Bug 23410: Add submenus to system preferences sidebar menu
[koha.git] / koha-tmpl / intranet-tmpl / prog / js / ill-availability.js
1 $(document).ready(function() {
3     window.doSearch = function() {
4         // In case the source doesn't supply data required for DT to calculate
5         // pagination, we need to do it ourselves
6         var ownPagination = false;
7         var directionSet = false;
8         var start = 0;
9         var forward = true; // true == forward, false == backwards
10         // Arbitrary starting value, it will be corrected by the first
11         // page of results
12         var pageSize = 20;
14         var tableTmpl = {
15             ajax: {
16                 cache: true, // Prevent DT appending a "_" cache param
17             },
18             columns: [
19                 // defaultContent prevents DT from choking if
20                 // the API response doesn't return a column
21                 {
22                     title: 'Source',
23                     data: 'source',
24                     defaultContent: ''
25                 },
26                 {
27                     data: 'title',
28                     defaultContent: ''
29                 },
30                 {
31                     data: 'author',
32                     defaultContent: ''
33                 },
34                 {
35                     data: 'isbn',
36                     defaultContent: ''
37                 },
38                 {
39                     data: 'issn',
40                     defaultContent: ''
41                 },
42                 {
43                     data: 'date',
44                     defaultContent: ''
45                 }
46             ]
47         };
49         // render functions don't get copied across when we make a dereferenced
50         // copy of them, so we have to reattach them once we have a copy
51         // Here we store them
52         var renders = {
53             title: function(data, type, row) {
54                 return row.url ?
55                     '<a href="'+row.url+'" target="_blank">'+row.title+'</a>' :
56                     row.title;
57             },
58             source: function(data, type, row) {
59                 return row.opac_url ?
60                     '<a href="'+row.opac_url+'" target="_blank">'+row.source+'</a>' :
61                     row.source;
62             }
63         };
65         services.forEach(function(service) {
66             // Create a deferenced copy of our table definition object
67             var tableDef = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(tableTmpl));
68             // Iterate the table's columns array and add render functions
69             // as necessary
70             tableDef.columns.forEach(function(column) {
71                 if (renders[column.data]) {
72                     column.render = renders[column.data];
73                 }
74             });
75             tableDef.ajax.dataSrc = function(data) {
76                 var results = data.results.search_results;
77                 // The source appears to be returning it's own pagination
78                 // data
79                 if (
80                     data.hasOwnProperty('recordsFiltered') ||
81                     data.hasOwnProperty('recordsTotal')
82                 ) {
83                     return results;
84                 }
85                 // Set up our own pagination values based on what we just
86                 // got back
87                 ownPagination = true;
88                 directionSet = false;
89                 pageSize = results.length;
90                 // These values are completely arbitrary, but they enable
91                 // us to display pagination links
92                 data.recordsFiltered = 5000,
93                 data.recordsTotal = 5000;
95                 return results;
96             };
97             tableDef.ajax.data = function(data) {
98                 // Datatables sends a bunch of superfluous params
99                 // that we don't want to litter our API schema
100                 // with, so just remove them from the request
101                 if (data.hasOwnProperty('columns')) {
102                     delete data.columns;
103                 }
104                 if (data.hasOwnProperty('draw')) {
105                     delete data.draw;
106                 }
107                 if (data.hasOwnProperty('order')) {
108                     delete data.order;
109                 }
110                 if (data.hasOwnProperty('search')) {
111                     delete data.search;
112                 }
113                 // If we're handling our own pagination, set the properties
114                 // that DT will send in the request
115                 if (ownPagination) {
116                     start = forward ? start + pageSize : start - pageSize;
117                     data.start = start;
118                     data['length'] = pageSize;
119                 }
120                 // We may need to restrict the service IDs being queries, this
121                 // needs to be handled in the plugin's API module
122                 var restrict = $('#service_id_restrict').
123                     attr('data-service_id_restrict_ids');
124                 if (restrict && restrict.length > 0) {
125                     data.restrict = restrict;
126                 }
127             };
128             // Add any datatables config options passed from the service
129             // to the table definition
130             tableDef.ajax.url = service.endpoint + metadata;
131             if (service.hasOwnProperty('datatablesConfig')) {
132                 var conf = service.datatablesConfig;
133                 for (var key in conf) {
134                     // The config from the service definition comes from a Perl
135                     // hashref, therefore can't contain true/false, so we
136                     // special case it
137                     if (conf.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
138                         if (conf[key] == 'false') {
139                             // Special case false values
140                             tableDef[key] = false;
141                         } else if (conf[key] == 'true') {
142                             // Special case true values
143                             tableDef[key] = true;
144                         } else {
145                             // Copy the property value
146                             tableDef[key] = conf[key];
147                         }
148                     }
149                 }
150             }
151             // Create event watchers for the "next" and "previous" pagination
152             // links, this enables us to set the direction the next request is
153             // going in when we're doing our own pagination. We use "hover"
154             // because the click event is caught after the request has been
155             // sent
156             tableDef.drawCallback = function() {
157                 $('.paginate_button.next:not(.disabled)',
158                     this.api().table().container()
159                 ).on('hover', function() {
160                     forward = true;
161                     directionSet = true;
162                 });
163                 $('.paginate_button.previous:not(.disabled)',
164                     this.api().table().container()
165                 ).on('hover', function() {
166                     forward = false;
167                     directionSet = true;
168                 });
169             }
170             // Initialise the table
171             // Since we're not able to use the columns settings in core,
172             // we need to mock the object that it would return
173             var columns_settings = [
174                                 {
175                                         cannot_be_modified: 0,
176                                         cannot_be_toggled: 0,
177                                         columnname: 'source',
178                                         is_hidden: 0
179                                 },
180                                 {
181                                         cannot_be_modified: 0,
182                                         cannot_be_toggled: 0,
183                                         columnname: 'title',
184                                         is_hidden: 0
185                                 },
186                                 {
187                                         cannot_be_modified: 0,
188                                         cannot_be_toggled: 0,
189                                         columnname: 'author',
190                                         is_hidden: 0
191                                 },
192                                 {
193                                         cannot_be_modified: 0,
194                                         cannot_be_toggled: 0,
195                                         columnname: 'isbn',
196                                         is_hidden: 0
197                                 },
198                                 {
199                                         cannot_be_modified: 0,
200                                         cannot_be_toggled: 0,
201                                         columnname: 'issn',
202                                         is_hidden: 0
203                                 },
204                                 {
205                                         cannot_be_modified: 0,
206                                         cannot_be_toggled: 0,
207                                         columnname: 'date',
208                                         is_hidden: 0
209                                 }
210             ];
211             // Hide pagination buttons if appropriate
212             tableDef.drawCallback = function() {
213                 var pagination = $(this).closest('.dataTables_wrapper')
214                     .find('.dataTables_paginate');
215                 pagination.toggle(this.api().page.info().pages > 1);
216             }
217             KohaTable(service.id, tableDef, columns_settings);
218         });
219     }