2 YUI 3.13.0 (build 508226d)
3 Copyright 2013 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
4 Licensed under the BSD License.
5 http://yuilibrary.com/license/
8 YUI.add('range-slider', function (Y, NAME) {
11 * Create a sliding value range input visualized as a draggable thumb on a
12 * background rail element.
16 * @submodule range-slider
20 * Create a slider to represent an integer value between a given minimum and
21 * maximum. Sliders may be aligned vertically or horizontally, based on the
22 * <code>axis</code> configuration.
27 * @uses SliderValueRange
29 * @param config {Object} Configuration object
31 Y.Slider = Y.Base.build( 'slider', Y.SliderBase,
32 [ Y.SliderValueRange, Y.ClickableRail ] );
35 }, '3.13.0', {"requires": ["slider-base", "slider-value-range", "clickable-rail"]});