Bug 7567: (code cleanup) remove excess line
[koha.git] / t / db_dependent / Branch.t
1 #!/usr/bin/perl
3 # Copyright 2013 Equinox Software, Inc.
5 # This file is part of Koha.
7 # Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
8 # terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
9 # Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
10 # version.
12 # Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
13 # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
14 # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
16 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
17 # with Koha; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses>.
19 use Modern::Perl;
21 use C4::Context;
22 use Data::Dumper;
24 use Test::More tests => 36;
26 use C4::Branch;
28 BEGIN {
29 use FindBin;
30 use lib $FindBin::Bin;
31 use_ok('C4::Branch');
33 can_ok(
34 'C4::Branch', qw(
35 GetBranchCategory
36 GetBranchName
37 GetBranch
38 GetBranches
39 GetBranchesLoop
40 GetBranchDetail
41 get_branchinfos_of
42 ModBranch
43 CheckBranchCategorycode
44 GetBranchInfo
45 GetCategoryTypes
46 GetBranchCategories
47 GetBranchesInCategory
48 ModBranchCategoryInfo
49 DelBranch
50 DelBranchCategory
51 CheckCategoryUnique
52 mybranch
53 GetBranchesCount)
57 # Start transaction
58 my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
59 $dbh->{AutoCommit} = 0;
60 $dbh->{RaiseError} = 1;
62 # clear the slate
63 $dbh->do('DELETE FROM branchcategories');
65 # Start test
67 my $count = GetBranchesCount();
68 like( $count, '/^\d+$/', "the count is a number" );
70 #add 2 branches
71 my $b1 = {
72 add => 1,
73 branchcode => 'BRA',
74 branchname => 'BranchA',
75 branchaddress1 => 'adr1A',
76 branchaddress2 => 'adr2A',
77 branchaddress3 => 'adr3A',
78 branchzip => 'zipA',
79 branchcity => 'cityA',
80 branchstate => 'stateA',
81 branchcountry => 'countryA',
82 branchphone => 'phoneA',
83 branchfax => 'faxA',
84 branchemail => 'emailA',
85 branchurl => 'urlA',
86 branchip => 'ipA',
87 branchprinter => undef,
88 branchnotes => 'noteA',
89 opac_info => 'opacA'
91 my $b2 = {
92 branchcode => 'BRB',
93 branchname => 'BranchB',
94 branchaddress1 => 'adr1B',
95 branchaddress2 => 'adr2B',
96 branchaddress3 => 'adr3B',
97 branchzip => 'zipB',
98 branchcity => 'cityB',
99 branchstate => 'stateB',
100 branchcountry => 'countryB',
101 branchphone => 'phoneB',
102 branchfax => 'faxB',
103 branchemail => 'emailB',
104 branchurl => 'urlB',
105 branchip => 'ipB',
106 branchprinter => undef,
107 branchnotes => 'noteB',
108 opac_info => 'opacB',
110 ModBranch($b1);
111 is( ModBranch($b2), undef, 'the field add is missing' );
113 $b2->{add} = 1;
114 ModBranch($b2);
115 is( GetBranchesCount(), $count + 2, "two branches added" );
117 #Test DelBranch
119 is( DelBranch( $b2->{branchcode} ), 1, "One row affected" );
120 is( GetBranchesCount(), $count + 1, "branch BRB deleted" );
122 #Test GetBranchName
123 is( GetBranchName( $b1->{branchcode} ),
124 $b1->{branchname}, "GetBranchName returns the right name" );
126 #Test GetBranchDetail
127 my $branchdetail = GetBranchDetail( $b1->{branchcode} );
128 $branchdetail->{add} = 1;
129 $b1->{issuing} = undef; # Not used in DB
130 is_deeply( $branchdetail, $b1, 'branchdetail is right' );
132 #Test Getbranches
133 my $branches = GetBranches();
134 is( scalar( keys %$branches ),
135 GetBranchesCount(), "GetBranches returns the right number of branches" );
137 #Test ModBranch
139 $b1 = {
140 branchcode => 'BRA',
141 branchname => 'BranchA modified',
142 branchaddress1 => 'adr1A modified',
143 branchaddress2 => 'adr2A modified',
144 branchaddress3 => 'adr3A modified',
145 branchzip => 'zipA modified',
146 branchcity => 'cityA modified',
147 branchstate => 'stateA modified',
148 branchcountry => 'countryA modified',
149 branchphone => 'phoneA modified',
150 branchfax => 'faxA modified',
151 branchemail => 'emailA modified',
152 branchurl => 'urlA modified',
153 branchip => 'ipA modified',
154 branchprinter => undef,
155 branchnotes => 'notesA modified',
156 opac_info => 'opacA modified'
159 ModBranch($b1);
160 is( GetBranchesCount(), $count + 1,
161 "A branch has been modified, no new branch added" );
162 $branchdetail = GetBranchDetail( $b1->{branchcode} );
163 $b1->{issuing} = undef;
164 is_deeply( $branchdetail, $b1 , "GetBranchDetail gives the details of BRA");
166 #Test categories
167 my $categories = GetBranchCategories();
168 my $count_cat = scalar( @$categories );
170 my $cat1 = {
171 add => 1,
172 categorycode => 'CAT1',
173 categoryname => 'catname1',
174 codedescription => 'catdesc1',
175 categorytype => 'cattype1',
176 show_in_pulldown => 1
178 my $cat2 = {
179 add => 1,
180 categorycode => 'CAT2',
181 categoryname => 'catname2',
182 categorytype => 'catype2',
183 codedescription => 'catdesc2',
184 show_in_pulldown => 1
187 my %new_category = (
188 categorycode => 'LIBCATCODE',
189 categoryname => 'library category name',
190 codedescription => 'library category code description',
191 categorytype => 'searchdomain',
192 show_in_pulldown => 1,
195 ModBranchCategoryInfo({
196 add => 1,
197 %new_category,
200 ModBranchCategoryInfo($cat1);
201 ModBranchCategoryInfo($cat2);
203 $categories = GetBranchCategories();
204 is( scalar( @$categories ), $count_cat + 3, "Two categories added" );
205 delete $cat1->{add};
206 delete $cat2->{add};
207 delete $new_category{add};
208 is_deeply($categories, [ $cat1,$cat2,\%new_category ], 'retrieve all expected library categories (bug 10515)');
210 #test GetBranchCategory
211 my $cat1detail = GetBranchCategory( $cat1->{categorycode} );
212 delete $cat1->{add};
213 is_deeply( $cat1detail, $cat1, 'CAT1 details are right' );
214 my $category = GetBranchCategory('LIBCATCODE');
215 is_deeply($category, \%new_category, 'fetched newly added library category');
217 #Test DelBranchCategory
218 my $del = DelBranchCategory( $cat2->{categorycode} );
219 is( $del, 1, 'One row affected' );
221 $categories = GetBranchCategories();
222 is( scalar( @$categories ), $count_cat + 2, "Category CAT2 deleted" );
224 my $cat2detail = GetBranchCategory( $cat2->{categorycode} );
225 is( $cat2detail, undef, 'CAT2 doesnt exist' );
227 $category = GetBranchCategory();
228 is($category, undef, 'retrieve library category only if code is supplied (bug 10515)');
230 #Test CheckBranchCategoryCode
231 my $check1 = CheckBranchCategorycode( $cat1->{categorycode} );
232 my $check2 = CheckBranchCategorycode( $cat2->{categorycode} );
233 like( $check1, '/^\d+$/', "CheckBranchCategorycode returns a number" );
235 $b2->{CAT1} = 1;
236 ModBranch($b2);
237 is( GetBranchesCount(), $count + 2, 'BRB added' );
239 CheckBranchCategorycode( $cat1->{categorycode} ),
240 $check1 + 1,
241 'BRB added to CAT1'
244 #Test GetBranchInfo
245 my $b1info = GetBranchInfo( $b1->{branchcode} );
246 $b1->{categories} = [];
247 is_deeply( @$b1info[0], $b1, 'BRA has no categories' );
249 my $b2info = GetBranchInfo( $b2->{branchcode} );
250 my @cat = ( $cat1->{categorycode} );
251 delete $b2->{add};
252 delete $b2->{CAT1};
253 $b2->{issuing} = undef;
254 $b2->{categories} = \@cat;
255 is_deeply( @$b2info[0], $b2, 'BRB has the category CAT1' );
257 ModBranchCategoryInfo({add => 1,%$cat2});
258 $categories = GetBranchCategories();
259 is( scalar( @$categories ), $count_cat + 3, "Two categories added" );
260 $b2 = {
261 branchcode => 'BRB',
262 branchname => 'BranchB',
263 branchaddress1 => 'adr1B',
264 branchaddress2 => 'adr2B',
265 branchaddress3 => 'adr3B',
266 branchzip => 'zipB',
267 branchcity => 'cityB',
268 branchstate => 'stateB',
269 branchcountry => 'countryB',
270 branchphone => 'phoneB',
271 branchfax => 'faxB',
272 branchemail => 'emailB',
273 branchurl => 'urlB',
274 branchip => 'ipB',
275 branchprinter => undef,
276 branchnotes => 'noteB',
277 opac_info => 'opacB',
278 CAT1 => 1,
279 CAT2 => 1
281 ModBranch($b2);
282 $b2info = GetBranchInfo( $b2->{branchcode} );
284 CheckBranchCategorycode( $cat2->{categorycode} ),
285 $check2 + 1,
286 'BRB added to CAT2'
288 push( @cat, $cat2->{categorycode} );
289 delete $b2->{CAT1};
290 delete $b2->{CAT2};
291 $b2->{issuing} = undef;
292 $b2->{categories} = \@cat;
293 is_deeply( @$b2info[0], $b2, 'BRB has the category CAT1 and CAT2' );
295 #Test GetBranchesInCategory
296 my $brCat1 = GetBranchesInCategory( $cat1->{categorycode} );
297 my @b = ( $b2->{branchcode} );
298 is_deeply( $brCat1, \@b, 'CAT1 has branch BRB' );
300 my $b3 = {
301 add => 1,
302 branchcode => 'BRC',
303 branchname => 'BranchC',
304 branchaddress1 => 'adr1C',
305 branchaddress2 => 'adr2C',
306 branchaddress3 => 'adr3C',
307 branchzip => 'zipC',
308 branchcity => 'cityC',
309 branchstate => 'stateC',
310 branchcountry => 'countryC',
311 branchphone => 'phoneC',
312 branchfax => 'faxC',
313 branchemail => 'emailC',
314 branchurl => 'urlC',
315 branchip => 'ipC',
316 branchprinter => undef,
317 branchnotes => 'noteC',
318 opac_info => 'opacC',
319 CAT1 => 1,
320 CAT2 => 1
322 ModBranch($b3);
323 $brCat1 = GetBranchesInCategory( $cat1->{categorycode} );
324 push( @b, $b3->{branchcode} );
325 is_deeply( $brCat1, \@b, 'CAT1 has branch BRB and BRC' );
327 CheckBranchCategorycode( $cat1->{categorycode} ),
328 $check1 + 2,
329 'BRC has been added to CAT1'
332 #Test CheckCategoryUnique
333 is( CheckCategoryUnique('CAT2'), 0, 'CAT2 exists' );
334 is( CheckCategoryUnique('CAT_NO_EXISTS'), 1, 'CAT_NO_EXISTS doesnt exist' );
336 #Test GetCategoryTypes
337 my @category_types = GetCategoryTypes();
338 is_deeply(\@category_types, [ 'searchdomain', 'properties' ], 'received expected library category types');
340 $categories = GetBranchCategories(undef, undef, 'LIBCATCODE');
341 is_deeply($categories, [ {%$cat1}, {%$cat2},{ %new_category, selected => 1 } ], 'retrieve expected, eselected library category (bug 10515)');
343 #TODO later: test mybranchine and onlymine
344 # Actually we cannot mock C4::Context->userenv in unit tests
346 #Test GetBranchesLoop
347 my $loop = GetBranchesLoop;
348 is( scalar(@$loop), GetBranchesCount(), 'There is the right number of branches' );
350 # End transaction
351 $dbh->rollback;