(bug #4523) possibility to show / hide the filters menu
[koha.git] / t / db_dependent / Budgets.t
1 use strict;
2 use warnings;
3 use Test::More tests=>18;
5 BEGIN {use_ok('C4::Budgets') }
6 use C4::Budgets;
7 use C4::Dates;
9 print "ok 1\n";
10 use YAML;
13 # Budget Periods :
15 my $bpid;
16 my $budgetperiod;
17 my $active_period;
18 my $mod_status;
19 my $del_status;
20 ok($bpid=AddBudgetPeriod(
21                                                 { budget_period_startdate       => '2008-01-01'
22                                                 , budget_period_enddate         => '2008-12-31'
23                                                 , budget_description            => "MAPERI"}),
24         "AddBudgetPeriod with iso dates OK");
26 if (C4::Context->preference('dateformat') eq "metric"){
27         ok($bpid=AddBudgetPeriod(
28                                                 { budget_period_startdate       => '01-01-2008'
29                                                 , budget_period_enddate         => '31-12-2008'
30                                                 , budget_description            => "MAPERI"}),
31         "AddBudgetPeriod returned $bpid");
33 elsif (C4::Context->preference('dateformat') eq "us"){
34         ok($bpid=AddBudgetPeriod(
35                                                 { budget_period_startdate       => '01-01-2008'
36                                                 , budget_period_enddate         => '12-31-2008'
37                                                 , budget_description            => "MAPERI"}),
38         "AddBudgetPeriod returned $bpid");
41 ok($budgetperiod=GetBudgetPeriod($bpid),
42         "GetBudgetPeriod($bpid) returned ".Dump($budgetperiod));
43 ok(!GetBudgetPeriod(0) ,"GetBudgetPeriod(0) returned undef : noactive BudgetPeriod");
44 $$budgetperiod{budget_period_active}=1;
45 ok($mod_status=ModBudgetPeriod($budgetperiod),"ModBudgetPeriod OK");
46 ok($active_period=GetBudgetPeriod(0),"GetBudgetPeriod(0) returned".Dump($active_period));
47 ok(scalar(GetBudgetPeriods())>0,"GetBudgetPeriods OK");#Should at least return the Budget inserted
48 ok($del_status=DelBudgetPeriod($bpid),"DelBudgetPeriod returned $del_status");
51 # Budget  :
54 # Add A budget Period
55 if (C4::Context->preference('dateformat') eq "metric"){
56 ok($bpid=AddBudgetPeriod(
57                                                 { budget_period_startdate       =>'01-01-2008'
58                                                 , budget_period_enddate         =>'31-12-2008'
59                                                 , budget_description            =>"MAPERI"}),
60         "AddBudgetPeriod returned $bpid");
61 } elsif (C4::Context->preference('dateformat') eq "us"){
62 ok($bpid=AddBudgetPeriod(
63                                                 { budget_period_startdate       =>'01-01-2008'
64                                                 , budget_period_enddate         =>'12-31-2008'
65                                                 , budget_description            =>"MAPERI"}),
66         "AddBudgetPeriod returned $bpid");
68 else{
69 ok($bpid=AddBudgetPeriod(
70                                                 {budget_period_startdate=>'2008-01-01'
71                                                 ,budget_period_enddate  =>'2008-12-31'
72                                                 ,budget_description             =>"MAPERI"
73                                                 }),
74         "AddBudgetPeriod returned $bpid");
77 my $budget_id;
78 ok($budget_id=AddBudget(
79                                                 {   budget_code                 => "ABCD"
80                                                         , budget_amount         => "123.132"
81                                                         , budget_name           => "Périodiques"
82                                                         , budget_notes          => "This is a note"
83                                                         , budget_description=> "Serials"
84                                                         , budget_active         => 1
85                                                         , budget_period_id      => $bpid
86                                                 }
87                                            ),
88         "AddBudget returned $budget_id");
89 #budget_code            | varchar(30)   | YES  |     | NULL              |       | 
90 #| budget_amount          | decimal(28,6) | NO   |     | 0.000000          |       | 
91 #| budget_id              | int(11)       | NO   | PRI | NULL              |       | 
92 #| budget_branchcode      | varchar(10)   | YES  |     | NULL              |       | 
93 #| budget_parent_id       | int(11)       | YES  |     | NULL              |       | 
94 #| budget_name            | varchar(80)   | YES  |     | NULL              |       | 
95 #| budget_encumb          | decimal(28,6) | YES  |     | 0.000000          |       | 
96 #| budget_expend          | decimal(28,6) | YES  |     | 0.000000          |       | 
97 #| budget_notes           | mediumtext    | YES  |     | NULL              |       | 
98 #| budget_description     | mediumtext    | YES  |     | NULL              |       | 
99 #| timestamp              | timestamp     | NO   |     | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP |       | 
100 #| budget_period_id       | int(11)       | YES  | MUL | NULL              |       | 
101 #| sort1_authcat          | varchar(80)   | YES  |     | NULL              |       | 
102 #| sort2_authcat          | varchar(80)   | YES  |     | NULL              |       | 
103 #| budget_owner_id        | int(11)       | YES  |     | NULL              |       | 
104 #| budget_permission      | int(1)        | YES  |     | 0                 |       | 
106 my $budget;
107 ok($budget=GetBudget($budget_id) ,"GetBudget OK");
108 $$budget{budget_permission}=1;
109 ok($mod_status=ModBudget($budget),"ModBudget OK");
110 ok(GetBudgets()>0,
111         "GetBudgets OK");
112 ok(GetBudgets({budget_period_id=>$bpid})>0,
113         "GetBudgets With Filter OK");
114 ok(GetBudgets({budget_period_id=>$bpid},{"budget_description"=>0})>0,
115         "GetBudgets With Order OK");
116 ok(GetBudgets({budget_period_id=>GetBudgetPeriod(0)->{budget_period_id}},{"budget_description"=>0})>0,
117         "GetBudgets With Order 
118         Getting Active budgetPeriod OK");
119 ok($del_status=DelBudget($budget_id),
120         "DelBudget returned $del_status");