tufte layout files:
[lyx.git] / lib / scripts / tex_copy.py
1 #! /usr/bin/env python
2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
4 # file tex_copy.py
5 # This file is part of LyX, the document processor.
6 # Licence details can be found in the file COPYING.
8 # author Angus Leeming
9 # author Georg Baum
11 # Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS
13 # Usage:
14 # tex_copy.py <from file> <to file> <latex name>
16 # This script will copy a file <from file> to <to file>.
17 # <to file> is no exact copy of <from file>, but any occurence of <basename>
18 # where <basename> is <from file> without directory and extension parts is
19 # replaced by <latex name> without extension.
22 import os, string, sys
24 from lyxpreview_tools import error
27 def usage(prog_name):
28 return "Usage: %s <from file> <to file> <latex name>" % prog_name
31 def main(argv):
32 # Parse and manipulate the command line arguments.
33 if len(argv) != 4:
34 error(usage(argv[0]))
36 # input file
37 abs_from_file = argv[1]
38 if not os.path.isabs(abs_from_file):
39 error("%s is no absolute file name.\n%s"\
40 % abs_from_file, usage(argv[0]))
41 from_dir, rel_from_file = os.path.split(abs_from_file)
42 from_base, from_ext = os.path.splitext(rel_from_file)
44 # output file
45 abs_to_file = argv[2]
46 if not os.path.isabs(abs_to_file):
47 error("%s is no absolute file name.\n%s"\
48 % abs_to_file, usage(argv[0]))
49 to_dir, rel_to_file = os.path.split(abs_to_file)
50 to_base, to_ext = os.path.splitext(rel_to_file)
52 # latex file name
53 latex_file = argv[3]
54 latex_base, latex_ext = os.path.splitext(latex_file)
56 # Read the input file and write the output file
57 from_file = open(abs_from_file, 'rb')
58 to_file = open(abs_to_file, 'wb')
59 lines = from_file.readlines()
60 for line in lines:
61 to_file.write(line.replace(from_base, latex_base))
62 from_file.close()
63 to_file.close()
65 return 0
68 if __name__ == "__main__":
69 main(sys.argv)