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[lw2-viewer.git] / src / graphql.lisp
1 (uiop:define-package #:lw2.graphql
2 (:documentation "Contains generic GraphQL client functionality required by lw2-viewer.")
3 (:use #:cl #:alexandria #:iterate #:lw2.macro-utils)
4 (:import-from #:trivial-macroexpand-all #:macroexpand-all)
5 (:import-from #:trivial-cltl2 #:enclose #:augment-environment)
6 (:export #:+graphql-timestamp-format+ #:write-graphql-simple-field-list #:graphql-query-string* #:graphql-query-string #:graphql-operation-string #:graphql-mutation-string #:timestamp-to-graphql)
7 (:recycle #:lw2.backend #:lw2.login))
9 (in-package #:lw2.graphql)
11 (defconstant +graphql-timestamp-format+ (if (boundp '+graphql-timestamp-format+) (symbol-value '+graphql-timestamp-format+)
12 (substitute-if '(:msec 3) (lambda (x) (and (listp x) (eq (car x) :usec))) local-time:+iso-8601-format+)))
14 (defmacro declaim-grammar (name)
15 ;; Forward declare a grammar form so it can be used before it is defined.
16 (let ((write-function (symbolicate '#:write- name)))
17 `(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
18 (declaim (ftype function ,write-function)
19 (notinline ,write-function))
20 (pushnew ',name *grammars*))))
22 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
24 (defvar *grammars* nil)
26 (defun writer-macros (stream)
27 ;; Return the list of macro expanders that should be active to create a writer.
28 (labels ((grammar-writer-macro (grammar)
29 (list grammar
30 (macro-as-lambda grammar (&rest args) `(,(symbolicate '#:write- grammar) ,@args ,stream)))))
31 (append (macro-list-as-lambdas
32 (emit-string (&body body)
33 `(write-string (progn ,@body) ,stream))
34 (emit (&body body)
35 `(progn ,@(map 'list (lambda (f) (gen-writer f stream)) body)))
36 (separated-list (type separator list)
37 `(iter (for x in ,list)
38 (unless (first-time-p)
39 ,(gen-writer separator stream))
40 ,(gen-writer `(,type x) stream)))
41 (with-stream ((stream-binding) &body body)
42 `(let ((,stream-binding ,stream))
43 ,@body)))
44 (iter (for grammar in *grammars*)
45 (collect (grammar-writer-macro grammar))))))
47 (defun gen-writer (form stream &optional env)
48 ;; Convert a defgrammar form to a lisp form.
49 (etypecase form
50 (string `(write-string ,form ,stream))
51 (list
52 (macroexpand-all
53 form
54 (augment-environment env :macro (writer-macros stream))))))
56 (defun writer-compiler-form (write-function args stream env whole)
57 (if (every (lambda (x) (compiler-constantp x env)) args)
58 (let ((out-string
59 (with-output-to-string (c-stream)
60 (funcall (enclose `(lambda (c-stream)
61 (declare (notinline ,write-function))
62 (,write-function ,@args c-stream))
63 env)
64 c-stream))))
65 `(write-string
66 ,out-string
67 ,stream))
68 whole)))
70 (defmacro defgrammar (name args &body body)
71 (with-gensyms (stream)
72 (let ((write-function (symbolicate '#:write- name)))
73 (pushnew name *grammars*)
74 `(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
75 (pushnew ',name *grammars*)
76 (defun ,write-function (,@args ,stream)
77 (declare (notinline ,write-function))
78 ,(gen-writer (cons 'progn body) stream)
79 nil)
80 (define-compiler-macro ,write-function (&whole whole ,@args ,stream &environment env)
81 (writer-compiler-form ',write-function (list ,@args) ,stream env whole))))))
83 ;;; See the GraphQL spec, https://spec.graphql.org/June2018/
85 (defgrammar graphql-name (obj)
86 (emit-string (etypecase obj
87 (string obj)
88 (symbol (json:lisp-to-camel-case (string obj))))))
90 (declaim-grammar graphql-simple-field-list)
92 (defgrammar graphql-simple-field (field)
93 (typecase field
94 (atom (graphql-name field))
95 (list (emit (graphql-name (first field))
96 (graphql-simple-field-list (rest field))))))
98 (defgrammar graphql-simple-field-list (fields)
99 (emit "{" (separated-list graphql-simple-field "," fields) "}"))
101 (declaim-grammar graphql-argument)
103 (defgrammar graphql-value (value)
104 (typecase value
105 ((member t) (emit "true"))
106 ((member nil) (emit "false"))
107 ((member :null) (emit "null"))
108 ((member :undefined) (emit "undefined"))
109 (symbol (graphql-name value))
110 ((cons (member :list) list)
111 (emit "[" (separated-list graphql-value "," (rest value)) "]"))
112 ((cons list list)
113 (emit "{" (separated-list graphql-argument "," value) "}"))
114 (t (with-stream (stream) (json:encode-json value stream)))))
116 (defgrammar graphql-argument (cons)
117 (emit (graphql-name (car cons))
119 (graphql-value (cdr cons))))
121 (defgrammar graphql-argument-alist (list)
122 (when list
123 (emit "(" (separated-list graphql-argument "," list) ")")))
125 (declaim-grammar graphql-field)
127 (defgrammar graphql-combined-fields (fields simple-fields)
128 (when (or fields simple-fields)
129 (emit "{" (separated-list graphql-field "," fields))
130 (when (and fields simple-fields) (emit ","))
131 (emit (separated-list graphql-simple-field "," simple-fields) "}")))
133 (defgrammar graphql-field (field)
134 (destructuring-bind (name &key args fields simple-fields) field
135 (emit (graphql-name name))
136 (when args
137 (graphql-argument-alist args))
138 (graphql-combined-fields fields simple-fields)))
140 (defgrammar graphql-field-list (fields)
141 (emit "{" (separated-list graphql-field "," fields) "}"))
143 (defgrammar graphql-operation (operation-type name variable-definitions fields simple-fields)
144 (emit (graphql-name operation-type) " "
145 (graphql-name name)
146 (graphql-argument-alist variable-definitions)
147 (graphql-combined-fields fields simple-fields)))
149 (defgrammar graphql-simple-query (query-type terms fields)
150 (emit (graphql-name query-type)
151 (graphql-argument-alist terms)
152 (graphql-simple-field-list fields)))
154 (defun graphql-query-string* (query-type terms fields)
155 (with-output-to-string (stream)
156 (write-graphql-simple-query query-type terms fields stream)))
158 (defun graphql-query-string (query-type terms fields)
159 (with-output-to-string (stream)
160 (write-string "{" stream)
161 (write-graphql-simple-query query-type terms fields stream)
162 (write-string "}" stream)))
164 (defun graphql-operation-string (operation-type query-type terms fields)
165 (with-output-to-string (stream)
166 (write-graphql-name operation-type stream)
167 (write-string "{" stream)
168 (write-graphql-simple-query query-type terms fields stream)
169 (write-string "}" stream)))
171 (defun graphql-mutation-string (mutation-type terms fields)
172 (format nil "mutation ~A{~A}" mutation-type (graphql-query-string* mutation-type terms fields)))
174 (defun timestamp-to-graphql (timestamp)
175 (local-time:format-timestring nil timestamp
176 :format lw2.graphql:+graphql-timestamp-format+
177 :timezone local-time:+utc-zone+))