[lilypond.git] / input /
1 \version "1.3.146"
2 \header {
3 title = "Title"
4 subtitle = "Subtitle"
5 subsubtitle = "Subsubtitle"
6 opus = "Opus 1"
7 piece = "Piece"
8 composer = "Composer"
9 enteredby = "JCN"
10 instrument = \instrument
12 % mutopia headers.
13 mutopiatitle = ""
14 mutopiacomposer = ""
15 mutopiaopus = ""
16 mutopiainstrument = \instrument
17 date = "1807"
19 source = "Urtext edition"
21 style = "Classical"
22 copyright = "Public Domain"
23 maintainer = "Jan Nieuwenhuizen"
24 maintainer_email = ""
25 lastupdated = "2001/Mar/19"
26 mutopiapublicdomain = "\\parbox{\hsize}{\\thefooter\\quad\\small
27 \\\\This music is part of the Mutopia project,
28 \\texttt{}\\\\It has been typeset
29 and placed in the public domain by " + \maintainer +
30 ".\\\\Unrestricted modification and redistribution is permitted
31 and encouraged---copy this music and share it.}"
32 tagline = \mutopiapublicdomain
33 footer = "pre-Mutopia-2001/mm/dd-nn"