Mixed testing (#9021)
[mono-project.git] / mcs / jay / skeleton.cs
1 # jay skeleton
3 # character in column 1 determines outcome...
4 # # is a comment
5 # . is copied
6 # t is copied as //t if -t is set
7 # other lines are interpreted to call jay procedures
9 .// created by jay 0.7 (c) 1998 Axel.Schreiner@informatik.uni-osnabrueck.de
11 prolog ## %{ ... %} prior to the first %%
14 . /** error output stream.
15 . It should be changeable.
16 . */
17 . public System.IO.TextWriter ErrorOutput = System.Console.Out;
19 . /** simplified error message.
20 . @see <a href="#yyerror(java.lang.String, java.lang.String[])">yyerror</a>
21 . */
22 . public void yyerror (string message) {
23 . yyerror(message, null);
24 . }
25 .#pragma warning disable 649
26 . /* An EOF token */
27 . public int eof_token;
28 .#pragma warning restore 649
29 . /** (syntax) error message.
30 . Can be overwritten to control message format.
31 . @param message text to be displayed.
32 . @param expected vector of acceptable tokens, if available.
33 . */
34 . public void yyerror (string message, string[] expected) {
35 . if ((yacc_verbose_flag > 0) && (expected != null) && (expected.Length > 0)) {
36 . ErrorOutput.Write (message+", expecting");
37 . for (int n = 0; n < expected.Length; ++ n)
38 . ErrorOutput.Write (" "+expected[n]);
39 . ErrorOutput.WriteLine ();
40 . } else
41 . ErrorOutput.WriteLine (message);
42 . }
44 . /** debugging support, requires the package jay.yydebug.
45 . Set to null to suppress debugging messages.
46 . */
47 t internal yydebug.yyDebug debug;
49 debug ## tables for debugging support
51 . /** index-checked interface to yyNames[].
52 . @param token single character or %token value.
53 . @return token name or [illegal] or [unknown].
54 . */
55 t public static string yyname (int token) {
56 t if ((token < 0) || (token > yyNames.Length)) return "[illegal]";
57 t string name;
58 t if ((name = yyNames[token]) != null) return name;
59 t return "[unknown]";
60 t }
62 .#pragma warning disable 414
63 . int yyExpectingState;
64 .#pragma warning restore 414
65 . /** computes list of expected tokens on error by tracing the tables.
66 . @param state for which to compute the list.
67 . @return list of token names.
68 . */
69 . protected int [] yyExpectingTokens (int state){
70 . int token, n, len = 0;
71 . bool[] ok = new bool[yyNames.Length];
72 . if ((n = yySindex[state]) != 0)
73 . for (token = n < 0 ? -n : 0;
74 . (token < yyNames.Length) && (n+token < yyTable.Length); ++ token)
75 . if (yyCheck[n+token] == token && !ok[token] && yyNames[token] != null) {
76 . ++ len;
77 . ok[token] = true;
78 . }
79 . if ((n = yyRindex[state]) != 0)
80 . for (token = n < 0 ? -n : 0;
81 . (token < yyNames.Length) && (n+token < yyTable.Length); ++ token)
82 . if (yyCheck[n+token] == token && !ok[token] && yyNames[token] != null) {
83 . ++ len;
84 . ok[token] = true;
85 . }
86 . int [] result = new int [len];
87 . for (n = token = 0; n < len; ++ token)
88 . if (ok[token]) result[n++] = token;
89 . return result;
90 . }
91 . protected string[] yyExpecting (int state) {
92 . int [] tokens = yyExpectingTokens (state);
93 . string [] result = new string[tokens.Length];
94 . for (int n = 0; n < tokens.Length; n++)
95 . result[n++] = yyNames[tokens [n]];
96 . return result;
97 . }
99 . /** the generated parser, with debugging messages.
100 . Maintains a state and a value stack, currently with fixed maximum size.
101 . @param yyLex scanner.
102 . @param yydebug debug message writer implementing yyDebug, or null.
103 . @return result of the last reduction, if any.
104 . @throws yyException on irrecoverable parse error.
105 . */
106 . internal Object yyparse (yyParser.yyInput yyLex, Object yyd)
108 t this.debug = (yydebug.yyDebug)yyd;
109 . return yyparse(yyLex);
112 . /** initial size and increment of the state/value stack [default 256].
113 . This is not final so that it can be overwritten outside of invocations
114 . of yyparse().
115 . */
116 . protected int yyMax;
118 . /** executed at the beginning of a reduce action.
119 . Used as $$ = yyDefault($1), prior to the user-specified action, if any.
120 . Can be overwritten to provide deep copy, etc.
121 . @param first value for $1, or null.
122 . @return first.
123 . */
124 . protected Object yyDefault (Object first) {
125 . return first;
128 . static int[] global_yyStates;
129 . static object[] global_yyVals;
130 .#pragma warning disable 649
131 . protected bool use_global_stacks;
132 .#pragma warning restore 649
133 . object[] yyVals; // value stack
134 . object yyVal; // value stack ptr
135 . int yyToken; // current input
136 . int yyTop;
138 . /** the generated parser.
139 . Maintains a state and a value stack, currently with fixed maximum size.
140 . @param yyLex scanner.
141 . @return result of the last reduction, if any.
142 . @throws yyException on irrecoverable parse error.
143 . */
144 . internal Object yyparse (yyParser.yyInput yyLex)
146 . if (yyMax <= 0) yyMax = 256; // initial size
147 . int yyState = 0; // state stack ptr
148 . int [] yyStates; // state stack
149 . yyVal = null;
150 . yyToken = -1;
151 . int yyErrorFlag = 0; // #tks to shift
152 . if (use_global_stacks && global_yyStates != null) {
153 . yyVals = global_yyVals;
154 . yyStates = global_yyStates;
155 . } else {
156 . yyVals = new object [yyMax];
157 . yyStates = new int [yyMax];
158 . if (use_global_stacks) {
159 . global_yyVals = yyVals;
160 . global_yyStates = yyStates;
164 local ## %{ ... %} after the first %%
166 . /*yyLoop:*/ for (yyTop = 0;; ++ yyTop) {
167 . if (yyTop >= yyStates.Length) { // dynamically increase
168 . global::System.Array.Resize (ref yyStates, yyStates.Length+yyMax);
169 . global::System.Array.Resize (ref yyVals, yyVals.Length+yyMax);
171 . yyStates[yyTop] = yyState;
172 . yyVals[yyTop] = yyVal;
173 t if (debug != null) debug.push(yyState, yyVal);
175 . /*yyDiscarded:*/ while (true) { // discarding a token does not change stack
176 . int yyN;
177 . if ((yyN = yyDefRed[yyState]) == 0) { // else [default] reduce (yyN)
178 . if (yyToken < 0) {
179 . yyToken = yyLex.advance() ? yyLex.token() : 0;
181 t if (debug != null)
182 t debug.lex(yyState, yyToken, yyname(yyToken), yyLex.value());
184 . if ((yyN = yySindex[yyState]) != 0 && ((yyN += yyToken) >= 0)
185 . && (yyN < yyTable.Length) && (yyCheck[yyN] == yyToken)) {
186 t if (debug != null)
187 t debug.shift(yyState, yyTable[yyN], yyErrorFlag-1);
188 . yyState = yyTable[yyN]; // shift to yyN
189 . yyVal = yyLex.value();
190 . yyToken = -1;
191 . if (yyErrorFlag > 0) -- yyErrorFlag;
192 . goto continue_yyLoop;
194 . if ((yyN = yyRindex[yyState]) != 0 && (yyN += yyToken) >= 0
195 . && yyN < yyTable.Length && yyCheck[yyN] == yyToken)
196 . yyN = yyTable[yyN]; // reduce (yyN)
197 . else
198 . switch (yyErrorFlag) {
200 . case 0:
201 . yyExpectingState = yyState;
202 . // yyerror(String.Format ("syntax error, got token `{0}'", yyname (yyToken)), yyExpecting(yyState));
203 t if (debug != null) debug.error("syntax error");
204 . if (yyToken == 0 /*eof*/ || yyToken == eof_token) throw new yyParser.yyUnexpectedEof ();
205 . goto case 1;
206 . case 1: case 2:
207 . yyErrorFlag = 3;
208 . do {
209 . if ((yyN = yySindex[yyStates[yyTop]]) != 0
210 . && (yyN += Token.yyErrorCode) >= 0 && yyN < yyTable.Length
211 . && yyCheck[yyN] == Token.yyErrorCode) {
212 t if (debug != null)
213 t debug.shift(yyStates[yyTop], yyTable[yyN], 3);
214 . yyState = yyTable[yyN];
215 . yyVal = yyLex.value();
216 . goto continue_yyLoop;
218 t if (debug != null) debug.pop(yyStates[yyTop]);
219 . } while (-- yyTop >= 0);
220 t if (debug != null) debug.reject();
221 . throw new yyParser.yyException("irrecoverable syntax error");
223 . case 3:
224 . if (yyToken == 0) {
225 t if (debug != null) debug.reject();
226 . throw new yyParser.yyException("irrecoverable syntax error at end-of-file");
228 t if (debug != null)
229 t debug.discard(yyState, yyToken, yyname(yyToken),
230 t yyLex.value());
231 . yyToken = -1;
232 . goto continue_yyDiscarded; // leave stack alone
235 . int yyV = yyTop + 1-yyLen[yyN];
236 t if (debug != null)
237 t debug.reduce(yyState, yyStates[yyV-1], yyN, YYRules.getRule (yyN), yyLen[yyN]);
238 . yyVal = yyV > yyTop ? null : yyVals[yyV]; // yyVal = yyDefault(yyV > yyTop ? null : yyVals[yyV]);
239 . switch (yyN) {
241 actions ## code from the actions within the grammar
244 . yyTop -= yyLen[yyN];
245 . yyState = yyStates[yyTop];
246 . int yyM = yyLhs[yyN];
247 . if (yyState == 0 && yyM == 0) {
248 t if (debug != null) debug.shift(0, yyFinal);
249 . yyState = yyFinal;
250 . if (yyToken < 0) {
251 . yyToken = yyLex.advance() ? yyLex.token() : 0;
253 t if (debug != null)
254 t debug.lex(yyState, yyToken,yyname(yyToken), yyLex.value());
256 . if (yyToken == 0) {
257 t if (debug != null) debug.accept(yyVal);
258 . return yyVal;
260 . goto continue_yyLoop;
262 . if (((yyN = yyGindex[yyM]) != 0) && ((yyN += yyState) >= 0)
263 . && (yyN < yyTable.Length) && (yyCheck[yyN] == yyState))
264 . yyState = yyTable[yyN];
265 . else
266 . yyState = yyDgoto[yyM];
267 t if (debug != null) debug.shift(yyStates[yyTop], yyState);
268 . goto continue_yyLoop;
269 . continue_yyDiscarded: ; // implements the named-loop continue: 'continue yyDiscarded'
271 . continue_yyLoop: ; // implements the named-loop continue: 'continue yyLoop'
275 tables ## tables for rules, default reduction, and action calls
277 epilog ## text following second %%
278 .namespace yydebug {
279 . using System;
280 . internal interface yyDebug {
281 . void push (int state, Object value);
282 . void lex (int state, int token, string name, Object value);
283 . void shift (int from, int to, int errorFlag);
284 . void pop (int state);
285 . void discard (int state, int token, string name, Object value);
286 . void reduce (int from, int to, int rule, string text, int len);
287 . void shift (int from, int to);
288 . void accept (Object value);
289 . void error (string message);
290 . void reject ();
293 . class yyDebugSimple : yyDebug {
294 . void println (string s){
295 . Console.Error.WriteLine (s);
298 . public void push (int state, Object value) {
299 . println ("push\tstate "+state+"\tvalue "+value);
302 . public void lex (int state, int token, string name, Object value) {
303 . println("lex\tstate "+state+"\treading "+name+"\tvalue "+value);
306 . public void shift (int from, int to, int errorFlag) {
307 . switch (errorFlag) {
308 . default: // normally
309 . println("shift\tfrom state "+from+" to "+to);
310 . break;
311 . case 0: case 1: case 2: // in error recovery
312 . println("shift\tfrom state "+from+" to "+to
313 . +"\t"+errorFlag+" left to recover");
314 . break;
315 . case 3: // normally
316 . println("shift\tfrom state "+from+" to "+to+"\ton error");
317 . break;
321 . public void pop (int state) {
322 . println("pop\tstate "+state+"\ton error");
325 . public void discard (int state, int token, string name, Object value) {
326 . println("discard\tstate "+state+"\ttoken "+name+"\tvalue "+value);
329 . public void reduce (int from, int to, int rule, string text, int len) {
330 . println("reduce\tstate "+from+"\tuncover "+to
331 . +"\trule ("+rule+") "+text);
334 . public void shift (int from, int to) {
335 . println("goto\tfrom state "+from+" to "+to);
338 . public void accept (Object value) {
339 . println("accept\tvalue "+value);
342 . public void error (string message) {
343 . println("error\t"+message);
346 . public void reject () {
347 . println("reject");
352 .// %token constants
353 . class Token {
354 tokens public const int
356 . namespace yyParser {
357 . using System;
358 . /** thrown for irrecoverable syntax errors and stack overflow.
359 . */
360 . internal class yyException : System.Exception {
361 . public yyException (string message) : base (message) {
364 . internal class yyUnexpectedEof : yyException {
365 . public yyUnexpectedEof (string message) : base (message) {
367 . public yyUnexpectedEof () : base ("") {
371 . /** must be implemented by a scanner object to supply input to the parser.
372 . */
373 . internal interface yyInput {
374 . /** move on to next token.
375 . @return false if positioned beyond tokens.
376 . @throws IOException on input error.
377 . */
378 . bool advance (); // throws java.io.IOException;
379 . /** classifies current token.
380 . Should not be called if advance() returned false.
381 . @return current %token or single character.
382 . */
383 . int token ();
384 . /** associated with current token.
385 . Should not be called if advance() returned false.
386 . @return value for token().
387 . */
388 . Object value ();
391 .} // close outermost namespace, that MUST HAVE BEEN opened in the prolog