[lilypond.git] / lilypond-font-lock.el
1 ;;; lilypond-font-lock.el --- syntax coloring for LilyPond mode
3 ;; Copyright (C) 1992,1993,1994 Tim Peters
5 ;; Author: 2001: Heikki Junes
6 ;; * Emacs-mode: new keywords, reserved words, identifiers, notenames,
7 ;; some dynamics and brackets are font-lock-keywords
8 ;; Author: 1997: Han-Wen Nienhuys
9 ;; Author: 1995-1996 Barry A. Warsaw
10 ;; 1992-1994 Tim Peters
11 ;; Created: Feb 1992
12 ;; Version: 0.0
13 ;; Last Modified: 14SEP2001
14 ;; Keywords: lilypond languages music notation
16 ;; This software is provided as-is, without express or implied
17 ;; warranty. Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute or sell this
18 ;; software, without fee, for any purpose and by any individual or
19 ;; organization, is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright
20 ;; notice and this paragraph appear in all copies.
22 ;; This started out as a cannabalised version of python-mode.el, by hwn
23 ;; For changes see the LilyPond ChangeLog
26 ;; TODO:
27 ;; - should handle block comments too.
28 ;; - handle lexer modes (\header, \melodic, \lyric) etc.
29 ;; - indentation
31 (defconst LilyPond-font-lock-keywords
32 (let* ((keywords '( ; need special order due to over[lapping] of words
34 ;; all letters are lowercase
35 "accepts" "accompany" "addlyrics" "aeolian" "alias" "alternative"
36 "apply" "arpeggio" "autochange" "bar" "break" "breathe" "breve"
37 "beamintervals" "broken" "blend" "bcincipit" "char" "ch" "cg"
38 "chord\\(s\\|stest\\|chordmodifiers\\)?"
39 "clef \\(bass\\|treble\\|violin\\|tenor\\)?"
40 "clipping" "cm" "coda" "complex" "commandspanrequest" "consists\\(end\\)?"
41 "context" "contrabasso" "decr" "default" "denies" "different" "dirs"
42 "down\\(bow\\|prall\\)?" "dorian" "duration" "dynamicscript"
43 "eccentric" "eg" "embeddedps" "endincipit" "elementdescriptions"
44 "ex\\(treme\\)?" "fermata" "f+" "font" "flageolet" "fp" "fragment" "fz"
45 "gliss\\(ando\\)?" "global" "gg" "gmsus" "grace" "gr\\(and\\)?staff"
46 "header" "hsize" "in\\(clude\\|versions\\|visible\\)?" "ionian"
47 "key\\(s\\(ignature\\)?\\)?" "lag" "lheel" "line\\(break\\|prall\\)"
48 "locrian" "longa" "lower" "ltoe" "lydian" "lyrics"
49 "maintainer" "mark" "maxima" "mel\\(isma\\|ody\\)?" "midi" "major"
50 "minor" "mixolydian" "mordent" "monstrous" "multipart" "music"
51 "musicalpitch" "m\\(p\\|f\\|m\\)?" "name" "newpage" "noise\\(beat\\)?"
52 "normal\\(key\\|size\\)" "note\\(name\\)?s" "nt?"
53 "one\\(staff\\)?" "open" "outputproperty" "over\\(ride\\)?"
54 "paper" "partcombine" "partial" "penalty" "phrygian" "pitch" "p+"
55 "property" "pt" "prall\\(mordent\\|prall\\|up\\)?" "quickmeasure"
56 "relative" "remove" "repeat" "rever\\(t\\|seturn\\)" "rf" "rheel" "rhythm"
57 "right" "rtoe" "scales?" "scheme" "score" "scpaper" "script" "scscore" "sd"
58 "segno" "sequential" "set\\(tings\\)?" "sf\\(f\\|z\\)?" "shortlong"
59 "simultaneous" "singlepart" "skip" "small" "smarttranspose" "spanrequest"
60 "staccato" "staff\\(height\\|space\\)" "start" "stop\\(ped\\)?"
61 "st\\(paper\\|score\\)" "stuff" "stylesheet" "su" "tab" "tempo" "tenuto"
62 "textscript" "thenotes" "thrd" "threevoice" "thumb" "tilt\\(down\\|up\\)"
63 "timb" "times?" "timpani" "tiny" "toeters" "touch" "trans\\(lator\\|pose\\)"
64 "trill" "trombe" "turn" "type" "t\\(wo\\(voice\\(steminvert\\)?\\)?\\)?"
65 "un\\(der\\|set\\)" "up\\(bow\\|per\\|prall\\)?" "version"
66 "viol\\(a\\|in\\(incipit\\)?\\|oncello\\)" "visible" "voicedefault" "vsize"
67 "x" "zagers?" "z\\(eu\\|o\\)ger"
71 (identifiers '(
73 ;; in principle, have one or more uppercase letters
74 "\\(\\(BarNumbering\\|Choir\\|Grand\\|HaraKiri\\|OrchestralPart\\|Piano\\|Rhythmic\\)Staff\\|\\(Cue\\|Lyrics\\)?Voice\\|\\(Orchestral\\)?Score\\|ChordNames\\|Grace\\|Lyrics\\|StaffGroup\\|Thread\\)Context" ; *Context
75 "\\(script\\|dots\\|dynamic\\|slur\\|stem\\|sustain\\|tie\\|tuplet\\)\\(Both\\|Down\\|Up\\)" ; *(Both/Down/Up)
76 "\\(slur\\|tie\\)\\(Dotted\\|Solid\\)" ; *(Dotted/Solid)
77 "\\(autoBeam\\|cadenza\\|impro\\|turn\\)\\(Off\\|On\\)" ; *(On/Off)
78 "\\(empty\\|fat\\)Text" ; *Text
79 "shift\\(On+\\|Off\\|I\\|II\\|III\\|IV\\|V\\)" ; shift*
80 "EasyNotation"
81 "\\(hide\\|show\\)StaffSwitch"
82 "\\(lower\\|upper\\)Voice"
83 "voice\\(One\\|Two\\|Three\\|Four\\|B\\|C\\|D\\|E\\)" ; voice*
84 "paper\\(Eleven\\|Sixteen\\|Thirteen\\|TwentySix\\)" ; paper*
85 "\\(lower\\|upper\\)\\(Octave\\|One\\)" ; (lower/upper)*
86 "hairyChord"
87 "\\(Piano\\|Rhythmic\\)\\(Staff\\)?"
88 "\\(clarinetti\\|fagotti\\|flauti\\|melodic\\|oboi\\|\\(quite\\|rather\\|somewhat\\)LongLyrics\\|violinoII?\\)?\\(Staff\\)?" ; *Staff
89 "\\(archi\\|bassi\\|legni\\|ottoni\\|timpani\\|viole\\|violini\\)\\(Group\\)" ; *Group
90 "melisma\\(End\\)?" "staff\\(One\\|Two\\)?" "rests\\(II\\)?" "specialKey"
91 "noBreak" "paperTwentysix" "endHorizScript" "FontBody" "text(I)+"
95 (reservedwords '(
97 ;; Other words which look nicer when colored
98 "Accidentals" "autoBeamSettings" "BarLine" "Beam"
99 "ChordName\\([s]?\\|s.[a-zA-Z]*\\)" "Grace\\(.[a-zA-Z]*\\)?"
100 "\\(Grand\\|Piano\\)Staff" "Lyrics\\(.[a-zA-Z]*\\)?" "NoteHead"
101 "Score\\(.[a-zA-Z]*\\)" "Stem" "Staff\\(Symbol\\)?" "TextScript"
102 "TimeSignature" "Voice\\(.[a-zA-Z]*\\)?"
106 (kwregex (mapconcat (lambda (x) (concat "\\\\" x)) keywords "\\|"))
107 (iregex (mapconcat (lambda (x) (concat "\\\\" x)) identifiers "\\|"))
108 (rwregex (mapconcat (lambda (x) (concat "" x)) reservedwords "\\|"))
111 (list
112 ;; Fonts in use (from GNU Emacs Lisp Reference Manual,
113 ;; font-lock- comment / string / keyword / builtin / function-name /
114 ;; variable-name / type / constant / warning -face
116 '("\\([_^]?\\\\[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z]*\\)" 1 font-lock-constant-face)
117 '("\\(\\(#'\\)?[a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z.\-]*[ \t]*=[ \t]*#\\)" 1 font-lock-variable-name-face)
118 '("\\([a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z.\-]*\\)[ \t]*=[ \t]*" 1 font-lock-variable-name-face)
119 '("[ \t]*=[ \t]*\\([a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z]*\\)" 1 font-lock-variable-name-face)
122 ;; other reserved words
123 (cons (concat "\\(" rwregex "\\)") 'font-lock-variable-name-face)
125 ;; highlight note names; separate notes from (other than ')'-type) brackets
126 '("[ <\{[~()\t]\\(\\(\\(\\(do\\|re\\|mi\\|fa\\|sol\\|la\\|si\\)\\(bb?\\|dd?\\|ss?\\)?\\)\\|\\([a-hsr]\\(flat\\(flat\\)?\\|sharp\\(sharp\\)?\\|ff?\\|ss?\\|is\\(siss\\|s\\|is\\)?\\|es\\(sess\\|s\\|es\\)?\\)?\\)\\|\\(as\\(as\\|es\\)?\\)\\|\\(es\\(es\\)?\\)\\|\\(bb\\)\\)[,']*\\(64\\|32\\|16\\|8\\|4\\|2\\|1\\)?[.]*\\)" 1 font-lock-type-face)
128 ;; highlight identifiers
129 (cons (concat "\\([_^]?\\(" iregex "\\)\\)+\\($\\|[] \t(~{}>\\\\]\\)") '(0 font-lock-function-name-face t))
131 ;; highlight keywords
132 (cons (concat "\\([_^]?\\(" kwregex "\\)\\)+\\($\\|[] \t(~{}>\\\\]\\)") '(0 font-lock-keyword-face t))
134 '("\\([][><}{]\\)" 0 font-lock-warning-face t)
136 '("\\([(~)]\\|\\\\<\\|\\\\!\\|\\\\>\\)" 0 font-lock-builtin-face t)
138 ;; highlight comments (again)
139 '("\\(%.*\\)" 0 font-lock-comment-face t)
143 "Additional expressions to highlight in LilyPond mode.")
145 ;; define a mode-specific abbrev table for those who use such things
146 (defvar LilyPond-mode-abbrev-table nil
147 "Abbrev table in use in `LilyPond-mode' buffers.")
149 (define-abbrev-table 'LilyPond-mode-abbrev-table nil)
151 (defvar LilyPond-mode-syntax-table nil
152 "Syntax table used in `LilyPond-mode' buffers.")
155 (if LilyPond-mode-syntax-table
157 (setq LilyPond-mode-syntax-table (make-syntax-table))
158 (mapcar (function
159 (lambda (x) (modify-syntax-entry
160 (car x) (cdr x) LilyPond-mode-syntax-table)))
161 '(( ?\( . "()" ) ( ?\) . ")(" ) ; need matching parens for inline lisp
162 ( ?\[ . "." ) ( ?\] . "." )
163 ( ?\{ . "(}" ) ( ?\} . "){" )
164 ( ?\< . "(>" )( ?\> . ")>")
165 ( ?\$ . "." ) ( ?\% . "." ) ( ?\& . "." )
166 ( ?\* . "." ) ( ?\+ . "." ) ( ?\- . "." )
167 ( ?\/ . "." ) ( ?\= . "." )
168 ( ?\| . "." ) (?\\ . "\\" )
169 ( ?\_ . "." )
170 ( ?\' . "w")
171 ( ?\" . "\"" )
172 ( ?\% . "<")
173 ( ?\n . ">")
175 ; FIXME
176 ; ( ?% . ". 124b" )
177 ; ( ?{ . ". 23" )