LSR: Update.
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1 %% Do not edit this file; it is automatically
2 %% generated from LSR
3 %% This file is in the public domain.
4 \version "2.13.29"
6 \header {
7 lsrtags = "staff-notation, contexts-and-engravers, breaks"
9 %% Translation of GIT committish: 0b55335aeca1de539bf1125b717e0c21bb6fa31b
10 texidoces = "
11 Al añadir un pentagrama nuevo en un salto de línea, por desgracia
12 se añade un espacio adicional al final de la línea antes del salto
13 (reservado para hacer sitio a un cambio de armadura que de todas
14 formas no se va a imprimir). La solución alternativa es añadir un
15 ajuste para @code{Staff.explicitKeySignatureVisibility} como se
16 muestra en el ejemplo.
19 doctitlees = "Añadir un pentagrama adicional en un salto de línea"
21 texidoc = "
22 When adding a new staff at a line break, some extra space is
23 unfortunately added at the end of the line before the break (to fit in
24 a key signature change, which will never be printed anyway). The
25 workaround is to add a setting of
26 @code{Staff.explicitKeySignatureVisibility} as is shown in the example.
30 doctitle = "Adding an extra staff at a line break"
31 } % begin verbatim
33 \score {
34 \new StaffGroup \relative c'' {
35 \new Staff
36 \key f \major
37 c1 c^"Unwanted extra space" \break
38 << { c1 | c }
39 \new Staff {
40 \key f \major
41 \once \override Staff.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f
42 c1 | c
45 c1 | c^"Fixed here" \break
46 << { c1 | c }
47 \new Staff {
48 \once \set Staff.explicitKeySignatureVisibility = #end-of-line-invisible
49 \key f \major
50 \once \override Staff.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f
51 c1 | c