Bug 17255 - Upgrade Elastic Search code to work with version 2.4+ - rebased wip
[koha.git] / Koha / SearchEngine / Elasticsearch.pm
1 package Koha::SearchEngine::Elasticsearch;
3 # Copyright 2015 Catalyst IT
5 # This file is part of Koha.
7 # Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
8 # terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
9 # Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
10 # version.
12 # Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
13 # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
14 # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
16 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
17 # with Koha; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
18 # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
20 use base qw(Class::Accessor);
22 use C4::Context;
24 use Koha::Database;
25 use Koha::SearchFields;
26 use Koha::SearchMarcMaps;
28 use Carp;
29 use JSON;
30 use Modern::Perl;
31 use Readonly;
32 use YAML::Syck;
34 use Data::Dumper; # TODO remove
36 __PACKAGE__->mk_ro_accessors(qw( index ));
37 __PACKAGE__->mk_accessors(qw( sort_fields ));
39 # Constants to refer to the standard index names
40 Readonly our $BIBLIOS_INDEX => 'biblios';
41 Readonly our $AUTHORITIES_INDEX => 'authorities';
43 =head1 NAME
45 Koha::SearchEngine::Elasticsearch - Base module for things using elasticsearch
47 =head1 ACCESSORS
49 =over 4
51 =item index
53 The name of the index to use, generally 'biblios' or 'authorities'.
55 =back
57 =head1 FUNCTIONS
59 =cut
61 sub new {
62 my $class = shift @_;
63 my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_);
64 # Check for a valid index
65 croak('No index name provided') unless $self->index;
66 return $self;
69 =head2 get_elasticsearch_params
71 my $params = $self->get_elasticsearch_params();
73 This provides a hashref that contains the parameters for connecting to the
74 ElasicSearch servers, in the form:
77 'nodes' => ['', 'anotherserver:9200'],
78 'index_name' => 'koha_instance_index',
81 This is configured by the following in the C<config> block in koha-conf.xml:
83 <elasticsearch>
84 <server></server>
85 <server>anotherserver:9200</server>
86 <index_name>koha_instance</index_name>
87 </elasticsearch>
89 =cut
91 sub get_elasticsearch_params {
92 my ($self) = @_;
94 # Copy the hash so that we're not modifying the original
95 my $conf = C4::Context->config('elasticsearch');
96 die "No 'elasticsearch' block is defined in koha-conf.xml.\n" if ( !$conf );
97 my $es = { %{ $conf } };
99 # Helpfully, the multiple server lines end up in an array for us anyway
100 # if there are multiple ones, but not if there's only one.
101 my $server = $es->{server};
102 delete $es->{server};
103 if ( ref($server) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
105 # store it called 'nodes' (which is used by newer Search::Elasticsearch)
106 $es->{nodes} = $server;
108 elsif ($server) {
109 $es->{nodes} = [$server];
111 else {
112 die "No elasticsearch servers were specified in koha-conf.xml.\n";
114 die "No elasticserver index_name was specified in koha-conf.xml.\n"
115 if ( !$es->{index_name} );
116 # Append the name of this particular index to our namespace
117 $es->{index_name} .= '_' . $self->index;
119 $es->{key_prefix} = 'es_';
120 return $es;
123 =head2 get_elasticsearch_settings
125 my $settings = $self->get_elasticsearch_settings();
127 This provides the settings provided to elasticsearch when an index is created.
128 These can do things like define tokenisation methods.
130 A hashref containing the settings is returned.
132 =cut
134 sub get_elasticsearch_settings {
135 my ($self) = @_;
137 # Ultimately this should come from a file or something, and not be
138 # hardcoded.
139 my $settings = {
140 index => {
141 analysis => {
142 analyzer => {
143 analyser_phrase => {
144 tokenizer => 'keyword',
145 filter => ['lowercase'],
147 analyser_standard => {
148 tokenizer => 'standard',
149 filter => ['lowercase'],
151 default => {
152 tokenizer => 'keyword',
153 filter => ['lowercase'],
159 return $settings;
162 =head2 get_elasticsearch_mappings
164 my $mappings = $self->get_elasticsearch_mappings();
166 This provides the mappings that get passed to elasticsearch when an index is
167 created.
169 =cut
171 sub get_elasticsearch_mappings {
172 my ($self) = @_;
174 # TODO cache in the object?
175 my $mappings = {
176 data => {
177 properties => {
178 record => {
179 store => "yes",
180 include_in_all => JSON::false,
181 type => "string",
186 my %sort_fields;
187 my $marcflavour = lc C4::Context->preference('marcflavour');
188 $self->_foreach_mapping(
189 sub {
190 my ( $name, $type, $facet, $suggestible, $sort, $marc_type ) = @_;
191 return if $marc_type ne $marcflavour;
193 # TODO if this gets any sort of complexity to it, it should
194 # be broken out into its own function.
196 # TODO be aware of date formats, but this requires pre-parsing
197 # as ES will simply reject anything with an invalid date.
198 my $es_type =
199 $type eq 'boolean'
200 ? 'boolean'
201 : 'string';
203 if ($es_type eq 'boolean') {
204 $mappings->{data}{properties}{$name} = _elasticsearch_mapping_for_boolean( $name, $es_type, $facet, $suggestible, $sort, $marc_type );
205 return; #Boolean cannot have facets nor sorting nor suggestions
206 } else {
207 $mappings->{data}{properties}{$name} = _elasticsearch_mapping_for_default( $name, $es_type, $facet, $suggestible, $sort, $marc_type );
210 if ($facet) {
211 $mappings->{data}{properties}{ $name . '__facet' } = {
212 type => "string",
213 index => "not_analyzed",
216 if ($suggestible) {
217 $mappings->{data}{properties}{ $name . '__suggestion' } = {
218 type => 'completion',
219 analyzer => 'simple',
220 search_analyzer => 'simple',
223 # Sort may be true, false, or undef. Here we care if it's
224 # anything other than undef.
225 if (defined $sort) {
226 $mappings->{data}{properties}{ $name . '__sort' } = {
227 search_analyzer => "analyser_phrase",
228 analyzer => "analyser_phrase",
229 type => "string",
230 include_in_all => JSON::false,
231 fields => {
232 phrase => {
233 search_analyzer => "analyser_phrase",
234 analyzer => "analyser_phrase",
235 type => "string",
239 $sort_fields{$name} = 1;
243 $self->sort_fields(\%sort_fields);
244 return $mappings;
247 =head2 _elasticsearch_mapping_for_*
249 Get the ES mappings for the given data type or a special mapping case
251 Receives the same parameters from the $self->_foreach_mapping() dispatcher
253 =cut
255 sub _elasticsearch_mapping_for_boolean {
256 my ( $name, $type, $facet, $suggestible, $sort, $marc_type ) = @_;
258 return {
259 type => $type,
260 null_value => 0,
264 sub _elasticsearch_mapping_for_default {
265 my ( $name, $type, $facet, $suggestible, $sort, $marc_type ) = @_;
267 return {
268 search_analyzer => "analyser_standard",
269 analyzer => "analyser_standard",
270 type => $type,
271 fields => {
272 phrase => {
273 search_analyzer => "analyser_phrase",
274 analyzer => "analyser_phrase",
275 type => "string",
277 raw => {
278 type => "string",
279 index => "not_analyzed",
285 sub reset_elasticsearch_mappings {
286 my $mappings_yaml = C4::Context->config('intranetdir') . '/admin/searchengine/elasticsearch/mappings.yaml';
287 my $indexes = LoadFile( $mappings_yaml );
289 while ( my ( $index_name, $fields ) = each %$indexes ) {
290 while ( my ( $field_name, $data ) = each %$fields ) {
291 my $field_type = $data->{type};
292 my $field_label = $data->{label};
293 my $mappings = $data->{mappings};
294 my $search_field = Koha::SearchFields->find_or_create({ name => $field_name, label => $field_label, type => $field_type }, { key => 'name' });
295 for my $mapping ( @$mappings ) {
296 my $marc_field = Koha::SearchMarcMaps->find_or_create({ index_name => $index_name, marc_type => $mapping->{marc_type}, marc_field => $mapping->{marc_field} });
297 $search_field->add_to_search_marc_maps($marc_field, { facet => $mapping->{facet}, suggestible => $mapping->{suggestible}, sort => $mapping->{sort} } );
303 # This overrides the accessor provided by Class::Accessor so that if
304 # sort_fields isn't set, then it'll generate it.
305 sub sort_fields {
306 my $self = shift;
308 if (@_) {
309 $self->_sort_fields_accessor(@_);
310 return;
312 my $val = $self->_sort_fields_accessor();
313 return $val if $val;
315 # This will populate the accessor as a side effect
316 $self->get_elasticsearch_mappings();
317 return $self->_sort_fields_accessor();
320 # Provides the rules for data conversion.
321 sub get_fixer_rules {
322 my ($self) = @_;
324 my $marcflavour = lc C4::Context->preference('marcflavour');
325 my @rules;
327 $self->_foreach_mapping(
328 sub {
329 my ( $name, $type, $facet, $suggestible, $sort, $marc_type, $marc_field ) = @_;
330 return if $marc_type ne $marcflavour;
331 my $options = '';
333 # There's a bug when using 'split' with something that
334 # selects a range
335 # The split makes everything into nested arrays, but that's not
336 # really a big deal, ES doesn't mind.
337 $options = '-split => 1' unless $marc_field =~ m|_/| || $type eq 'sum';
338 push @rules, "marc_map('$marc_field','${name}', $options)";
339 if ($facet) {
340 push @rules, "marc_map('$marc_field','${name}__facet', $options)";
342 if ($suggestible) {
343 push @rules,
344 #"marc_map('$marc_field','${name}__suggestion.input.\$append', $options)"; #must not have nested data structures in .input
345 "marc_map('$marc_field','${name}__suggestion.input.\$append')";
347 if ( $type eq 'boolean' ) {
349 # boolean gets special handling, basically if it doesn't exist,
350 # it's added and set to false. Otherwise we can't query it.
351 push @rules,
352 "unless exists('$name') add_field('$name', 0) end";
354 if ($type eq 'sum' ) {
355 push @rules, "sum('$name')";
357 # Sort is a bit special as it can be true, false, undef. For
358 # fixer rules, we care about "true", or "undef" if there is
359 # special handling of this field from other one. "undef" means
360 # to do the default thing, which is make it sortable.
361 if ($self->sort_fields()->{$name}) {
362 if ($sort || !defined $sort) {
363 push @rules, "marc_map('$marc_field','${name}__sort', $options)";
369 push @rules, "move_field(_id,es_id)"; #Also you must set the Catmandu::Store::ElasticSearch->new(key_prefix: 'es_');
370 return \@rules;
373 =head2 _foreach_mapping
375 $self->_foreach_mapping(
376 sub {
377 my ( $name, $type, $facet, $suggestible, $sort, $marc_type,
378 $marc_field )
379 = @_;
380 return unless $marc_type eq 'marc21';
381 print "Data comes from: " . $marc_field . "\n";
385 This allows you to apply a function to each entry in the elasticsearch mappings
386 table, in order to build the mappings for whatever is needed.
388 In the provided function, the files are:
390 =over 4
392 =item C<$name>
394 The field name for elasticsearch (corresponds to the 'mapping' column in the
395 database.
397 =item C<$type>
399 The type for this value, e.g. 'string'.
401 =item C<$facet>
403 True if this value should be facetised. This only really makes sense if the
404 field is understood by the facet processing code anyway.
406 =item C<$sort>
408 True if this is a field that a) needs special sort handling, and b) if it
409 should be sorted on. False if a) but not b). Undef if not a). This allows,
410 for example, author to be sorted on but not everything marked with "author"
411 to be included in that sort.
413 =item C<$marc_type>
415 A string that indicates the MARC type that this mapping is for, e.g. 'marc21',
416 'unimarc', 'normarc'.
418 =item C<$marc_field>
420 A string that describes the MARC field that contains the data to extract.
421 These are of a form suited to Catmandu's MARC fixers.
423 =back
425 =cut
427 sub _foreach_mapping {
428 my ( $self, $sub ) = @_;
430 # TODO use a caching framework here
431 my $search_fields = Koha::Database->schema->resultset('SearchField')->search(
433 'search_marc_map.index_name' => $self->index,
435 { join => { search_marc_to_fields => 'search_marc_map' },
436 '+select' => [
437 'search_marc_to_fields.facet',
438 'search_marc_to_fields.suggestible',
439 'search_marc_to_fields.sort',
440 'search_marc_map.marc_type',
441 'search_marc_map.marc_field',
443 '+as' => [
444 'facet',
445 'suggestible',
446 'sort',
447 'marc_type',
448 'marc_field',
453 while ( my $search_field = $search_fields->next ) {
454 $sub->(
455 $search_field->name,
456 $search_field->type,
457 $search_field->get_column('facet'),
458 $search_field->get_column('suggestible'),
459 $search_field->get_column('sort'),
460 $search_field->get_column('marc_type'),
461 $search_field->get_column('marc_field'),
466 =head2 process_error
468 die process_error($@);
470 This parses an Elasticsearch error message and produces a human-readable
471 result from it. This result is probably missing all the useful information
472 that you might want in diagnosing an issue, so the warning is also logged.
474 Note that currently the resulting message is not internationalised. This
475 will happen eventually by some method or other.
477 =cut
479 sub process_error {
480 my ($self, $msg) = @_;
482 warn $msg; # simple logging
484 # This is super-primitive
485 return "Unable to understand your search query, please rephrase and try again.\n" if $msg =~ /ParseException/;
487 return "Unable to perform your search. Please try again.\n";
492 __END__
494 =head1 AUTHOR
496 =over 4
498 =item Chris Cormack C<< <chrisc@catalyst.net.nz> >>
500 =item Robin Sheat C<< <robin@catalyst.net.nz> >>
502 =item Jonathan Druart C<< <jonathan.druart@bugs.koha-community.org> >>
504 =back
506 =cut