Corrected bug with comment parent popups vs. filters, part III
[lw2-viewer.git] / www / style-less.linux.css
2 /***************/
4 /***************/
6 html {
7 box-sizing: border-box;
8 font-size: 16px;
10 *, *::before, *::after {
11 box-sizing: inherit;
14 /*=------=*/
15 /*= Body =*/
16 /*=------=*/
18 body {
19 padding: 0;
20 margin: 0;
22 body::before {
23 background-color: inherit;
24 position: fixed;
25 width: 100%;
26 height: 100%;
29 /*=----------------------------=*/
30 /*= Immediate children of body =*/
31 /*=----------------------------=*/
33 body > * {
34 width: calc(100% - 300px);
35 min-width: 900px;
36 max-width: 900px;
38 #content {
39 margin: 0 auto;
40 padding: 0 30px;
41 position: relative;
42 overflow: visible;
43 display: grid;
44 grid-template-columns: repeat(3, 1fr);
45 grid-auto-flow: dense;
47 #content::before {
48 content: "";
49 display: block;
50 position: absolute;
51 top: 0;
52 left: 0;
53 width: 100%;
54 height: 100%;
55 pointer-events: none;
58 /*=---------=*/
59 /*= Content =*/
60 /*=---------=*/
62 #content > * {
63 grid-column: 1 / span 3;
66 /*=----------------------=*/
67 /*= Floating UI elements =*/
68 /*=----------------------=*/
70 #ui-elements-container {
71 position: fixed;
72 height: 100vh;
73 top: 0;
74 left: 0;
75 right: 0;
76 margin: auto;
77 z-index: 10000;
78 pointer-events: none;
80 #ui-elements-container > * {
81 pointer-events: auto;
84 /*=----------------=*/
85 /*= Images overlay =*/
86 /*=----------------=*/
87 /* (To exclude images in posts from theme tweaks) */
89 #images-overlay {
90 position: absolute;
91 z-index: 1;
92 left: 0;
93 right: 0;
94 margin: auto;
97 /***********/
98 /* NAV BAR */
99 /***********/
101 .nav-bar {
102 margin: 0 -30px;
104 .nav-bar {
105 display: flex;
108 /*=---------------=*/
109 /*= Nav bar items =*/
110 /*=---------------=*/
112 .nav-item {
113 flex: 1 1 auto;
115 .nav-item * {
116 text-overflow: ellipsis;
117 white-space: nowrap;
118 overflow: hidden;
120 .nav-inner {
121 padding: 12px 30px;
122 text-align: center;
123 display: block;
124 position: relative;
126 #secondary-bar .nav-inner {
127 padding: 4px 0;
130 /*=------------=*/
131 /*= Bottom bar =*/
132 /*=------------=*/
134 h1.listing ~ #bottom-bar {
135 margin-top: 1.25em;
137 #bottom-bar .nav-item {
138 flex: 1 1 0;
141 /*=-----------------=*/
142 /*= Accesskey hints =*/
143 /*=-----------------=*/
145 .nav-inner::after {
146 content: attr(accesskey);
147 display: none;
150 /*=---------------=*/
151 /*= Pagination UI =*/
152 /*=---------------=*/
154 #bottom-bar .nav-item a::before,
155 #top-nav-bar a::before {
156 font-family: Font Awesome;
157 font-weight: 900;
158 font-size: 0.8em;
159 position: relative;
160 bottom: 1px;
161 margin-right: 0.5em;
163 #bottom-bar #nav-item-first a::before,
164 #top-nav-bar a.nav-item-first::before {
165 content: "\F33e";
167 #bottom-bar #nav-item-top a::before {
168 content: "\F062";
170 #bottom-bar #nav-item-prev a::before,
171 #top-nav-bar a.nav-item-prev::before {
172 content: "\F060";
174 #bottom-bar #nav-item-next a::before,
175 #top-nav-bar a.nav-item-next::before {
176 content: "\F061";
178 #bottom-bar #nav-item-last a::before,
179 #top-nav-bar a.nav-item-last::before {
180 content: "\F340";
182 #bottom-bar #nav-item-next a::before {
183 margin-left: -2em;
184 margin-right: 0;
185 left: 3.8em;
187 #bottom-bar #nav-item-last a::before {
188 margin-left: -1.8em;
189 margin-right: 0;
190 left: 3.4em;
193 /*=-----------------------=*/
194 /*= Decorative bottom bar =*/
195 /*=-----------------------=*/
196 /* (On short pages with no pagination) */
198 #bottom-bar.decorative {
199 position: relative;
201 #bottom-bar.decorative .nav-item {
202 display: none;
205 /*=------------=*/
206 /*= Search tab =*/
207 /*=------------=*/
209 #nav-item-search {
210 flex: 4 1 auto;
212 #nav-item-search form::before {
213 content: "\F002";
214 font-family: Font Awesome;
215 font-weight: 900;
216 display: inline-block;
217 vertical-align: top;
218 height: 23px;
219 width: 23px;
221 #nav-item-search input {
222 height: 23px;
223 width: calc(95% - 80px);
224 padding: 1px 4px;
226 #nav-item-search button {
227 height: 21px;
230 /*=-----------=*/
231 /*= Login tab =*/
232 /*=-----------=*/
234 #nav-item-login {
235 position: relative;
236 padding-right: 0.5em;
239 /*******************/
241 /*******************/
243 #inbox-indicator {
244 position: absolute;
245 top: 1px;
246 right: 0;
247 height: 100%;
248 visibility: hidden;
250 #inbox-indicator::before {
251 content: "\F0E0";
252 font-family: "Font Awesome";
253 color: #bbb;
254 font-size: 1.1875rem;
255 position: absolute;
256 height: 100%;
257 right: 0;
258 top: 0;
259 padding: 0 0.45em;
260 visibility: visible;
261 font-weight: 900;
263 {
264 color: #f00;
265 text-shadow:
266 0 0 1px #777,
267 0.5px 0.5px 1px #777;
269 a#inbox-indicator:hover::before {
270 color: #fff;
271 text-shadow:
272 0 0 1px #000,
273 0 0 2px #000,
274 0 0 4px #000,
275 0 0 1px #777,
276 0.5px 0.5px 1px #777;
278 {
279 text-shadow:
280 0 0 1px #f00,
281 0 0 2px #f00,
282 0 0 4px #f00,
283 0 0 1px #777,
284 0.5px 0.5px 1px #777;
287 /****************/
288 /* PAGE TOOLBAR */
289 /****************/
291 #content > .page-toolbar {
292 grid-column: 3;
293 text-align: right;
294 margin-right: -20px;
296 #content.user-page > .page-toolbar {
297 grid-column: 2 / span 2;
299 .page-toolbar {
300 font-size: 0.9em;
301 line-height: 1.8;
304 /*=--------------------------=*/
305 /*= Page toolbar items (all) =*/
306 /*=--------------------------=*/
308 .page-toolbar > * {
309 display: inline-block;
310 margin-left: 1.5em;
312 .page-toolbar .button::before {
313 font-family: "Font Awesome";
314 font-size: 0.9em;
315 padding-right: 0.3em;
318 /*=-------------------------------=*/
319 /*= Page toolbar items (specific) =*/
320 /*=-------------------------------=*/
322 .new-post::before {
323 content: '\F067';
324 font-weight: 900;
326 .new-private-message::before {
327 content: '\F075';
328 font-weight: 400;
330 .logout-button::before {
331 content: '\F2F5';
332 font-weight: 900;
334 .rss::before {
335 content: url('');
336 display: inline-block;
337 width: 1em;
338 padding-right: 0.2em;
339 position: relative;
340 top: 1px;
343 /*********************/
345 /*********************/
347 #top-nav-bar {
348 grid-column: 2;
349 margin: 0.25em 0 0 0;
350 padding: 0.75em 0 0 0;
351 text-align: center;
352 font-size: 1.25em;
353 display: flex;
354 justify-content: center;
356 #top-nav-bar a {
357 line-height: 1;
359 #top-nav-bar a.disabled {
360 pointer-events: none;
361 visibility: hidden;
363 #top-nav-bar .page-number {
364 position: relative;
365 display: inline-block;
366 width: 1.5em;
368 #top-nav-bar .page-number-label {
369 position: absolute;
370 font-size: 0.5em;
371 text-transform: uppercase;
372 width: 100%;
373 bottom: 90%;
374 left: 0;
376 #top-nav-bar a::before {
377 margin: 0.5em;
378 display: inline-block;
381 /****************/
382 /* SUBLEVEL NAV */
383 /****************/
385 .sublevel-nav {
386 text-align: center;
387 display: flex;
388 justify-content: center;
389 margin: 1em 0 0 0;
391 #content > .sublevel-nav:not(.sort) {
392 grid-row: 5;
393 grid-column: 2;
394 align-self: start;
396 .sublevel-nav .sublevel-item {
397 flex: 0 0 6em;
398 padding: 0.125em 0.5em;
399 font-size: 1.125rem;
401 .sublevel-nav .sublevel-item:disabled,
402 .sublevel-nav span.sublevel-item {
403 cursor: default;
406 /***********************/
408 /***********************/
410 .sublevel-nav.sort {
411 position: relative;
412 margin-top: 8px;
413 font-size: 0.75em;
415 #content > .sublevel-nav.sort {
416 grid-column: 3;
417 grid-row: 5 / span 2;
418 justify-self: end;
419 align-self: start;
420 flex-flow: column;
422 #content.index-page > .sublevel-nav.sort {
423 grid-column: 1;
424 grid-row: 3 / span 1;
425 justify-self: start;
426 flex-flow: row;
429 .sublevel-nav.sort::before {
430 content: "Sort";
431 font-size: 0.75rem;
432 position: absolute;
433 top: 0;
434 left: 0;
435 width: 100%;
437 .sublevel-nav.sort .sublevel-item {
438 line-height: 1;
439 font-size: 0.875rem;
440 flex-basis: unset;
443 /*******************************/
445 /*******************************/
447 #comments > .sublevel-nav.sort {
448 margin: 1em auto 0 auto;
450 @supports (width: -moz-fit-content) {
451 #comments > .sublevel-nav.sort {
452 width: -moz-fit-content;
455 @supports (width: fit-content) {
456 #comments > .sublevel-nav.sort {
457 width: fit-content;
461 /******************/
463 /******************/
465 #width-selector {
466 position: absolute;
467 top: 4px;
468 right: -78px;
470 #width-selector button {
471 width: 22px;
472 height: 22px;
473 padding: 6px;
474 margin: 1px;
475 overflow: hidden;
476 background-repeat: no-repeat;
477 background-size: 100%;
478 background-origin: content-box;
480 #width-selector button,
481 #width-selector button:active,
482 #width-selector button:focus {
483 text-shadow: none;
484 color: transparent;
486 #width-selector button:disabled {
487 cursor: auto;
489 #width-selector {
490 background-image: url('');
492 #width-selector {
493 background-image: url('');
495 #width-selector {
496 background-image: url('');
499 /*=----------------=*/
500 /*= Hover tooltips =*/
501 /*=----------------=*/
503 #width-selector button::after {
504 content: attr(data-name);
505 position: absolute;
506 display: block;
507 left: 0;
508 width: 100%;
509 text-align: center;
510 top: 56px;
511 visibility: hidden;
513 #width-selector button.selected::after {
514 content: attr(data-name) " (selected)";
516 #width-selector button:hover:not(:active)::after {
517 visibility: visible;
520 head.content-width-normal + body > * {
521 max-width: 900px;
523 head.content-width-wide + body > * {
524 max-width: 1150px;
526 head.content-width-fluid + body > * {
527 max-width: calc(100% - 300px);
530 /******************/
532 /******************/
534 #theme-selector {
535 position: absolute;
536 top: 3px;
537 left: -41px;
538 opacity: 0.4;
539 display: table;
540 max-width: 40px;
542 #theme-selector:hover {
543 opacity: 1.0;
546 /*=----------------------=*/
547 /*= Theme select buttons =*/
548 /*=----------------------=*/
550 .theme-selector button {
551 display: table-cell;
552 width: 26px;
553 height: 26px;
554 padding: 5px;
555 margin: 1px 7px 0 7px;
556 color: transparent;
557 background-size: 16px 16px;
558 background-origin: content-box;
560 .theme-selector button,
561 .theme-selector button:hover,
562 .theme-selector button:active,
563 .theme-selector button:focus {
564 text-shadow: none;
565 color: transparent;
567 .theme-selector button:disabled {
568 cursor: auto;
571 /*=----------------------------=*/
572 /*= Pre-rendered button images =*/
573 /*=----------------------------=*/
574 /* (Each is just a capital letter A through whatever) */
576 .theme-selector button:nth-of-type(1) {
577 background-image: url('');
579 .theme-selector button:nth-of-type(2) {
580 background-image: url('');
582 .theme-selector button:nth-of-type(3) {
583 background-image: url('');
585 .theme-selector button:nth-of-type(4) {
586 background-image: url('');
588 .theme-selector button:nth-of-type(5) {
589 background-image: url('');
591 .theme-selector button:nth-of-type(6) {
592 background-image: url('');
594 .theme-selector button:nth-of-type(7) {
595 background-image: url('');
597 .theme-selector button:nth-of-type(8) {
598 background-image: url('');
600 .theme-selector button:nth-of-type(9) {
601 background-image: url('');
604 /*=------------------------------=*/
605 /*= Theme select button tooltips =*/
606 /*=------------------------------=*/
607 /* (with the name & description of the theme that each button selects) */
609 #theme-selector button {
610 position: relative;
611 z-index: 1;
613 #theme-selector button::before {
614 content: attr(data-theme-name);
615 position: absolute;
616 top: 0;
617 right: 100%;
618 padding: 5px 6px 6px 6px;
619 line-height: 1;
620 width: 6em;
621 text-align: right;
622 z-index: 1;
623 visibility: hidden;
625 #theme-selector:hover button::before {
626 visibility: visible;
628 #theme-selector:hover ~ #theme-tweaker-toggle,
629 #theme-selector:active ~ #theme-tweaker-toggle {
630 z-index: -1;
633 /************************/
635 /************************/
637 #theme-tweaker-toggle {
638 position: absolute;
639 top: 7px;
640 left: -75px;
642 #theme-tweaker-toggle button {
643 font-family: Font Awesome;
644 font-weight: 900;
645 font-size: 1.25rem;
646 opacity: 0.4;
647 z-index: 1;
649 #theme-tweaker-toggle button:hover {
650 opacity: 1.0;
653 /*******************/
655 /*******************/
657 #quick-nav-ui {
658 position: absolute;
659 right: -67px;
660 bottom: 20px;
662 #quick-nav-ui a {
663 font-family: 'Font Awesome';
664 font-weight: 900;
665 font-size: 1.5rem;
666 line-height: 1.7;
667 text-align: center;
668 display: block;
669 width: 40px;
670 height: 40px;
671 margin: 10px 0 0 0;
673 #quick-nav-ui a[href='#comments'].no-comments {
674 pointer-events: none;
676 #quick-nav-ui a {
677 visibility: hidden;
679 ~ #ui-elements-container #quick-nav-ui a[href='#comments'] {
680 visibility: visible;
683 /************************/
685 /************************/
687 #new-comment-nav-ui {
688 position: absolute;
689 right: -112px;
690 bottom: 42px;
692 #new-comment-nav-ui > * {
693 display: block;
694 position: relative;
696 {
697 display: none;
700 /*=--------------------=*/
701 /*= New comments count =*/
702 /*=--------------------=*/
704 #new-comment-nav-ui .new-comments-count {
705 width: 2em;
706 font-size: 1.25rem;
707 line-height: 1.1;
708 text-align: center;
709 left: 1px;
710 cursor: pointer;
712 #new-comment-nav-ui .new-comments-count::selection {
713 background-color: transparent;
715 #new-comment-nav-ui .new-comments-count::after {
716 content: "NEW";
717 display: block;
718 font-size: 0.625rem;
721 /*=-----------------------------------=*/
722 /*= Next/previous new comment buttons =*/
723 /*=-----------------------------------=*/
725 #new-comment-nav-ui .new-comment-sequential-nav-button {
726 font-size: 1.75rem;
727 font-family: 'Font Awesome';
728 font-weight: 900;
729 width: 1.5em;
730 z-index: 5001;
732 #new-comment-nav-ui .new-comment-previous {
733 top: 8px;
735 #new-comment-nav-ui .new-comment-next {
736 bottom: 6px;
738 #new-comment-nav-ui .new-comment-sequential-nav-button:disabled {
739 cursor: auto;
740 pointer-events: none;
743 /*******************/
745 /*******************/
747 #hns-date-picker {
748 position: absolute;
749 bottom: 72px;
750 right: -253px;
751 opacity: 0.6;
753 #hns-date-picker:hover,
754 #hns-date-picker:focus-within {
755 opacity: 1.0;
757 {
758 display: none;
761 /*=---------------=*/
762 /*= "Since" label =*/
763 /*=---------------=*/
765 #hns-date-picker span {
766 display: block;
767 font-size: 0.75rem;
768 text-transform: uppercase;
771 /*=--------------------=*/
772 /*= "Since" text field =*/
773 /*=--------------------=*/
775 #hns-date-picker input {
776 margin-top: 1px;
777 padding: 1px 3px;
778 width: 140px;
779 text-align: center;
780 box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px transparent;
783 /************************/
785 /************************/
787 #anti-kibitzer-toggle {
788 position: absolute;
789 right: -67px;
790 bottom: 225px;
792 #anti-kibitzer-toggle button {
793 display: block;
794 width: 40px;
795 height: 54px;
796 padding: 0;
798 #anti-kibitzer-toggle button::before,
799 #anti-kibitzer-toggle button::after {
800 font-family: Font Awesome;
802 #anti-kibitzer-toggle button::before {
803 content: "\F06E";
804 display: block;
805 font-size: 1.75em;
806 font-weight: 400;
808 #anti-kibitzer-toggle button::after {
809 content: "\F007\2004\F164";
810 font-size: 0.875em;
811 font-weight: 900;
813 #anti-kibitzer-toggle.engaged button::before {
814 content: "\F070";
817 /************************/
819 /************************/
821 #text-size-adjustment-ui {
822 position: absolute;
823 top: 30px;
824 right: -78px;
825 opacity: 0.4;
827 #text-size-adjustment-ui:hover {
828 opacity: 1.0;
831 /* This doesn't work in Mozilla browsers, so hide it */
832 @-moz-document url-prefix() {
833 #text-size-adjustment-ui {
834 display: none;
838 /*=---------=*/
839 /*= Buttons =*/
840 /*=---------=*/
842 #text-size-adjustment-ui button {
843 font-weight: 900;
844 font-family: Font Awesome;
845 font-size: 0.75rem;
846 width: 24px;
847 height: 24px;
848 padding: 0;
850 #text-size-adjustment-ui button.default {
851 font-family: inherit;
852 font-size: 1.125rem;
853 position: relative;
854 top: 1px;
856 #text-size-adjustment-ui button:disabled {
857 opacity: 0.5;
859 #text-size-adjustment-ui button:disabled:hover {
860 cursor: default;
863 /*=----------------=*/
864 /*= Hover tooltips =*/
865 /*=----------------=*/
867 #text-size-adjustment-ui::after {
868 content: "Adjust text size";
869 position: absolute;
870 display: block;
871 left: 0;
872 width: 100%;
873 text-align: center;
874 top: 32px;
875 visibility: hidden;
876 font-size: 0.9em;
878 #text-size-adjustment-ui:hover::after {
879 visibility: visible;
882 /*******************************/
884 /*******************************/
886 #comments-view-mode-selector {
887 position: absolute;
888 bottom: 30px;
889 left: -40px;
890 opacity: 0.6;
892 #comments-view-mode-selector:hover {
893 opacity: 1.0;
896 /*=---------=*/
897 /*= Buttons =*/
898 /*=---------=*/
900 #comments-view-mode-selector a {
901 display: block;
902 font-family: Font Awesome;
903 font-size: 1.25rem;
904 text-align: center;
905 opacity: 0.4;
906 padding: 0.25em;
907 z-index: 1;
909 #comments-view-mode-selector a.threaded {
910 transform: scaleY(-1);
911 font-weight: 900;
913 #comments-view-mode-selector a.chrono {
914 font-weight: normal;
916 #comments-view-mode-selector a.selected,
917 #comments-view-mode-selector a:hover {
918 opacity: 1.0;
919 text-decoration: none;
921 #comments-view-mode-selector a.selected {
922 cursor: default;
925 /************/
926 /* ARCHIVES */
927 /************/
929 .archive-nav {
930 margin: 1.25em 0.5em 0 0.5em;
931 padding: 0.25em;
933 .archive-nav > * {
934 display: flex;
936 .archive-nav *[class^='archive-nav-item'] {
937 line-height: 1;
938 flex: 1 1 5%;
939 text-align: center;
940 padding: 6px 4px 4px 4px;
941 max-width: 8%;
943 @-moz-document url-prefix() {
944 .archive-nav *[class^='archive-nav-item'] {
945 padding: 5px 4px;
948 .archive-nav-days .archive-nav-item-day {
949 font-size: 0.8em;
950 padding: 7px 0 5px 0;
951 max-width: 4%;
953 .archive-nav-days .archive-nav-item-day:first-child {
954 flex-basis: 10%;
957 /************/
958 /* LISTINGS */
959 /************/
961 h1.listing {
962 font-size: 1.875rem;
963 line-height: 1.15;
964 max-height: 1.15em;
965 position: relative;
968 h1.listing a {
969 position: relative;
972 /* Links to link-posts (not the link-post links themselves; that's below) */
973 h1.listing a[href^='http'] + a {
974 margin-left: 0.25em;
976 /* Link-post links */
977 h1.listing a[href^="http"] {
978 font-size: 0.8em;
979 display: inline;
980 vertical-align: top;
981 position: relative;
982 top: 4px;
985 /*=----------------------=*/
986 /*= Listing hover reveal =*/
987 /*=----------------------=*/
988 /* (On desktops, hover over a multi-line listing to reveal all of it) */
990 @media only screen and (hover: hover), not screen and (-moz-touch-enabled) {
991 h1.listing a {
992 max-width: 100%;
993 display: inline-block;
994 white-space: nowrap;
995 text-overflow: ellipsis;
996 overflow: hidden;
997 border-bottom: 1px solid transparent;
998 -webkit-hyphens: auto;
999 -moz-hyphens: auto;
1000 -ms-hyphens: auto;
1001 hyphens: auto;
1002 z-index: 1;
1003 padding: 0 0 1px 1px;
1005 h1.listing a[href^='http'] + a {
1006 max-width: calc(100% - 33px);
1008 h1.listing a:hover,
1009 h1.listing a:focus {
1010 text-decoration: dotted underline;
1011 white-space: initial;
1012 overflow: visible;
1013 z-index: 2;
1015 h1.listing:focus-within::before {
1016 content: "\F105";
1017 font-family: Font Awesome;
1018 display: block;
1019 position: absolute;
1020 left: -0.75em;
1023 /* Adds hysteresis to the hover area (i.e., prevents oscillation due to small
1024 mouse movements) */
1026 h1.listing a:not(.edit-post-link):hover::before {
1027 content: "";
1028 position: absolute;
1029 top: -10px;
1030 right: -10px;
1031 bottom: -10px;
1032 left: -10px;
1033 z-index: -1;
1035 h1.listing a[href^="http"]:hover {
1036 text-decoration: none;
1040 /*=-----------------------=*/
1041 /*= In-listing edit links =*/
1042 /*=-----------------------=*/
1044 h1.listing .edit-post-link {
1045 position: absolute;
1046 margin: 0;
1049 /*=---------------------------------=*/
1050 /*= Error messages on listing pages =*/
1051 /*=---------------------------------=*/
1053 .listing-message {
1054 width: 100%;
1055 text-align: center;
1056 padding: 1.25em 0 1.25em 0;
1057 font-size: 1.375em;
1060 /*********************/
1062 /*********************/
1064 h1.listing + .post-meta {
1065 position: relative;
1066 justify-content: flex-start;
1067 margin: 0 20px 0 21px;
1070 h1.listing + .post-meta > * {
1071 margin: 0 1em 0 0;
1074 h1.listing + .post-meta .post-section {
1075 width: 0;
1076 margin: 0;
1077 overflow: hidden;
1079 h1.listing + .post-meta .post-section::before {
1080 position: absolute;
1081 left: -36px;
1084 h1.listing + .post-meta .read-time {
1085 cursor: default;
1088 /**************/
1089 /* USER PAGES */
1090 /**************/
1092 /*=------------=*/
1093 /*= Pagination =*/
1094 /*=------------=*/
1096 #content.user-page > #top-nav-bar {
1097 grid-row: 6;
1100 /*=---------------------=*/
1101 /*= User's display name =*/
1102 /*=---------------------=*/
1104 #content.user-page {
1105 margin: 0.25em 0 0 0;
1106 line-height: 1.1;
1107 grid-row: 4;
1110 /*=--------------------=*/
1111 /*= User's karma total =*/
1112 /*=--------------------=*/
1114 #content.user-page .user-stats {
1115 grid-column: 3;
1116 grid-row: 4;
1117 text-align: right;
1118 align-self: end;
1121 /*=----------------------=*/
1122 /*= Expanded vs. compact =*/
1123 /*=----------------------=*/
1125 #content.user-page #comments-list-mode-selector {
1126 grid-row: 5 / span 2;
1128 #content.user-page #comments-list-mode-selector button {
1129 display: block;
1132 /*=----------------------------------------------------=*/
1133 /*= All, Posts, Comments, Drafts, Conversations, Inbox =*/
1134 /*=----------------------------------------------------=*/
1136 #content.user-page .sublevel-nav {
1137 margin-bottom: 0.5em;
1140 /*=--------------=*/
1141 /*= User's posts =*/
1142 /*=--------------=*/
1144 #content.user-page h1.listing {
1145 margin: 0.5em 0 0 0;
1148 /*****************/
1150 /*****************/
1152 /*=----------------------=*/
1153 /*= List of participants =*/
1154 /*=----------------------=*/
1156 #content.conversation-page .conversation-participants {
1157 grid-column: 2 / span 2;
1158 grid-row: 3;
1159 text-align: right;
1160 margin: 0.5em 0 0 0;
1163 .conversation-participants ul,
1164 .conversation-participants li {
1165 list-style-type: none;
1166 display: inline-block;
1167 margin: 0;
1168 padding: 0;
1170 .conversation-participants li {
1171 margin-left: 0.375em;
1173 .conversation-participants li:not(:last-of-type)::after {
1174 content: ",";
1177 /*=-------------------------=*/
1178 /*= Posting controls (form) =*/
1179 /*=-------------------------=*/
1181 #content.conversation-page .posting-controls {
1182 padding: 0 0 1em 0;
1184 #content.conversation-page .post-meta-fields {
1185 overflow: auto;
1186 display: flex;
1187 flex-flow: row wrap;
1189 #content.conversation-page textarea {
1190 margin-top: 0.375em;
1192 #conversation-form {
1193 padding: 0 1em 3em 1em;
1195 #conversation-form input[type='text'],
1196 #conversation-form label {
1197 margin: 0.25em 0;
1199 #conversation-form label {
1200 width: 4em;
1201 text-align: right;
1202 padding: 2px 6px;
1203 border: 1px solid transparent;
1205 #conversation-form input[type='text'] {
1206 width: calc(100% - 4em);
1207 padding: 0.25em;
1209 #conversation-form input[type='submit'] {
1210 float: right;
1212 #content.conversation-page #markdown-hints-checkbox ~ label {
1213 white-space: nowrap;
1215 #content.conversation-page #markdown-hints {
1216 top: calc(100% + 2em);
1219 /*=--------------------=*/
1220 /*= Conversation title =*/
1221 /*=--------------------=*/
1223 #content.conversation-page {
1224 text-align: center;
1225 margin: 0.5em 0;
1226 line-height: 1.15;
1229 /*=----------=*/
1230 /*= Messages =*/
1231 /*=----------=*/
1233 #content.conversation-page > ul.comment-thread:last-of-type {
1234 margin-bottom: 2em;
1237 /******************/
1239 /******************/
1241 h1.listing {
1242 font-size: 1.625em;
1245 /**************/
1246 /* LOGIN PAGE */
1247 /**************/
1249 .login-container {
1250 margin: 2em 0;
1251 padding: 1em;
1252 display: flex;
1253 flex-flow: row wrap;
1256 .login-container form {
1257 flex-basis: 50%;
1258 display: grid;
1259 grid-row-gap: 0.5em;
1260 align-content: start;
1262 .login-container form label {
1263 text-align: right;
1264 padding: 0.25em 0.5em;
1265 white-space: nowrap;
1266 grid-column: 1;
1268 .login-container form input {
1269 grid-column: 2;
1270 padding: 0.25em;
1272 .login-container form input[type='submit'],
1273 .login-container form a {
1274 grid-column: 2;
1275 justify-self: center;
1277 .login-container form input[type='submit'] {
1278 width: 10em;
1279 padding: 0.35em;
1280 line-height: 1;
1281 margin: 0.5em 0 0 0;
1283 .login-container form h1 {
1284 text-align: center;
1285 margin: 0;
1286 grid-column: 2;
1289 /* “Log in” form */
1291 #login-form {
1292 grid-template-columns: 5.5em 1fr;
1293 padding: 0.5em 2em 0.5em 0;
1296 /* “Create account” form */
1298 #signup-form {
1299 font-size: 0.9em;
1300 grid-template-columns: 8.5em 1fr;
1301 padding: 0.5em 1em 1em 1em;
1303 #signup-form h1 {
1304 font-size: 1.7em;
1306 #signup-form input[type='submit'] {
1307 padding: 0.4em 0.5em 0.5em 0.5em;
1310 /* Log in tip */
1312 .login-container .login-tip {
1313 padding: 0.5em 0.5em 0.5em 3em;
1314 margin: 2em 4em 0 4em;
1315 text-indent: -2em;
1316 line-height: 1.4;
1318 .login-container .login-tip span {
1319 font-weight: bold;
1322 /* Message box */
1324 #content.login-page .error-box {
1325 margin: 1.5em 0.875em -1.5em 0.875em;
1327 .error-box, .success-box {
1328 padding: 0.25em;
1329 text-align: center;
1332 /***********************/
1334 /***********************/
1336 .reset-password-container {
1337 margin-bottom: 2em;
1339 .reset-password-container input[type='submit'] {
1340 padding: 0.2em 0.5em;
1341 width: unset;
1343 .reset-password-container input {
1344 margin-left: 0.5em;
1345 width: 12em;
1347 .reset-password-container label {
1348 display: inline-block;
1349 width: 9em;
1351 .reset-password-container form > div {
1352 margin: 0.2em;
1354 .reset-password-container .action-container {
1355 padding-left: 11em;
1356 padding-top: 0.2em;
1358 .reset-password-container .error-box {
1359 margin: unset;
1362 /*********************/
1364 /*********************/
1366 .contents {
1367 float: right;
1368 min-width: 6em;
1369 max-width: 40%;
1370 margin: 1.25em 0 0.75em 1.25em;
1371 padding: 7px 14px 10px 10px;
1372 position: relative;
1373 z-index: 1;
1376 .contents-head {
1377 text-align: center;
1378 margin-bottom: 0.25em;
1381 .post-body .contents ul {
1382 list-style-type: none;
1383 margin: 0 0 0 0.5em;
1384 counter-reset: toc-item-1 toc-item-2 toc-item-3;
1385 padding-left: 1em;
1386 font-size: 0.75em;
1388 .post-body .contents li {
1389 margin: 0.15em 0 0.3em 1em;
1390 text-align: left;
1391 text-indent: -1em;
1392 line-height: 1.2;
1393 position: relative;
1395 .post-body .contents li::before {
1396 position: absolute;
1397 width: 3em;
1398 display: block;
1399 text-align: right;
1400 left: -4.5em;
1402 .contents .toc-item-1 {
1403 counter-increment: toc-item-1;
1404 counter-reset: toc-item-2 toc-item-3;
1406 .contents .toc-item-1::before {
1407 content: counter(toc-item-1);
1409 .contents .toc-item-1 ~ .toc-item-2 {
1410 margin-left: 2.9em;
1411 font-size: 0.95em;
1413 .contents .toc-item-2 {
1414 counter-increment: toc-item-2;
1415 counter-reset: toc-item-3;
1417 .contents .toc-item-1 ~ .toc-item-2::before {
1418 content: counter(toc-item-1) "." counter(toc-item-2);
1420 .contents .toc-item-2::before {
1421 content: counter(toc-item-2);
1423 .contents .toc-item-1 + .toc-item-3 {
1424 counter-increment: toc-item-2 toc-item-3;
1426 .contents .toc-item-2 ~ .toc-item-3,
1427 .contents .toc-item-1 ~ .toc-item-3 {
1428 margin-left: 2.9em;
1429 font-size: 0.95em;
1431 .contents .toc-item-1 ~ .toc-item-2 ~ .toc-item-3 {
1432 margin-left: 5.7em;
1433 font-size: 0.9em;
1435 .contents .toc-item-3 {
1436 counter-increment: toc-item-3;
1438 .contents .toc-item-1 ~ .toc-item-2 ~ .toc-item-3::before {
1439 content: counter(toc-item-1) "." counter(toc-item-2) "." counter(toc-item-3);
1441 .contents .toc-item-1 ~ .toc-item-3::before {
1442 content: counter(toc-item-1) "." counter(toc-item-3);
1444 .contents .toc-item-2 ~ .toc-item-3::before {
1445 content: counter(toc-item-2) "." counter(toc-item-3);
1447 .contents .toc-item-3::before {
1448 content: counter(toc-item-3);
1450 .contents .toc-item-4,
1451 .contents .toc-item-5,
1452 .contents .toc-item-6 {
1453 display: none;
1456 /********************/
1457 /* POSTS & COMMENTS */
1458 /********************/
1460 .post-meta > *,
1461 .comment-meta > * {
1462 display: inline-block;
1463 margin-right: 1em;
1464 font-size: 1.0625em;
1465 white-space: nowrap;
1467 .post-body,
1468 .comment-body {
1469 overflow-wrap: break-word;
1470 text-align: justify;
1472 .post-body p,
1473 .comment-body p {
1474 margin: 1em 0;
1477 /*************/
1478 /* POST-META */
1479 /*************/
1481 .post-meta {
1482 display: flex;
1483 flex-flow: row wrap;
1484 justify-content: center;
1486 .post-meta .lw2-link {
1487 opacity: 0.5;
1488 order: 1;
1490 .post-meta > *,
1491 .post-meta .post-section::before {
1492 margin: 0 0.5em;
1494 .post-meta .post-section {
1495 order: -1;
1496 margin: 0;
1497 visibility: hidden;
1499 .post-meta .post-section::before {
1500 visibility: visible;
1501 font-family: "Font Awesome";
1502 font-weight: 900;
1504 .post-section.frontpage::before {
1505 content: "\F015";
1507 .post-section.featured::before {
1508 content: "\F005";
1510 .post-section.meta::before {
1511 content: "\F077";
1513 .post-section.personal::before {
1514 content: "\F007";
1516 .post-section.draft::before {
1517 content: "\F15B";
1519 .post-section.alignment-forum::before {
1520 content: "AF";
1521 font-family: Concourse;
1524 /*= Karma controls hover tooltips =*/
1526 @media only screen and (hover: hover), not screen and (-moz-touch-enabled) {
1527 .post .karma,
1528 .comment-item .karma {
1529 position: relative;
1531 .post,
1532 .comment-item {
1533 content: "Double-click for strong vote";
1534 position: absolute;
1535 pointer-events: none;
1536 display: block;
1537 left: 6px;
1538 max-width: calc(100% - 12px);
1539 line-height: 1.15;
1540 white-space: normal;
1541 text-align: center;
1542 font-size: 0.875rem;
1543 opacity: 0;
1544 transition: opacity 0.2s ease;
1546 .post,
1547 .comment-item {
1548 opacity: 1.0;
1551 .post .karma .karma-value::after,
1552 .comment-item .karma .karma-value::after {
1553 content: attr(title);
1554 position: absolute;
1555 pointer-events: none;
1556 display: block;
1557 left: 50%;
1558 transform: translateX(-50%);
1559 white-space: nowrap;
1560 text-align: center;
1561 font-size: 0.875rem;
1562 color: #bbb;
1563 opacity: 0;
1564 transition: opacity 0.2s ease;
1566 .post .karma .karma-value:hover::after,
1567 .comment-item .karma .karma-value:hover::after {
1568 opacity: 1.0;
1570 .comment-item .karma .karma-value:hover::after {
1571 z-index: 5001;
1575 /*********/
1576 /* POSTS */
1577 /*********/
1579 .post {
1580 max-width: 100%;
1583 .post-body {
1584 min-height: 8em;
1585 padding: 0 30px;
1586 line-height: 1.5;
1587 font-size: 1.3rem;
1588 overflow: auto;
1589 margin: 0.5em 0 0 0;
1591 .post > h1:first-child {
1592 margin: 1.1em 0 0.35em 0;
1593 padding: 0 30px;
1594 text-align: center;
1595 font-size: 2.5em;
1596 line-height: 1;
1598 .post .post-meta {
1599 text-align: center;
1600 position: relative;
1601 z-index: 2;
1603 .post .top-post-meta:last-child {
1604 margin-bottom: 40px;
1606 .post .bottom-post-meta {
1607 margin: 0;
1608 padding: 20px 0 22px 0;
1611 /**************/
1612 /* LINK POSTS */
1613 /**************/
1615 > .post-body > p:first-child {
1616 text-align: center;
1617 font-size: 1.125em;
1618 margin: 0.5em 0 0 0;
1620 > .post-body > p:only-child {
1621 font-size: 1.5em;
1622 margin: 1em 0;
1624 {
1625 content: "\F0C1";
1626 font-family: Font Awesome;
1627 font-weight: 900;
1628 font-size: 0.75em;
1629 position: relative;
1630 top: -2px;
1631 margin-right: 0.25em;
1634 /************/
1635 /* COMMENTS */
1636 /************/
1638 #comments {
1639 max-width: 100%;
1640 padding: 0 0 1px 0;
1642 ul.comment-thread {
1643 list-style-type: none;
1644 padding: 0;
1645 max-width: 100%;
1647 #comments .comment-thread > li {
1648 position: relative;
1650 #content > #top-nav-bar + .comment-thread .comment-item {
1651 margin-top: 0;
1654 .comment-item {
1655 margin: 2em 0 0 0;
1657 .comment-item .comment-item {
1658 margin: 1em 8px 8px 16px;
1660 .comment-item .comment-item + .comment-item {
1661 margin: 2em 8px 8px 16px;
1664 .comment-body {
1665 line-height: 1.45;
1666 font-size: 1.2rem;
1667 padding: 10px;
1669 .comment-body ul {
1670 list-style-type: circle;
1672 .comment-body > *:first-child {
1673 margin-top: 0;
1675 .comment-body > *:last-child {
1676 margin-bottom: 0;
1679 #comments:empty::before,
1680 #comments > .comment-controls:last-child::after {
1681 content: "No comments.";
1682 display: block;
1683 width: 100%;
1684 text-align: center;
1685 padding: 0.75em 0 0.9em 0;
1686 font-size: 1.375em;
1689 /**********************************/
1691 /**********************************/
1693 .comment-item input[id^="expand"] {
1694 display: none;
1696 .comment-item input[id^="expand"] + label {
1697 display: block;
1698 visibility: hidden;
1699 position: relative;
1700 margin: 8px 9px;
1702 .comment-item input[id^="expand"] + label::after {
1703 content: "(Expand " attr(data-child-count) " below)";
1704 visibility: visible;
1705 position: absolute;
1706 left: 0;
1707 white-space: nowrap;
1708 cursor: pointer;
1710 .comment-item input[id^="expand"]:checked + label::after {
1711 content: "(Collapse " attr(data-child-count) " below)";
1713 .comment-item input[id^="expand"] ~ .comment-thread {
1714 max-height: 34px;
1715 overflow: hidden;
1717 .comment-item input[id^="expand"] ~ .comment-thread > li:first-child {
1718 margin-top: 0;
1720 .comment-item input[id^="expand"]:checked ~ .comment-thread {
1721 max-height: 1000000px;
1724 .comment-item input[id^="expand"]:checked ~ .comment-thread .comment-thread .comment-item {
1725 margin: 0;
1727 .comment-item input[id^="expand"]:checked ~ .comment-thread .comment-thread .comment-item a.comment-parent-link:hover::after {
1728 display: none;
1731 /****************/
1732 /* COMMENT-META */
1733 /****************/
1735 .comment-meta {
1736 padding: 2px 24px 2px 10px;
1737 margin: 0 -1px;
1738 border: none;
1739 display: flex;
1740 flex-flow: row wrap;
1741 align-items: baseline;
1743 .user-page .comment-meta,
1744 .conversation-page .comment-meta {
1745 padding-right: 10px;
1747 .comment-meta .comment-post-title {
1748 flex-basis: 100%;
1749 overflow: hidden;
1750 text-overflow: ellipsis;
1751 line-height: 1.3;
1753 .conversation-page .comment-meta .comment-post-title {
1754 margin: 0;
1755 flex-basis: unset;
1756 flex: 1 0 auto;
1757 text-align: right;
1758 display: none; /* Not sure if we need to display this... */
1760 .comment-item .author:not(.redacted).original-poster::after {
1761 content: "\2004(OP)";
1762 font-size: 0.75em;
1765 /*****************************/
1767 /*****************************/
1769 a.comment-parent-link:not(.inline-author),
1770 a.comment-parent-link.inline-author::before {
1771 opacity: 0.5;
1773 a.comment-parent-link:hover {
1774 opacity: 1.0;
1776 a.comment-parent-link::before {
1777 content: "\F062";
1778 font-family: "Font Awesome";
1779 font-weight: 900;
1780 font-size: 0.75rem;
1781 line-height: 1;
1782 position: absolute;
1783 z-index: 1;
1784 display: block;
1785 padding: 3px 3px 0 3px;
1786 width: 16px;
1787 height: calc(100% + 2px);
1788 top: -1px;
1789 left: -17px;
1791 a.comment-parent-link::after {
1792 content: "";
1793 position: absolute;
1794 z-index: 0;
1795 display: block;
1796 width: calc(100% + 26px);
1797 height: calc(100% + 38px);
1798 top: -29px;
1799 left: -17px;
1800 pointer-events: none;
1801 overflow: hidden;
1802 visibility: hidden;
1804 a.comment-parent-link:hover::after {
1805 visibility: visible;
1808 .comment-child-links {
1809 flex-basis: 100%;
1811 .comment-child-link {
1812 margin: 0 0.25em;
1813 display: inline-block;
1815 .comment-child-link::before {
1816 content: ">";
1817 display: inline-block;
1818 margin: 0 2px 0 0;
1821 .comment-popup {
1822 position: fixed;
1823 top: 10%;
1824 right: 10%;
1825 max-width: 700px;
1826 z-index: 10001;
1827 font-size: 1rem;
1828 white-space: unset;
1829 pointer-events: none;
1831 .comment-popup .comment-parent-link {
1832 display: none;
1834 .comment-popup .comment-body {
1835 font-size: 1.0625rem;
1838 /**********************/
1840 /**********************/
1841 /********************/
1843 /********************/
1845 .comment-meta .permalink::before,
1846 .comment-meta .lw2-link::before,
1847 .individual-thread-page a.comment-parent-link:empty::before {
1848 content: "";
1849 display: inline-block;
1850 width: 1rem;
1851 height: 1rem;
1852 border-radius: 3px;
1853 box-shadow:
1854 0 0 0 1px #fff,
1855 0 0 0 2px #00e,
1856 0 0 0 3px transparent;
1857 padding: 0 0 0 2px;
1858 background-size: 100%;
1859 position: relative;
1860 top: 2px;
1861 opacity: 0.5;
1863 .comment-meta .permalink::before {
1864 background-image: url('');
1866 .comment-meta .lw2-link::before {
1867 background-image: url('');
1869 .individual-thread-page a.comment-parent-link:empty::before {
1870 left: unset;
1871 background-image: url('');
1873 .comment-meta .permalink:hover::before {
1874 background-image: url('');
1876 .comment-meta .lw2-link:hover::before {
1877 background-image: url('');
1879 .individual-thread-page a.comment-parent-link:empty:hover::before {
1880 background-image: url('');
1882 .comment-meta .permalink:hover::before,
1883 .comment-meta .lw2-link:hover::before,
1884 .individual-thread-page a.comment-parent-link:empty:hover::before {
1885 box-shadow:
1886 0 0 0 2px #00e,
1887 0 0 0 3px transparent;
1888 opacity: 1.0;
1889 filter: unset;
1891 .comment-meta .permalink:active::before,
1892 .comment-meta .lw2-link:active::before,
1893 .individual-thread-page a.comment-parent-link:empty:active::before {
1894 transform: scale(0.9);
1897 .comment-meta .permalink,
1898 .comment-meta .lw2-link,
1899 .individual-thread-page .comment-parent-link:empty {
1900 position: relative;
1901 opacity: 1.0;
1903 .comment-meta .permalink::after,
1904 .comment-meta .lw2-link::after,
1905 .individual-thread-page .comment-parent-link:empty::after {
1906 content: "";
1907 width: 30px;
1908 height: 30px;
1909 display: block;
1910 position: absolute;
1911 top: -2px;
1912 left: -7px;
1913 box-shadow: none;
1914 pointer-events: auto;
1915 visibility: visible;
1918 /*************************/
1920 /*************************/
1922 #comments-list-mode-selector,
1923 #content.index-page #comments-list-mode-selector,
1924 #content.user-page #comments-list-mode-selector {
1925 padding-top: 6px;
1926 grid-column: 1;
1927 position: unset;
1928 z-index: 1;
1929 justify-self: start;
1930 align-self: start;
1932 #comments-list-mode-selector button {
1933 color: transparent;
1934 width: 32px;
1935 height: 32px;
1936 padding: 6px;
1937 margin: 1px;
1938 overflow: hidden;
1939 background-repeat: no-repeat;
1940 background-size: 100%;
1941 background-origin: content-box;
1943 #comments-list-mode-selector button:disabled {
1944 cursor: auto;
1946 #comments-list-mode-selector button.expanded {
1947 background-image: url('');
1949 #comments-list-mode-selector button.compact {
1950 background-image: url('');
1952 @media only screen and (max-resolution: 1dppx) {
1953 #comments-list-mode-selector button.expanded {
1954 background-image: url('');
1956 #comments-list-mode-selector button.compact {
1957 background-image: url('');
1961 #content > ul.comment-thread > li.comment-item,
1962 #content.compact > ul.comment-thread > li.comment-item {
1963 margin: 0;
1966 #content > .comment-thread {
1967 margin: 1em 0;
1969 #content.compact > .comment-thread {
1970 font-size: 0.9375rem;
1971 margin: 0.5em 0;
1973 #content.compact > .comment-thread:hover {
1974 z-index: 1;
1976 #content.compact > .comment-thread .comment-body {
1977 font-size: 1.0625rem;
1979 #content.compact > .comment-thread .comment-item {
1980 max-height: 61px;
1981 margin-top: 1em;
1982 overflow: hidden;
1983 position: relative;
1984 pointer-events: none;
1986 #content.compact > .comment-thread .comment-item::after {
1987 content: "…";
1988 position: absolute;
1989 right: 0;
1990 bottom: 0;
1991 font-size: 2rem;
1992 line-height: 1;
1993 padding: 0 16px 10px 64px;
1994 pointer-events: auto;
1996 @media only screen and (hover: hover), not screen and (-moz-touch-enabled) {
1997 #content.compact:not(:focus-within) > .comment-thread .comment-item:hover,
1998 #content.compact > .comment-thread .comment-item.expanded {
1999 overflow: visible;
2000 pointer-events: auto;
2001 z-index: 10;
2004 @media only screen and (hover: none), only screen and (-moz-touch-enabled) {
2005 #content.compact > .comment-thread.expanded .comment-item {
2006 overflow: visible;
2007 pointer-events: auto;
2008 z-index: 10;
2011 #content.compact > .comment-thread .comment-item .comment-meta {
2012 white-space: nowrap;
2013 overflow: hidden;
2014 text-overflow: ellipsis;
2015 padding: 2px 10px;
2017 #content.compact > .comment-thread .comment-item:hover .comment-meta {
2018 white-space: unset;
2020 #content.compact > .comment-thread .comment-item .comment-meta a {
2021 pointer-events: auto;
2023 #content.compact > .comment-thread .comment-item .comment-meta .comment-post-title {
2024 display: inline;
2026 #content.compact > .comment-thread .comment-item .comment-meta .karma + .comment-post-title {
2027 margin-left: 0.75em;
2029 @media only screen and (hover: hover), not screen and (-moz-touch-enabled) {
2030 #content.compact > .comment-thread:last-of-type .comment-item:hover,
2031 #content.compact > .comment-thread:last-of-type .comment-item.expanded {
2032 max-height: unset;
2034 #content.compact > .comment-thread .comment-item:hover .comment,
2035 #content.compact > .comment-thread .comment-item.expanded .comment {
2036 position: relative;
2037 z-index: 1;
2038 margin-bottom: 2em;
2039 bottom: 0;
2041 #content.compact > .comment-thread .comment-item:hover .comment::before,
2042 #content.compact > .comment-thread .comment-item.expanded .comment::before{
2043 content: "";
2044 position: absolute;
2045 display: block;
2046 width: calc(100% + 20px);
2047 height: calc(100% + 20px);
2048 z-index: -1;
2049 top: -10px;
2050 left: -10px;
2052 #content.compact > .comment-thread:last-of-type .comment-item:hover .comment,
2053 #content.compact > .comment-thread:last-of-type .comment-item.expanded .comment{
2054 margin: 0;
2057 @media only screen and (hover: none), only screen and (-moz-touch-enabled) {
2058 #content.compact > .comment-thread.expanded:last-of-type .comment-item {
2059 max-height: unset;
2061 #content.compact > .comment-thread.expanded .comment-item .comment {
2062 position: relative;
2063 z-index: 1;
2064 margin-bottom: 2em;
2065 bottom: 0;
2067 #content.compact > .comment-thread.expanded .comment-item .comment::before {
2068 content: "";
2069 position: absolute;
2070 display: block;
2071 width: calc(100% + 14px);
2072 height: calc(100% + 20px);
2073 z-index: -1;
2074 top: -10px;
2075 left: -10px;
2077 #content.compact > .comment-thread.expanded:last-of-type .comment-item .comment {
2078 margin: 0;
2080 #content.compact > .comment-thread.expanded .comment-item .comment::after {
2081 content: "";
2082 display: block;
2083 position: fixed;
2084 top: 0;
2085 left: 0;
2086 width: 100%;
2087 height: 100%;
2088 z-index: -2;
2089 background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);
2093 /*****************************/
2095 /*****************************/
2097 .new-comment::before {
2098 content: "";
2099 position: absolute;
2100 width: 100%;
2101 height: 100%;
2102 z-index: 5000;
2103 pointer-events: none;
2106 /***********************************/
2108 /***********************************/
2110 .comment-minimize-button {
2111 font-family: Font Awesome;
2112 font-weight: 900;
2113 font-size: 1.25rem;
2114 line-height: 1;
2115 position: absolute;
2116 right: 1px;
2117 top: 1px;
2118 width: 18px;
2119 margin: 0;
2120 cursor: pointer;
2122 .comment-minimize-button:active {
2123 transform: scale(0.9);
2125 .comment-minimize-button::after {
2126 content: attr(data-child-count);
2127 font-weight: normal;
2128 font-size: 0.8125rem;
2129 position: absolute;
2130 left: 0;
2131 width: 100%;
2132 text-align: center;
2133 top: 21px;
2135 #content.individual-thread-page .comment-minimize-button {
2136 display: none;
2139 /***********************************/
2141 /***********************************/
2143 .individual-thread-page > h1 {
2144 line-height: 1;
2145 margin: 0.75em 0 3px 0;
2147 .individual-thread-page #comments {
2148 border: none;
2151 /****************/
2152 /* VOTE BUTTONS */
2153 /****************/
2155 .vote {
2156 margin: 0;
2158 .vote {
2159 font-family: Font Awesome;
2160 font-weight: 900;
2161 border: none;
2163 .karma.waiting {
2164 opacity: 0.5;
2166 .karma.waiting button {
2167 pointer-events: none;
2170 /* Replicated karma controls at bottom of comments. */
2171 .comment-controls .karma {
2172 float: left;
2173 margin-left: -14px;
2174 font-size: 0.9375em;
2177 /*****************************/
2179 /*****************************/
2181 .comment-controls {
2182 text-align: right;
2183 margin: 0 8px 8px 16px;
2184 position: relative;
2185 z-index: 9999;
2187 .comment-thread .comment-controls + .comment-thread > li:first-child {
2188 margin-top: 8px;
2190 #comments > .comment-controls {
2191 margin: 8px 0 0 0;
2193 #comments > .comment-controls:last-child {
2194 margin: 8px 0 16px 0;
2197 .posting-controls input[type='submit'] {
2198 margin: 6px;
2199 padding: 4px 10px;
2200 font-size: 1.125rem;
2203 .comment-controls .cancel-comment-button {
2204 position: absolute;
2205 right: 0;
2206 margin: 0;
2207 height: 27px;
2208 font-size: inherit;
2209 padding: 4px 8px 2px 4px;
2210 z-index: 1;
2212 .comment-controls .cancel-comment-button::before {
2213 font-family: Font Awesome;
2214 margin-right: 3px;
2215 content: '\F00D';
2216 font-weight: 900;
2217 font-size: 0.9em;
2218 opacity: 0.7;
2221 .comment + .comment-controls .action-button {
2222 font-weight: normal;
2223 font-size: 1.0625em;
2224 padding: 1px 6px;
2226 .comment-controls .action-button::before {
2227 font-family: Font Awesome;
2228 margin-right: 3px;
2230 .new-comment-button {
2231 font-size: 1.5rem;
2232 margin: 0 0.25em;
2234 .comment-controls .reply-button::before {
2235 content: '\F3E5';
2236 font-weight: 900;
2237 font-size: 0.9em;
2238 opacity: 0.6;
2241 .post-controls {
2242 text-align: right;
2243 margin: 0.75em 0 0 0;
2244 grid-row: 3;
2245 align-self: start;
2246 justify-self: end;
2248 .post {
2249 grid-row: 3;
2251 .edit-post-link {
2252 display: inline-block;
2253 margin-bottom: 0.25em;
2254 font-size: 1.125rem;
2256 .edit-post-link::before {
2257 margin-right: 0.3em;
2259 .comment-controls .edit-button::before,
2260 .edit-post-link::before {
2261 content: '\F303';
2262 font-family: "Font Awesome";
2263 font-weight: 900;
2264 font-size: 0.75em;
2265 position: relative;
2266 top: -1px;
2269 .comment-controls form {
2270 position: relative;
2272 .textarea-container {
2273 position: relative;
2275 .posting-controls textarea {
2276 display: block;
2277 width: 100%;
2278 height: 15em;
2279 min-height: 15em;
2280 max-height: calc(100vh - 6em);
2281 margin: 2px 0 0 0;
2282 padding: 4px 5px;
2283 font-size: 1.2rem;
2284 border-style: solid;
2285 border-width: 29px 1px 1px 1px;
2286 resize: none;
2289 /* GUIEdit buttons */
2291 .guiedit-buttons-container {
2292 position: absolute;
2293 left: 1px;
2294 top: 1px;
2295 width: calc(100% - 2px);
2296 height: 28px;
2297 text-align: left;
2298 padding: 1px 4px 0 4px;
2299 overflow: hidden;
2301 .comment-thread-page .guiedit-buttons-container {
2302 padding-right: 60px;
2304 .guiedit-buttons-container button {
2305 height: 26px;
2306 padding: 0 7px;
2307 font-weight: 900;
2308 font-size: 0.875rem;
2309 line-height: 1;
2310 position: static;
2312 .guiedit-buttons-container button:active {
2313 transform: none;
2315 .guiedit-buttons-container button:active div {
2316 transform: scale(0.9);
2318 .guiedit-buttons-container button sup {
2319 font-weight: bold;
2321 .guiedit::after {
2322 content: attr(data-tooltip);
2323 position: absolute;
2324 font-weight: normal;
2325 font-size: 1rem;
2326 top: 2px;
2327 left: 464px;
2328 height: 25px;
2329 padding: 4px 0;
2330 white-space: nowrap;
2331 visibility: hidden;
2333 .guiedit:hover::after {
2334 visibility: visible;
2337 /* Markdown hints */
2339 .posting-controls .markdown-reference-link {
2340 float: left;
2341 padding: 1px 0 0 6px;
2343 .posting-controls .markdown-reference-link a {
2344 padding-right: 1.5em;
2345 margin-right: 0.15em;
2346 background-image: url('');
2347 background-size: 1.25em;
2348 background-repeat: no-repeat;
2349 background-position: right center;
2352 #markdown-hints-checkbox + label {
2353 float: left;
2354 margin: 2px 0 0 1em;
2355 line-height: 1.3;
2356 cursor: pointer;
2358 #edit-post-form #markdown-hints-checkbox + label {
2359 padding: 0;
2361 #markdown-hints-checkbox {
2362 visibility: hidden;
2363 float: left;
2365 #markdown-hints-checkbox + label::after {
2366 content: "(Show Markdown help)";
2368 #markdown-hints-checkbox:checked + label::after {
2369 content: "(Hide Markdown help)";
2371 #markdown-hints-checkbox + label::before {
2372 content: '\F059';
2373 font-family: Font Awesome;
2374 font-weight: 900;
2375 margin-right: 3px;
2377 #markdown-hints-checkbox:checked + label::before {
2378 font-weight: normal;
2380 #markdown-hints {
2381 margin: 4px 0 0 4px;
2382 padding: 4px 8px;
2383 position: absolute;
2384 text-align: left;
2385 top: calc(100% - 1em);
2386 z-index: 1;
2387 display: none;
2389 #markdown-hints-checkbox:checked ~ #markdown-hints {
2390 display: table;
2392 .markdown-hints-row {
2393 display: table-row;
2395 #markdown-hints .markdown-hints-row span,
2396 #markdown-hints .markdown-hints-row code {
2397 float: none;
2398 display: table-cell;
2399 border: none;
2400 background-color: inherit;
2401 padding: 0 12px 0 0;
2404 /******************/
2405 /* EDIT POST FORM */
2406 /******************/
2408 #edit-post-form {
2409 padding: 1em 1em 4em 1em;
2411 #edit-post-form .post-meta-fields {
2412 display: grid;
2413 grid-template-columns: 5em auto auto auto 1fr auto;
2414 margin-bottom: 0.625em;
2417 #edit-post-form label[for='title'],
2418 #edit-post-form label[for='url'],
2419 #edit-post-form label[for='section'] {
2420 grid-column: 1;
2422 #edit-post-form input[type='text'] {
2423 padding: 0.25em;
2424 grid-column: 2 / span 4;
2425 margin-bottom: 0.5em;
2428 #edit-post-form .link-post-checkbox,
2429 #edit-post-form .link-post-checkbox + label {
2430 grid-row: 1;
2431 grid-column: 6;
2434 #edit-post-form .link-post-checkbox {
2435 height: 0;
2436 opacity: 0;
2437 pointer-events: none;
2439 #edit-post-form .link-post-checkbox + label {
2440 white-space: nowrap;
2441 position: relative;
2442 cursor: pointer;
2443 padding: 0.25em 0.5em 0.25em calc(20px + 0.25em + 0.3725em);
2445 #edit-post-form .link-post-checkbox + label::before {
2446 content: "";
2447 font-family: Font Awesome;
2448 font-size: 1.375rem;
2449 line-height: 0.7;
2450 text-indent: 1px;
2451 font-weight: 900;
2452 position: absolute;
2453 width: 20px;
2454 height: 20px;
2455 left: 5px;
2457 #edit-post-form label[for='url'],
2458 #edit-post-form input[name='url'] {
2459 display: none;
2461 #edit-post-form .link-post-checkbox:checked ~ label[for='url'],
2462 #edit-post-form .link-post-checkbox:checked ~ input[name='url'] {
2463 display: initial;
2465 #edit-post-form label {
2466 line-height: normal;
2467 border: 1px solid transparent;
2468 text-align: right;
2469 padding: 0.25em 0.5em;
2470 white-space: nowrap;
2472 #edit-post-form input[type='radio'] {
2473 width: 0;
2474 margin: 0;
2475 opacity: 0;
2476 pointer-events: none;
2478 #edit-post-form input[type='radio'] + label {
2479 padding: 4px 12px;
2480 text-align: center;
2481 border-style: solid;
2482 border-width: 1px 1px 1px 0;
2483 cursor: pointer;
2485 #edit-post-form input[type='radio']:checked + label {
2486 cursor: default;
2489 #edit-post-form label[for='section'] {
2490 grid-row: 3;
2492 #edit-post-form input[type='radio'] + label {
2493 grid-row: 3;
2495 @supports (width: -moz-fit-content) {
2496 #edit-post-form input[type='radio'] + label {
2497 width: -moz-fit-content;
2500 @supports (width: fit-content) {
2501 #edit-post-form input[type='radio'] + label {
2502 width: fit-content;
2506 #edit-post-form textarea {
2507 min-height: 24em;
2510 #edit-post-form input[type='submit'] {
2511 padding: 6px 12px;
2512 float: right;
2514 #edit-post-form #markdown-hints {
2515 top: calc(100% + 2em);
2518 #edit-post-form button.guiedit div {
2519 overflow: visible;
2521 .guiedit-mobile-auxiliary-button {
2522 display: none;
2525 /***********/
2526 /* BUTTONS */
2527 /***********/
2529 button,
2530 input[type='submit'] {
2531 font-family: inherit;
2532 font-size: inherit;
2533 background-color: inherit;
2534 cursor: pointer;
2535 border: none;
2536 border-radius: 0;
2539 /************/
2540 /* HEADINGS */
2541 /************/
2543 .post-body h1,
2544 .post-body h2,
2545 .post-body h3,
2546 .post-body h4,
2547 .post-body h5,
2548 .post-body h6,
2549 .comment-body h1,
2550 .comment-body h2,
2551 .comment-body h3,
2552 .comment-body h4,
2553 .comment-body h5,
2554 .comment-body h6 {
2555 line-height: 1.1;
2556 margin: 1em 0 0.75em 0;
2557 text-align: left;
2560 .post-body h5,
2561 .post-body h6,
2562 .comment-body h5,
2563 .comment-body h6 {
2564 font-size: 1em;
2566 .post-body h4,
2567 .comment-body h4 {
2568 font-size: 1.2em;
2570 .post-body h3,
2571 .comment-body h3 {
2572 font-size: 1.4em;
2574 .post-body h2,
2575 .comment-body h2 {
2576 font-size: 1.75em;
2578 .post-body h1,
2579 .comment-body h1 {
2580 font-size: 2.1em;
2583 /**********/
2584 /* QUOTES */
2585 /**********/
2587 blockquote,
2588 .post-body .comment-box .comment-body {
2589 font-size: 0.9em;
2590 margin: 1em 0;
2591 padding-left: 0.5em;
2592 margin-left: 1px;
2593 padding-bottom: 3px;
2595 blockquote *:first-child {
2596 margin-top: 0;
2598 blockquote *:last-child {
2599 margin-bottom: 0;
2601 blockquote blockquote {
2602 font-size: 0.95em;
2605 /* Pseudo-blockquotes that LW sometimes uses for some reason */
2607 .post-body .comment-box .user-name {
2608 font-style: italic;
2610 .post-body .comment-box .user-name::after {
2611 content: ":";
2613 .post-body .comment-box {
2614 zoom: 1.25;
2617 /**********/
2618 /* IMAGES */
2619 /**********/
2621 #content img {
2622 max-width: 100%;
2625 img.inline-latex {
2626 position: relative;
2627 top: 2.5px;
2628 margin: 0 2px;
2631 #content figure {
2632 text-align: center;
2633 margin: 1.5em auto;
2636 p.imgonly,
2637 div.imgonly {
2638 text-align: center;
2641 /**********/
2642 /* TABLES */
2643 /**********/
2645 .post-body table,
2646 .comment-body table {
2647 border-collapse: collapse;
2648 font-family: Inconsolata, Menlo, monospace;
2649 font-size: 0.875em;
2651 .post-body table th,
2652 .post-body table td,
2653 .comment-body table th,
2654 .comment-body table td {
2655 text-align: left;
2656 padding: 4px 6px;
2657 line-height: 1.3;
2659 .post-body table td:nth-of-type(n+2),
2660 .comment-body table td:nth-of-type(n+2) {
2661 text-align: right;
2663 .post-body table caption,
2664 .comment-body table caption {
2665 margin: 0 0 0.25em 0;
2666 font-weight: bold;
2667 font-size: 1.125em;
2670 /********/
2671 /* MISC */
2672 /********/
2674 /*= Superscripts & subscripts =*/
2676 /* Make sure superscripts and subscripts do not affect line spacing. */
2677 sup, sub {
2678 vertical-align: baseline;
2679 position: relative;
2680 top: -0.5em;
2681 left: 0.05em;
2682 font-size: 0.8em;
2684 sub {
2685 top: 0.3em;
2688 /*= Code blocks & other "unstyled" text. =*/
2690 pre,
2691 code {
2692 font-family: Inconsolata, Menlo, monospace;
2694 pre {
2695 white-space: pre-wrap;
2697 code {
2698 font-size: 0.95em;
2699 display: inline-block;
2700 padding: 0 4px 1px 5px;
2702 pre > code {
2703 display: block;
2704 border-radius: 0;
2705 padding: 3px 4px 5px 8px;
2708 /*= Fractions =*/
2710 .frac::after {
2711 content: "\200B";
2714 /*= Removing browser default styling of various elements =*/
2716 /* On various input elements such as text fields and buttons, remove "blue glow" focus outlines on Macs, dotted black outlines in Firefox, etc. */
2717 :focus {
2718 outline: none;
2721 /* Remove "embossed" appearance of horizontal rules. */
2722 hr {
2723 border: none;
2726 input,
2727 button,
2728 textarea {
2729 -webkit-appearance: none;
2730 -moz-appearance: none;
2731 appearance: none;
2734 input {
2735 font-family: inherit;
2736 font-size: inherit;
2737 font-weight: inherit;
2740 /*************/
2741 /* FOOTNOTES */
2742 /*************/
2744 ol {
2745 counter-reset: ordered-list;
2747 .footnote-definition {
2748 font-size: 0.9em;
2749 list-style-type: none;
2750 counter-increment: ordered-list;
2751 position: relative;
2753 .footnote-definition p {
2754 font-size: inherit !important;
2756 .footnote-definition::before {
2757 content: counter(ordered-list) ".";
2758 position: absolute;
2759 left: -2.5em;
2760 font-weight: bold;
2761 text-align: right;
2762 width: 2em;
2765 /*********/
2766 /* LISTS */
2767 /*********/
2769 li {
2770 margin-bottom: 0.5em;
2773 .post-body ol p,
2774 .post-body ul p,
2775 .comment-body ol p,
2776 .comment-body ul p {
2777 margin: 0.5em 0;
2780 .post-body ol {
2781 list-style: none;
2782 padding: 0;
2783 counter-reset: ol;
2785 .post-body ol > li {
2786 position: relative;
2787 counter-increment: ol;
2788 padding: 0 0 0 2.5em;
2789 margin: 0.25em 0 0 0;
2791 .post-body ol > li::before {
2792 content: counter(ol) ".";
2793 position: absolute;
2794 width: 2em;
2795 text-align: right;
2796 left: 0;
2798 .post-body ul {
2799 list-style: none;
2800 padding: 0;
2802 .post-body ul:not(.contents-list) li {
2803 position: relative;
2804 padding: 0 0 0 2.5em;
2805 margin: 0.25em 0 0 0;
2807 .post-body ul:not(.contents-list) li::before {
2808 content: "•";
2809 position: absolute;
2810 width: 2em;
2811 text-align: right;
2812 left: 0;
2814 .post-body li > ul:first-child > li {
2815 padding-left: 0;
2817 .post-body li > ul:first-child > li::before {
2818 content: none;
2821 /**************/
2822 /* ABOUT PAGE */
2823 /**************/
2825 #content.about-page .contents {
2826 margin-top: 0.25em;
2828 #content.about-page .accesskey-table {
2829 border-collapse: collapse;
2830 margin: auto;
2832 #content.about-page .accesskey-table th,
2833 #content.about-page .accesskey-table td {
2834 padding: 2px 6px;
2836 #content.about-page .accesskey-table td:first-child {
2837 padding-right: 1.5em;
2839 #content.about-page .accesskey-table td:last-child {
2840 text-align: center;
2841 font-family: Inconsolata, Menlo, monospace;
2843 #content.about-page h3:nth-of-type(n+2) {
2844 clear: both;
2847 /******************/
2849 /******************/
2851 #images-overlay + #content .post-body img {
2852 visibility: hidden;
2855 #images-overlay div {
2856 position: absolute;
2858 #images-overlay div::after {
2859 content: "Click to enlarge";
2860 display: block;
2861 position: absolute;
2862 margin: auto;
2863 left: 0;
2864 right: 0;
2865 bottom: 10px;
2866 padding: 6px 10px;
2867 font-size: 1.25rem;
2868 background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.6);
2869 color: #fff;
2870 border-radius: 5px;
2871 opacity: 0.0;
2872 transition: opacity 0.15s ease;
2873 pointer-events: none;
2875 @supports (width: -moz-fit-content) {
2876 #images-overlay div::after {
2877 width: -moz-fit-content;
2880 @supports (width: fit-content) {
2881 #images-overlay div::after {
2882 width: fit-content;
2885 #images-overlay div:hover::after {
2886 opacity: 1.0;
2889 #images-overlay img {
2890 width: 100%;
2893 /***************/
2894 /* IMAGE FOCUS */
2895 /***************/
2897 #content img:hover,
2898 #images-overlay img:hover {
2899 filter: drop-shadow(0 0 3px #777);
2900 cursor: zoom-in;
2902 #content img:active,
2903 #images-overlay img:active {
2904 transform: scale(0.975);
2907 #image-focus-overlay {
2908 position: fixed;
2909 top: 0;
2910 right: 0;
2911 bottom: 0;
2912 left: 0;
2913 display: none;
2914 cursor: zoom-out;
2916 #image-focus-overlay::before {
2917 content: "";
2918 display: block;
2919 position: absolute;
2920 top: 0;
2921 right: 0;
2922 bottom: 0;
2923 left: 0;
2924 background-color: #000;
2925 opacity: 0.5;
2926 z-index: -1;
2928 #image-focus-overlay.engaged {
2929 display: initial;
2932 #image-focus-overlay img {
2933 margin: auto;
2934 position: absolute;
2935 left: 50%;
2936 top: 50%;
2937 transform: translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%);
2940 #image-focus-overlay .help-overlay {
2941 position: absolute;
2942 display: flex;
2943 flex-flow: column;
2944 z-index: 2;
2945 font-size: 1.5rem;
2946 padding: 1em;
2947 border-radius: 10px;
2948 bottom: 1em;
2949 right: 1em;
2950 overflow: hidden;
2951 white-space: nowrap;
2952 color: transparent;
2953 visibility: hidden;
2954 transition:
2955 visibility 1s ease,
2956 color 1s ease,
2957 background-color 1s ease,
2958 bottom 0.3s ease;
2960 #image-focus-overlay .help-overlay:hover {
2961 max-width: 420px;
2962 max-height: 300px;
2963 background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.85);
2964 color: #fff;
2965 visibility: visible;
2966 transition:
2967 visibility 0.2s ease 0.3s,
2968 color 0.2s ease 0.3s,
2969 background-color 0.2s ease 0.3s;
2972 #image-focus-overlay .help-overlay::after {
2973 content: "\F128";
2974 font-family: Font Awesome;
2975 font-weight: 900;
2976 font-size: 2rem;
2977 position: absolute;
2978 right: 0;
2979 bottom: 0;
2980 padding: 10px;
2981 color: #000;
2982 filter: drop-shadow(0 0 6px #fff);
2983 visibility: visible;
2984 opacity: 0.85;
2985 transition:
2986 visibility 1s ease;
2988 #image-focus-overlay .help-overlay:hover::after {
2989 visibility: hidden;
2990 transition:
2991 visibility 0.2s ease 0.3s;
2994 #image-focus-overlay .help-overlay p {
2995 margin: 0;
2996 text-indent: -2em;
2997 padding-left: 2em;
2998 max-width: 100%;
2999 overflow: hidden;
3001 #image-focus-overlay .help-overlay p + p {
3002 margin: 0.75em 0 0 0;
3004 #image-focus-overlay .help-overlay.hidden {
3005 bottom: -2em;
3008 #image-focus-overlay .image-number {
3009 position: absolute;
3010 z-index: 2;
3011 font-size: 1.75rem;
3012 left: 1em;
3013 bottom: 1em;
3014 font-weight: 600;
3015 text-shadow:
3016 0 0 3px #fff,
3017 0 0 5px #fff,
3018 0 0 8px #fff,
3019 0 0 13px #fff;
3020 width: 1.5em;
3021 text-align: right;
3022 white-space: nowrap;
3023 transition: bottom 0.3s ease;
3025 #image-focus-overlay .image-number::before {
3026 content: "#";
3027 opacity: 0.3;
3029 #image-focus-overlay .image-number::after {
3030 content: " of " attr(data-number-of-images);
3031 opacity: 0.3;
3033 #image-focus-overlay .image-number:hover::before,
3034 #image-focus-overlay .image-number:hover::after {
3035 opacity: 1.0;
3037 #image-focus-overlay .image-number.hidden {
3038 bottom: -1.25em;
3041 #image-focus-overlay .slideshow-buttons {
3042 position: absolute;
3043 top: 0;
3044 left: 0;
3045 width: 100%;
3046 height: 100%;
3047 z-index: 1;
3048 display: flex;
3049 justify-content: space-between;
3050 pointer-events: none;
3052 #image-focus-overlay .slideshow-buttons button {
3053 font-family: Font Awesome;
3054 font-weight: 900;
3055 font-size: 3rem;
3056 padding: 0.5em;
3057 color: #ddd;
3058 position: relative;
3059 left: 0;
3060 transition:
3061 left 0.3s ease;
3062 pointer-events: auto;
3064 #image-focus-overlay .slideshow-buttons button::selection {
3065 background-color: transparent;
3067 @media only screen and (hover: hover), not screen and (-moz-touch-enabled) {
3068 #image-focus-overlay .slideshow-buttons button:hover {
3069 background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.1);
3070 color: #777;
3073 #image-focus-overlay .slideshow-buttons button:active {
3074 transform: none;
3075 color: #888;
3077 #image-focus-overlay .slideshow-buttons button:disabled {
3078 text-shadow: none;
3079 background-color: transparent;
3080 color: #ddd;
3081 cursor: default;
3082 opacity: 0.4;
3084 #image-focus-overlay .slideshow-button.previous.hidden {
3085 left: -1.75em;
3087 #image-focus-overlay {
3088 left: 1.75em;
3091 .blurred {
3092 filter: blur(3px);
3095 /**************************/
3097 /**************************/
3099 #comments,
3100 .post-meta .comment-count,
3101 .post-meta .karma,
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3103 + #ui-elements-container #hns-date-picker,
3104 + #ui-elements-container #quick-nav-ui {
3105 display: none;
3108 #primary-bar,
3109 #secondary-bar {
3110 display: none;
3112 {
3113 margin: 8px auto;
3115 + #ui-elements-container > * {
3116 padding-top: 8px;
3119 #aux-about-link {
3120 position: fixed;
3121 top: 40px;
3122 left: calc((100% - 900px) / 2 - 69px);
3123 width: 1.5em;
3124 height: 1.5em;
3125 text-align: center;
3126 display: table;
3128 #aux-about-link a {
3129 display: table-cell;
3130 width: 100%;
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3132 font-family: Font Awesome;
3133 font-weight: 900;
3134 font-size: 1.25rem;
3135 opacity: 0.4;
3136 z-index: 1;
3139 .qualified-linking {
3140 margin: 0;
3141 position: relative;
3143 .qualified-linking input[type='checkbox'] {
3144 visibility: hidden;
3145 width: 0;
3146 height: 0;
3147 margin: 0;
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3150 font-family: Font Awesome;
3151 font-weight: 900;
3152 font-size: 1rem;
3153 padding: 0 0.5em;
3154 display: inline-block;
3155 margin-left: 0.25em;
3157 .qualified-linking label:hover {
3158 cursor: pointer;
3160 .qualified-linking label:active span {
3161 display: inline-block;
3162 transform: scale(0.9);
3164 .qualified-linking label::selection {
3165 background-color: transparent;
3168 .qualified-linking label::after {
3169 content: "";
3170 width: 100vw;
3171 height: 0;
3172 left: 0;
3173 top: 0;
3174 position: fixed;
3175 z-index: 1;
3176 cursor: default;
3178 .qualified-linking input[type='checkbox']:checked + label::after {
3179 height: 100vh;
3182 .qualified-linking-toolbar {
3183 position: absolute;
3184 right: 0.25em;
3185 top: 110%;
3186 z-index: 1;
3188 .qualified-linking input[type='checkbox'] ~ .qualified-linking-toolbar {
3189 display: none;
3191 .qualified-linking input[type='checkbox']:checked ~ .qualified-linking-toolbar {
3192 display: block;
3194 #qualified-linking-toolbar-toggle-checkbox-bottom ~ .qualified-linking-toolbar {
3195 top: unset;
3196 bottom: 125%;
3199 .qualified-linking-toolbar a {
3200 display: block;
3201 padding: 0 6px;
3202 margin: 4px;
3204 .qualified-linking-toolbar a::selection {
3205 background-color: transparent;
3208 /********/
3209 /* MATH */
3210 /********/
3212 .mathjax-block-container {
3213 overflow-y: hidden;
3214 border-radius: 6px;
3215 margin: 1em 0 1.5em 0;
3217 .mathjax-inline-container {
3218 max-width: 100%;
3219 display: inline-block;
3220 overflow-x: auto;
3221 overflow-y: hidden;
3222 position: relative;
3223 vertical-align: text-top;
3224 padding: 0 1px;
3226 .post .mathjax-inline-container {
3227 line-height: 1.1;
3228 top: 2px;
3230 .comment .mathjax-inline-container {
3231 top: 3px;
3232 line-height: 1;
3234 .mathjax-inline-container .mjx-chtml {
3235 padding: 0;
3238 /************/
3239 /* SPOILERS */
3240 /************/
3242 .spoiler {
3243 color: #000;
3244 background-color: currentColor;
3245 transition: none;
3246 border: 1px solid currentColor;
3247 padding: 0 6px;
3248 text-shadow: none;
3250 .spoiler:not(:last-child) {
3251 margin-bottom: 0;
3253 .spoiler + .spoiler {
3254 margin-top: 0;
3255 border-top-width: 0;
3257 #content .spoiler * {
3258 color: inherit;
3259 border: none;
3261 .spoiler:hover {
3262 color: unset;
3263 background-color: unset;
3264 text-shadow: unset;
3265 transition:
3266 color 0.1s ease-out 0.1s,
3267 background-color 0.1s ease-out 0.1s,
3268 text-shadow 0.1s ease-out 0.1s;
3270 .spoiler::selection,
3271 .spoiler ::selection {
3272 color: #fff;
3273 background-color: #000;
3275 .spoiler:not(:hover)::selection,
3276 .spoiler:not(:hover) ::selection {
3277 background-color: transparent;
3280 /*= Fix for LessWrong being weird =*/
3282 div.spoiler {
3283 margin: 1em 0;
3284 overflow: visible;
3286 div.spoiler > p:first-child {
3287 margin-top: 0.25em;
3289 div.spoiler > p:last-child {
3290 margin-bottom: 0.25em;
3293 /*******************/
3295 /*******************/
3297 #content.alignment-forum-index-page::after {
3298 content: "Alignment Forum";
3299 grid-row: 3;
3300 font-size: 1.5rem;
3301 margin: 0.375em 0 0 -0.375em;
3304 /**********************/
3306 /**********************/
3308 @media only screen and (max-width: 1440px) {
3309 #hns-date-picker {
3310 right: -81px;
3311 padding: 8px 10px 10px 10px;
3312 bottom: 62px;
3313 display: none;
3315 #hns-date-picker::before {
3316 content: "";
3317 position: absolute;
3318 display: block;
3319 z-index: -1;
3320 height: calc(100% + 2px);
3321 top: -1px;
3322 left: -1px;
3323 width: 50%;
3326 @media only screen and (max-width: 1160px) {
3327 #new-comment-nav-ui {
3328 bottom: 180px;
3329 right: -68px;
3331 #hns-date-picker {
3332 bottom: 200px;
3333 right: -36px;
3335 #hns-date-picker::before {
3336 width: calc(100% - 35px);
3338 #theme-selector button::before {
3339 right: unset;
3340 left: 100%;
3342 #theme-selector:hover::after {
3343 content: "";
3344 display: block;
3345 position: absolute;
3346 width: calc(6em - 7px);
3347 height: calc(100% + 2px);
3348 top: 0;
3349 left: calc(100% + 1px);
3351 #anti-kibitzer-toggle {
3352 bottom: 330px;
3355 @media only screen and (max-width: 1080px) {
3356 #width-selector {
3357 right: -30px;
3359 #width-selector button {
3360 display: block;
3362 #text-size-adjustment-ui {
3363 top: 90px;
3364 right: -30px;
3366 #text-size-adjustment-ui button {
3367 display: block;
3368 position: relative;
3370 #text-size-adjustment-ui button.increase {
3371 bottom: 48px;
3373 #text-size-adjustment-ui button.decrease {
3374 top: 50px;
3376 #theme-selector {
3377 top: 46px;
3378 left: -44px;
3380 #theme-tweaker-toggle {
3381 left: -44px;
3382 top: 2px;
3384 #theme-tweaker-toggle button {
3385 height: 2em;
3386 width: 2em;
3387 padding: 7px;
3389 #quick-nav-ui {
3390 right: -54px;
3392 #new-comment-nav-ui {
3393 right: -55px;
3395 #hns-date-picker {
3396 right: -23px;
3398 #hns-date-picker::before {
3399 width: calc(100% - 22px);
3401 #anti-kibitzer-toggle {
3402 right: -54px;
3405 @media only screen and (max-width: 1040px) {
3406 #quick-nav-ui {
3407 right: -49px;
3409 #new-comment-nav-ui {
3410 right: -50px;
3412 #hns-date-picker {
3413 right: -18px;
3415 #hns-date-picker::before {
3416 width: calc(100% - 17px);
3418 #anti-kibitzer-toggle {
3419 right: -50px;
3422 @media only screen and (max-width: 1020px) {
3423 #quick-nav-ui {
3424 right: -20px;
3426 #new-comment-nav-ui {
3427 right: -21px;
3429 #new-comment-nav-ui .new-comments-count::before {
3430 content: "";
3431 position: absolute;
3432 width: 100%;
3433 height: calc(100% + 45px);
3434 z-index: -1;
3435 left: 0;
3436 top: -22px;
3438 #hns-date-picker {
3439 right: 19px;
3441 #hns-date-picker::before {
3442 width: 100%;
3444 #anti-kibitzer-toggle {
3445 right: -20px;
3448 @media only screen and (max-width: 1000px) {
3449 #theme-selector {
3450 left: -17px;
3451 top: 120px;
3452 padding: 3px 0;
3453 max-width: 32px;
3455 #theme-selector button {
3456 margin: 1px 4px;
3458 #text-size-adjustment-ui {
3459 top: 100px;
3460 right: -12px;
3462 @media not screen and (hover: none), not screen and (-moz-touch-enabled) {
3463 #quick-nav-ui,
3464 #new-comment-nav-ui,
3465 #new-comment-nav-ui + #hns-date-picker,
3466 #anti-kibitzer-toggle {
3467 opacity: 0.4;
3469 #quick-nav-ui:hover,
3470 #new-comment-nav-ui:hover,
3471 #new-comment-nav-ui + #hns-date-picker:hover,
3472 #new-comment-nav-ui + #hns-date-picker:focus-within,
3473 #new-comment-nav-ui:hover + #hns-date-picker,
3474 #anti-kibitzer-toggle:hover {
3475 opacity: 1.0;
3478 #theme-tweaker-toggle {
3479 top: 70px;
3480 left: -21px;
3484 /**************/
3485 /* PRINT VIEW */
3486 /**************/
3488 @media only print {
3489 .nav-bar {
3490 visibility: hidden;
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3492 overflow: hidden;
3494 #ui-elements-container {
3495 display: none;
3497 #images-overlay {
3498 display: none;
3500 #images-overlay + #content .post-body img {
3501 visibility: visible;
3503 .comment-controls {
3504 display: none;
3506 #comments-sort-mode-selector {
3507 display: none;
3509 .comment-minimize-button {
3510 display: none;
3512 .post-meta .qualified-linking,
3513 .post-meta .lw2-link {
3514 display: none;
3516 .comment-meta .permalink,
3517 .comment-meta .lw2-link,
3518 .comment-meta .comment-parent-link {
3519 display: none;
3521 .new-comment::before {
3522 display: none;
3524 #content::before {
3525 box-shadow: none;
3529 /*****************/
3530 /* MOBILE LAYOUT */
3531 /*****************/
3533 /* Hide the mobile elements on desktop screens: */
3535 @media not screen and (hover: none), not screen and (-moz-touch-enabled) {
3536 #post-nav-ui-toggle,
3537 #appearance-adjust-ui-toggle,
3538 #theme-selector .theme-selector-close-button {
3539 display: none;
3543 @media only screen and (hover: none), only screen and (-moz-touch-enabled) {
3545 /*====================*/
3547 /*====================*/
3549 #ui-elements-container {
3550 height: unset;
3551 position: unset;
3553 #ui-elements-container > * {
3554 position: fixed;
3555 visibility: hidden;
3556 opacity: 1.0;
3557 z-index: 10000;
3560 #ui-elements-container > div[id$='-ui-toggle'] {
3561 visibility: visible;
3562 display: inline-block;
3563 border-radius: 50%;
3564 z-index: 10000;
3566 #ui-elements-container > div[id$='-ui-toggle'] button,
3567 #theme-selector .theme-selector-close-button {
3568 font-family: Font Awesome;
3569 font-weight: 900;
3570 font-size: 32px;
3571 padding: 10px;
3572 opacity: 0.8;
3573 -webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent;
3574 transition: transform 0.2s ease;
3576 #ui-elements-container > div[id$='-ui-toggle'] button::selection,
3577 #theme-selector .theme-selector-close-button::selection {
3578 background-color: transparent;
3580 #ui-elements-container > div[id$='-ui-toggle'] button::-moz-focus-inner,
3581 #theme-selector .theme-selector-close-button::-moz-focus-inner {
3582 border: none;
3584 #ui-elements-container > div[id$='-ui-toggle'] button.engaged {
3585 transform: rotate(-90deg);
3586 opacity: 1.0;
3589 #appearance-adjust-ui-toggle {
3590 bottom: 10px;
3591 left: 10px;
3594 #post-nav-ui-toggle {
3595 bottom: 10px;
3596 right: 10px;
3599 #theme-selector.engaged,
3600 #quick-nav-ui.engaged,
3601 #new-comment-nav-ui.engaged,
3602 #hns-date-picker.engaged {
3603 visibility: visible;
3606 #image-focus-overlay.engaged {
3607 visibility: visible;
3609 #image-focus-overlay .help-overlay {
3610 display: none;
3613 /*=========*/
3614 /* GENERAL */
3615 /*=========*/
3617 @media only screen and (max-width: 900px) {
3618 #content,
3619 #images-overlay,
3620 #ui-elements-container {
3621 min-width: unset;
3622 width: unset;
3624 #content {
3625 padding: 0 4px;
3629 /*================*/
3631 /*================*/
3633 #theme-selector {
3634 display: flex;
3635 flex-flow: column;
3636 width: calc(100vw - 20px);
3637 max-width: 360px;
3638 padding: 0 0 3px 0;
3639 overflow: hidden;
3640 max-height: 0;
3641 transition:
3642 top 0.2s ease,
3643 max-height 0.2s ease,
3644 visibility 0.2s ease;
3645 top: calc(100% + 10px);
3646 left: 0;
3647 right: 0;
3648 margin: auto;
3650 #theme-selector.engaged {
3651 max-height: 1000px;
3652 top: 10px;
3653 z-index: 10001;
3655 #theme-selector::before {
3656 content: "Select theme";
3657 white-space: nowrap;
3658 display: block;
3659 font-weight: 600;
3660 font-size: 2rem;
3661 margin: 0.375em 1em 0.5em 1em;
3662 text-align: center;
3664 #theme-selector button {
3665 width: calc(100% - 0.5em);
3666 background-repeat: no-repeat;
3667 padding: 1em 0.875em;
3668 margin: 1px 4px;
3669 line-height: 1;
3670 height: unset;
3671 position: relative;
3673 #theme-selector button::after {
3674 content: attr(data-theme-description);
3675 white-space: nowrap;
3676 position: absolute;
3677 text-align: left;
3678 left: 2.5em;
3679 top: 1em;
3681 @media only screen and (max-height: 675px) {
3682 #theme-selector button {
3683 padding: 0.875em;
3685 #theme-selector button::after {
3686 top: 0.875em;
3689 #theme-selector .theme-selector-close-button {
3690 position: absolute;
3691 width: unset;
3692 background-color: transparent;
3693 top: 0;
3694 right: -3px;
3696 #theme-selector .theme-selector-close-button,
3697 #theme-selector .theme-selector-close-button:focus,
3698 #theme-selector .theme-selector-close-button:active,
3699 #theme-selector .theme-selector-close-button:hover {
3700 box-shadow: none;
3703 /*===============*/
3704 /* THEME TWEAKER */
3705 /*===============*/
3707 #theme-selector {
3708 padding: 0 0 64px 0;
3710 #theme-selector ~ #theme-tweaker-toggle {
3711 top: 100%;
3713 #theme-selector ~ #theme-tweaker-toggle::after {
3714 content: "Open theme tweaker";
3715 position: absolute;
3716 font-size: 0.625em;
3717 white-space: nowrap;
3718 left: -50%;
3719 top: 100%;
3721 #theme-selector.engaged ~ #theme-tweaker-toggle {
3722 visibility: visible;
3723 top: 530px;
3724 left: 0;
3725 right: 0;
3726 margin: auto;
3727 z-index: 11111;
3728 transition:
3729 top 0.2s ease,
3730 visibility 0.2s ease;
3732 @media only screen and (max-height: 675px) {
3733 #theme-selector.engaged ~ #theme-tweaker-toggle {
3734 top: 492px;
3737 @supports (width: -moz-fit-content) {
3738 #theme-selector.engaged ~ #theme-tweaker-toggle {
3739 width: -moz-fit-content;
3742 @supports (width: fit-content) {
3743 #theme-selector.engaged ~ #theme-tweaker-toggle {
3744 width: fit-content;
3747 #theme-selector.engaged ~ #theme-tweaker-toggle button {
3748 opacity: 1.0;
3751 #theme-tweaker-ui {
3752 visibility: visible;
3755 /*======================*/
3757 /*======================*/
3759 #theme-selector ~ #anti-kibitzer-toggle {
3760 top: 100%;
3761 bottom: unset;
3762 left: 0;
3763 right: 0;
3764 margin: auto;
3765 box-shadow: none;
3766 width: calc(100vw - 44px);
3767 max-width: 330px;
3768 text-align: right;
3769 pointer-events: none;
3771 #theme-selector.engaged ~ #anti-kibitzer-toggle {
3772 visibility: visible;
3773 z-index: 11110;
3774 top: 530px;
3775 transition:
3776 top 0.2s ease,
3777 visibility 0.2s ease;
3779 @media only screen and (max-height: 675px) {
3780 #theme-selector.engaged ~ #anti-kibitzer-toggle {
3781 top: 492px;
3784 #theme-selector.engaged ~ #anti-kibitzer-toggle button {
3785 pointer-events: auto;
3786 display: inline-block;
3789 /*=================*/
3791 /*=================*/
3793 #quick-nav-ui {
3794 max-width: 0px;
3795 transition:
3796 max-width 0.2s ease,
3797 visibility 0.2s ease;
3798 display: flex;
3799 right: 72px;
3800 bottom: 14px;
3802 #quick-nav-ui.engaged {
3803 max-width: 1000px;
3805 #quick-nav-ui a {
3806 position: relative;
3807 margin: 2px;
3809 #quick-nav-ui a + a {
3810 margin-left: 5px;
3812 #quick-nav-ui a::after {
3813 position: absolute;
3814 top: calc(100% + 2px);
3815 font-size: 0.375rem;
3816 left: 0;
3817 right: 0;
3818 margin: auto;
3819 line-height: 1;
3820 padding: 2px;
3821 text-transform: uppercase;
3822 z-index: -1;
3824 @supports (width: -moz-fit-content) {
3825 #quick-nav-ui a::after {
3826 width: -moz-fit-content;
3829 @supports (width: fit-content) {
3830 #quick-nav-ui a::after {
3831 width: fit-content;
3834 #quick-nav-ui a[href='#top']::after {
3835 content: "Top";
3836 left: -1px;
3838 #quick-nav-ui a[href='#comments']::after {
3839 content: "Comments";
3841 ~ #ui-elements-container #quick-nav-ui a[href='#comments'] {
3842 visibility: hidden;
3843 transition: visibility 0.2s ease;
3845 ~ #ui-elements-container #quick-nav-ui.engaged a[href='#comments'] {
3846 visibility: visible;
3848 #quick-nav-ui a[href='#bottom-bar']::after {
3849 content: "Bottom";
3852 /*======================*/
3854 /*======================*/
3856 #new-comment-nav-ui {
3857 max-width: 0px;
3858 max-height: 0px;
3859 transition:
3860 max-width 0.2s ease,
3861 max-height 0.2s ease,
3862 visibility 0.2s ease;
3863 display: flex;
3864 right: 78px;
3865 bottom: 70px;
3867 #new-comment-nav-ui::before {
3868 content: "New Comments";
3869 position: absolute;
3870 bottom: 100%;
3871 font-size: 0.5625rem;
3872 left: 0;
3873 right: 0;
3874 margin: auto;
3875 padding: 2px 3px;
3876 text-transform: uppercase;
3877 z-index: -1;
3879 @supports (width: -moz-fit-content) {
3880 #new-comment-nav-ui::before {
3881 width: -moz-fit-content;
3884 @supports (width: fit-content) {
3885 #new-comment-nav-ui::before {
3886 width: fit-content;
3889 #new-comment-nav-ui.engaged {
3890 max-width: 1000px;
3891 max-height: 1000px;
3893 #new-comment-nav-ui .new-comment-sequential-nav-button {
3894 top: unset;
3895 bottom: unset;
3896 padding: 2px 7px;
3898 #new-comment-nav-ui {
3899 padding: 2px 7px 3px 7px;
3901 #new-comment-nav-ui .new-comments-count {
3902 padding: 4px 0 5px 0;
3904 #new-comment-nav-ui .new-comments-count::before {
3905 display: none;
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3908 position: absolute;
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3912 margin: auto;
3913 line-height: 1;
3914 text-transform: uppercase;
3915 pointer-events: none;
3917 #new-comment-nav-ui {
3918 content: "Previous";
3919 bottom: 5px;
3921 #new-comment-nav-ui {
3922 content: "Next";
3923 top: 7px;
3926 /*=================*/
3927 /* HNS DATE PICKER */
3928 /*=================*/
3930 #hns-date-picker {
3931 max-height: 0px;
3932 bottom: 132px;
3933 right: 62px;
3934 transition:
3935 max-height 0.2s ease,
3936 visibility 0.2s ease;
3938 #hns-date-picker.engaged {
3939 max-height: 1000px;
3941 #hns-date-picker::before {
3942 width: calc(100% + 2px);
3943 border-width: 1px !important;
3946 /*=========*/
3947 /* NAV BAR */
3948 /*=========*/
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3954 box-shadow: none;
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3986 content: "First Page";
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3989 content: "Prev. Page";
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3992 content: "Top";
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3995 content: "Next Page";
3997 #bottom-bar #nav-item-last .nav-inner::after {
3998 content: "Last Page";
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4040 content: "\F069";
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4043 content: "\F077";
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4049 content: "\F036";
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4052 content: "\F187";
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4055 content: "\F129";
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4059 padding: 10px;
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4082 font-weight: 900;
4083 visibility: visible;
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4086 padding: 0;
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4089 content: "\F007";
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4106 content: "First";
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4109 content: "Prev";
4111 #bottom-bar #nav-item-next .nav-inner::after {
4112 content: "Next";
4114 #bottom-bar #nav-item-last .nav-inner::after {
4115 content: "Last";
4119 /*=================*/
4121 /*=================*/
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4127 pointer-events: none;
4129 #inbox-indicator::before {
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4135 {
4136 pointer-events: auto;
4138 {
4139 box-shadow: 0 0 8px 1px #f00 inset;
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4145 padding: 2px 5px;
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4150 font-size: 0.625rem;
4154 /*===================*/
4156 /*===================*/
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4159 font-size: 1.75rem;
4162 /*==============*/
4163 /* PAGE TOOLBAR */
4164 /*==============*/
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4212 margin: 0;
4216 /*==============*/
4217 /* SUBLEVEL NAV */
4218 /*==============*/
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4223 width: calc(100vw - 100px);
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4226 margin: 1px;
4227 flex-basis: 7em;
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4232 width: calc(100vw - 200px);
4235 @media only screen and (max-width: 520px) {
4236 .sublevel-nav:not(.sort) {
4237 width: calc(100vw - 100px);
4239 .sublevel-nav:not(.sort) .sublevel-item {
4240 font-size: 1rem;
4244 /*=====================*/
4246 /*=====================*/
4248 @media only screen and (max-width: 720px) {
4249 #content.index-page > .sublevel-nav.sort {
4250 flex-flow: column;
4251 margin-left: 4px;
4255 /*==========*/
4256 /* ARCHIVES */
4257 /*==========*/
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4260 div[class^='archive-nav-'] {
4261 flex-wrap: wrap;
4262 justify-content: flex-start;
4264 .archive-nav *[class^='archive-nav-item'],
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4273 flex-basis: calc((100% / 16) - 4px);
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4277 position: relative;
4279 .archive-nav > *[class^='archive-nav-'] + *[class^='archive-nav-']::before {
4280 content: "";
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4282 position: absolute;
4283 height: 1px;
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4286 top: -4px;
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4290 .archive-nav .archive-nav-item-day,
4291 .archive-nav .archive-nav-item-day:first-child {
4292 flex-basis: calc((100% / 12) - 4px);
4295 @media only screen and (max-width: 520px) {
4296 .archive-nav *[class^='archive-nav-item'],
4297 .archive-nav *[class^='archive-nav-item']:first-child {
4298 flex-basis: calc((100% / 5) - 4px);
4300 .archive-nav .archive-nav-item-day,
4301 .archive-nav .archive-nav-item-day:first-child {
4302 flex-basis: calc((100% / 8) - 4px);
4306 /*==========*/
4307 /* LISTINGS */
4308 /*==========*/
4310 h1.listing {
4311 max-height: unset;
4314 /*============*/
4315 /* USER PAGES */
4316 /*============*/
4318 @media only screen and (max-width: 720px) {
4319 #content.user-page {
4320 align-self: center;
4322 #content.user-page .user-stats {
4323 padding: 4px 0;
4324 line-height: 1.3;
4328 /*============*/
4329 /* LOGIN PAGE */
4330 /*============*/
4332 @media only screen and (max-width: 640px) {
4333 .login-container {
4334 flex-flow: column;
4335 margin: 0 auto 3em auto;
4336 max-width: 400px;
4338 .login-container #login-form,
4339 .login-container #signup-form {
4340 padding: 0 1em 1.25em 1em;
4341 grid-row-gap: 0;
4343 .login-container #signup-form {
4344 padding-top: 1em;
4346 .login-container #login-form > *,
4347 .login-container #signup-form > * {
4348 grid-column: 1 / span 2;
4350 .login-container form label {
4351 text-align: left;
4352 padding: 0;
4353 line-height: 1;
4355 .login-container form input {
4356 margin: 0.25em 0 0.75em 0;
4357 padding: 0.5em;
4359 .login-container form h1 {
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4361 margin: 0 0 0.25em 0;
4363 .login-container form a {
4364 margin: 0.75em 0 0 0;
4366 .login-container .login-tip {
4367 margin: 1.5em 1em 0 1em;
4371 /*==================*/
4372 /* POSTS & COMMENTS */
4373 /*==================*/
4375 /*===========*/
4376 /* POST-META */
4377 /*===========*/
4379 .post-meta {
4380 line-height: 1.9;
4382 @media only screen and (max-width: 720px) {
4383 .post-meta .lw2-link span,
4384 .post-meta .karma-value span,
4385 .post-meta .comment-count span {
4386 display: none;
4388 .post-meta .comment-count::before {
4389 content: "\F086";
4390 font-family: Font Awesome;
4391 font-size: 0.875em;
4392 margin: 0 0.25em 0 0;
4393 font-weight: 400;
4397 /*=======*/
4398 /* POSTS */
4399 /*=======*/
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4404 padding: 0 6px;
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4409 font-size: 1.2rem;
4410 line-height: 1.45;
4412 .post > h1:first-child {
4413 font-size: 2em;
4417 /*==========*/
4418 /* COMMENTS */
4419 /*==========*/
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4422 .comment-body ul {
4423 padding-left: 30px;
4425 .comment-body ol {
4426 padding-left: 30px;
4430 /*==============*/
4431 /* COMMENT-META */
4432 /*==============*/
4434 a.comment-parent-link::after {
4435 display: none;
4437 @media only screen and (max-width: 900px) {
4438 .comment-meta {
4439 padding: 2px 40px 2px 10px;
4442 @media only screen and (max-width: 720px) {
4443 .comment-meta .karma-value span {
4444 display: none;
4446 .comment-meta .comment-parent-link {
4447 opacity: 1.0;
4450 @media only screen and (max-width: 520px) {
4451 .comment-meta {
4452 padding: 2px 10px;
4453 position: relative;
4455 .comment-meta .author {
4456 flex-basis: 100%;
4458 .comment-post-title2 {
4459 display: block;
4460 text-overflow: ellipsis;
4461 overflow: hidden;
4463 .comment-meta .lw2-link {
4464 display: none;
4468 /*=======================*/
4470 /*=======================*/
4472 /*===========================*/
4474 /*===========================*/
4476 @media only screen and (max-width: 900px) {
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4478 width: 0;
4479 visibility: hidden;
4480 position: relative;
4482 a.comment-parent-link::before {
4483 padding: 0;
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4487 line-height: inherit;
4488 visibility: visible;
4489 content: "\F3BF";
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4492 text-align: center;
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4496 a.comment-parent-link {
4497 position: static;
4499 a.comment-parent-link::before {
4500 padding: 6px;
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4502 right: 0;
4503 top: unset;
4504 bottom: 0;
4505 height: 2em;
4509 /*=================================*/
4511 /*=================================*/
4513 @media only screen and (max-width: 520px) {
4514 .comment-minimize-button{
4515 right: 2px;
4519 /*===========================*/
4521 /*===========================*/
4523 @media only screen and (max-width: 900px) {
4524 .comment-controls .edit-button,
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4526 max-width: 1.3em;
4527 overflow: hidden;
4528 margin-right: 0.125em;
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4531 color: #0b0;
4533 .comment-controls .edit-button::before {
4534 font-size: 1rem;
4536 #comments > .comment-controls .cancel-comment-button {
4537 right: 8px;
4539 .comment-controls .cancel-comment-button::before {
4540 font-size: 1.25rem;
4543 @media only screen and (max-width: 520px) {
4544 .comment-controls {
4545 position: static;
4547 .comment-controls:focus-within {
4548 z-index: 10001;
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4551 right: 10px;
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4556 left: 2px;
4557 width: calc(100vw - 4px);
4558 height: calc(100% - 100px);
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4560 max-height: unset;
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4562 z-index: 11001;
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4588 bottom: 0;
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4594 width: calc((100% / 10) - 2px);
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4600 z-index: 11011;
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4602 bottom: 7px;
4603 width: calc(((100% - 16px) / 10) * 2.5 - 7px);
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4611 top: calc(50% - 1.3em);
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4614 left: 8px;
4616 .textarea-container:focus-within .guiedit-mobile-exit-button {
4617 right: 8px;
4619 .guiedit::after {
4620 display: none;
4623 #markdown-hints,
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4632 width: 310px;
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4638 content: "(Type to hide this help box.)";
4639 color: #090;
4640 display: block;
4641 margin: 12px 18px 13px 10px;
4642 padding: 5px;
4643 font-size: 0.9em;
4644 text-align: center;
4648 /*================*/
4649 /* EDIT POST FORM */
4650 /*================*/
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4660 #edit-post-form label[for='section'],
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4662 padding-left: 0;
4664 #edit-post-form label[for='link-post'] {
4665 white-space: normal;
4666 line-height: 0.9;
4667 top: -1px;
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4670 height: calc(100% - 101px);
4671 min-height: unset;
4674 #markdown-hints-checkbox,
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4676 display: none;
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4680 clear: both;
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4684 float: none;
4685 display: block;
4686 font-size: 1.5rem;
4687 margin: 1rem auto 1.5rem auto;
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4692 /*===================*/
4694 /*===================*/
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4702 margin-right: auto;
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4712 font-size: 1.2em;
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4715 font-size: unset;
4719 /*========================*/
4721 /*========================*/
4723 @media only screen and (max-width: 520px) {
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4725 right: -5em;
4729 } /* END MOBILE LAYOUT */
4732 /**************/
4733 /* THEME LESS */
4734 /**************/
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4746 #content.comment-thread-page {
4747 padding: 0 0 0 60px;
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4750 visibility: hidden;
4753 /* Compensating for Linux/Windows being terrible. */
4755 .post-meta > *:not(.post-section),
4756 .comment-meta > *,
4757 #primary-bar a,
4758 #bottom-bar a,
4759 #secondary-bar a,
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4762 .page-toolbar > *,
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4765 .comment-body a {
4766 text-shadow: 0 0 0 #aaa;
4769 /* Compensating for Safari being terrible. */
4771 @media not all and (min-resolution:.001dpcm) { @media {
4772 .post-meta > *:not(.post-section),
4773 .comment-meta > *,
4774 #primary-bar a,
4775 #secondary-bar a,
4776 #secondary-bar button,
4777 #bottom-bar a,
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4782 .comment-body a {
4783 text-shadow: 0 0 1px #888;
4787 /*=========*/
4788 /* NAV BAR */
4789 /*=========*/
4791 /*= Layout (desktop) =*/
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4807 line-height: 1;
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4811 width: 112px;
4813 #primary-bar > * {
4814 position: relative;
4815 right: 47px;
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4819 position: fixed;
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4834 padding: 0.75em;
4838 /*= Styling =*/
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4852 /* Accesskey hints */
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4855 display: none;
4858 /* "Tabs" */
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4865 display: none;
4867 #nav-item-login {
4868 position: absolute;
4869 top: 0;
4870 right: 0;
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4874 /* Search tab */
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4883 padding: 1px;
4884 display: flex;
4886 #nav-item-search form::before {
4887 font-size: 1.125em;
4888 color: #e6e6e6;
4889 font-weight: 400;
4890 padding: 5px;
4891 transition: color 0.15s ease;
4893 #nav-item-search form:focus-within::before {
4894 color: #92c396;
4896 #nav-item-search button {
4897 border: none;
4898 font-weight: 300;
4899 padding: 6px;
4900 height: 23px;
4902 #nav-item-search form:not(:focus-within) button:not(:hover) {
4903 color: #ddd;
4905 #nav-item-search input {
4906 width: unset;
4907 flex: 1 0 auto;
4908 font-family: Inconsolata, monospace;
4909 padding: 2px 1px;
4910 margin: 0 0 0 2px;
4912 #nav-item-search input::placeholder {
4913 color: #d00;
4914 font-weight: normal;
4917 /* Inbox indicator */
4919 #inbox-indicator::before {
4920 color: #eaeaea;
4921 top: 3px;
4922 font-size: 1.125em;
4925 /* Decorative bottom bar */
4927 #bottom-bar.decorative {
4928 margin-top: 0.25em;
4930 #bottom-bar.decorative::before,
4931 #bottom-bar.decorative::after {
4932 content: "GW";
4933 display: block;
4934 text-align: center;
4935 padding: 0.25em 0 1em 0;
4937 #bottom-bar.decorative::before {
4938 width: 100%;
4939 color: transparent;
4940 background-image: url('');
4941 background-repeat: repeat-x;
4942 background-position: center 35%;
4943 margin: 0 30px;
4944 filter: opacity(0.5);
4946 #bottom-bar.decorative::after {
4947 color: #eee;
4948 position: absolute;
4949 left: 0;
4950 right: 0;
4951 margin: auto;
4952 background-color: #fff;
4953 padding-right: 4px;
4954 padding-left: 4px;
4956 @supports (width: -moz-fit-content) {
4957 #bottom-bar.decorative::after {
4958 width: -moz-fit-content;
4961 @supports (width: fit-content) {
4962 #bottom-bar.decorative::after {
4963 width: fit-content;
4967 /*==============*/
4968 /* PAGE TOOLBAR */
4969 /*==============*/
4971 .page-toolbar {
4972 padding: 0 0 0 0;
4973 margin: 0;
4974 white-space: nowrap;
4975 position: fixed;
4976 width: 120px;
4979 .page-toolbar > * {
4980 display: block;
4981 text-align: right;
4982 line-height: 1;
4983 padding: 0.5rem 0.75rem;
4984 position: relative;
4985 right: 56px;
4988 .page-toolbar button {
4989 padding: 0;
4992 .page-toolbar .button::before {
4993 font-size: 0.875em;
4994 font-weight: 400;
4997 .new-private-message {
4998 white-space: normal;
4999 line-height: 1.15;
5001 .new-private-message::before {
5002 opacity: 0.7;
5005 .logout-button {
5006 color: #d33;
5007 font-weight: 300;
5010 /*===================*/
5012 /*===================*/
5014 #top-nav-bar {
5015 justify-content: flex-start;
5016 padding: 1em 0 0.25em 0;
5017 font-size: 1em;
5018 margin: 0 0 0 -4px;
5019 grid-column: 1;
5021 #top-nav-bar .page-number {
5022 line-height: 1.5;
5024 #top-nav-bar .page-number span {
5025 display: none;
5027 #top-nav-bar a::before {
5028 font-weight: 400;
5030 #top-nav-bar a.disabled {
5031 visibility: visible;
5032 opacity: 0.4;
5035 #content.user-page > #top-nav-bar {
5036 justify-content: center;
5037 grid-column: 2;
5038 padding: 0;
5040 .archive-nav + #top-nav-bar {
5041 margin: 0.5em 0 0 -4px;
5042 padding: 0 0 0.25em 0;
5045 /*==============*/
5046 /* SUBLEVEL NAV */
5047 /*==============*/
5049 .sublevel-nav .sublevel-item {
5050 border-color: #c4dbc4;
5051 border-style: solid;
5052 border-width: 1px 1px 1px 0;
5053 color: #92c396;
5054 padding: 3px 9px 0 9px;
5055 font-weight: 300;
5057 .sublevel-nav .sublevel-item:first-child {
5058 border-radius: 8px 0 0 8px;
5059 border-width: 1px;
5061 .sublevel-nav .sublevel-item:last-child {
5062 border-radius: 0 8px 8px 0;
5064 .sublevel-nav .sublevel-item:hover,
5065 .sublevel-nav .sublevel-item:active,
5066 .sublevel-nav .sublevel-item:disabled,
5067 .sublevel-nav span.sublevel-item {
5068 background-color: #c4dbc4;
5069 color: #fff;
5070 text-decoration: none;
5072 .sublevel-nav .sublevel-item:active {
5073 background-color: #92c396;
5074 border-color: #92c396;
5075 transform: none;
5078 /*=====================*/
5080 /*=====================*/
5082 #content.index-page .sublevel-nav.sort {
5083 grid-row: 2;
5084 grid-column: 3;
5085 justify-self: right;
5088 .sublevel-nav.sort {
5089 padding: 18px 0 0 0;
5090 border-radius: 8px;
5092 .sublevel-nav.sort::before {
5093 text-transform: uppercase;
5094 color: #444;
5095 text-shadow: 0.5px 0.5px 0 #fff;
5097 .sublevel-nav.sort .sublevel-item {
5098 padding: 6px 7px 2px 7px;
5099 text-transform: uppercase;
5102 /* Vertical */
5103 .sublevel-nav.sort .sublevel-item:first-child {
5104 border-radius: 6px 6px 0 0;
5106 .sublevel-nav.sort .sublevel-item:last-child {
5107 border-radius: 0 0 6px 6px;
5109 .sublevel-nav.sort .sublevel-item:nth-child(n+2) {
5110 border-width: 0 1px 1px 1px;
5113 /* Horizontal */
5114 .sublevel-nav.sort.horizontal .sublevel-item:first-child {
5115 border-radius: 6px 0 0 6px;
5117 .sublevel-nav.sort.horizontal .sublevel-item:last-child {
5118 border-radius: 0 6px 6px 0;
5120 .sublevel-nav.sort.horizontal .sublevel-item:nth-child(n+2) {
5121 border-width: 1px 1px 1px 0;
5124 /*============*/
5125 /* UI TOGGLES */
5126 /*============*/
5128 @media not screen and (hover: none), not screen and (-moz-touch-enabled) {
5129 #site-nav-ui-toggle,
5130 #post-nav-ui-toggle,
5131 #appearance-adjust-ui-toggle {
5132 visibility: visible;
5133 position: absolute;
5134 display: inline-block;
5135 border-radius: 50%;
5136 z-index: 1;
5138 #site-nav-ui-toggle button,
5139 #post-nav-ui-toggle button,
5140 #appearance-adjust-ui-toggle button {
5141 font-family: Font Awesome;
5142 font-weight: 400;
5143 font-size: 32px;
5144 padding: 10px;
5145 opacity: 0.4;
5146 -webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent;
5147 transition:
5148 transform 0.2s ease,
5149 opacity 0.15s ease;
5151 #site-nav-ui-toggle button:hover,
5152 #post-nav-ui-toggle button:hover,
5153 #appearance-adjust-ui-toggle button:hover {
5154 opacity: 1.0;
5156 #site-nav-ui-toggle button::selection,
5157 #post-nav-ui-toggle button::selection,
5158 #appearance-adjust-ui-toggle button::selection {
5159 background-color: transparent;
5161 #site-nav-ui-toggle button::-moz-focus-inner,
5162 #post-nav-ui-toggle button::-moz-focus-inner,
5163 #appearance-adjust-ui-toggle button::-moz-focus-inner {
5164 border: none;
5166 #post-nav-ui-toggle.highlighted,
5167 #appearance-adjust-ui-toggle.highlighted {
5168 transform: scale(1.33);
5170 #site-nav-ui-toggle.highlighted button {
5171 transform: scale(1.33);
5173 #site-nav-ui-toggle.highlighted button,
5174 #post-nav-ui-toggle.highlighted button,
5175 #appearance-adjust-ui-toggle.highlighted button {
5176 opacity: 1.0;
5177 text-shadow:
5178 0 0 1px #fff,
5179 0 0 1px #64ff4c,
5180 0 0 3px #64ff4c,
5181 0 0 5px #64ff4c,
5182 0 0 8px #64ff4c;
5185 #site-nav-ui-toggle {
5186 top: 0;
5187 left: 12px;
5188 pointer-events: none;
5190 #site-nav-ui-toggle button {
5191 font-weight: 300;
5192 position: relative;
5193 left: 0;
5194 transition:
5195 left 0.2s ease,
5196 opacity 0.2s ease,
5197 width 0.2s ease;
5198 pointer-events: auto;
5200 #site-nav-ui-toggle button:active {
5201 transform: none;
5203 #site-nav-ui-toggle button.engaged {
5204 left: -92px;
5205 width: 2.125rem;
5206 overflow: hidden;
5208 #site-nav-ui-toggle button.engaged::before {
5209 content: "\F00D";
5210 padding: 0 0.25em 0 0;
5213 #primary-bar,
5214 #secondary-bar #nav-item-archive,
5215 #secondary-bar #nav-item-about,
5216 .page-toolbar {
5217 visibility: hidden;
5218 top: 0;
5219 max-height: 0px;
5221 #primary-bar,
5222 #secondary-bar #nav-item-archive,
5223 #secondary-bar #nav-item-about,
5224 .page-toolbar {
5225 opacity: 0.0;
5227 #primary-bar,
5228 #secondary-bar #nav-item-archive,
5229 #secondary-bar #nav-item-about,
5230 .page-toolbar {
5231 transition:
5232 top 0.2s ease,
5233 max-height 0.2s ease,
5234 visibility 0.2s ease,
5235 opacity 0.2s ease;
5237 #nav-item-search,
5238 #nav-item-login {
5239 visibility: visible;
5241 #primary-bar.engaged,
5242 #secondary-bar.engaged #nav-item-archive,
5243 #secondary-bar.engaged #nav-item-about,
5244 .page-toolbar.engaged {
5245 visibility: visible;
5246 max-height: 1000px;
5248 #primary-bar.engaged,
5249 #secondary-bar.engaged #nav-item-archive,
5250 #secondary-bar.engaged #nav-item-about,
5251 .page-toolbar.engaged {
5252 opacity: 1.0;
5254 #primary-bar.engaged {
5255 top: 0;
5257 #secondary-bar.engaged #nav-item-archive {
5258 top: 196px;
5260 #secondary-bar.engaged #nav-item-about {
5261 top: 230px;
5263 .page-toolbar.engaged {
5264 top: 280px;
5267 #post-nav-ui-toggle {
5268 bottom: 10px;
5269 right: -30px;
5271 #content.comment-thread-page ~ #ui-elements-container #post-nav-ui-toggle {
5272 right: -54px;
5274 #post-nav-ui-toggle button.engaged {
5275 transform: rotate(-90deg);
5278 #quick-nav-ui,
5279 #new-comment-nav-ui,
5280 #hns-date-picker {
5281 bottom: 0;
5282 max-height: 0px;
5283 opacity: 0.0;
5284 transition:
5285 bottom 0.2s ease,
5286 max-height 0.2s ease,
5287 opacity 0.2s ease,
5288 visibility 0.2s ease;
5290 #quick-nav-ui.engaged,
5291 #new-comment-nav-ui.engaged,
5292 #hns-date-picker.engaged {
5293 visibility: visible;
5294 max-height: 1000px;
5295 opacity: 1.0;
5298 #quick-nav-ui {
5299 right: -24px;
5301 ~ #ui-elements-container #quick-nav-ui {
5302 right: -48px;
5304 #quick-nav-ui.engaged {
5305 bottom: 64px;
5307 #quick-nav-ui a {
5308 font-weight: 400;
5311 #new-comment-nav-ui {
5312 right: -49px;
5314 #new-comment-nav-ui.engaged {
5315 bottom: 216px;
5318 #hns-date-picker {
5319 right: -186px;
5321 #hns-date-picker.engaged {
5322 bottom: 247px;
5324 @media only screen and (max-width: 1440px) {
5325 #hns-date-picker {
5326 background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.95);
5327 right: -18px;
5329 #hns-date-picker::before {
5330 display: none;
5332 #hns-date-picker input {
5333 background-color: #fff;
5335 #hns-date-picker span {
5336 text-shadow:
5337 0 0 1px #fff,
5338 0 0 3px #fff,
5339 0 0 5px #fff,
5340 0 0 8px #fff,
5341 0 0 13px #fff,
5342 0 0 21px #fff;
5344 #hns-date-picker.engaged {
5345 bottom: 238px;
5349 #appearance-adjust-ui-toggle {
5350 bottom: 10px;
5351 left: 10px;
5353 #appearance-adjust-ui-toggle button.engaged {
5354 transform: rotate(-90deg);
5357 #comments-view-mode-selector,
5358 #theme-selector,
5359 #width-selector,
5360 #text-size-adjustment-ui,
5361 #theme-tweaker-toggle {
5362 pointer-events: none;
5363 visibility: visible;
5364 opacity: 0.0;
5365 transition:
5366 opacity 0.35s ease;
5368 @supports (width: -moz-fit-content) {
5369 #theme-tweaker-toggle {
5370 width: -moz-fit-content;
5373 @supports (width: fit-content) {
5374 #theme-tweaker-toggle {
5375 width: fit-content;
5378 #comments-view-mode-selector::after,
5379 #theme-selector::after,
5380 #theme-selector::before,
5381 #width-selector::after,
5382 #text-size-adjustment-ui::after {
5383 content: "";
5384 background-color: #fff;
5385 display: block;
5386 position: absolute;
5387 width: 100%;
5388 height: 100%;
5389 top: 0;
5390 left: 0;
5392 #comments-view-mode-selector.engaged,
5393 #theme-selector.engaged,
5394 #width-selector.engaged,
5395 #text-size-adjustment-ui.engaged,
5396 #theme-tweaker-toggle.engaged {
5397 pointer-events: auto;
5398 opacity: 1.0;
5401 #comments-view-mode-selector {
5402 left: -45px;
5403 top: calc(100% - 180px);
5405 #comments-view-mode-selector::after {
5406 max-height: 1000px;
5407 transition:
5408 max-height 0.2s ease;
5410 #comments-view-mode-selector.engaged::after {
5411 max-height: 0px;
5414 #theme-selector {
5415 display: block;
5416 left: 16px;
5417 top: calc(100% - 316px);
5418 opacity: 1.0;
5419 visibility: hidden;
5420 transition:
5421 visibility 0.2s ease;
5423 #theme-selector.engaged {
5424 visibility: visible;
5426 #theme-selector::after,
5427 #theme-selector::before {
5428 top: -50px;
5429 height: calc(100% + 60px);
5430 max-height: 300px;
5431 transition:
5432 max-height 0.2s ease;
5433 z-index: 1;
5435 #theme-selector.engaged::after,
5436 #theme-selector.engaged::before {
5437 max-height: 0px;
5439 #theme-selector::before {
5440 z-index: 0;
5443 #width-selector {
5444 display: table;
5445 left: -68px;
5446 top: calc(100% - 48px);
5448 #width-selector::after {
5449 max-width: 100px;
5450 transition:
5451 max-width 0.15s ease;
5453 #width-selector.engaged::after {
5454 max-width: 0px;
5457 #text-size-adjustment-ui {
5458 left: -67px;
5459 top: calc(100% - 80px);
5461 #text-size-adjustment-ui::after {
5462 max-width: 1000px;
5463 max-height: 1000px;
5464 transition:
5465 max-width 0.2s ease,
5466 max-height 0.2s ease;
5468 #text-size-adjustment-ui.engaged::after {
5469 max-width: 0px;
5470 max-height: 0px;
5473 #theme-tweaker-toggle {
5474 left: 19px;
5475 top: calc(100% - 356px);
5476 visibility: hidden;
5477 transition:
5478 visibility 0.5s ease-out;
5480 #theme-tweaker-toggle.engaged {
5481 visibility: visible;
5483 @-moz-document url-prefix() {
5484 #theme-tweaker-toggle {
5485 left: 18px;
5488 #theme-tweaker-toggle button {
5489 font-weight: 400;
5492 #theme-tweaker-ui {
5493 visibility: visible;
5497 /*================*/
5499 /*================*/
5501 #width-selector button {
5502 box-shadow:
5503 0 0 0 4px #fff inset,
5504 0 0 0 5px #aaa inset;
5506 #width-selector button:hover,
5507 #width-selector button.selected {
5508 box-shadow:
5509 0 0 0 1px #fff inset,
5510 0 0 0 2px #aaa inset,
5511 0 0 0 4px #fff inset,
5512 0 0 0 5px #aaa inset;
5515 /*================*/
5517 /*================*/
5519 #theme-selector button {
5520 box-shadow:
5521 0 0 0 4px #fff inset,
5522 0 0 0 5px #999 inset;
5524 #theme-selector button:hover,
5525 #theme-selector button.selected {
5526 box-shadow:
5527 0 0 0 1px #fff inset,
5528 0 0 0 2px #999 inset,
5529 0 0 0 4px #fff inset,
5530 0 0 0 5px #999 inset;
5533 #theme-selector button::before {
5534 font-size: 0.9375em;
5535 font-weight: 300;
5536 padding: 6px;
5537 color: #aaa;
5538 background-color: #fff;
5540 #theme-selector button:hover::before,
5541 #theme-selector button.selected::before {
5542 color: #000;
5545 /*======================*/
5547 /*======================*/
5549 #theme-tweaker-toggle button {
5550 color: #777;
5553 /*=================*/
5555 /*=================*/
5557 #quick-nav-ui a {
5558 color: #acd2af;
5559 border-radius: 4px;
5560 text-decoration: none;
5561 transition:
5562 color 0.15s ease,
5563 box-shadow 0.15s ease-out;
5565 #quick-nav-ui a[href='#bottom-bar'] {
5566 line-height: 1.8;
5568 #quick-nav-ui a:active {
5569 transform: scale(0.9);
5571 #quick-nav-ui a[href='#comments'].no-comments {
5572 opacity: 0.4;
5573 color: #ddd;
5575 @media only screen and (hover: hover), not screen and (-moz-touch-enabled) {
5576 #quick-nav-ui a:hover {
5577 color: #79a97e;
5578 box-shadow:
5579 0 0 0 1px rgba(121, 169, 126, 0.3),
5580 0 0 0 2px #fff;
5582 #quick-nav-ui a:focus:not(:hover) {
5583 transform: none;
5584 text-shadow: none;
5588 /*======================*/
5590 /*======================*/
5592 #new-comment-nav-ui .new-comments-count {
5593 color: #888;
5594 text-shadow: 0.5px 0.5px 0 #fff;
5595 top: 2px;
5597 #new-comment-nav-ui .new-comments-count::after {
5598 color: #777;
5600 #new-comment-nav-ui .new-comment-sequential-nav-button:disabled {
5601 color: #e6e6e6;
5604 /*=================*/
5605 /* HNS DATE PICKER */
5606 /*=================*/
5608 #hns-date-picker span {
5609 color: #999;
5610 font-weight: 400;
5612 #hns-date-picker input {
5613 border: 1px solid #ddd;
5614 color: #999;
5615 padding: 3px 3px 0 3px;
5617 #hns-date-picker input:focus {
5618 color: #000;
5621 /*======================*/
5623 /*======================*/
5625 #anti-kibitzer-toggle {
5626 bottom: unset;
5627 top: 30px;
5628 visibility: visible;
5629 right: -48px;
5631 #anti-kibitzer-toggle button::before {
5632 font-weight: 300;
5634 #anti-kibitzer-toggle button::before,
5635 #anti-kibitzer-toggle button::after {
5636 opacity: 0.2;
5638 #anti-kibitzer-toggle button:hover::before,
5639 #anti-kibitzer-toggle button:hover::after {
5640 opacity: 1.0;
5643 /*======================*/
5645 /*======================*/
5647 #text-size-adjustment-ui button {
5648 font-weight: 400;
5651 /*=============================*/
5653 /*=============================*/
5655 #comments-view-mode-selector a {
5656 color: #acd2af;
5657 opacity: 0.5;
5660 /*==========*/
5661 /* ARCHIVES */
5662 /*==========*/
5664 .archive-nav {
5665 border: 1px solid transparent;
5666 margin: 1.25em 0 0 0;
5667 padding: 0;
5669 .archive-nav *[class^='archive-nav-item'] {
5670 color: #92c396;
5671 border-style: solid;
5672 border-color: #c4dbc4;
5673 border-width: 1px 0 1px 1px;
5675 .archive-nav div[class^='archive-nav-']:nth-of-type(2) *[class^='archive-nav-item'] {
5676 border-top-width: 0;
5677 border-bottom-width: 0;
5679 .archive-nav div[class^='archive-nav-']:last-of-type *[class^='archive-nav-item'] {
5680 border-bottom-width: 1px;
5682 .archive-nav *[class^='archive-nav-item']:last-child {
5683 border-right-width: 1px;
5685 .archive-nav a:hover,
5686 .archive-nav span[class^='archive-nav-item'] {
5687 background-color: #c4dbc4;
5688 color: #fff;
5691 .archive-nav a:active {
5692 background-color: #92c396;
5695 /*==========*/
5696 /* LISTINGS */
5697 /*==========*/
5699 h1.listing,
5700 h1.listing {
5701 margin: 0.7em 20px 0.1em 0;
5702 max-width: calc(100% - 20px);
5703 font-family: 'Caecilia', 'Helvetica', sans-serif, 'Font Awesome';
5704 font-size: 1.25rem;
5705 line-height: 1.2;
5708 h1.listing a[href^="http"] {
5709 color: #bbb;
5710 font-weight: 400;
5711 font-size: 0.8125em;
5712 top: 3px;
5714 h1.listing a[href^="/posts"] {
5715 font-weight: 300;
5716 text-shadow: 0 0 0 #444;
5717 color: #000;
5719 @-moz-document url-prefix() {
5720 h1.listing a[href^="/posts"] {
5721 text-shadow: none;
5724 @media not all and (min-resolution:.001dpcm) { @media {
5725 h1.listing a[href^="/posts"] {
5726 color: #000;
5730 @media only screen and (hover: hover), not screen and (-moz-touch-enabled) {
5731 h1.listing a:hover,
5732 h1.listing a:focus {
5733 color: #92c396;
5734 background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.85);
5736 h1.listing:focus-within::before {
5737 color: #79a97e;
5738 font-weight: 400;
5739 left: -0.625em;
5741 h1.listing a[href^="http"]:hover {
5742 color: #79a97e;
5744 h1.listing a[href^="http"]:focus {
5745 color: #a0d3a2;
5746 text-decoration: none;
5747 border-bottom: 2px dotted #a0d3a2;
5751 h1.listing .edit-post-link {
5752 padding: 5px 3px 24px 0.5em;
5753 top: 0;
5754 right: 0;
5756 h1.listing .edit-post-link:hover {
5757 text-decoration: none;
5759 #content.user-page h1.listing .edit-post-link {
5760 background-color: #fff;
5763 /*===================*/
5765 /*===================*/
5767 h1.listing + .post-meta {
5768 font-size: 0.875rem;
5769 margin: 0 20px 0 1px;
5772 h1.listing + .post-meta > * {
5773 color: #bbb;
5774 margin: 0 1.25em 0 0;
5776 h1.listing + .post-meta a {
5777 color: #92c396;
5779 h1.listing + .post-meta a:hover {
5780 color: #79a97e;
5782 h1.listing + .post-meta .karma-value {
5783 cursor: default;
5785 h1.listing + .post-meta .lw2-link {
5786 display: none;
5788 h1.listing + .post-meta .post-section {
5789 overflow: visible;
5790 order: 1;
5792 h1.listing + .post-meta .post-section::before {
5793 position: relative;
5794 left: unset;
5795 top: -1px;
5798 /*============*/
5799 /* USER PAGES */
5800 /*============*/
5802 #content.user-page,
5803 #content.user-page .user-stats {
5804 grid-row: 1;
5806 #content.user-page #comments-list-mode-selector,
5807 #content.user-page .sublevel-nav.sort {
5808 grid-row: 2 / span 2;
5810 #content.user-page .sublevel-nav {
5811 grid-row: 2;
5812 margin-bottom: 1em;
5814 #content.user-page #top-nav-bar {
5815 grid-row: 3;
5818 #content.user-page,
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5821 font-weight: normal;
5822 margin: 0.5em 0 0 0;
5824 #content.user-page {
5825 border-bottom: 1px solid #e6e6e6;
5826 line-height: 1;
5829 #content.user-page h1.listing,
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5832 border-style: solid;
5834 #content.user-page h1.listing {
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5836 padding: 6px 8px 0 8px;
5837 border-width: 1px 1px 0 1px;
5838 margin: 1rem 0 0 0;
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5849 #content.user-page h1.listing + .post-meta {
5850 margin: 0 0 1rem 0;
5851 padding: 12px 8px 3px 8px;
5852 border-width: 0 1px 1px 1px;
5853 line-height: 1;
5856 #content.conversations-user-page h1.listing {
5857 padding: 8px 6px 28px 10px;
5858 font-size: 1.25rem;
5860 #content.conversations-user-page h1.listing + .post-meta {
5861 padding: 4px 10px 0.5em 6px;
5862 margin: 0;
5865 .user-stats .karma-total {
5866 font-weight: 500;
5869 /*===============*/
5871 /*===============*/
5873 /*============*/
5874 /* LOGIN PAGE */
5875 /*============*/
5877 .login-container form h1 {
5878 font-family: 'Caecilia', 'Helvetica', sans-serif;
5879 font-weight: 300;
5882 .login-container form label {
5883 color: #aaa;
5886 /* “Create account” form */
5888 #signup-form {
5889 border: 1px solid #e4e4e4;
5891 #signup-form input[type='submit'] {
5892 padding: 8px 12px 6px 12px;
5895 /* Log in tip */
5897 .login-container .login-tip {
5898 border: 1px solid #eee;
5901 /* Message box */
5903 .error-box {
5904 border: 1px solid red;
5905 background-color: #faa;
5907 .success-box {
5908 border: 1px solid green;
5909 background-color: #afa;
5912 /*=====================*/
5914 /*=====================*/
5916 .reset-password-container input[type='submit'] {
5917 background-color: #e4e4e4;
5918 border: 1px solid #ccc;
5919 font-weight: bold;
5922 /*===================*/
5924 /*===================*/
5926 .contents {
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5930 background-color: #fff;
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5933 font-size: 0.8125em;
5935 .post-body .contents li::before {
5936 color: #bbb;
5939 /*==================*/
5940 /* POSTS & COMMENTS */
5941 /*==================*/
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5945 font-family: 'Source Serif Pro', 'Helvetica', sans-serif;
5946 text-shadow: none;
5947 font-weight: 400;
5950 /*=======*/
5951 /* POSTS */
5952 /*=======*/
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5956 padding: 2em 0 0 0;
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5963 .post > h1:first-child {
5964 font-size: 2.75rem;
5965 font-family: 'Caecilia', 'Helvetica', sans-serif;
5966 font-weight: 300;
5967 line-height: 1.1;
5968 margin: 1.375em 0 0.5em 0;
5971 /*===========*/
5972 /* POST-META */
5973 /*===========*/
5975 .post-meta .post-section::before {
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5977 font-weight: 400;
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5981 color: #d6d7ff;
5983 .post .post-meta .post-section::before {
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5985 top: -3px;
5988 {
5989 transition: color 0.15s ease;
5991 {
5992 color: #79a97e;
5994 {
5995 color: #999bc1;
5998 .post-meta > * {
5999 color: #bbb;
6001 .post-meta a,
6002 .post-meta a:visited {
6003 color: #92c396;
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6006 color: #79a97e;
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6009 opacity: 1;
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6014 position: relative;
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6026 @supports (width: fit-content) {
6027 .post .top-post-meta .karma, .post .top-post-meta .author, .post .top-post-meta .qualified-linking {
6028 width: fit-content;
6032 .post .top-post-meta .karma {
6033 order: -1;
6034 display: flex;
6035 flex-flow: column;
6037 .post .top-post-meta .karma .karma-value {
6038 padding: 5px 0 0 0;
6039 color: #999;
6040 font-size: 1.125em;
6041 position: relative;
6042 background-color: #fff;
6043 width: 2.25em;
6045 .post .top-post-meta .karma .karma-value::before {
6046 content: "";
6047 position: absolute;
6048 display: block;
6049 background-color: #ccc;
6050 height: 1px;
6051 width: 244px;
6052 top: 50%;
6053 left: -100px;
6054 z-index: -1;
6056 .post .top-post-meta .karma .karma-value span {
6057 display: none;
6060 .post .post-meta {
6061 bottom: -32px;
6062 padding: 0 4px;
6064 .post .post-meta {
6065 opacity: 0.7;
6067 .post .top-post-meta {
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6069 left: calc(100% + 16px);
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6071 padding: 0;
6072 white-space: nowrap;
6074 .post .post-meta .karma .karma-value::after {
6075 top: -20px;
6077 .post .post-meta .karma .karma-value:hover::after {
6078 opacity: 0.7;
6080 .post .top-post-meta .karma .karma-value::after {
6081 top: -6px;
6082 left: unset;
6083 width: unset;
6084 right: calc(100% + 8px);
6087 .post .top-post-meta .author {
6088 padding: 4px 0 0 0;
6089 margin: 0.25em auto;
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6092 z-index: 1;
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6095 margin: 0;
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6105 position: absolute;
6106 right: 100%;
6108 .post .top-post-meta .date {
6109 top: calc(100% + 34px);
6111 .post .top-post-meta .comment-count {
6112 top: calc(100% + 60px);
6114 .post .top-post-meta .date > span,
6115 .post .top-post-meta .comment-count > span {
6116 position: fixed;
6117 transform: translateX(-100%);
6120 .post .bottom-post-meta {
6121 padding: 1.75em 0 0 0;
6122 margin: 0.5em 0 1.5em 0;
6123 position: relative;
6125 .post .bottom-post-meta::before {
6126 content: "";
6127 position: absolute;
6128 display: block;
6129 background-color: #ddd;
6130 height: 1px;
6131 width: calc(100% - 60px);
6132 top: 0;
6135 /*============*/
6136 /* LINK POSTS */
6137 /*============*/
6139 {
6140 font-family: 'Mundo Sans', 'Helvetica', sans-serif;
6142 {
6143 opacity: 0.6;
6145 {
6146 opacity: 1;
6148 {
6149 color: #79a97e;
6150 border-bottom: 2px dotted #79a97e;
6153 /*==========*/
6154 /* COMMENTS */
6155 /*==========*/
6157 #comments {
6158 border-top: 1px solid transparent;
6159 padding: 0 0 0 10px;
6161 #content > .comment-thread .comment-meta,
6162 #content > .comment-thread .comment-meta a.permalink:focus {
6163 color: #888;
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6168 left: -5px;
6170 #content > .comment-thread .comment-meta + *,
6171 #content > .comment-thread .comment-meta a.permalink:focus + * {
6172 margin-left: -10px;
6174 #content > .comment-thread .comment-meta a.permalink:focus {
6175 outline: 2px dotted #999;
6177 .comment-item {
6178 border: 1px solid #ddd;
6182 .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item,
6183 .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item,
6184 .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item,
6185 .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item,
6186 .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item,
6187 .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item,
6188 .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item,
6189 .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item,
6190 .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item,
6191 .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item,
6192 .comment-item {
6193 background-color: #f6f6f6;
6195 .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item a.comment-parent-link::after,
6196 .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item a.comment-parent-link::after,
6197 .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item a.comment-parent-link::after,
6198 .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item a.comment-parent-link::after,
6199 .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item a.comment-parent-link::after,
6200 .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item a.comment-parent-link::after,
6201 .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item a.comment-parent-link::after,
6202 .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item a.comment-parent-link::after,
6203 .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item a.comment-parent-link::after,
6204 .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item a.comment-parent-link::after,
6205 .comment-item a.comment-parent-link::after {
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6208 4px 16px 0 12px #ffd inset,
6209 4px 4px 0 12px #ffd inset;
6212 .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item,
6213 .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item,
6214 .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item,
6215 .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item,
6216 .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item,
6217 .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item,
6218 .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item,
6219 .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item,
6220 .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item,
6221 .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item,
6222 .comment-item .comment-item {
6223 background-color: #fff;
6225 .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item a.comment-parent-link::after,
6226 .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item a.comment-parent-link::after,
6227 .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item a.comment-parent-link::after,
6228 .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item a.comment-parent-link::after,
6229 .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item a.comment-parent-link::after,
6230 .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item a.comment-parent-link::after,
6231 .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item a.comment-parent-link::after,
6232 .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item a.comment-parent-link::after,
6233 .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item a.comment-parent-link::after,
6234 .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item a.comment-parent-link::after,
6235 .comment-item .comment-item a.comment-parent-link::after {
6236 box-shadow:
6237 0 28px 16px -16px #f6f6f6 inset,
6238 4px 16px 0 12px #ffd inset,
6239 4px 4px 0 12px #ffd inset;
6242 .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item:target,
6243 .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item:target,
6244 .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item:target,
6245 .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item:target,
6246 .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item:target,
6247 .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item:target,
6248 .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item:target,
6249 .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item:target,
6250 .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item:target,
6251 .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item:target,
6252 .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item:target,
6253 .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item:target,
6254 .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item:target,
6255 .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item:target,
6256 .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item:target,
6257 .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item:target,
6258 .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item:target,
6259 .comment-item .comment-item .comment-item:target,
6260 .comment-item .comment-item:target,
6261 .comment-item:target {
6262 background-color: #ffd;
6264 .comment-item:target > .comment-thread > .comment-item > .comment > .comment-meta > a.comment-parent-link::after {
6265 box-shadow:
6266 0 28px 16px -16px #ffd inset,
6267 4px 16px 0 12px #ffd inset,
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6271 .comment-body {
6272 font-size: 1.1875rem;
6274 #content.user-page .comment-body,
6275 #content.index-page .comment-body {
6276 font-size: 1.125rem;
6279 /*================================*/
6281 /*================================*/
6283 .comment-item input[id^="expand"] + label::after {
6284 color: #92c396;
6285 font-weight: 400;
6287 .comment-item input[id^="expand"] + label:hover::after {
6288 color: #c00;
6290 .comment-item input[id^="expand"] + label:active::after,
6291 .comment-item input[id^="expand"] + label:focus::after{
6292 color: #c00;
6294 .comment-item input[id^="expand"]:checked ~ .comment-thread .comment-thread .comment-item {
6295 border-width: 1px 0 0 0;
6298 /*==============*/
6299 /* COMMENT-META */
6300 /*==============*/
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6303 padding-top: 4px;
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6306 color: #bbb;
6308 .comment-meta a,
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6310 color: #92c396;
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6313 color: #79a97e;
6315 .comment-meta .author {
6316 font-size: 1.125em;
6317 font-weight: normal;
6320 .comment-controls .karma {
6321 color: #bbb;
6324 .comment-item,
6325 .comment-item .karma .karma-value::after {
6326 background-color: #fff;
6327 color: #bbb;
6328 border-radius: 4px;
6329 box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px #eee inset;
6331 .comment-item {
6332 padding: 6px 4px 4px 4px;
6333 bottom: -42px;
6335 .comment-item .karma .karma-value::after {
6336 padding: 4px 8px 0 8px;
6337 top: -30px;
6340 /*====================*/
6342 /*====================*/
6344 .author.redacted,
6345 .inline-author.redacted {
6346 opacity: 0.9;
6347 font-weight: 300;
6350 .karma-value.redacted {
6351 opacity: 0.7;
6354 .link-post-domain.redacted {
6355 opacity: 0.6;
6358 /*===========================*/
6360 /*===========================*/
6362 div.comment-parent-link {
6363 font-weight: 400;
6365 a.comment-parent-link {
6366 font-weight: 300;
6368 a.comment-parent-link::before {
6369 color: #bbb;
6370 font-weight: 400;
6372 a.comment-parent-link:hover::before {
6373 background-color: #ffd;
6374 color: #999;
6377 div.comment-child-links {
6378 font-weight: 400;
6380 div.comment-child-links a {
6381 font-weight: 300;
6383 .comment-child-link::before {
6384 color: #ccc;
6387 .comment-item-highlight {
6388 box-shadow:
6389 0 0 2px #e7b200,
6390 0 0 3px #e7b200,
6391 0 0 5px #e7b200,
6392 0 0 7px #e7b200,
6393 0 0 10px #e7b200;
6394 border: 1px solid #e7b200;
6396 .comment-item-highlight-faint {
6397 box-shadow:
6398 0 0 2px #f8e7b5,
6399 0 0 3px #f8e7b5,
6400 0 0 5px #f8e7b5,
6401 0 0 7px #f8e7b5,
6402 0 0 10px #f8e7b5;
6403 border: 1px solid #f8e7b5;
6406 .comment-popup {
6407 background-color: #fff;
6410 /*====================*/
6412 /*====================*/
6414 .comment-meta .permalink::before {
6415 background-image: url('');
6417 .comment-meta .lw2-link::before {
6418 background-image: url('');
6420 .individual-thread-page a.comment-parent-link:empty::before {
6421 background-image: url('');
6423 .comment-meta .permalink:hover::before {
6424 background-image: url('');
6426 .comment-meta .lw2-link:hover::before {
6427 background-image: url('');
6429 .individual-thread-page a.comment-parent-link:hover:empty::before {
6430 left: unset;
6431 background-image: url('');
6434 .comment-meta .permalink,
6435 .comment-meta .lw2-link,
6436 .individual-thread-page .comment-parent-link:empty {
6437 filter: hue-rotate(270deg);
6438 opacity: 0.4;
6440 .comment-meta .permalink:hover,
6441 .comment-meta .lw2-link:hover,
6442 .individual-thread-page .comment-parent-link:empty:hover {
6443 opacity: 1.0;
6446 /*=======================*/
6448 /*=======================*/
6450 #comments-list-mode-selector {
6451 opacity: 0.4;
6452 transition: opacity 0.15s ease;
6454 #content.index-page #comments-list-mode-selector {
6455 grid-column: 3;
6456 justify-self: end;
6458 #comments-list-mode-selector:hover {
6459 opacity: 1.0;
6462 #comments-list-mode-selector button {
6463 border: none;
6464 background-color: transparent;
6465 box-shadow:
6466 0 0 0 4px #fff inset,
6467 0 0 0 5px #aaa inset;
6469 #comments-list-mode-selector button:hover,
6470 #comments-list-mode-selector button.selected {
6471 box-shadow:
6472 0 0 0 1px #fff inset,
6473 0 0 0 2px #aaa inset,
6474 0 0 0 4px #fff inset,
6475 0 0 0 5px #aaa inset;
6478 #content.compact > .comment-thread .comment-item {
6479 max-height: 53px;
6481 #content.compact > .comment-thread .comment-item::after {
6482 color: #92c396;
6483 background: linear-gradient(to right, transparent 0%, #fff 50%, #fff 100%);
6486 @media only screen and (hover: hover), not screen and (-moz-touch-enabled) {
6487 #content.compact > .comment-thread .comment-item:hover .comment,
6488 #content.compact > .comment-thread .comment-item.expanded .comment {
6489 background-color: #fff;
6490 outline: 1px solid #92c396;
6492 #content.compact > .comment-thread .comment-item:hover .comment::before,
6493 #content.compact > .comment-thread .comment-item.expanded .comment::before {
6494 background-color: #fff;
6495 box-shadow:
6496 0 0 3px #fff,
6497 0 0 5px #fff,
6498 0 0 7px #fff,
6499 0 0 10px #fff,
6500 0 0 20px #fff,
6501 0 0 30px #fff,
6502 0 0 40px #fff;
6505 @media only screen and (hover: none), only screen and (-moz-touch-enabled) {
6506 #content.compact > .comment-thread.expanded .comment-item .comment {
6507 background-color: #fff;
6508 outline: 1px solid #92c396;
6510 #content.compact > .comment-thread.expanded .comment-item .comment::before {
6511 background-color: #fff;
6512 box-shadow:
6513 0 0 3px #fff,
6514 0 0 5px #fff,
6515 0 0 7px #fff,
6516 0 0 10px #fff,
6517 0 0 20px #fff,
6518 0 0 30px #fff,
6519 0 0 40px #fff;
6522 #content.compact > .comment-thread .comment-item:hover .comment {
6523 background-color: #fff;
6524 outline: 1px solid #92c396;
6526 #content.compact > .comment-thread .comment-item:hover .comment::before {
6527 background-color: #fff;
6528 box-shadow:
6529 0 0 3px #fff,
6530 0 0 5px #fff,
6531 0 0 7px #fff,
6532 0 0 10px #fff,
6533 0 0 20px #fff,
6534 0 0 30px #fff,
6535 0 0 40px #fff;
6538 #content.user-page.compact > h1.listing {
6539 margin-top: 0.5rem;
6541 #content.user-page.compact > h1.listing + .post-meta {
6542 margin-bottom: 1rem;
6545 /*===========================*/
6547 /*===========================*/
6549 .new-comment::before {
6550 outline: 1px solid #5a5;
6551 box-shadow:
6552 0 0 6px -2px #5a5 inset,
6553 0 0 4px #5a5;
6556 /*=================================*/
6558 /*=================================*/
6560 .comment-minimize-button {
6561 color: #ddd;
6562 font-weight: 300;
6563 box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px transparent;
6565 .comment-minimize-button:hover {
6566 color: #bbb;
6567 text-shadow: 0 0 1px #fff, 0 0 3px #fff, 0 0 5px #fff;
6569 .comment-minimize-button::after {
6570 font-family: 'Mundo Sans', 'Helvetica', sans-serif;
6571 color: #999;
6573 .comment-minimize-button.maximized::after {
6574 color: #ccc;
6577 /*=================================*/
6579 /*=================================*/
6581 .individual-thread-page > h1 {
6582 margin: 2em 0 0 30px;
6583 font-weight: 300;
6584 font-family: 'Caecilia', 'Helvetica', sans-serif;
6586 .individual-thread-page > #comments {
6587 padding: 0 0 0 30px;
6589 .individual-thread-page > #bottom-bar.decorative::before {
6590 margin: 0 30px 0 60px;
6593 /*==============*/
6594 /* VOTE BUTTONS */
6595 /*==============*/
6597 .upvote,
6598 .downvote {
6599 color: #ddd;
6600 font-weight: 400;
6601 position: relative;
6603 .vote::before {
6604 position: relative;
6605 z-index: 1;
6607 .upvote::before {
6608 content: "\F077";
6610 .downvote::before {
6611 content: "\F078";
6612 position: relative;
6613 top: 1px;
6615 .upvote:hover,
6616 .upvote.selected {
6617 text-shadow:
6618 0 0 0.5px #fff,
6619 0 0 8px #0f0;
6621 .downvote:hover,
6622 .downvote.selected {
6623 text-shadow:
6624 0 0 0.5px #fff,
6625 0 0 8px #f00;
6628 .vote::after {
6629 position: absolute;
6630 color: transparent;
6632 .vote:not(:hover)::after {
6633 text-shadow: none;
6635 .karma.waiting .vote.big-vote::after {
6636 color: transparent;
6638 .vote.big-vote::after,
6639 .vote:not(.big-vote).clicked-twice::after {
6640 color: inherit;
6642 .karma:not(.waiting) .vote.clicked-once::after {
6643 color: #ddd;
6646 .upvote::after {
6647 content: "\F325";
6648 bottom: 5px;
6649 left: 7px;
6651 .downvote::after {
6652 content: "\F322";
6653 top: 5px;
6654 left: 7px;
6656 @-moz-document url-prefix() {
6657 .upvote::after {
6658 bottom: 3px;
6659 left: 8px;
6661 .downvote::after {
6662 top: 4px;
6663 left: 8px;
6667 .post .top-post-meta .upvote::after,
6668 .post .top-post-meta .downvote::after {
6669 left: 14px;
6672 /*===========================*/
6674 /*===========================*/
6676 .posting-controls input[type='submit'] {
6677 padding: 6px 12px 3px 12px;
6680 .comment-controls {
6681 margin: 0 4px 4px 16px;
6683 .comment + .comment-controls .action-button {
6684 font-weight: 300;
6687 .new-comment-button {
6688 margin: 0;
6689 padding: 0.125em;
6692 .comment-controls .cancel-comment-button {
6693 color: #c00;
6694 text-shadow:
6695 0 0 1px #fff,
6696 0 0 2px #fff;
6697 padding: 6px 8px 1px 4px;
6699 .comment-controls .cancel-comment-button:hover {
6700 color: #f00;
6703 .comment-controls .edit-button {
6704 color: #0b0;
6706 .comment-controls .edit-button:hover {
6707 color: #f00;
6710 .post-controls {
6711 margin: 3em 2.5em 0 0;
6712 grid-row: 2;
6714 .post {
6715 grid-row: 2;
6717 .edit-post-link,
6718 .edit-post-link:visited {
6719 color: #090;
6722 .posting-controls textarea {
6723 font-family: 'Source Serif Pro', 'Helvetica', sans-serif;
6724 font-weight: 300;
6725 color: #000;
6726 text-shadow: 0 0 0 #000;
6727 border-color: #eee;
6728 transition: border-color 0.15s ease;
6730 .posting-controls textarea:focus {
6731 border-width: 29px 1px 1px 1px;
6732 border-color: #92c396;
6734 .posting-controls.edit-existing-post textarea:focus,
6735 .posting-controls form.edit-existing-comment textarea:focus {
6736 border-color: #090;
6739 /*= Scroll bars =*/
6741 .posting-controls textarea::-webkit-scrollbar {
6742 width: 16px;
6743 background-color: transparent;
6745 .posting-controls textarea::-webkit-scrollbar-track {
6746 background-color: #fff;
6748 .posting-controls textarea::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
6749 background-color: #eee;
6750 box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px #fff inset;
6752 .posting-controls textarea:focus::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
6753 background-color: #c4dbc4;
6754 box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px #fff inset;
6757 /* GUIEdit buttons */
6759 .guiedit-buttons-container {
6760 background-color: #fff;
6761 border-bottom: 1px solid #eee;
6764 .posting-controls.edit-existing-post .guiedit-buttons-container button,
6765 .posting-controls form.edit-existing-comment .guiedit-buttons-container button {
6766 color: #050;
6768 .guiedit-buttons-container button {
6769 font-family: Font Awesome, 'Source Serif Pro', 'Helvetica', sans-serif;
6770 border: 1px solid transparent;
6773 .guiedit::after {
6774 font-family: 'Mundo Sans', 'Helvetica', sans-serif;
6775 color: #999;
6776 font-weight: 300;
6777 text-shadow: 0 0 0 #999;
6778 top: 3px;
6781 .posting-controls .markdown-reference-link a {
6782 background-position: right 70%;
6784 .markdown-reference-link {
6785 color: #999;
6788 /* Markdown hints */
6790 #markdown-hints-checkbox + label {
6791 color: #92c396;
6793 #markdown-hints-checkbox + label:hover {
6794 color: #79a97e;
6796 #markdown-hints {
6797 border: 1px solid #faa;
6798 background-color: #fff;
6800 #markdown-hints .markdown-hints-row span,
6801 #markdown-hints .markdown-hints-row code {
6802 padding: 2px 12px 2px 2px;
6805 /*================*/
6806 /* EDIT POST FORM */
6807 /*================*/
6809 #edit-post-form .link-post-checkbox + label {
6810 top: 2px;
6811 color: #acd2af;
6812 transition: color 0.15s ease;
6814 #edit-post-form .link-post-checkbox + label:hover {
6815 color: #79a97e;
6817 #edit-post-form .link-post-checkbox + label::before {
6818 top: 2px;
6819 border: 1px solid #eee;
6820 color: #bbb;
6821 transition:
6822 box-shadow 0.3s ease,
6823 border-color 0.15s ease;
6825 #edit-post-form .link-post-checkbox + label:hover::before {
6826 border-color: #c4dbc4;
6828 #edit-post-form .link-post-checkbox:checked + label::before {
6829 border-color: #c4dbc4;
6830 box-shadow:
6831 0 0 0 4px #fff inset,
6832 0 0 0 1em #c4dbc4 inset;
6835 #edit-post-form label[for='url'],
6836 #edit-post-form input[name='url'] {
6837 display: block;
6838 transition:
6839 max-height 0.15s ease,
6840 overflow 0.15s ease,
6841 margin-top 0.15s ease,
6842 margin-bottom 0.15s ease,
6843 padding 0.15s ease,
6844 border-color 0.15s ease;
6847 #edit-post-form .link-post-checkbox:not(:checked) ~ label[for='url'],
6848 #edit-post-form .link-post-checkbox:not(:checked) ~ input[name='url'] {
6849 max-height: 0;
6850 overflow: hidden;
6851 margin-top: 0;
6852 margin-bottom: 0;
6853 padding: 0;
6854 border-color: transparent;
6857 #edit-post-form label[for='title'],
6858 #edit-post-form label[for='url'],
6859 #edit-post-form label[for='section'] {
6860 color: #aaa;
6861 text-shadow: 0 0 0 #aaa;
6864 #edit-post-form input[type='radio'] + label {
6865 color: #92c396;
6866 border-color: #c4dbc4;
6867 padding: 6px 12px 3px 12px;
6868 position: relative;
6869 top: -2px;
6870 transition:
6871 background-color 0.15s ease,
6872 color 0.15s ease,
6873 border-color 0.15s ease;
6875 #edit-post-form input[type='radio'][value='all'] + label {
6876 border-radius: 8px 0 0 8px;
6877 border-width: 1px;
6879 #edit-post-form input[type='radio'][value='drafts'] + label {
6880 border-radius: 0 8px 8px 0;
6881 padding-right: 13px;
6883 #edit-post-form input[type='radio'] + label:hover,
6884 #edit-post-form input[type='radio']:focus + label,
6885 #edit-post-form input[type='radio']:checked + label {
6886 background-color: #c4dbc4;
6887 color: #fff;
6889 #edit-post-form input[type='radio']:active + label {
6890 border-color: #92c396;
6891 background-color: #92c396;
6894 #edit-post-form input[type='submit'] {
6895 padding: 7px 14px 4px 14px;
6898 /*=======*/
6899 /* LINKS */
6900 /*=======*/
6903 text-decoration: none;
6904 color: #92c396;
6905 transition: color 0.15s ease;
6907 a:visited {
6908 color: #bebb84;
6910 a:hover {
6911 color: #bbb;
6914 /*=========*/
6915 /* BUTTONS */
6916 /*=========*/
6918 button,
6919 input[type='submit'] {
6920 color: #92c396;
6922 input[type='submit'] {
6923 color: #92c396;
6924 background-color: #fff;
6925 border: 1px solid #c4dbc4;
6926 transition:
6927 color 0.15s ease,
6928 background-color 0.15s ease,
6929 border-color 0.15s ease;
6932 input[type='submit']:hover,
6933 input[type='submit']:focus {
6934 background-color: #c4dbc4;
6935 color: #fff;
6937 input[type='submit']:active {
6938 background-color: #92c396;
6939 border-color: #92c396;
6941 .button:visited {
6942 color: #92c396;
6944 button:hover,
6945 .button:hover {
6946 color: #79a97e;
6947 text-decoration: none;
6949 button:active,
6950 .button:active {
6951 transform: scale(0.9);
6953 button:focus:not(:hover),
6954 .button:focus:not(:hover) {
6955 transform: none;
6957 @-moz-document url-prefix() {
6958 .button:active {
6959 transform: none;
6963 /*==========*/
6964 /* HEADINGS */
6965 /*==========*/
6967 .post-body h1,
6968 .post-body h2,
6969 .post-body h3,
6970 .post-body h4,
6971 .post-body h5,
6972 .post-body h6,
6973 .comment-body h1,
6974 .comment-body h2,
6975 .comment-body h3,
6976 .comment-body h4,
6977 .comment-body h5,
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6979 font-family: 'Caecilia', 'Helvetica', sans-serif;
6980 font-weight: 300;
6982 .post-body h1,
6983 .comment-body h1 {
6984 margin-top: 1.25em;
6985 box-shadow:
6986 0 -7px 0 0 #fff inset,
6987 0 -8px 0 0 #eee inset;
6989 .post-body h6,
6990 .comment-body h6 {
6991 color: #555;
6994 /*========*/
6995 /* QUOTES */
6996 /*========*/
6998 blockquote {
6999 border-left: 5px solid #e6e6e6;
7002 /*========*/
7003 /* IMAGES */
7004 /*========*/
7006 .post-body img,
7007 .comment-body img {
7008 border: 1px solid #ccc;
7010 .post-body img[src$='.svg'],
7011 .comment-body img[src$='.svg'] {
7012 border: none;
7014 #content figure img {
7015 border: 1px solid #000;
7017 #content figure img[src$='.svg'] {
7018 border: none;
7021 /*=============*/
7022 /* IMAGE FOCUS */
7023 /*=============*/
7025 #image-focus-overlay {
7026 visibility: visible;
7029 /*======*/
7030 /* MISC */
7031 /*======*/
7033 hr {
7034 margin: 1em 0;
7036 hr::before {
7037 content: "• • •";
7038 letter-spacing: 7px;
7039 color: #aaa;
7040 text-align: center;
7041 display: block;
7042 font-size: 0.875em;
7045 code,
7046 pre {
7047 font-family: 'Source Code Pro', Inconsolata, monospace;
7048 font-size: 0.9375em;
7049 font-feature-settings: 'ss04';
7051 code {
7052 background-color: #eee;
7053 padding: 0 5px 1px 5px;
7054 box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px #fff inset;
7057 input[type='text'],
7058 input[type='search'],
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7060 border: 1px solid #999;
7061 color: #000;
7062 background-color: transparent;
7063 border-color: transparent;
7064 border-bottom-color: #eee;
7065 transition: border-color 0.15s ease;
7067 input[type='text']:focus,
7068 input[type='search']:focus,
7069 input[type='password']:focus {
7070 border-bottom-color: #c4dbc4;
7073 select {
7074 color: #000;
7077 strong, b {
7078 font-weight: 600;
7081 /*============*/
7082 /* ABOUT PAGE */
7083 /*============*/
7085 .about-page u {
7086 background-color: #e6e6e6;
7087 text-decoration: none;
7088 box-shadow:
7089 0 -1px 0 0 #000 inset,
7090 0 -3px 1px -2px #000 inset;
7091 padding: 0 1px;
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7095 font-family: 'Mundo Sans', 'Helvetica', sans-serif;
7096 border-color: #ddd;
7099 #content.about-page img {
7100 border: 1px solid #000;
7103 /*========================*/
7105 /*========================*/
7107 ~ #ui-elements-container #site-nav-ui-toggle {
7108 display: none;
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7111 display: none;
7114 #aux-about-link a {
7115 color: #777;
7117 #aux-about-link a:hover {
7118 opacity: 1.0;
7119 text-shadow: 0 0 1px #fff, 0 0 3px #fff, 0 0 5px #fff;
7122 .qualified-linking label {
7123 color: #ccc;
7124 font-weight: 400;
7126 .qualified-linking label:hover {
7127 color: #92c396;
7130 .qualified-linking-toolbar {
7131 border: 1px solid #ccc;
7132 background-color: #fff;
7134 .qualified-linking-toolbar a {
7135 padding: 3px 6px 0 6px;
7137 .qualified-linking-toolbar a,
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7139 color: #acd2af;
7141 .qualified-linking-toolbar a:hover {
7142 color: #92c396;
7143 text-decoration: none;
7144 background-color: #e4f1e5;
7146 .qualified-linking label::after {
7147 background-color: #fff;
7148 opacity: 0.8;
7151 /*======*/
7152 /* MATH */
7153 /*======*/
7155 .mathjax-block-container::-webkit-scrollbar {
7156 height: 12px;
7157 background-color: #f6f6ff;
7158 border-radius: 6px;
7159 border: 1px solid #ddf;
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7162 background-color: #dde;
7163 border-radius: 6px;
7164 border: 1px solid #cce;
7166 .mathjax-inline-container::-webkit-scrollbar {
7167 height: 8px;
7168 background-color: #f6f6ff;
7169 border-radius: 4px;
7170 border: 1px solid #ddf;
7172 .mathjax-inline-container::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
7173 background-color: #dde;
7174 border-radius: 4px;
7175 border: 1px solid #cce;
7178 /*=================*/
7180 /*=================*/
7182 #content.alignment-forum-index-page::after {
7183 margin: -0.25em 0 0.25em 0;
7184 text-align: center;
7185 grid-column: 2;
7186 font-family: "Concourse SmallCaps";
7187 font-weight: 600;
7188 background-color: #7f85b2;
7189 color: transparent;
7190 -webkit-background-clip: text;
7191 text-shadow:
7192 rgba(255,255,255,0.5) 0px 3px 3px;
7195 /*====================*/
7197 /*====================*/
7199 @media not screen and (hover: none), not screen and (-moz-touch-enabled) {
7200 @media only screen and (max-width: 1080px) {
7201 #site-nav-ui-toggle button.engaged {
7202 left: -72px;
7204 #text-size-adjustment-ui {
7205 left: -22px;
7206 top: calc(100% - 240px);
7208 #width-selector {
7209 left: -23px;
7210 top: calc(100% - 140px);
7212 #theme-tweaker-toggle button {
7213 width: unset;
7214 height: unset;
7217 @media only screen and (max-width: 1020px) {
7219 @media only screen and (max-width: 1000px) {
7220 #site-nav-ui-toggle button.engaged {
7221 left: -56px;
7223 #theme-selector {
7224 padding: 0;
7226 #theme-selector button {
7227 margin: 1px 7px 0 7px;
7232 /*========*/
7233 /* MOBILE */
7234 /*========*/
7236 @media only screen and (hover: none), only screen and (-moz-touch-enabled) {
7237 #site-nav-ui-toggle {
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7239 left: 10px;
7241 #site-nav-ui-toggle button.engaged {
7242 width: 1.125em;
7243 overflow: hidden;
7244 position: relative;
7245 left: 5px;
7246 top: -3px;
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7249 content: "\F00D";
7250 font-size: 34px;
7251 padding: 0 0.25em 0 0;
7253 #ui-elements-container > #site-nav-ui-toggle button.engaged {
7254 transform: rotate(90deg);
7257 #ui-elements-container > div[id$='-ui-toggle'] button,
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7259 color: #bbb;
7260 text-shadow:
7261 0 0 1px #fff,
7262 0 0 3px #fff,
7263 0 0 5px #fff,
7264 0 0 10px #fff,
7265 0 0 20px #fff,
7266 0 0 30px #fff;
7268 #ui-elements-container > div[id$='-ui-toggle'] button {
7269 font-weight: 400;
7271 #theme-selector .theme-selector-close-button {
7272 font-weight: 300;
7275 #theme-selector {
7276 background-color: #fff;
7277 box-shadow:
7278 0 0 0 1px #999,
7279 0 0 1px 3px #fff,
7280 0 0 3px 3px #fff,
7281 0 0 5px 3px #fff,
7282 0 0 10px 3px #fff,
7283 0 0 20px 3px #fff;
7284 border-radius: 12px;
7286 #theme-selector::before {
7287 color: #999;
7288 font-weight: 300;
7289 position: relative;
7290 top: 6px;
7292 #theme-selector button,
7293 #theme-selector button.selected {
7294 background-color: #fff;
7295 border-radius: 10px;
7296 box-shadow:
7297 0 0 0 4px #fff inset,
7298 0 0 0 5px #999 inset;
7300 #theme-selector button.selected {
7301 background-color: #c4dbc4;
7303 #theme-selector button::after {
7304 color: #819681;
7305 font-weight: 300;
7306 max-width: calc(100% - 3.5em);
7307 overflow: hidden;
7308 text-overflow: ellipsis;
7309 padding: 1px 0 0 0;
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7312 color: #fff;
7315 #theme-tweaker-toggle button {
7316 color: #999;
7317 font-weight: 400;
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7323 #quick-nav-ui,
7324 #new-comment-nav-ui,
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7326 box-shadow:
7327 0 0 1px 3px #fff,
7328 0 0 3px 3px #fff,
7329 0 0 5px 3px #fff,
7330 0 0 10px 3px #fff,
7331 0 0 20px 3px #fff;
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7335 font-family: 'Mundo Sans', 'Helvetica', sans-serif;
7336 font-weight: bold;
7337 box-shadow:
7338 0 0 1px 0 #fff,
7339 0 0 3px 0 #fff,
7340 0 0 5px 0 #fff;
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7342 border-radius: 4px;
7344 #quick-nav-ui,
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7346 border-radius: 8px;
7348 #new-comment-nav-ui {
7349 background-color: #fff;
7350 border: 1px solid #fff;
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7353 color: #aaa;
7354 font-weight: 500;
7356 #new-comment-nav-ui .new-comment-sequential-nav-button {
7357 color: #79a97e;
7359 #new-comment-nav-ui .new-comments-count {
7360 background-color: inherit;
7361 top: 0;
7363 #new-comment-nav-ui .new-comment-sequential-nav-button:disabled {
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7367 border-radius: 7px 0 0 7px;
7369 #new-comment-nav-ui {
7370 border-radius: 0 7px 7px 0;
7372 #new-comment-nav-ui button::after {
7373 font-family: 'Mundo Sans', 'Helvetica', sans-serif;
7375 #hns-date-picker {
7376 background-color: #fff;
7377 border: 1px solid #fff;
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7382 font-size: 1.625rem;
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7391 display: block;
7393 #top-nav-bar a.disabled {
7394 opacity: 0.2;
7397 /*****************************************/
7398 @media only screen and (max-width: 900px) {
7399 /*****************************************/
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7422 z-index: 2;
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7425 visibility 0.2s ease,
7426 width 0.2s ease,
7427 opacity 0.2s ease,
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7440 filter 0.2s ease;
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7453 #secondary-bar.engaged #nav-item-about {
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7457 #primary-bar.engaged.translucent-on-scroll,
7458 #secondary-bar.engaged.translucent-on-scroll #nav-item-archive,
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7522 border-style: solid;
7523 border-color: #ddd;
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7555 width: calc(100% - 32px);
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7565 #nav-item-search form:not(:focus-within) button:not(:hover) {
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7581 display: none;
7583 #inbox-indicator::before {
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7592 position: absolute;
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7597 grid-row: 2;
7598 justify-self: end;
7601 #content,
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7606 h1.listing + .post-meta > * {
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7614 h1.listing + .post-meta .post-section::before {
7615 position: unset;
7618 .archive-nav *[class^='archive-nav-item-'] {
7619 border-width: 1px !important;
7621 .archive-nav > *[class^='archive-nav-'] + *[class^='archive-nav-']::before {
7622 background-color: #aaa;
7625 .post {
7626 padding: 0;
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7629 margin: 1em auto 0 auto;
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7635 .post .top-post-meta .date {
7636 margin: 1.5em auto 0 auto;
7638 .post .top-post-meta .comment-count span {
7639 display: initial;
7640 position: static;
7642 .post > h1:first-child {
7643 line-height: 1.3;
7646 #comments {
7647 padding: 0;
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7650 margin: 0.75em 3px 3px 6px;
7652 .comment-item .comment-item + .comment-item {
7653 margin: 1.5em 3px 3px 6px;
7656 .comment-controls {
7657 position: relative;
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7674 #content.user-page,
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7678 #content.user-page {
7679 margin: 0.5em 0 0 0.125em;
7681 #content.user-page #comments-list-mode-selector,
7682 #content.user-page .sublevel-nav.sort {
7683 grid-row: 3 / span 2;
7685 #content.user-page .sublevel-nav {
7686 grid-row: 3;
7687 margin-bottom: 1em;
7689 #content.user-page #top-nav-bar {
7690 grid-row: 4;
7691 margin: 0.5em 0 0 0;
7694 #content.conversation-page #theme-less-mobile-first-row-placeholder {
7695 height: 64px;
7697 #content.conversation-page #comments-list-mode-selector {
7698 grid-row: 6;
7699 margin-top: -32px;
7701 #content.conversation-page .conversation-participants {
7702 grid-row: 4;
7703 align-self: end;
7705 /*******************************************/
7706 } @media only screen and (max-width: 720px) {
7707 /*******************************************/
7708 #content.index-page > .sublevel-nav.sort {
7709 flex-flow: column;
7710 margin-right: 4px;
7712 /*******************************************/
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7714 /*******************************************/
7715 h1.listing,
7716 h1.listing {
7717 font-size: 1.25rem;
7718 margin: 18px 6px 4px 6px;
7719 max-width: calc(100% - 12px);
7721 h1.listing + .post-meta {
7722 margin: 4px 6px;
7724 #content.conversations-user-page h1.listing::after {
7725 height: calc(100% + 2.25em);
7727 #content.conversations-user-page h1.listing + .post-meta .date {
7728 margin: 0 0 0 1em;
7731 .comment-body {
7732 font-size: 1.125rem;
7735 #content.compact > .comment-thread .comment-item {
7736 max-height: 105px;
7739 .textarea-container:focus-within textarea {
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7742 box-shadow: 0 0 0 2px #fff;
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7745 padding: 5px 6px 6px 6px;
7746 font-weight: bold;
7748 .textarea-container:focus-within {
7749 color: #c00;
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7752 background-color: #fff;
7753 border-top: 1px solid #ddf;
7755 .posting-controls .textarea-container:focus-within .guiedit-buttons-container {
7756 box-shadow: none;
7758 #content.conversation-page .textarea-container:focus-within::after {
7759 background-color: #fff;
7761 #markdown-hints::after {
7762 color: #090;