Separated funcs_video.h into imp + proto. Added simple global physics.
[luagame.git] / doc / class_eventmanager.txt
1 = EventManager Class Reference =
3 == Attributes ==
4 _Italics_ means private (in the sense that they shouldn't be set manually).
6 [grid="all"]
7 `---------------------`--------------------
8 Attribute              Description
9 -------------------------------------------
10 *keyboard*             keyboard event table
11 keyboard.pressed       keyboard pressed events
12 keyboard.released      keyboard release events
13 *mouse*                mouse event table
14 mouse.motion           mouse motion event
15 mouse.pressed          mouse pressed events
16 mouse.released         mouse released events
17 *joystick*             joystick event table
18 joystick.axis_motion   joystick axis motion events
19 joystick.ball_motion   joystick ball motion events
20 joystick.hat_motion    joystick hat motion events
21 joystick.pressed       joystick button pressed events
22 joystick.released      joystick button released events
23 _type_                 state variable
24 _state_                state variable
25 _arg1_                 state variable
26 _arg2_                 state variable
27 _arg3_                 state variable
28 _arg4_                 state variable
29 -------------------------------------------
31 == Methods == 
32 [grid="all"]
33 `--------------`------------------------
34 Method           Description
35 ----------------------------------------
36 new(o)           constructor
37 gather_events()  processes all pending events
38 ----------------------------------------
40 == Event Function Prototypes ==
41 [grid="all"]
42 `---------------------`-------------------
43 Event                  Prototype
44 ------------------------------------------
45 mouse.motion           function(x, y, xrel, yrel)
46 mouse.pressed          function(x, y)
47 mouse.released         function(x, y)
48 joystick.axis_motion   function(axis, axis_value)
49 joystick.ball_motion   function(ball, xrel, yrel)
50 joystick.hat_motion    function(hat, hat_value)
51 joystick.pressed       function(button)
52 joystick.released      function(button)
53 ------------------------------------------
55 == Notes ==
56 Joysticks and joystick buttons start numbering at 1, not 0.
58 == Usage ==
60 [lua]
61 source~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
62 --create a new EventManager
63 evman = EventManager:new()
65 --add an event to exit when ESC is pressed
66 -- assumes main loop is controlled by variable "done"
67 evman.keyboard.pressed[Keys.ESCAPE] = function() done = true end
69 --events to control a player object's movement
70 evman.keyboard.pressed[Keys.UP] = function() player.y_vel = -1 end
71 evman.keyboard.pressed[Keys.DOWN] = function() player.y_vel = 1 end
72 evman.keyboard.pressed[Keys.LEFT] = function() player.x_vel = -1 end
73 evman.keyboard.pressed[Keys.RIGHT] = function() player.x_vel = 1 end
75 evman.keyboard.released[Keys.UP] = function() player.y_vel = 0 end
76 evman.keyboard.released[Keys.DOWN] = function() player.y_vel = 0 end
77 evman.keyboard.released[Keys.LEFT] = function() player.x_vel = 0 end
78 evman.keyboard.released[Keys.RIGHT] = function() player.x_vel = 0 end
80 --EventManager for a fictional menu object
81 menu_evman = EventManager:new()
82 menu_evman.keyboard.pressed[Keys.UP] = function() menu.next_item() end
83 menu_evman.keyboard.pressed[Keys.DOWN] = function() menu.prev_item() end
84 menu_evman.keyboard.pressed[Keys.RETURN] = function() menu.execute() end
86 --Controlling a player with the mouse
87 evman.mouse.motion = function(x, y) player.x = x player.y = y end
88 evman.mouse.pressed[MouseButton.BUTTON_LEFT] = function() player.firing = true end
89 evman.mouse.released[MouseButton.BUTTON_LEFT] = function() player.firing = false end
92 source~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~