parse ADCGET list, prepare to answer
[mldonkey.git] / src / networks / soulseek /
1 (* Copyright 2001, 2002 b8_bavard, b8_fee_carabine, INRIA *)
2 (*
3 This file is part of mldonkey.
5 mldonkey is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8 (at your option) any later version.
10 mldonkey is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 GNU General Public License for more details.
15 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 along with mldonkey; if not, write to the Free Software
17 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
20 open CommonInteractive
21 open Printf2
22 open Md4
23 open Int64ops
24 open CommonOptions
25 open CommonResult
26 open BasicSocket
27 open CommonGlobals
28 open CommonTypes
29 open CommonClient
30 open CommonComplexOptions
31 open GuiProto
32 open Options
33 open CommonFile
34 open CommonUser
35 open CommonRoom
36 open CommonTypes
37 open CommonShared
38 open CommonServer
39 open CommonSwarming
40 open SlskOptions
41 open SlskTypes
44 open CommonNetwork
46 let network = new_network "SLSK" "Soulseek"
48 NetworkHasServers;
49 NetworkHasSearch;
50 NetworkHasRooms;
51 NetworkHasChat;
54 let connection_manager = network.network_connection_manager
57 let (result_ops : result CommonResult.result_ops) =
58 CommonResult.new_result_ops network
61 let (server_ops : server CommonServer.server_ops) =
62 CommonServer.new_server_ops network
64 let (room_ops : room CommonRoom.room_ops) =
65 CommonRoom.new_room_ops network
67 let (user_ops : user CommonUser.user_ops) =
68 CommonUser.new_user_ops network
70 let (file_ops : file CommonFile.file_ops) =
71 CommonFile.new_file_ops network
73 let (client_ops : client CommonClient.client_ops) =
74 CommonClient.new_client_ops network
78 let local_login () =
79 if !!login = "" then !!CommonOptions.global_login else !!login
81 let set_server_state s state =
82 set_server_state (as_server s.server_server) state
83 let set_client_state s state =
84 set_client_state (as_client s.client_client) state
85 let set_room_state s state =
86 set_room_state (as_room s.room_room) state
87 let server_num s = server_num (as_server s.server_server)
88 let file_num s = file_num (as_file s.file_file)
89 let server_state s = server_state (as_server s.server_server)
90 let file_state s = file_state (as_file s.file_file)
91 let server_must_update s = server_must_update (as_server s.server_server)
92 let file_must_update s = file_must_update (as_file s.file_file)
93 let user_num u = user_num (as_user u.user_user)
95 let file_size file = file.file_file.impl_file_size
96 let file_downloaded file = file_downloaded (as_file file.file_file)
97 let file_age file = file.file_file.impl_file_age
98 let file_fd file = file_fd (as_file file.file_file)
100 let client_type c =
101 client_type (as_client c.client_client)
103 let nknown_servers = ref 0
104 let connected_servers = ref ([] : server list)
106 let servers_by_addr = Hashtbl.create 13
108 let new_server addr port =
110 Hashtbl.find servers_by_addr (addr, port)
111 with _ ->
112 incr nknown_servers;
113 let rec h = {
114 server_server = server_impl;
115 server_name = "<unknown>";
116 server_addr = addr;
117 server_nusers =;
118 server_info = "";
119 server_connection_control = new_connection_control ();
120 server_sock = NoConnection;
121 server_port = port;
122 server_nick = 0;
123 server_last_nick = "";
124 server_search = None;
125 server_search_timeout = 0.0;
126 server_users = [];
127 } and
128 server_impl = {
129 dummy_server_impl with
130 impl_server_val = h;
131 impl_server_ops = server_ops;
132 } in
133 server_add server_impl;
134 Hashtbl.add servers_by_addr (addr, port) h;
137 let searches = ref ([] : (int * list)
139 let clients_by_name = Hashtbl.create 113
141 let users_by_name = Hashtbl.create 113
143 let results_by_file = Hashtbl.create 111
145 let new_user name =
147 Hashtbl.find users_by_name name
148 with _ ->
149 let rec user = {
150 user_nick = name;
151 user_user = user_impl;
152 user_rooms = [];
153 } and user_impl = {
154 dummy_user_impl with
155 impl_user_ops = user_ops;
156 impl_user_val = user;
159 Hashtbl.add users_by_name name user;
160 user_add user_impl;
161 user
163 let new_client name =
165 Hashtbl.find clients_by_name name
166 with _ ->
167 let u = new_user name in
168 let rec c = {
169 client_client = impl;
170 client_peer_sock = NoConnection;
171 client_downloads = [];
172 client_result_socks = [];
173 client_name = name;
174 client_addr = None;
175 client_files = [];
176 client_all_files = None;
177 client_receiving =;
178 client_connection_control = new_connection_control ();
179 client_user = u;
180 client_requests = [];
181 } and impl = {
182 dummy_client_impl with
183 impl_client_val = c;
184 impl_client_ops = client_ops;
185 impl_client_upload = None;
186 } in
187 new_client impl;
188 Hashtbl.add clients_by_name name c;
192 let result_sources = Hashtbl.create 1000
194 let add_result_source r (s : user) (index : string) =
195 let ss =
197 Hashtbl.find result_sources r.stored_result_num
198 with _ ->
199 let ss = ref [] in
200 Hashtbl.add result_sources r.stored_result_num ss;
203 let key = (s, index) in
204 if not (List.mem key !ss) then begin
205 ss := key :: !ss
208 let new_result filename filesize =
209 let basename = Filename2.basename filename in
210 let key = (basename, filesize) in
212 Hashtbl.find results_by_file key
213 with _ ->
214 let rec r = {
215 dummy_result with
216 result_names = [basename];
217 result_size = filesize;
218 } in
219 let rs = update_result_num r in
220 Hashtbl.add results_by_file key rs;
223 let rooms_by_name = Hashtbl.create 13
225 let new_room name =
226 try
227 Hashtbl.find rooms_by_name name
228 with _ ->
229 let rec room = {
230 room_room = room_impl;
231 room_name = name;
232 room_nusers = 0;
233 room_users = [];
234 room_messages = [];
235 } and
236 room_impl = {
237 dummy_room_impl with
238 impl_room_val = room;
239 impl_room_ops = room_ops;
240 impl_room_state = RoomPaused;
243 room_add room_impl;
244 Hashtbl.add rooms_by_name name room;
245 room
248 let files_by_key = Hashtbl.create 47
250 let current_files = ref []
252 let min_range_size = megabyte
254 let new_file file_id name file_size =
255 let file_chunk_size =
256 max megabyte (
257 1L ++ file_size // (max 5L (1L ++ file_size // (megabytes 5)))
260 let file_temp = Filename.concat !!temp_directory
261 (Printf.sprintf "SK-%s" (Md4.to_string file_id)) in
262 let current_size =
264 Unix32.getsize file_temp
265 with e ->
268 let t = Unix32.create_rw file_temp in
269 let rec file = {
270 file_file = file_impl;
271 file_id = file_id;
272 file_clients = [];
273 file_swarmer = None;
274 } and file_impl = {
275 dummy_file_impl with
276 impl_file_fd = Some t;
277 impl_file_size = file_size;
278 impl_file_val = file;
279 impl_file_ops = file_ops;
280 impl_file_age = last_time ();
281 impl_file_best_name = name;
284 let state =
285 if current_size = file_size then
286 FileDownloaded
287 else
288 begin
289 let kernel = CommonSwarming.create_swarmer file_temp file_size in
290 let swarmer = CommonSwarming.create kernel (as_file file.file_file) file_chunk_size in
291 file.file_swarmer <- Some swarmer;
292 CommonSwarming.set_verifier swarmer ForceVerification;
293 CommonSwarming.set_verified swarmer (fun _ _ -> file_must_update file);
294 current_files := file :: !current_files;
295 FileDownloading
298 file_add file_impl state;
299 file
301 let new_file file_id name file_size =
302 let key = String.lowercase name in
304 Hashtbl.find files_by_key key
305 with _ ->
306 let file = new_file file_id key file_size in
307 Hashtbl.add files_by_key key file;
308 file
310 let find_file file_name file_size =
311 Hashtbl.find files_by_key (String.lowercase file_name)
315 let add_file_client file user filename =
316 let c = new_client user.user_nick in
317 if not (List.memq c file.file_clients) then begin
318 file.file_clients <- c :: file.file_clients;
319 c.client_files <- (file, filename) :: c.client_files;
320 file_add_source (as_file file.file_file) (as_client c.client_client)
321 end;