Bug 8489: Revise Ubuntu install files
1) Changed ubuntu-pkg-check.sh to use lsb_release to determine version
of ubuntu.{version}.packages file. If a versioned file does not
exist, the user is warned, and ubuntu.packages is used. Told the
user which file is being used. Caught apt-cache policy errors nicely.
NOTE: ubuntu.packages MUST BE A COPY OF THE
LATEST ubuntu.{version}.packages FILE!
2) Moved: ubuntu.packages -> ubuntu.10.04.packages
ubuntu_maverick.packages -> ubuntu.10.10.packages
ubuntu.precise.packages -> ubuntu.12.04 packages
(last file created new, but effectively supersedes bug 8488)
3) Tweaked ubuntu.12.04.packages:
* changed yaz3 references to yaz4
* dropped libmysqlclient16-dev
* changed libmysqlclient16 to libmysqlclient18
4) Copied the ubuntu.12.04.packages file to ubuntu.packages
Signed-off-by: Jared Camins-Esakov <jcamins@cpbibliography.com>