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[lw2-viewer.git] / src / web-push.lisp
1 (uiop:define-package #:lw2.web-push
2 (:use #:cl #:alexandria #:lw2.utils #:lw2.conditions)
3 (:export #:get-vapid-public-key #:send-notification))
5 (in-package #:lw2.web-push)
7 (defparameter *vapid-key-filename* (asdf:system-relative-pathname :lw2-viewer "webpush.vapid.key"))
8 (sb-ext:defglobal *vapid-key* nil)
9 (sb-ext:defglobal *vapid-header-cache* (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
10 (sb-ext:defglobal *vapid-header-cache-lock* (sb-thread:make-mutex :name "vapid header cache lock"))
12 (defun call-with-private-file (fn name)
13 (let ((fd nil))
14 (unwind-protect
15 (progn
16 (setf fd (sb-posix:open name (logior sb-posix:o-creat sb-posix:o-rdwr) #o600))
17 (funcall fn (sb-sys:make-fd-stream fd :input t :output t)))
18 (when fd (sb-posix:close fd)))))
20 (defun invoke-node-process (command &optional (output #'json:decode-json))
21 (uiop:run-program "node js-foreign-lib/web-push.js"
22 :input (list command)
23 :output output
24 :error-output *error-output*))
26 (defun ensure-vapid-key ()
27 (unless *vapid-key*
28 (labels ((read-vapid-key (stream)
29 (setf *vapid-key* (json:decode-json stream))))
30 (log-and-ignore-errors
31 (with-open-file (stream *vapid-key-filename* :direction :input :if-does-not-exist nil)
32 (if stream
33 (read-vapid-key stream)
34 (call-with-private-file (lambda (stream)
35 (invoke-node-process "webPush.generateVAPIDKeys()" stream)
36 (file-position stream 0)
37 (read-vapid-key stream))
38 *vapid-key-filename*)))))))
40 (ensure-vapid-key)
42 (defun get-vapid-public-key ()
43 (cdr (assoc :public-key *vapid-key*)))
45 (defun generate-vapid-headers (origin)
46 (let* ((result-json
47 (invoke-node-process
48 (format nil "webPush.getVapidHeaders(~{~A~^,~});"
49 (mapcar #'json:encode-json-to-string
50 (list origin "mailto:test@example.com"
51 (cdr (assoc :public-key *vapid-key*)) (cdr (assoc :private-key *vapid-key*)) "aes128gcm")))))
52 (result-string (cdar result-json))
53 (result-parts (nth-value 1
54 (ppcre:scan-to-strings "vapid t=([^,]+), k=([^,]+)" result-string))))
55 (assert (= (length result-parts) 2))
56 (alist :authorization (format nil "WebPush ~A" (aref result-parts 0))
57 :crypto-key (format nil "p256ecdsa=~A" (aref result-parts 1)))))
59 (defun get-vapid-headers (origin)
60 (let ((unlocked-value
61 (sb-thread:with-mutex (*vapid-header-cache-lock*)
62 (let ((value (gethash origin *vapid-header-cache*))
63 (current-time (get-unix-time)))
64 (if (and value (< current-time (+ (car value) (* 60 60 12))))
65 (cdr value)
66 (setf (gethash origin *vapid-header-cache*)
67 (sb-thread:make-thread (lambda ()
68 (let ((vapid (generate-vapid-headers origin)))
69 (sb-thread:with-mutex (*vapid-header-cache-lock*)
70 (setf (gethash origin *vapid-header-cache*) (cons current-time vapid)))
71 vapid))
72 :name "generate vapid headers")))))))
73 (typecase unlocked-value
74 (sb-thread:thread (sb-thread:join-thread unlocked-value))
75 (t unlocked-value))))
77 (defun send-notification (endpoint &key (ttl (* 60 60 24)))
78 ;; we don't support content yet since it requires encryption
79 (let* ((endpoint-uri (quri:uri endpoint))
80 (origin (concatenate 'string (quri:uri-scheme endpoint-uri) "://" (quri:uri-authority endpoint-uri)))
81 (headers (alist* :ttl ttl
82 :content-encoding "identity"
83 (get-vapid-headers origin))))
84 (dex:request endpoint
85 :method :post
86 :headers headers
87 :keep-alive nil)))