Make sure that progress always hits 100%
[llpp.git] /
1 type t =
2 | Ascii of char | Code of int | Ctrl of int | Fn of int
3 | Backspace | Delete | Escape | Insert | Enter
4 | Up | Down | Left | Right | Next | Prior | Home | End
5 ;;
7 let to_string = function
8 | Ascii c -> Printf.sprintf "'%c'" c
9 | Code c -> string_of_int c
10 | Ctrl c -> Printf.sprintf "ctrl(%#x)" c
11 | Fn n -> "F" ^ string_of_int n
12 | Backspace -> "backspace"
13 | Delete -> "delete"
14 | Escape -> "escape"
15 | Insert -> "insert"
16 | Enter -> "enter"
17 | Up -> "up"
18 | Down -> "down"
19 | Left -> "left"
20 | Right -> "right"
21 | Next -> "next"
22 | Prior -> "prior"
23 | Home -> "home"
24 | End -> "end"