[utils] Small header sanitization. networking.h now include config.h
[mono-project.git] / mono / metadata / mono-perfcounters-def.h
1 /*
2 * Define the system and runtime performance counters.
3 * Each category is defined with the macro:
4 * PERFCTR_CAT(catid, name, help, type, instances, first_counter_id)
5 * and after that follows the counters inside the category, defined by the macro:
6 * PERFCTR_COUNTER(counter_id, name, help, type, field)
7 * field is the field inside MonoPerfCounters per predefined counters.
8 * Note we set it to unused for unrelated counters: it is unused
9 * in those cases.
11 PERFCTR_CAT(CPU, "Processor", "", MultiInstance, CPU, CPU_USER_TIME)
12 PERFCTR_COUNTER(CPU_USER_TIME, "% User Time", "", Timer100Ns, unused)
13 PERFCTR_COUNTER(CPU_PRIV_TIME, "% Privileged Time", "", Timer100Ns, unused)
14 PERFCTR_COUNTER(CPU_INTR_TIME, "% Interrupt Time", "", Timer100Ns, unused)
15 PERFCTR_COUNTER(CPU_DCP_TIME, "% DCP Time", "", Timer100Ns, unused)
16 PERFCTR_COUNTER(CPU_PROC_TIME, "% Processor Time", "", Timer100NsInverse, unused)
18 PERFCTR_CAT(PROC, "Process", "", MultiInstance, Process, PROC_USER_TIME)
19 PERFCTR_COUNTER(PROC_USER_TIME, "% User Time", "", Timer100Ns, unused)
20 PERFCTR_COUNTER(PROC_PRIV_TIME, "% Privileged Time", "", Timer100Ns, unused)
21 PERFCTR_COUNTER(PROC_PROC_TIME, "% Processor Time", "", Timer100Ns, unused)
22 PERFCTR_COUNTER(PROC_THREADS, "Thread Count", "", NumberOfItems64, unused)
23 PERFCTR_COUNTER(PROC_VBYTES, "Virtual Bytes", "", NumberOfItems64, unused)
24 PERFCTR_COUNTER(PROC_WSET, "Working Set", "", NumberOfItems64, unused)
25 PERFCTR_COUNTER(PROC_PBYTES, "Private Bytes", "", NumberOfItems64, unused)
27 /* sample runtime counter */
28 PERFCTR_CAT(MONO_MEM, "Mono Memory", "", SingleInstance, Mono, MEM_NUM_OBJECTS)
29 PERFCTR_COUNTER(MEM_NUM_OBJECTS, "Allocated Objects", "", NumberOfItems64, unused)
30 PERFCTR_COUNTER(MEM_PHYS_TOTAL, "Total Physical Memory", "Physical memory installed in the machine, in bytes", NumberOfItems64, unused)
32 PERFCTR_CAT(ASPNET, "ASP.NET", "", MultiInstance, Mono, ASPNET_REQ_Q)
33 PERFCTR_COUNTER(ASPNET_REQ_Q, "Requests Queued", "", NumberOfItems64, aspnet_requests_queued)
34 PERFCTR_COUNTER(ASPNET_REQ_TOTAL, "Requests Total", "", NumberOfItems32, aspnet_requests)
35 PERFCTR_COUNTER(ASPNET_REQ_PSEC, "Requests/Sec", "", RateOfCountsPerSecond32, aspnet_requests)
37 PERFCTR_CAT(JIT, ".NET CLR JIT", "", MultiInstance, Mono, JIT_BYTES)
38 PERFCTR_COUNTER(JIT_BYTES, "# of IL Bytes JITted", "", NumberOfItems32, jit_bytes)
39 PERFCTR_COUNTER(JIT_METHODS, "# of IL Methods JITted", "", NumberOfItems32, jit_methods)
40 PERFCTR_COUNTER(JIT_TIME, "% Time in JIT", "", RawFraction, jit_time)
41 PERFCTR_COUNTER(JIT_BYTES_PSEC, "IL Bytes Jitted/Sec", "", RateOfCountsPerSecond32, jit_bytes)
42 PERFCTR_COUNTER(JIT_FAILURES, "Standard Jit Failures", "", NumberOfItems32, jit_failures)
44 PERFCTR_CAT(EXC, ".NET CLR Exceptions", "", MultiInstance, Mono, EXC_THROWN)
45 PERFCTR_COUNTER(EXC_THROWN, "# of Exceps Thrown", "", NumberOfItems32, exceptions_thrown)
46 PERFCTR_COUNTER(EXC_THROWN_PSEC, "# of Exceps Thrown/Sec", "", RateOfCountsPerSecond32, exceptions_thrown)
47 PERFCTR_COUNTER(EXC_FILTERS_PSEC, "# of Filters/Sec", "", RateOfCountsPerSecond32, exceptions_filters)
48 PERFCTR_COUNTER(EXC_FINALLYS_PSEC, "# of Finallys/Sec", "", RateOfCountsPerSecond32, exceptions_finallys)
49 PERFCTR_COUNTER(EXC_CATCH_DEPTH, "Throw to Catch Depth/Sec", "", NumberOfItems32, exceptions_depth)
51 PERFCTR_CAT(GC, ".NET CLR Memory", "", MultiInstance, Mono, GC_GEN0)
52 PERFCTR_COUNTER(GC_GEN0, "# Gen 0 Collections", "", NumberOfItems32, gc_collections0)
53 PERFCTR_COUNTER(GC_GEN1, "# Gen 1 Collections", "", NumberOfItems32, gc_collections1)
54 PERFCTR_COUNTER(GC_GEN2, "# Gen 2 Collections", "", NumberOfItems32, gc_collections2)
55 PERFCTR_COUNTER(GC_PROM0, "Promoted Memory from Gen 0", "", NumberOfItems32, gc_promotions0)
56 PERFCTR_COUNTER(GC_PROM1, "Promoted Memory from Gen 1", "", NumberOfItems32, gc_promotions1)
57 PERFCTR_COUNTER(GC_PROM0SEC, "Gen 0 Promoted Bytes/Sec", "", RateOfCountsPerSecond32, gc_promotions0)
58 PERFCTR_COUNTER(GC_PROM1SEC, "Gen 1 Promoted Bytes/Sec", "", RateOfCountsPerSecond32, gc_promotions1)
59 PERFCTR_COUNTER(GC_PROMFIN, "Promoted Finalization-Memory from Gen 0", "", NumberOfItems32, gc_promotion_finalizers)
60 PERFCTR_COUNTER(GC_GEN0SIZE, "Gen 0 heap size", "", NumberOfItems32, gc_gen0size)
61 PERFCTR_COUNTER(GC_GEN1SIZE, "Gen 1 heap size", "", NumberOfItems32, gc_gen1size)
62 PERFCTR_COUNTER(GC_GEN2SIZE, "Gen 2 heap size", "", NumberOfItems32, gc_gen2size)
63 PERFCTR_COUNTER(GC_LOSIZE, "Large Object Heap size", "", NumberOfItems32, gc_lossize)
64 PERFCTR_COUNTER(GC_FINSURV, "Finalization Survivors", "", NumberOfItems32, gc_fin_survivors)
65 PERFCTR_COUNTER(GC_NHANDLES, "# GC Handles", "", NumberOfItems32, gc_num_handles)
66 PERFCTR_COUNTER(GC_BYTESSEC, "Allocated Bytes/sec", "", RateOfCountsPerSecond32, gc_allocated)
67 PERFCTR_COUNTER(GC_INDGC, "# Induced GC", "", NumberOfItems32, gc_induced)
68 PERFCTR_COUNTER(GC_PERCTIME, "% Time in GC", "", RawFraction, gc_time)
69 PERFCTR_COUNTER(GC_BYTES, "# Bytes in all Heaps", "", NumberOfItems32, gc_total_bytes)
70 PERFCTR_COUNTER(GC_COMMBYTES, "# Total committed Bytes", "", NumberOfItems32, gc_committed_bytes)
71 PERFCTR_COUNTER(GC_RESBYTES, "# Total reserved Bytes", "", NumberOfItems32, gc_reserved_bytes)
72 PERFCTR_COUNTER(GC_PINNED, "# of Pinned Objects", "", NumberOfItems32, gc_num_pinned)
73 PERFCTR_COUNTER(GC_SYNKB, "# of Sink Blocks in use", "", NumberOfItems32, gc_sync_blocks)
75 PERFCTR_CAT(REMOTING, ".NET CLR Remoting", "", MultiInstance, Mono, REMOTING_CALLSEC)
76 PERFCTR_COUNTER(REMOTING_CALLSEC, "Remote Calls/sec", "", RateOfCountsPerSecond32, remoting_calls)
77 PERFCTR_COUNTER(REMOTING_CALLS, "Total Remote Calls", "", NumberOfItems32, remoting_calls)
78 PERFCTR_COUNTER(REMOTING_CHANNELS, "Channels", "", NumberOfItems32, remoting_channels)
79 PERFCTR_COUNTER(REMOTING_CPROXIES, "Context Proxies", "", NumberOfItems32, remoting_proxies)
80 PERFCTR_COUNTER(REMOTING_CBLOADED, "Context-Bound Classes Loaded", "", NumberOfItems32, remoting_classes)
81 PERFCTR_COUNTER(REMOTING_CBALLOCSEC, "Context-Bound Objects Alloc / sec", "", RateOfCountsPerSecond32, remoting_objects)
82 PERFCTR_COUNTER(REMOTING_CONTEXTS, "Contexts", "", NumberOfItems32, remoting_contexts)
84 PERFCTR_CAT(LOADING, ".NET CLR Loading", "", MultiInstance, Mono, LOADING_CLASSES)
85 PERFCTR_COUNTER(LOADING_CLASSES, "Current Classes Loaded", "", NumberOfItems32, loader_classes)
86 PERFCTR_COUNTER(LOADING_TOTCLASSES, "Total Classes Loaded", "", NumberOfItems32, loader_total_classes)
87 PERFCTR_COUNTER(LOADING_CLASSESSEC, "Rate of Classes Loaded", "", RateOfCountsPerSecond32, loader_total_classes)
88 PERFCTR_COUNTER(LOADING_APPDOMAINS, "Current appdomains", "", NumberOfItems32, loader_appdomains)
89 PERFCTR_COUNTER(LOADING_TOTAPPDOMAINS, "Total Appdomains", "", NumberOfItems32, loader_total_appdomains)
90 PERFCTR_COUNTER(LOADING_APPDOMAINSEC, "Rate of appdomains", "", RateOfCountsPerSecond32, loader_total_appdomains)
91 PERFCTR_COUNTER(LOADING_ASSEMBLIES, "Current Assemblies", "", NumberOfItems32, loader_assemblies)
92 PERFCTR_COUNTER(LOADING_TOTASSEMBLIES, "Total Assemblies", "", NumberOfItems32, loader_total_assemblies)
93 PERFCTR_COUNTER(LOADING_ASSEMBLIESEC, "Rate of Assemblies", "", RateOfCountsPerSecond32, loader_total_assemblies)
94 PERFCTR_COUNTER(LOADING_FAILURES, "Total # of Load Failures", "", NumberOfItems32, loader_failures)
95 PERFCTR_COUNTER(LOADING_FAILURESSEC, "Rate of Load Failures", "", RateOfCountsPerSecond32, loader_failures)
96 PERFCTR_COUNTER(LOADING_BYTES, "Bytes in Loader Heap", "", NumberOfItems32, loader_bytes)
97 PERFCTR_COUNTER(LOADING_APPUNLOADED, "Total appdomains unloaded", "", NumberOfItems32, loader_appdomains_uloaded)
98 PERFCTR_COUNTER(LOADING_APPUNLOADEDSEC, "Rate of appdomains unloaded", "", RateOfCountsPerSecond32, loader_appdomains_uloaded)
100 PERFCTR_CAT(THREAD, ".NET CLR LocksAndThreads", "", MultiInstance, Mono, THREAD_CONTENTIONS)
101 PERFCTR_COUNTER(THREAD_CONTENTIONS, "Total # of Contentions", "", NumberOfItems32, thread_contentions)
102 PERFCTR_COUNTER(THREAD_CONTENTIONSSEC, "Contention Rate / sec", "", RateOfCountsPerSecond32, thread_contentions)
103 PERFCTR_COUNTER(THREAD_QUEUELEN, "Current Queue Length", "", NumberOfItems32, thread_queue_len)
104 PERFCTR_COUNTER(THREAD_QUEUELENP, "Queue Length Peak", "", NumberOfItems32, thread_queue_max)
105 PERFCTR_COUNTER(THREAD_QUEUELENSEC, "Queue Length / sec", "", RateOfCountsPerSecond32, thread_queue_max)
106 PERFCTR_COUNTER(THREAD_NUMLOG, "# of current logical Threads", "", NumberOfItems32, thread_num_logical)
107 PERFCTR_COUNTER(THREAD_NUMPHYS, "# of current physical Threads", "", NumberOfItems32, thread_num_physical)
108 PERFCTR_COUNTER(THREAD_NUMREC, "# of current recognized threads", "", NumberOfItems32, thread_cur_recognized)
109 PERFCTR_COUNTER(THREAD_TOTREC, "# of total recognized threads", "", NumberOfItems32, thread_num_recognized)
110 PERFCTR_COUNTER(THREAD_TOTRECSEC, "rate of recognized threads / sec", "", RateOfCountsPerSecond32, thread_num_recognized)
112 PERFCTR_CAT(INTEROP, ".NET CLR Interop", "", MultiInstance, Mono, INTEROP_NUMCCW)
113 PERFCTR_COUNTER(INTEROP_NUMCCW, "# of CCWs", "", NumberOfItems32, interop_num_ccw)
114 PERFCTR_COUNTER(INTEROP_STUBS, "# of Stubs", "", NumberOfItems32, interop_num_stubs)
115 PERFCTR_COUNTER(INTEROP_MARSH, "# of marshalling", "", NumberOfItems32, interop_num_marshals)
117 PERFCTR_CAT(SECURITY, ".NET CLR Security", "", MultiInstance, Mono, SECURITY_CHECKS)
118 PERFCTR_COUNTER(SECURITY_CHECKS, "Total Runtime Checks", "", NumberOfItems32, security_num_checks)
119 PERFCTR_COUNTER(SECURITY_LCHECKS, "# Link Time Checks", "", NumberOfItems32, security_num_link_checks)
120 PERFCTR_COUNTER(SECURITY_PERCTIME, "% Time in RT checks", "", RawFraction, security_time)
121 PERFCTR_COUNTER(SECURITY_SWDEPTH, "Stack Walk Depth", "", NumberOfItems32, security_depth)
123 PERFCTR_CAT(THREADPOOL, "Mono Threadpool", "", MultiInstance, Mono, THREADPOOL_WORKITEMS)
124 PERFCTR_COUNTER(THREADPOOL_WORKITEMS, "Work Items Added", "", NumberOfItems64, threadpool_workitems)
125 PERFCTR_COUNTER(THREADPOOL_WORKITEMS_PSEC, "Work Items Added/Sec", "", RateOfCountsPerSecond32, threadpool_workitems)
126 PERFCTR_COUNTER(THREADPOOL_IOWORKITEMS, "IO Work Items Added", "", NumberOfItems64, threadpool_ioworkitems)
127 PERFCTR_COUNTER(THREADPOOL_IOWORKITEMS_PSEC, "IO Work Items Added/Sec", "", RateOfCountsPerSecond32, threadpool_ioworkitems)
128 PERFCTR_COUNTER(THREADPOOL_THREADS, "# of Threads", "", NumberOfItems32, threadpool_threads)
129 PERFCTR_COUNTER(THREADPOOL_IOTHREADS, "# of IO Threads", "", NumberOfItems32, threadpool_iothreads)
131 PERFCTR_CAT(NETWORK, "Network Interface", "", MultiInstance, NetworkInterface, NETWORK_BYTESRECSEC)
132 PERFCTR_COUNTER(NETWORK_BYTESRECSEC, "Bytes Received/sec", "", RateOfCountsPerSecond64, unused)
133 PERFCTR_COUNTER(NETWORK_BYTESSENTSEC, "Bytes Sent/sec", "", RateOfCountsPerSecond64, unused)
134 PERFCTR_COUNTER(NETWORK_BYTESTOTALSEC, "Bytes Total/sec", "", RateOfCountsPerSecond64, unused)