The object can be used to provide initial values for the objects published 
112      * attributes.
113      */
114     _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 66);
115 function BaseCore(cfg) {
116         _yuitest_coverfunc("build/base-core/base-core.js", "BaseCore", 66);
117 _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 67);
118 if (!this._BaseInvoked) {
119             _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 68);
120 this._BaseInvoked = true;
122             _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 70);
123 this._initBase(cfg);
124         }
125     }
127     /**
128      * The list of properties which can be configured for each attribute 
129      * (e.g. setter, getter, writeOnce, readOnly etc.)
130      *
131      * @property _ATTR_CFG
132      * @type Array
133      * @static
134      * @private
135      */
136     _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 83);
137 BaseCore._ATTR_CFG = AttributeCore._ATTR_CFG.concat("cloneDefaultValue");
138     _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 84);
139 BaseCore._ATTR_CFG_HASH = Y.Array.hash(BaseCore._ATTR_CFG);
141     /**
142      * The array of non-attribute configuration properties supported by this class. 
143      * 
144      * For example `BaseCore` defines a "plugins" configuration property which 
145      * should not be set up as an attribute. This property is primarily required so 
146      * that when <a href="#property__allowAdHocAttrs">`_allowAdHocAttrs`</a> is enabled by a class, 
147      * non-attribute configuration properties don't get added as ad-hoc attributes.  
148      *
149      * @property _NON_ATTRS_CFG
150      * @type Array
151      * @static
152      * @private
153      */
154     _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 99);
155 BaseCore._NON_ATTRS_CFG = ["plugins"];
157     /**
158      * This property controls whether or not instances of this class should
159      * allow users to add ad-hoc attributes through the constructor configuration 
160      * hash.
161      *
162      * AdHoc attributes are attributes which are not defined by the class, and are 
163      * not handled by the MyClass._NON_ATTRS_CFG  
164      * 
165      * @property _allowAdHocAttrs
166      * @type boolean
167      * @default undefined (false)
168      * @protected
169      */
171     /**
172      * The string to be used to identify instances of this class.
173      * 
174      * Classes extending BaseCore, should define their own
175      * static NAME property, which should be camelCase by
176      * convention (e.g. MyClass.NAME = "myClass";).
177      *
178      * @property NAME
179      * @type String
180      * @static
181      */
182     _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 126);
183 BaseCore.NAME = "baseCore";
185     /**
186      * The default set of attributes which will be available for instances of this class, and 
187      * their configuration. In addition to the configuration properties listed by 
188      * AttributeCore's <a href="AttributeCore.html#method_addAttr">addAttr</a> method, 
189      * the attribute can also be configured with a "cloneDefaultValue" property, which 
190      * defines how the statically defined value field should be protected 
191      * ("shallow", "deep" and false are supported values). 
192      *
193      * By default if the value is an object literal or an array it will be "shallow" 
194      * cloned, to protect the default value.
195      *
196      * @property ATTRS
197      * @type Object
198      * @static
199      */
200     _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 143);
201 BaseCore.ATTRS = {
202         /**
203          * Flag indicating whether or not this object
204          * has been through the init lifecycle phase.
205          *
206          * @attribute initialized
207          * @readonly
208          * @default false
209          * @type boolean
210          */
211         initialized: {
212             readOnly:true,
213             value:false
214         },
216         /**
217          * Flag indicating whether or not this object
218          * has been through the destroy lifecycle phase.
219          *
220          * @attribute destroyed
221          * @readonly
222          * @default false
223          * @type boolean
224          */
225         destroyed: {
226             readOnly:true,
227             value:false
228         }
229     };
231     _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 173);
232 BaseCore.prototype = {
234         /**
235          * Internal construction logic for BaseCore.
236          *
237          * @method _initBase
238          * @param {Object} config The constructor configuration object
239          * @private
240          */
241         _initBase : function(config) {
243             _yuitest_coverfunc("build/base-core/base-core.js", "_initBase", 182);
244 _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 184);
245 Y.stamp(this);
247             _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 186);
248 this._initAttribute(config);
250             // If Plugin.Host has been augmented [ through base-pluginhost ], setup it's
251             // initial state, but don't initialize Plugins yet. That's done after initialization.
252             _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 190);
253 var PluginHost = Y.Plugin && Y.Plugin.Host;
254             _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 191);
255 if (this._initPlugins && PluginHost) {
256                 _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 192);
257 PluginHost.call(this);
258             }
260             _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 195);
261 if (this._lazyAddAttrs !== false) { this._lazyAddAttrs = true; }
263             /**
264              * The string used to identify the class of this object.
265              *
266              * @deprecated Use this.constructor.NAME
267              * @property name
268              * @type String
269              */
270             _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 204);
271 this.name = this.constructor.NAME;
273             _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 206);
274 this.init.apply(this, arguments);
275         },
277         /**
278          * Initializes AttributeCore 
279          * 
280          * @method _initAttribute
281          * @private
282          */
283         _initAttribute: function() {
284             _yuitest_coverfunc("build/base-core/base-core.js", "_initAttribute", 215);
285 _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 216);
286 AttributeCore.apply(this);
287         },
289         /**
290          * Init lifecycle method, invoked during construction. Sets up attributes 
291          * and invokes initializers for the class hierarchy.
292          *
293          * @method init
294          * @chainable
295          * @param {Object} cfg Object with configuration property name/value pairs
296          * @return {BaseCore} A reference to this object
297          */
298         init: function(cfg) {
300             _yuitest_coverfunc("build/base-core/base-core.js", "init", 228);
301 _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 230);
302 this._baseInit(cfg);
304             _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 232);
305 return this;
306         },
308         /**
309          * Internal initialization implementation for BaseCore
310          *
311          * @method _baseInit
312          * @private
313          */
314         _baseInit: function(cfg) {
315             _yuitest_coverfunc("build/base-core/base-core.js", "_baseInit", 241);
316 _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 242);
317 this._initHierarchy(cfg);
319             _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 244);
320 if (this._initPlugins) {
321                 // Need to initPlugins manually, to handle constructor parsing, static Plug parsing
322                 _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 246);
323 this._initPlugins(cfg);
324             }
325             _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 248);
326 this._set(INITIALIZED, true);
327         },
329         /**
330          * Destroy lifecycle method. Invokes destructors for the class hierarchy.
331          *
332          * @method destroy
333          * @return {BaseCore} A reference to this object
334          * @chainable
335          */
336         destroy: function() {
337             _yuitest_coverfunc("build/base-core/base-core.js", "destroy", 258);
338 _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 259);
339 this._baseDestroy();
340             _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 260);
341 return this;
342         },
344         /**
345          * Internal destroy implementation for BaseCore
346          *
347          * @method _baseDestroy
348          * @private
349          */
350         _baseDestroy : function() {
351             _yuitest_coverfunc("build/base-core/base-core.js", "_baseDestroy", 269);
352 _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 270);
353 if (this._destroyPlugins) {
354                 _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 271);
355 this._destroyPlugins();
356             }
357             _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 273);
358 this._destroyHierarchy();
359             _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 274);
360 this._set(DESTROYED, true);
361         },
363         /**
364          * Returns the class hierarchy for this object, with BaseCore being the last class in the array.
365          *
366          * @method _getClasses
367          * @protected
368          * @return {Function[]} An array of classes (constructor functions), making up the class hierarchy for this object.
369          * This value is cached the first time the method, or _getAttrCfgs, is invoked. Subsequent invocations return the 
370          * cached value.
371          */
372         _getClasses : function() {
373             _yuitest_coverfunc("build/base-core/base-core.js", "_getClasses", 286);
374 _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 287);
375 if (!this._classes) {
376                 _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 288);
377 this._initHierarchyData();
378             }
379             _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 290);
380 return this._classes;
381         },
383         /**
384          * Returns an aggregated set of attribute configurations, by traversing 
385          * the class hierarchy.
386          *
387          * @method _getAttrCfgs
388          * @protected
389          * @return {Object} The hash of attribute configurations, aggregated across classes in the hierarchy
390          * This value is cached the first time the method, or _getClasses, is invoked. Subsequent invocations return
391          * the cached value.
392          */
393         _getAttrCfgs : function() {
394             _yuitest_coverfunc("build/base-core/base-core.js", "_getAttrCfgs", 303);
395 _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 304);
396 if (!this._attrs) {
397                 _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 305);
398 this._initHierarchyData();
399             }
400             _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 307);
401 return this._attrs;
402         },
404         /**
405          * A helper method used when processing ATTRS across the class hierarchy during 
406          * initialization. Returns a disposable object with the attributes defined for 
407          * the provided class, extracted from the set of all attributes passed in.
408          *
409          * @method _filterAttrCfs
410          * @private
411          *
412          * @param {Function} clazz The class for which the desired attributes are required.
413          * @param {Object} allCfgs The set of all attribute configurations for this instance. 
414          * Attributes will be removed from this set, if they belong to the filtered class, so
415          * that by the time all classes are processed, allCfgs will be empty.
416          * 
417          * @return {Object} The set of attributes belonging to the class passed in, in the form
418          * of an object with attribute name/configuration pairs.
419          */
420         _filterAttrCfgs : function(clazz, allCfgs) {
421             _yuitest_coverfunc("build/base-core/base-core.js", "_filterAttrCfgs", 326);
422 _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 327);
423 var cfgs = null, attr, attrs = clazz.ATTRS;
425             _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 329);
426 if (attrs) {
427                 _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 330);
428 for (attr in attrs) {
429                     _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 331);
430 if (allCfgs[attr]) {
431                         _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 332);
432 cfgs = cfgs || {};
433                         _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 333);
434 cfgs[attr] = allCfgs[attr];
435                         _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 334);
436 allCfgs[attr] = null;
437                     }
438                 }
439             }
441             _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 339);
442 return cfgs;
443         },
445         /**
446          * @method _filterAdHocAttrs
447          * @private
448          *
449          * @param {Object} allAttrs The set of all attribute configurations for this instance. 
450          * Attributes will be removed from this set, if they belong to the filtered class, so
451          * that by the time all classes are processed, allCfgs will be empty.
452          * @param {Object} userVals The config object passed in by the user, from which adhoc attrs are to be filtered.
453          * @return {Object} The set of adhoc attributes passed in, in the form
454          * of an object with attribute name/configuration pairs.
455          */
456         _filterAdHocAttrs : function(allAttrs, userVals) {
457             _yuitest_coverfunc("build/base-core/base-core.js", "_filterAdHocAttrs", 353);
458 _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 354);
459 var adHocs,
460                 nonAttrs = this._nonAttrs,
461                 attr;
463             _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 358);
464 if (userVals) {
465                 _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 359);
466 adHocs = {};
467                 _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 360);
468 for (attr in userVals) {
469                     _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 361);
470 if (!allAttrs[attr] && !nonAttrs[attr] && userVals.hasOwnProperty(attr)) {
471                         _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 362);
472 adHocs[attr] = {
473                             value:userVals[attr]
474                         };
475                     }
476                 }
477             }
479             _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 369);
480 return adHocs;
481         },
483         /**
484          * A helper method used by _getClasses and _getAttrCfgs, which determines both
485          * the array of classes and aggregate set of attribute configurations
486          * across the class hierarchy for the instance.
487          *
488          * @method _initHierarchyData
489          * @private
490          */
491         _initHierarchyData : function() {
492             _yuitest_coverfunc("build/base-core/base-core.js", "_initHierarchyData", 380);
493 _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 381);
494 var c = this.constructor,
495                 i,
496                 l,
497                 nonAttrsCfg,
498                 nonAttrs = (this._allowAdHocAttrs) ? {} : null,
499                 classes = [],
500                 attrs = [];
502             _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 389);
503 while (c) {
504                 // Add to classes
505                 _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 391);
506 classes[classes.length] = c;
508                 // Add to attributes
509                 _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 394);
510 if (c.ATTRS) {
511                     _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 395);
512 attrs[attrs.length] = c.ATTRS;
513                 }
515                 _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 398);
516 if (this._allowAdHocAttrs) {
517                     _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 399);
518 nonAttrsCfg = c._NON_ATTRS_CFG; 
519                     _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 400);
520 if (nonAttrsCfg) {
521                         _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 401);
522 for (i = 0, l = nonAttrsCfg.length; i < l; i++) {
523                             _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 402);
524 nonAttrs[nonAttrsCfg[i]] = true;
525                         }
526                     }
527                 }
529                 _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 407);
530 c = c.superclass ? c.superclass.constructor : null;
531             }
533             _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 410);
534 this._classes = classes;
535             _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 411);
536 this._nonAttrs = nonAttrs;
537             _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 412);
538 this._attrs = this._aggregateAttrs(attrs);
539         },
541         /**
542          * Utility method to define the attribute hash used to filter/whitelist property mixes for 
543          * this class. 
544          * 
545          * @method _attrCfgHash
546          * @private
547          */
548         _attrCfgHash: function() {
549             _yuitest_coverfunc("build/base-core/base-core.js", "_attrCfgHash", 422);
550 _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 423);
551 return BaseCore._ATTR_CFG_HASH;
552         },
554         /**
555          * A helper method, used by _initHierarchyData to aggregate 
556          * attribute configuration across the instances class hierarchy.
557          *
558          * The method will protect the attribute configuration value to protect the statically defined 
559          * default value in ATTRS if required (if the value is an object literal, array or the 
560          * attribute configuration has cloneDefaultValue set to shallow or deep).
561          *
562          * @method _aggregateAttrs
563          * @private
564          * @param {Array} allAttrs An array of ATTRS definitions across classes in the hierarchy 
565          * (subclass first, Base last)
566          * @return {Object} The aggregate set of ATTRS definitions for the instance
567          */
568         _aggregateAttrs : function(allAttrs) {
569             _yuitest_coverfunc("build/base-core/base-core.js", "_aggregateAttrs", 440);
570 _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 441);
571 var attr,
572                 attrs,
573                 cfg,
574                 val,
575                 path,
576                 i,
577                 clone,
578                 cfgPropsHash = this._attrCfgHash(),
579                 aggAttr,
580                 aggAttrs = {};
582             _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 452);
583 if (allAttrs) {
584                 _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 453);
585 for (i = allAttrs.length-1; i >= 0; --i) {
586                     _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 454);
587 attrs = allAttrs[i];
589                     _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 456);
590 for (attr in attrs) {
591                         _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 457);
592 if (attrs.hasOwnProperty(attr)) {
594                             // Protect config passed in
595                             _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 460);
596 cfg = _wlmix({}, attrs[attr], cfgPropsHash);
598                             _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 462);
599 val = cfg.value;
600                             _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 463);
601 clone = cfg.cloneDefaultValue;
603                             _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 465);
604 if (val) {
605                                 _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 466);
606 if ( (clone === undefined && (OBJECT_CONSTRUCTOR === val.constructor || L.isArray(val))) || clone === DEEP || clone === true) {
607                                     _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 467);
608 cfg.value = Y.clone(val);
609                                 } else {_yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 468);
610 if (clone === SHALLOW) {
611                                     _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 469);
612 cfg.value = Y.merge(val);
613                                 }}
614                                 // else if (clone === false), don't clone the static default value. 
615                                 // It's intended to be used by reference.
616                             }
618                             _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 475);
619 path = null;
620                             _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 476);
621 if (attr.indexOf(DOT) !== -1) {
622                                 _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 477);
623 path = attr.split(DOT);
624                                 _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 478);
625 attr = path.shift();
626                             }
628                             _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 481);
629 aggAttr = aggAttrs[attr];
630                             _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 482);
631 if (path && aggAttr && aggAttr.value) {
632                                 _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 483);
633 O.setValue(aggAttr.value, path, val);
634                             } else {_yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 484);
635 if (!path) {
636                                 _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 485);
637 if (!aggAttr) {
638                                     _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 486);
639 aggAttrs[attr] = cfg;
640                                 } else {
641                                     _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 488);
642 if (aggAttr.valueFn && VALUE in cfg) {
643                                         _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 489);
644 aggAttr.valueFn = null;    
645                                     }
646                                     _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 491);
647 _wlmix(aggAttr, cfg, cfgPropsHash);
648                                 }
649                             }}
650                         }
651                     }
652                 }
653             }
655             _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 499);
656 return aggAttrs;
657         },
659         /**
660          * Initializes the class hierarchy for the instance, which includes 
661          * initializing attributes for each class defined in the class's 
662          * static <a href="#property_BaseCore.ATTRS">ATTRS</a> property and 
663          * invoking the initializer method on the prototype of each class in the hierarchy.
664          *
665          * @method _initHierarchy
666          * @param {Object} userVals Object with configuration property name/value pairs
667          * @private
668          */
669         _initHierarchy : function(userVals) {
670             _yuitest_coverfunc("build/base-core/base-core.js", "_initHierarchy", 512);
671 _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 513);
672 var lazy = this._lazyAddAttrs,
673                 constr,
674                 constrProto,
675                 ci,
676                 ei,
677                 el,
678                 extProto,
679                 exts,
680                 classes = this._getClasses(),
681                 attrCfgs = this._getAttrCfgs(),
682                 cl = classes.length - 1;
684             _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 525);
685 for (ci = cl; ci >= 0; ci--) {
687                 _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 527);
688 constr = classes[ci];
689                 _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 528);
690 constrProto = constr.prototype;
691                 _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 529);
692 exts = constr._yuibuild && constr._yuibuild.exts; 
694                 _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 531);
695 if (exts) {
696                     _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 532);
697 for (ei = 0, el = exts.length; ei < el; ei++) {
698                         _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 533);
699 exts[ei].apply(this, arguments);
700                     }
701                 }
703                 _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 537);
704 this.addAttrs(this._filterAttrCfgs(constr, attrCfgs), userVals, lazy);
706                 _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 539);
707 if (this._allowAdHocAttrs && ci === cl) {                
708                     _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 540);
709 this.addAttrs(this._filterAdHocAttrs(attrCfgs, userVals), userVals, lazy);
710                 }
712                 // Using INITIALIZER in hasOwnProperty check, for performance reasons (helps IE6 avoid GC thresholds when
713                 // referencing string literals). Not using it in apply, again, for performance "." is faster. 
714                 _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 545);
715 if (constrProto.hasOwnProperty(INITIALIZER)) {
716                     _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 546);
717 constrProto.initializer.apply(this, arguments);
718                 }
720                 _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 549);
721 if (exts) {
722                     _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 550);
723 for (ei = 0; ei < el; ei++) {
724                         _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 551);
725 extProto = exts[ei].prototype;
726                         _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 552);
727 if (extProto.hasOwnProperty(INITIALIZER)) {
728                             _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 553);
729 extProto.initializer.apply(this, arguments);
730                         }
731                     }
732                 }
733             }
734         },
736         /**
737          * Destroys the class hierarchy for this instance by invoking
738          * the destructor method on the prototype of each class in the hierarchy.
739          *
740          * @method _destroyHierarchy
741          * @private
742          */
743         _destroyHierarchy : function() {
744             _yuitest_coverfunc("build/base-core/base-core.js", "_destroyHierarchy", 567);
745 _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 568);
746 var constr,
747                 constrProto,
748                 ci, cl, ei, el, exts, extProto,
749                 classes = this._getClasses();
751             _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 573);
752 for (ci = 0, cl = classes.length; ci < cl; ci++) {
753                 _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 574);
754 constr = classes[ci];
755                 _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 575);
756 constrProto = constr.prototype;
757                 _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 576);
758 exts = constr._yuibuild && constr._yuibuild.exts; 
760                 _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 578);
761 if (exts) {
762                     _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 579);
763 for (ei = 0, el = exts.length; ei < el; ei++) {
764                         _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 580);
765 extProto = exts[ei].prototype;
766                         _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 581);
767 if (extProto.hasOwnProperty(DESTRUCTOR)) {
768                             _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 582);
769 extProto.destructor.apply(this, arguments);
770                         }
771                     }
772                 }
774                 _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 587);
775 if (constrProto.hasOwnProperty(DESTRUCTOR)) {
776                     _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 588);
777 constrProto.destructor.apply(this, arguments);
778                 }
779             }
780         },
782         /**
783          * Default toString implementation. Provides the constructor NAME
784          * and the instance guid, if set.
785          *
786          * @method toString
787          * @return {String} String representation for this object
788          */
789         toString: function() {
790             _yuitest_coverfunc("build/base-core/base-core.js", "toString", 600);
791 _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 601);
792 return this.name + "[" + Y.stamp(this, true) + "]";
793         }
794     };
796     // Straightup augment, no wrapper functions
797     _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 606);
798 Y.mix(BaseCore, AttributeCore, false, null, 1);
800     // Fix constructor
801     _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 609);
802 BaseCore.prototype.constructor = BaseCore;
804     _yuitest_coverline("build/base-core/base-core.js", 611);
805 Y.BaseCore = BaseCore;
808 }, '3.7.1', {"requires": ["attribute-core"]});