NOBUG: Fixed file access permissions
[moodle.git] / lib / yuilib / 3.13.0 / series-line-util / series-line-util-debug.js
1 /*
2 YUI 3.13.0 (build 508226d)
3 Copyright 2013 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
4 Licensed under the BSD License.
6 */
8 YUI.add('series-line-util', function (Y, NAME) {
10 /**
11  * Provides functionality for drawing lines in a series.
12  *
13  * @module charts
14  * @submodule series-line-util
15  */
16 /**
17  * Utility class used for drawing lines.
18  *
19  * @class Lines
20  * @constructor
21  * @submodule series-line-util
22  */
23 var Y_Lang = Y.Lang;
24 function Lines(){}
26 Lines.prototype = {
27     /**
28      * @property _lineDefaults
29      * @type Object
30      * @private
31      */
32     _lineDefaults: null,
34     /**
35      * Creates a graphic in which to draw a series.
36      *
37      * @method _getGraphic
38      * @return Graphic
39      * @private
40      */
41     _getGraphic: function()
42     {
43         var graphic = this.get("graphic") || this.get("graph").get("graphic");
44         if(!this._lineGraphic)
45         {
46             this._lineGraphic = graphic.addShape({type: "path"});
47         }
48         this._lineGraphic.clear();
49         return this._lineGraphic;
50     },
52     /**
53      * Toggles visibility
54      *
55      * @method _toggleVisible
56      * @param {Boolean} visible indicates visibilitye
57      * @private
58      */
59     _toggleVisible: function(visible)
60     {
61         if(this._lineGraphic)
62         {
63             this._lineGraphic.set("visible", visible);
64         }
65     },
67     /**
68      * Draws lines for the series.
69      *
70      * @method drawLines
71      * @protected
72      */
73     drawLines: function()
74     {
75         if(this.get("xcoords").length < 1)
76         {
77             return;
78         }
79         var isNumber = Y_Lang.isNumber,
80             xcoords,
81             ycoords,
82             direction = this.get("direction"),
83             len,
84             lastPointValid,
85             pointValid,
86             noPointsRendered = true,
87             lastValidX,
88             lastValidY,
89             nextX,
90             nextY,
91             i,
92             styles = this.get("styles").line,
93             lineType = styles.lineType,
94             lc = styles.color || this._getDefaultColor(this.get("graphOrder"), "line"),
95             lineAlpha = styles.alpha,
96             dashLength = styles.dashLength,
97             gapSpace = styles.gapSpace,
98             connectDiscontinuousPoints = styles.connectDiscontinuousPoints,
99             discontinuousType = styles.discontinuousType,
100             discontinuousDashLength = styles.discontinuousDashLength,
101             discontinuousGapSpace = styles.discontinuousGapSpace,
102             path = this._getGraphic();
103         if(this._stacked)
104         {
105             xcoords = this.get("stackedXCoords");
106             ycoords = this.get("stackedYCoords");
107         }
108         else
109         {
110             xcoords = this.get("xcoords");
111             ycoords = this.get("ycoords");
112         }
113         len = direction === "vertical" ? ycoords.length : xcoords.length;
114         path.set("stroke", {
115             weight: styles.weight,
116             color: lc,
117             opacity: lineAlpha
118         });
119         for(i = 0; i < len; i = ++i)
120         {
121             nextX = xcoords[i];
122             nextY = ycoords[i];
123             pointValid = isNumber(nextX) && isNumber(nextY);
124             if(!pointValid)
125             {
126                 lastPointValid = pointValid;
127                 continue;
128             }
129             if(noPointsRendered)
130             {
131                 noPointsRendered = false;
132                 path.moveTo(nextX, nextY);
133             }
134             else if(lastPointValid)
135             {
136                 if(lineType !== "dashed")
137                 {
138                     path.lineTo(nextX, nextY);
139                 }
140                 else
141                 {
142                     this.drawDashedLine(path, lastValidX, lastValidY, nextX, nextY,
143                                                 dashLength,
144                                                 gapSpace);
145                 }
146             }
147             else if(!connectDiscontinuousPoints)
148             {
149                 path.moveTo(nextX, nextY);
150             }
151             else
152             {
153                 if(discontinuousType !== "solid")
154                 {
155                     this.drawDashedLine(path, lastValidX, lastValidY, nextX, nextY,
156                                                 discontinuousDashLength,
157                                                 discontinuousGapSpace);
158                 }
159                 else
160                 {
161                     path.lineTo(nextX, nextY);
162                 }
163             }
164             lastValidX = nextX;
165             lastValidY = nextY;
166             lastPointValid = true;
167         }
168         path.end();
169     },
171     /**
172      * Connects data points with a consistent curve for a series.
173      *
174      * @method drawSpline
175      * @protected
176      */
177     drawSpline: function()
178     {
179         if(this.get("xcoords").length < 1)
180         {
181             return;
182         }
183         var xcoords = this.get("xcoords"),
184             ycoords = this.get("ycoords"),
185             curvecoords = this.getCurveControlPoints(xcoords, ycoords),
186             len = curvecoords.length,
187             cx1,
188             cx2,
189             cy1,
190             cy2,
191             x,
192             y,
193             i = 0,
194             styles = this.get("styles").line,
195             path = this._getGraphic(),
196             lineAlpha = styles.alpha,
197             color = styles.color || this._getDefaultColor(this.get("graphOrder"), "line");
198         path.set("stroke", {
199             weight: styles.weight,
200             color: color,
201             opacity: lineAlpha
202         });
203         path.moveTo(xcoords[0], ycoords[0]);
204         for(; i < len; i = ++i)
205         {
206             x = curvecoords[i].endx;
207             y = curvecoords[i].endy;
208             cx1 = curvecoords[i].ctrlx1;
209             cx2 = curvecoords[i].ctrlx2;
210             cy1 = curvecoords[i].ctrly1;
211             cy2 = curvecoords[i].ctrly2;
212             path.curveTo(cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2, x, y);
213         }
214         path.end();
215     },
217     /**
218      * Draws a dashed line between two points.
219      *
220      * @method drawDashedLine
221      * @param {Number} xStart   The x position of the start of the line
222      * @param {Number} yStart   The y position of the start of the line
223      * @param {Number} xEnd             The x position of the end of the line
224      * @param {Number} yEnd             The y position of the end of the line
225      * @param {Number} dashSize the size of dashes, in pixels
226      * @param {Number} gapSize  the size of gaps between dashes, in pixels
227      * @private
228      */
229     drawDashedLine: function(path, xStart, yStart, xEnd, yEnd, dashSize, gapSize)
230     {
231         dashSize = dashSize || 10;
232         gapSize = gapSize || 10;
233         var segmentLength = dashSize + gapSize,
234             xDelta = xEnd - xStart,
235             yDelta = yEnd - yStart,
236             delta = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(xDelta, 2) + Math.pow(yDelta, 2)),
237             segmentCount = Math.floor(Math.abs(delta / segmentLength)),
238             radians = Math.atan2(yDelta, xDelta),
239             xCurrent = xStart,
240             yCurrent = yStart,
241             i;
242         xDelta = Math.cos(radians) * segmentLength;
243         yDelta = Math.sin(radians) * segmentLength;
245         for(i = 0; i < segmentCount; ++i)
246         {
247             path.moveTo(xCurrent, yCurrent);
248             path.lineTo(xCurrent + Math.cos(radians) * dashSize, yCurrent + Math.sin(radians) * dashSize);
249             xCurrent += xDelta;
250             yCurrent += yDelta;
251         }
253         path.moveTo(xCurrent, yCurrent);
254         delta = Math.sqrt((xEnd - xCurrent) * (xEnd - xCurrent) + (yEnd - yCurrent) * (yEnd - yCurrent));
256         if(delta > dashSize)
257         {
258             path.lineTo(xCurrent + Math.cos(radians) * dashSize, yCurrent + Math.sin(radians) * dashSize);
259         }
260         else if(delta > 0)
261         {
262             path.lineTo(xCurrent + Math.cos(radians) * delta, yCurrent + Math.sin(radians) * delta);
263         }
265         path.moveTo(xEnd, yEnd);
266     },
268     /**
269      * Default values for `styles` attribute.
270      *
271      * @method _getLineDefaults
272      * @return Object
273      * @protected
274      */
275     _getLineDefaults: function()
276     {
277         return {
278             alpha: 1,
279             weight: 6,
280             lineType:"solid",
281             dashLength:10,
282             gapSpace:10,
283             connectDiscontinuousPoints:true,
284             discontinuousType:"solid",
285             discontinuousDashLength:10,
286             discontinuousGapSpace:10
287         };
288     }
290 Y.augment(Lines, Y.Attribute);
291 Y.Lines = Lines;
294 }, '3.13.0');