[mod_authn_gssapi] 500 if fail to delegate creds (#2967)
[lighttpd.git] / tests / scgi-responder.conf
1 server.document-root         = env.SRCDIR + "/tmp/lighttpd/servers/www.example.org/pages/"
3 #debug.log-request-header   = "enable"
4 #debug.log-response-header  = "enable"
5 #debug.log-request-handling = "enable"
7 ## bind to port (default: 80)
8 server.port                 = 2048
10 ## bind to localhost (default: all interfaces)
11 server.bind                = "localhost"
12 server.errorlog            = env.SRCDIR + "/tmp/lighttpd/logs/lighttpd.error.log"
13 server.breakagelog         = env.SRCDIR + "/tmp/lighttpd/logs/lighttpd.breakage.log"
14 server.name                = "www.example.org"
15 server.tag                 = "Apache 1.3.29"
17 server.modules = (
18         "mod_scgi",
19         "mod_accesslog",
22 accesslog.filename = env.SRCDIR + "/tmp/lighttpd/logs/lighttpd.access.log"
24 scgi.debug = 0
25 scgi.server = (
26         ".scgi" => (
27                 "grisu" => (
28                         "host" => "",
29                         "port" => 10000,
30                         "bin-path" => env.SRCDIR + "/scgi-responder",
31                         "check-local" => "disable",
32                         "max-procs" => 1,
33                         "min-procs" => 1,
34                 ),
35         ),
38 $HTTP["host"] == "wsgi.example.org" {
39         scgi.server = (
40                 "/" => ( (
41                         "host" => "", "port" => 10000,
42                         "fix-root-scriptname" => "enable",
43                         "check-local" => "disable",
44                         "bin-path" => env.SRCDIR + "/scgi-responder",
45                         "max-procs" => 1,
46                 ) ),
47         )