misc fixes to LM
[light-and-matter.git] / sn / simple.cls
1 % notes on wrapfig:
2 % wrapfig: for 2 figs in a row, both need to be in same wrapfig
3 % wrapfig doesn't work in a theorem environment, so can't implement dqs and egs as thms
4 % do wrapfig just before first line of a para
5 % I thought it was messing up (positioning too far down) if I used it near a sectioning
6 % command, but that doesn't seem to be the case. Sometimes works if you put it right
7 % above the sectioning command. Other times when I thought it was a problem with the
8 % sectioning command, changing the sectioning command to a styling command didn't help.
10 % example of how to do explanatory text in square brackets to the right of an equation:
11 % \begin{multline*}
12 % v_t = \omega r \qquad . \hfill
13 % \shoveright{\text{[tangential velocity of a point at a}}\\
14 % \text{distance $r$ from the axis of rotation]}
15 % \end{multline*}
17 % Summary of my sectioning:
18 % \mychapter{}, all words with initial caps in title
19 % \mysection{}, all words with initial caps in title; first section in a chapter needs \mysection[0]{}
20 % \mysubsection[x]{}, only first word in title capitalized
21 % \subsubsection{}, only first in title word capitalized
23 % Notes about design:
24 % Subsections and subsubsections are not numbered.
25 % Only capitalize first word of example titles, subsections.
26 % Panels within figures are numbered 1, 2, etc, in 9-point sans.
27 % Figures are numbered within sections. (This could result in high letters,
28 % but doing subsections leads to incongruous starting over from "a.")
29 % All figures have to have captions, since otherwise "c/" looks bare.
30 % Where L&M had a series of panels (a), (b), ..., SN has
31 % a single letter, but a series of panels 1, 2, etc.
32 % Refer to panels as a/1, etc. Panels without captions have (1), ... inside the figure.
33 % Text within figures is 10-point Helvetica, except labels 1, 2, etc. All text within figures
34 % is upright, even math variables.
35 % Punctuation after displayed equations: \qquad in between.
36 % Subscripts are italic, since this is what LaTeX makes it easy for me to do.
37 % Equation numbers, when used, go on the left, to allow room for notes on the
38 % right. Equation numbers are in square brackets,
39 % numbered within sections.
40 % Problem with equation numbers in examples: not indented, and not in sans.
41 % page breaks:
42 % mysection makes a pagebreak by default, but can give it an optional parameter
43 % to make it less likely to happen.
44 % subsection environment makes a pagebreak[3] by default, which usually doesn't result
45 % in a pagebreak, but can use optional argument 4 to force it
46 % Introducing page breaks always seems to make equations get spaced out a whole
47 % bunch, which looks stupid. This seems to happen even if I sprinkle
48 % \myeqnspacing all over the place. The solution is to precede the page
49 % break with a \vfill.
50 % Differentials and vectors are upright. Can do bold vectors with \boldmath outside of math mode,
51 % or \mathbf or \boldsymbol in math mode.
52 % In example title, first letter of first word is capitalized.
53 % When an example has more than one part, number them (1), (2),...
55 % Figures mostly in Adobe Illustrator 6 EPS. In some cases, I've saved them as
56 % Illustrator 1 EPS to save space; however, it isn't possible to do this with
57 % figures that have text in them, because, at least on my MacOS 9/X system,
58 % Illustrator gets confused about the fonts. (Also, named colors are lost
59 % in Illustrator 1 EPS.)
61 % I've activated pdflatex's margin kerning feature. For the fonts used in this
62 % book, I decided that the margins appeared straightest when I modified
63 % protcode.tex to use half the amount of margin kerning that was supplied by
64 % default. (One expects this to be completely dependent on the font and size.)
66 \pdfminorversion=4 % force pdf 1.4 output; http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/95973/is-pdftex-1-40-13-outputting-malformed-pdfs
68 \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}
69 \ProvidesClass{simple}
71 \LoadClass[11pt]{book}
72 % Note that 11 pt does work with pdflatex, even though 11 pt is not one of the sizes
73 % of CM. I don't know whether it scales up 10 pt or scales down 12 pt, but anyway, it
74 % works.
76 \usepackage[french,english]{babel}
78 \RequirePackage{makeidx,wrapfig,fancyhdr,calc,titlesec,titletoc,amssymb,moreverb,ifthen,framed,alphalph,cancel,learn-cmd-syntax,url,xstring,comment,navigator}
79 \RequirePackage{color}%see pdftex mailing list, 2004 May 22-23
80 %====================== counters =====================================================
81 \newcounter{dqctr}[subsection]
82 \newcounter{egctr}[chapter]
83 \newcounter{scctr}[chapter]
84 \newcounter{hwctr}[chapter]
86 \StartSaveCommands % for learn-cmd-syntax
88 \RequirePackage{lmlanguage,lmlayout,lmfigs,lmenvironments,lmmath}
91 \renewcommand{\sfdefault}{phv}
92 % ... helvetica for sans serif; this has to come before sansmath.sty
93 \RequirePackage[EULERGREEK]{sansmath}
94 % ... sansmath.sty by Donald Arseneau, to be released ca. 3/2002.
95 % The EULERGREEK option is necessary with Helvetica, because otherwise
96 % there is no uppercase Greek. He actually doesn't recommend using sansmath.sty
97 % with Helvetica, since some of the symbols match the letters poorly, but
98 % I had hundreds of preexisting figures with Helvetica in them.
99 \RequirePackage[leqno]{amsmath}
100 \RequirePackage[absolute]{textpos}% ---- http://nxg.me.uk/dist/textpos/
101 % The following line is for margin kerning. There is more stuff
102 % relating to margin kerning after the begin{document}, and that's
103 % where to go if I want to turn it off.
104 \newboolean{wantmarginkerning}
105 \setboolean{wantmarginkerning}{true}
106 \newcommand{\inputprotcode}{\ifthenelse{\boolean{wantmarginkerning}}{\input protcode.tex}{}}
108 \definecolor{shadecolor}{gray}{.85} % for framed.sty
110 %=====================================================================================
111 % In DP, we use italics for figref, but in LM that would look too much like an algebra
112 % symbol, so no italics.
113 \newcommand{\formatfigref}[1]{#1}
116 %========================= sans serif math stuff =========================
117 % sansmath.sty takes care of it. The following is just to get back to normal
118 % math mode:
119 \newcommand{\lmserifmath}{\mathversion{normal}\everymath{}\everydisplay{}}
120 %========================= design =========================
121 \definecolor{subsecnumgray}{gray}{.55}
122 \newcommand{\showsubsecnum}[1]{\color{subsecnumgray}#1} % <----------- caused mysterious errors in Acrobat, starting April 2004 -- why????
124 % titlesec stuff:
125 \titleformat{\part}[display]
126 {\normalfont\huge\bfseries\sffamily}{Part \thepart}{0mm}{\Huge}
127 \titleformat{\chapter}[display]
128 {\normalfont\huge\bfseries\sffamily}{Chapter \thechapter}{0mm}{\Huge}
129 \titleformat{\section}
130 {\normalfont\Large\bfseries\sffamily}{\showsubsecnum{\thesection}}{0.6em}{}
131 \titleformat{\subsection}
132 {\normalfont\normalsize\bfseries\sffamily}{\showsubsecnum{\thesubsection}}{0.6em}{}
133 \titleformat{\subsubsection}
134 {\normalfont\normalsize\slshape}{\thesubsubsection}{1em}{}
136 \titlespacing*{\chapter}{0mm}{4mm}{6mm}
137 \titlespacing*{\chapter}{0mm}{4mm}{6mm}
138 \titlespacing*{\section}{0mm}{4mm}{0mm}
139 \titlespacing{\subsection}{0mm}{1mm}{-0.5mm}
140 \titlespacing{\subsubsection}{0mm}{1mm}{-0.5mm}
142 \newcommand{\formatlikechapter}[1]{\huge{\bfseries{\sffamily{#1}}}\normalsize\normalfont}
143 \newcommand{\formatlikesection}[1]{\Large{\bfseries{\sffamily{#1}}}\normalsize\normalfont}
144 \newcommand{\formatlikesubsection}[1]{\bfseries{\sffamily{#1}}\normalsize\normalfont}
145 \newcommand{\formatlikesubsubsection}[1]{\textsl{#1}\normalsize\normalfont}
147 %Summary appendix:
148 \newcommand{\summarych}[2]{\noindent\formatlikesection{Chapter \ref{#1}, #2, page \pageref{#1}}\label{summary#1}\\}
149 \newcommand{\sumem}[1]{\emph{#1}}
152 \newcommand{\hwanshdr}[1]{\noindent\textbf{Page \pageref{hw:#1}, problem \ref{hw:#1}:}\ }
153 \newcommand{\hwsolnhdr}[1]{\noindent\textbf{Page \pageref{hw:#1}, problem \ref{hw:#1}:}\label{soln:#1}\ }
154 \newcommand{\scanshdr}[1]{\noindent\textbf{Page \pageref{sc:#1}:}\ \label{scans:#1}}
156 %-------------------- fancyhdr -------------------
157 \newcommand{\yesiwantarabic}{\renewcommand{\thepage}{\arabic{page}}}
158 \renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0mm}
159 \renewcommand{\footrulewidth}{0mm}
160 %\setlength{\headrulewidth}{0mm}
161 \newcommand{\printthesection}{Section\ \thesection} % for titlesec, hw environment
162 % LaTeX companion, p. 96
163 % Force headings outward, so they're not confined to text column:
164 \setlength{\headwidth}{\textwidth}
165 \addtolength{\headwidth}{\marginfigoverhang}
166 \newlength{\myfooterspace}
167 \setlength{\myfooterspace}{5mm}
168 \newlength{\myfooterspacep}
169 \setlength{\myfooterspacep}{19mm}
170 \pagestyle{fancy}
171 \renewcommand{\chaptermark}[1]%
172 {\markboth{\textsf{Chapter\ \thechapter\hspace{\myfooterspace}#1}}{}}
173 \renewcommand{\sectionmark}[1]%
174 {\markright{\textsf{\printthesection\hspace{\myfooterspace}#1}}{}}
175 %\newcommand{\myheadertext}{\textsf{PRELIMINARY VERSION}}
176 \newcommand{\myheadertext}{}
177 \lhead[\myheadertext]{}
178 \chead[]{}
179 \rhead[]{\myheadertext}
180 \lfoot[\textbf{\textsf{\thepage}} \hspace{\myfooterspacep} \nouppercase{\textsf{\leftmark}}]{}
181 \cfoot[]{}
182 \rfoot[]{\nouppercase{\textsf{\rightmark}} \hspace{\myfooterspacep} \textbf{\textsf{\thepage}}}
183 \fancypagestyle{plain}{%
184 \fancyfoot{} %
185 %\fancyfoot[R]{\textbf{\textsf{\thepage}}}%
187 %-------------------- epigraph commands -------------------
188 \newcommand{\epigraphlong}[2]{
189 \noindent{}#1\par
190 \noindent{}\myindented{10mm}{\textit{#2}}
193 \newcommand{\epigraph}[2]{
194 #1 \hspace*{\fill}\nolinebreak[1]\hspace*{\fill}\textit{#2}
196 %...based on an example on p. 443 of LaTeX Companion
197 \newcommand{\mysection}[2][4]{\pagebreak[#1]\zapcounters\section{#2}\myeqnspacing\normalcaptions}
198 \newcommand{\myoptionalsection}[2][4]{\pagebreak[#1]\section{$\star$ #2}\myeqnspacing}
199 \newcommand{\mysubsection}[2][4]{\pagebreak[#1]\subsection{#2}}
200 \newcommand{\myoptionalsubsection}[2][3]{\pagebreak[#1]\subsection{$\star$ #2}}
201 %-------------------- homework remark -------------------
202 \newcommand{\hwremark}[1]{\par\noindent\footnotesize{\textit{Remark:\/} #1}}
203 %-------------------- photo credit command -------------------
204 \newcommand{\photocredit}[1]{\footnotesize{(\textit{#1})}}
205 %-------------------- theorem header -------------------
206 \newcommand{\mythmhdr}[1]{\noindent\textbf{#1:}}
208 %-------------------- counters -------------------
209 \newcounter{figctr}[section] % for my roll-your-own captions
210 \newcounter{appendixctr}
211 \renewcommand{\thefigctr}{\alphalph{\value{figctr}}}
212 %-------------------- equation numbering -------------------
213 \numberwithin{equation}{section}
214 % Equation numbers have square brackets:
215 % Original code from amsmath.sty:
216 % \def\tagform@#1{\maketag@@@{(\ignorespaces#1\unskip\@@italiccorr)}}
217 % Change it as follows:
218 \renewcommand{\tagform@}[1]{\maketag@@@{[\ignorespaces#1\unskip\@@italiccorr]}}
219 % Use \eqref to refer to an equation.
220 %\renewcommand{\theequation}{\ensuremath{\fnsymbol{equation}}} % used to use symbols...
221 \renewcommand{\theequation}{\ensuremath{\arabic{equation}}} % ... now using numbers
222 %-------------------- end-of-chapter boilerplate -------------------
223 \newcommand{\backofchapterboilerplate}[1]{%
224 \par\noindent\emph{This chapter is summarized on page \pageref{summarych:#1}. Notation and
225 terminology are tabulated on pages \pageref{notationcompared}-\pageref{notationtable}.}\par
227 %---------------- dqs
228 \newcommand{\dqheaderformat}[1]{\pagebreak[1]\noindent\formatlikesubsection{#1}\nopagebreak\par}
229 \newcommand{\startdq}{\dqheaderformat{Discussion Question}}
230 \newcommand{\startdqs}{\dqheaderformat{Discussion Questions}}
231 \newcommand{\startdqswithintro}[1]%
232 {\pagebreak[1]\noindent\formatlikesubsection{Discussion Questions}\nopagebreak\noindent{\small\sffamily\nopagebreak\\*\noindent #1}}
233 \newenvironment{dq}{%
234 \refstepcounter{dqctr}\noindent\small\sffamily\textbf{\thedqctr}\myeqnspacing\protect\sansmath%
235 \setlength{\parindent}{0mm}%undone by normalparafmt
238 \normalparafmt
239 \lmserifmath\par\myeqnspacing
241 \renewcommand{\thedqctr}{\Alph{dqctr}}
242 %-------------------- hw section & hw problem environments-------------------
243 \newcommand{\hwdifficulty}{0}
244 % ... This needs to be a global variable because I only display the symbol in \end{hw},
245 % which doesn't have access to #1.
246 \newsavebox{\hwtrailingstuff}
247 % There is also a boolean register, hwhavetrailing, defined under AtBeginDocument.
249 \newenvironment{hwsection}[1][Problems]{\newpage
250 \setcounter{secnumdepth}{0}%
251 \renewcommand{\printthesection}{}%
252 \setcounter{figure}{0}%
253 \begingroup%
254 \renewcommand{\addcontentsline}[3]{}% temporarily disable \addcontentsline
255 \mysection{#1}%
256 \endgroup
257 \hwcaptions
258 The symbols \hwcheckmark, \displayhwdifficulty{1}, etc.
259 are explained on page \pageref{hwsymbols\chapdir}.}
260 {\noindent \vfill\noindent\emph{Key to symbols:}\label{hwsymbols\chapdir} \\
261 \displayhwdifficulty{0} easy \quad
262 \displayhwdifficulty{1} typical \quad
263 \displayhwdifficulty{2} challenging \quad
264 \displayhwdifficulty{3} difficult \quad
265 \displayhwdifficulty{4} very difficult \\
266 \hwcheckmark \quad An answer check is available at www.lightandmatter.com.
267 \normalcaptions%
268 \setcounter{secnumdepth}{2}%
270 % ... The \setcounter{secnumdepth} stuff is the way the author of titlesec suggests doing
271 % this. Using section* messes up footers & toc.
273 \newcommand{\currenthwlabel}{}
274 \newcommand{\calccrud}{}
275 \newenvironment{homework}[3]
276 {\refstepcounter{hwctr}\label{hw:#1}\noindent\textbf{\thehwctr}%
277 \renewcommand{\hwdifficulty}{#2}%
278 \hwcleartrailingstuff
279 \renewcommand{\currenthwlabel}{#1}
280 \quad%
281 \renewcommand{\calccrud}{}
282 \ifthenelse{\equal{#3}{1}}{\renewcommand{\calccrud}{\hwaddtrailingstuff{$\int$}}}{}
285 \calccrud
286 \hwaddtrailingstuff{%
287 \displayhwdifficulty{\hwdifficulty}
289 \hwflushtrailingstuff\par%
291 \newenvironment{homeworkforcelabel}[4]
292 {\renewcommand{\@currentlabel}{#4}\label{hw:#1}\noindent\textbf{#4}%
293 \renewcommand{\hwdifficulty}{#2}%
294 \hwcleartrailingstuff
295 \renewcommand{\currenthwlabel}{#1}
296 \quad%
297 \renewcommand{\calccrud}{}
298 \ifthenelse{\equal{#3}{1}}{\renewcommand{\calccrud}{\hwaddtrailingstuff{$\int$}}}{}
301 \calccrud
302 \hwaddtrailingstuff{%
303 \displayhwdifficulty{\hwdifficulty}
305 \hwflushtrailingstuff\par%
308 \newcommand{\hwendpart}[1][3]{\hwflushtrailingstuff[#1]\\}
309 % The optional argument ends up being passed to \nolinebreak. It defaults to 3, but
310 % you can make it 2 or 4 if it seems to be making the wrong decision.
311 % If there is only one part to the problem, or if you're fiddling with the very last
312 % part of a multipart problem, I think you can add a gratuitous \hwendpart, but
313 % except in this situation, don't do \hwendpart after the last part, because sometimes
314 % it causes extra blank lines to appear.
316 \newcommand{\hwhint}[1]{\hwaddtrailingstuff{\hwtriangle\ Hint, p. \pageref{#1}}}
317 \newcommand{\hwans}[1]{\hwaddtrailingstuff{\hwtriangle\ Answer, p. \pageref{#1}}}
318 \newcommand{\hwsoln}{\hwaddtrailingstuff{\hwtriangle\ Solution, p. \pageref{soln:\currenthwlabel}}}
319 \newcommand{\answercheck}{\hwaddtrailingstuff{\hwcheckmark}}
320 \newcommand{\displayhwdifficulty}[1]{\includegraphics{resources/difficulty#1}}
322 \newcommand{\hwtriangle}{$\triangleright$}
323 \newcommand{\hwcheckmark}{\scriptsize\raisebox{1mm}{$\surd$}\normalsize}
325 \newcommand{\hwflushtrailingstuff}[1][3]{\ifthenelse{\boolean{hwhavetrailing}}{\hwfill{#1}\usebox{\hwtrailingstuff}\hwcleartrailingstuff}{}}
327 \newcommand{\hwcleartrailingstuff}{\sbox{\hwtrailingstuff}{}\setboolean{hwhavetrailing}{false}}
329 \newcommand{\hwaddtrailingstuff}[1]{\sbox{\hwtrailingstuff}{\usebox{\hwtrailingstuff}\quad{}#1}%
330 \setboolean{hwhavetrailing}{true}}
332 \newcommand{\hwfill}[1]{\hspace*{\fill}\nolinebreak[#1]\nopagebreak[1]\hspace*{\fill}}
333 % ... cf LaTeX Companion, p. 443
336 \newcommand{\scans}[1]{$\triangleright$\ Answer, p. \pageref{scans:#1}}
337 %=========================
338 % exsection
339 % used for exercises in SN, based on hw section
340 % There is something similar called handson in LM.
342 \newenvironment{exsection}{
343 \setcounter{secnumdepth}{0} % Don't number this section.
344 \renewcommand{\printthesection}{} % Footers should read ``Exercises,'' not ``Section X.Y Exercises''
345 \hwcaptions % figures in ex section don't have a, b, c, labels
346 \setcounter{figure}{0} %
347 \nomarginlayout %
348 \onecolumn % I don't understand why this is necessary, but it is. If I don't do it, no change in format occurs.
349 \setlength{\parindent}{0mm} % undone by normalparafmt
350 \mysection{Exercises} % Has the side-effect of generating a page break.
351 \setcounter{secnumdepth}{2} % Start numbering sections again.
352 % The \setcounter{secnumdepth} stuff is the way the author of titlesec suggests doing
353 % this. Using section* messes up footers & toc.
356 \vfill\normallayout\normalparafmt %
357 \onecolumn % See above.
359 \newcommand{\extitle}[2]{%
360 \noindent\formatlikesubsection{Exercise \thechapter{}#1: #2}
363 %=========================
364 \newcommand{\mynormaltype}{\normalsize\normalfont\myeqnspacing}
365 \newcommand{\myeqnspacing}{
366 \setlength{\abovedisplayskip}{4mm plus 1mm minus 3mm}
367 \setlength{\belowdisplayskip}{4mm plus 1mm minus 3mm}
368 \setlength{\abovedisplayshortskip}{0mm plus 1mm}
369 \setlength{\belowdisplayshortskip}{2mm plus 1mm minus 1mm}
371 %==============================toc==================================
372 \newcommand{\link}[2]{\protect\jumplink{anchor-#1}{\textcolor{blue}{#2}}} % navigator package
373 \newcommand{\brieftocentry}[3][\quad]% #1=\hfill (LM and Me.) or \quad (other books), #2=label, #3=title,
374 {\ref{#2} & #3 #1 \pageref{#2}}
375 \newcommand{\brieftocentrywithlink}[3][\quad]% #1=\hfill (LM and Me.) or \quad (other books), #2=label, #3=title,
376 {\link{#2}{\ref{#2}} & \link{#2}{#3} #1 \link{#2}{\pageref{#2}}}
377 \newcommand{\toclinewithlink}[4]% #1=subsection, etc., #2=label, #3=title, #4=\thesubsection, etc.
379 \addcontentsline{toc}{#1}{\protect\numberline{#4}\link{#2}{#3}}%
381 \newcommand{\toclinewithoutlink}[4]% #1=subsection, etc., #2=label, #3=title, #4=\thesubsection, etc.
383 \addcontentsline{toc}{#1}{\protect\numberline{#4}#3}%
385 \newcommand{\formatchtoc}[3]{%
386 \titlecontents{chapter}[0mm]{\addvspace{#3}\sffamily}%
387 {\contentsmargin{0mm}#1\thecontentslabel\enspace#1}%
388 {\contentsmargin{0mm}#1}{#2}[]%
390 \contentsmargin{6mm}
391 \titlecontents{part}[0mm]{\addvspace{5mm}\sffamily\bfseries}
392 {\contentsmargin{0mm}\bfseries\Large{}\thecontentslabel\enspace\Large}
393 {\contentsmargin{0mm}\Large}{}[\addvspace{2mm}]
394 \titlecontents{section}[0mm]{\sffamily}
395 {\contentsmargin{0mm}\thecontentslabel\enspace}
396 {}{\titlerule*[4mm]{.}\contentspage}
397 % In the following, titlecontents* is titletoc's way of saying I want subsections listed in a single paragraph.
398 \titlecontents*{subsection}[1.5em]{\small}{}%
399 {}{, \thecontentspage}[.---][.]
400 \titlecontents{subsubsection}[]{}{}{}{}[]
401 %========================= graphicx package=========================
402 \usepackage{graphicx}
403 %========================= AtBeginDocument stuff=========================
404 \AtBeginDocument{
405 \newboolean{hwhavetrailing}
406 \DeclareGraphicsExtensions{.pdf,.jpg,.png}
407 \newcommand{\chapdir}{glub}
408 \myeqnspacing
409 % This gets reset any time I do normalsize, so have to do it after preamble,
410 % and have to use \mynormaltype rather than \normalsize
413 \StopSaveCommands % for learn-cmd-syntax
414 \WriteSaveCommands % for learn-cmd-syntax