Bug 19730: (follow-up bug 17196) Use biblio_metadata.timestamp in export_records.pl
Since bug 17196, biblioitems.timestamp is not always updated after a
change in the MARC record.
Filtering should be based on biblio_metadata.timestamp instead.
0. Do not apply patch
1. Find a biblio record, remember the biblionumber for step 3
2. Edit the record, modify a field (e.g. 003, 015$q) that is
not mapped to a DB column, so biblio_metadata.timestamp will
be modified but not biblioitems.timestamp
3. In MySQL with the koha database selected:
> select timestamp from biblio where biblionumber=###;
> select timestamp from biblio_metadata where biblionumber=###;
-- you'll need to change the ###'s based on the biblionumber
you remembered in step 1.
-- the two timestamps will differ.
-- Remember the timestamp of biblio_metadata for step 4.
4. Run this command:
$ sudo koha-shell -c bash kohadev
$ export DATE="YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:SS"
-- use the timestamp remembered in step 3.
5. Run this command:
$ ./misc/export_records.pl --date="$DATE"
$ ls -la koha.mrc
-- the file should be 0 bytes.
6. Run this command:
$ exit
$ git bz apply 19730
$ restart_all
$ sudo koha-shell -c bash kohadev
$ export DATE="YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:SS"
-- use the timestamp remembered in step 3.
7. Run this command:
$ ./misc/export_records.pl --date="$DATE"
$ ls -la koha.mrc
-- the file should be a lot more than 0 bytes.
8. Run this command:
$ /home/vagrant/qa-test-tools/koha-qa.pl -v 2 -c 1
-- this should pass.
Signed-off-by: Mark Tompsett <mtompset@hotmail.com>
Signed-off-by: Marcel de Rooy <m.de.rooy@rijksmuseum.nl>
Signed-off-by: Jonathan Druart <jonathan.druart@bugs.koha-community.org>