lol; whips ARE breakable now
[k8-i-v-a-n.git] / script / chars / priest.dat
1 priest
3 CanRead = true;
4 NameSingular = "priest";
5 CanBeCloned = false;
6 TamingDifficulty = NO_TAMING;
7 MoveType = WALK|SWIM;
8 IsAbstract = true;
9 Inventory == potion { Times = 2; SecondaryMaterial = ANTIDOTE_LIQUID; }
10 FriendlyReplies :=
12 "\"May @Gd be with you.\"",
13 "\"Bless thee, child.\"",
14 "@Dd smiles at you in a comforting manner.";
16 HostileReplies :=
18 "\"Die, infidel!\"",
19 "\"Divine wrath upon thee!\"",
20 "\"Thou shalt pay for thy sins!\"",
21 "\"I shall punish you in the name of @Gd.\"";
24 Config CLEPTIA;
26 DefaultArmStrength = 15;
27 DefaultLegStrength = 20;
28 DefaultDexterity = 15;
29 DefaultAgility = 15;
30 DefaultEndurance = 15;
31 DefaultPerception = 24;
32 DefaultIntelligence = 15;
33 DefaultWisdom = 25;
34 DefaultCharisma = 20;
35 DefaultMana = 20;
36 HeadBitmapPos = 112, 271;
37 TorsoBitmapPos = 48, 224;
38 ArmBitmapPos = 80, 64;
39 LegBitmapPos = 16, 160;
40 ClothColor = rgb16(50, 50, 50);
41 TotalVolume = 100000;
42 TotalSize = 180;
43 AttachedGod = CLEPTIA;
44 PostFix = "of Cleptia";
45 Helmet = HARDENED_LEATHER helmet { Enchantment = 2; }
46 BodyArmor = HARDENED_LEATHER bodyarmor(CHAIN_MAIL) { Enchantment = 2; }
47 Cloak = OMMEL_HAIR cloak { Enchantment = 2; }
48 Belt = OMMEL_HAIR belt { Enchantment = 2; }
49 RightWielded = OCTIRON meleeweapon(MACE) { Enchantment = 3; }
50 RightGauntlet = OMMEL_HAIR gauntlet { Enchantment = 2; }
51 RightBoot = OMMEL_HAIR boot { Enchantment = 2; }
52 KnownCWeaponSkills == BLUNT_WEAPONS;
53 CWeaponSkillHits == 50;
54 RightSWeaponSkillHits = 20;
55 FriendlyReplies == "@Dd talks to you: \"They say the avatar of Cleptia is a guy named Sparrow Hat.\"";
58 Config SILVA;
60 DefaultArmStrength = 10;
61 DefaultLegStrength = 10;
62 DefaultDexterity = 15;
63 DefaultAgility = 10;
64 DefaultEndurance = 10;
65 DefaultPerception = 24;
66 DefaultIntelligence = 20;
67 DefaultWisdom = 35;
68 DefaultCharisma = 30;
69 DefaultMana = 25;
70 TotalVolume = 60000;
71 TotalSize = 170;
72 HeadBitmapPos = 112, 0;
73 TorsoBitmapPos = 32, 208;
74 ArmBitmapPos = 64, 208;
75 LegBitmapPos = 0, 144;
76 SkinColor = rgb16(160, 100, 64);
77 HairColor = rgb16(80, 48, 32);
78 AttachedGod = SILVA;
79 DefaultName = "Florea";
80 NameSingular = "priestess";
81 PostFix = "of Silva";
82 Sex = FEMALE;
83 Cloak = NYMPH_HAIR cloak;
84 RightWielded = EBONY_WOOD EBONY_WOOD meleeweapon(QUARTER_STAFF) { Enchantment = 1; }
85 KnownCWeaponSkills == BLUNT_WEAPONS;
86 CWeaponSkillHits == 50;
87 RightSWeaponSkillHits = 20;
88 FriendlyReplies :=
90 /* 4 first are used before revolution */
91 "\"Silva is the goddess of nature, who protects all living things. Her earthly manifestation, located in the elven nation of Lunethia, is a giant holy tree which reaches the clouds.\"",
92 "\"In the old temple we had a marvellous altar carved from a branch of Silva Herself, but Decos made firewood out of it.\"",
93 "\"You cannot contact any god unless you know the right rituals. Alas, I'm unable to teach you any, since after the invasion the Attnamese forbade us to officially worship any god save Valpurus. I can therefore only help you as a healer.\"",
94 "\"With my holy powers, I'm capable of reattaching severed limbs and removing various diseases and poisons. For a price, of course. Should I not bring enough income to the colony, the occupiers would make me a banana grower, too.\"",
95 "\"Truly, you must have been sent by Silva herself! We can finally rebuild the old temple and our lives.\"",
96 "\"I cannot thank you enough for freeing us, but I'm afraid I must continue to charge for my services.\"",
97 "\"Do not forget us, fair hero. It is a matter of time before word reaches the High Priest and I'm afraid of what he may do in his displeasure.\"";
99 DeathMessage = "@Dd dies, whispering: \"I'm sorry! I failed you, Silva.\"";
100 AutomaticallySeen = true;
103 Config SOLICITU;
105 DefaultArmStrength = 15;
106 DefaultLegStrength = 20;
107 DefaultDexterity = 10;
108 DefaultAgility = 10;
109 DefaultEndurance = 15;
110 DefaultPerception = 24;
111 DefaultIntelligence = 15;
112 DefaultWisdom = 25;
113 DefaultCharisma = 20;
114 DefaultMana = 20;
115 CapColor = rgb16(180, 0, 80);
116 HeadBitmapPos = 96, 128;
117 TorsoBitmapPos = 32, 16;
118 ArmBitmapPos = 64, 16;
119 LegBitmapPos = 0, 32;
120 TotalVolume = 100000;
121 TotalSize = 180;
122 AttachedGod = LORICATUS;
123 PostFix = "of Solicitus";
124 Helmet = TIN helmet { Enchantment = 2; }
125 BodyArmor = COPPER bodyarmor(CHAIN_MAIL) { Enchantment = 2; }
126 Cloak = LEATHER cloak { Enchantment = 1; }
127 Belt = LEATHER belt { Enchantment = 1; }
128 RightWielded = CITRINE meleeweapon(AXE) { Enchantment = 2; }
129 RightGauntlet = LEATHER gauntlet { Enchantment = 1; }
130 RightBoot = LEATHER boot { Enchantment = 1; }
131 KnownCWeaponSkills == AXES;
132 CWeaponSkillHits == 50;
133 RightSWeaponSkillHits = 20;
134 FriendlyReplies :=
136 "@Dd explains: \"Solicitus, the toppled-god of Stress and Hopeless Situations was once an illustrious member of the blessed Pantheon. Alas, he wrote his Celestial Monograph on athiesm and the other gods cast him out.\"",
137 "\"If you devote yourself to my god Solicitus, he might just give you a copy of his Monograph! Neat huh? You should probably draw some liquid fear from the fountain first though.\"",
138 "\"I don't bother with fancy clothes, seeing as Insudo uses me for target practice...\"",
139 "\"Becoming Solicitus' Champion is not as complicated as it seems. You just have to ask him. I wouldn't exactly jump at the chance though, in fact I'd rather swallow a dead dark frog.\"",
140 "\"I agree, being a devout priest of a toppled-god who is himself an atheist, is a dubious vocation. But hey, at least I'm unique in this world!\"";
144 Config VALPURUS;
146 DefaultArmStrength = 15;
147 DefaultLegStrength = 20;
148 DefaultDexterity = 10;
149 DefaultAgility = 10;
150 DefaultEndurance = 15;
151 DefaultPerception = 24;
152 DefaultIntelligence = 15;
153 DefaultWisdom = 25;
154 DefaultCharisma = 20;
155 DefaultMana = 20;
156 CapColor = rgb16(180, 0, 80);
157 HeadBitmapPos = 96, 128;
158 TorsoBitmapPos = 32, 16;
159 ArmBitmapPos = 64, 16;
160 LegBitmapPos = 0, 32;
161 TotalVolume = 100000;
162 TotalSize = 180;
163 DefaultName = "Verax";
164 AttachedGod = VALPURUS;
165 PostFix = "of Valpurus";
166 Helmet = MITHRIL helmet { Enchantment = 2; }
167 Amulet = amulet(AMULET_OF_ESP);
168 BodyArmor = MITHRIL bodyarmor(CHAIN_MAIL) { Enchantment = 2; }
169 Cloak = NYMPH_HAIR cloak { Enchantment = 2; }
170 Belt = NYMPH_HAIR belt { Enchantment = 2; }
171 RightWielded = ARCANITE meleeweapon(MACE) { Enchantment = 3; }
172 RightGauntlet = NYMPH_HAIR gauntlet { Enchantment = 2; }
173 RightBoot = NYMPH_HAIR boot { Enchantment = 2; }
174 KnownCWeaponSkills == BLUNT_WEAPONS;
175 CWeaponSkillHits == 50;
176 RightSWeaponSkillHits = 20;
177 FriendlyReplies :=
179 "@Dd talks to you: \"Valpurus the Great Frog is the highest of all gods. The Wise know that the world is really a square pancake which He carries on His back. This is why this Cathedral and the whole city of Attnam is dedicated to His worship.\"",
180 "\"The souls of the virtuous, the devout and the faithful bath forever in the radiant glory of Valpurus and sing praises on His greatness. The souls of sinners, heretics and unbelievers are swallowed by Mortifer and damned to relive their worst nightmares for all eternity!\"",
181 "\"The Cathedral of Valpurus has no windows, for it is written in the Holy Book of Valpurus: 'Windows is Evil.'\"",
182 "\"I am the Cardinal of Truth, therefore everything I say is truth.\"",
183 "\"Repeat after me: 1 + 1 = 3.\"",
184 "\"Repeat after me: War is Peace.\"",
185 "\"Repeat after me: Freedom is Slavery.\"",
186 "\"Repeat after me: Ignorance is Strength.\"",
187 "\"Hail mighty Petrus!\"",
188 "\"Ad maiorem Valpuri gloriam.\"",
189 "\"Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live! Mystic frogs are OK, though.\"",
190 "\"Thus spake Valpurus: 'I am the King of Gods, Valpurus. Thou shalt praise no other gods before me.\"",
191 "@Dd smirks: \"I would not wish to startle you, but thanks to this amulet, I will always know if you're telling me the truth.\"",
192 "@Dd frowns: \"In thy prayers thou must understand Valpurus is a busy god who knows His importance. He will not help newbies. Thou shouldst only pray to Him when He hath called thee a Champion!\"";
194 HostileReplies :=
196 "\"Cleanse! Purge! Kill!\"",
197 "\"Valpurus guides my weapon.\"",
198 "\"Prepare to meet @Gd, fool!\"",
199 "@Dd sighs: \"Infidels to the left, heathens to the right. Tremendous.\"";
203 Config INFUSCOR;
205 DefaultArmStrength = 20;
206 DefaultLegStrength = 20;
207 DefaultDexterity = 16;
208 DefaultAgility = 16;
209 DefaultEndurance = 14;
210 DefaultPerception = 24;
211 DefaultIntelligence = 25;
212 DefaultWisdom = 25;
213 DefaultCharisma = 20;
214 DefaultMana = 25;
215 TotalVolume = 60000;
216 TotalSize = 170;
217 HeadBitmapPos = 112, 0;
218 TorsoBitmapPos = 32, 208;
219 ArmBitmapPos = 64, 208;
220 LegBitmapPos = 0, 144;
221 SkinColor = rgb16(64, 0, 128);
222 HairColor = rgb16(64, 0, 64);
223 EyeColor = rgb16(128, 0, 64);
224 AttachedGod = INFUSCOR;
225 DefaultName = "Praecantrix";
226 NameSingular = "priestess";
227 PostFix = "of Infuscor";
228 Sex = FEMALE;
229 Helmet = METEORIC_STEEL helmet { Enchantment = 2; }
230 BodyArmor = METEORIC_STEEL bodyarmor(CHAIN_MAIL) { Enchantment = 2; }
231 Cloak = OMMEL_HAIR cloak { Enchantment = 2; }
232 Belt = OMMEL_HAIR belt { Enchantment = 2; }
233 RightWielded = EBONY_WOOD wondersmellstaff { Enchantment = 3; }
234 RightGauntlet = OMMEL_HAIR gauntlet { Enchantment = 2; }
235 RightBoot = OMMEL_HAIR boot { Enchantment = 2; }
236 Inventory == wand(WAND_OF_NECROMANCY);
237 KnownCWeaponSkills == BLUNT_WEAPONS;
238 CWeaponSkillHits == 50;
239 RightSWeaponSkillHits = 20;
240 FriendlyReplies :=
242 "\"Our lord Xinroch was the greatest and most powerful grand master dark knight to ever live.\"",
243 "\"Xinroch was highly successful in all his campaigns, and it was during his life that the Unholy Order of the Dark Knights truly flourished.\"",
244 "\"This Tomb was erected on the battlefield where Xinroch was slain, to honor and guard his grave against all who would wish to disturb his last sleep or defile his memory. Let his majestic glory never be forgotten!\"",
245 "\"I know it is possible to bring our lord Xinroch back. Whether it takes magic or miracle, he will lead his faithful again!\"",
246 "\"Praised be Infuscor!\"",
247 "\"Souls for Infuscor!\"",
248 "\"All hail our mighty lord Xinroch.\"";
249 "\"One of these days I'll summon our lord Xinroch back, and Chaos will reign forever!\"",
250 "\"Oh, you like my tattoos? Every priest of Infuscor gets them as a part of their ordination. A holy purple ink is used to tattoo the entirety of the holy book of Infuscor over the initiate's body, so that the wise words may guide them through the rest of their lives.\"",
251 "\"Can't you see I'm busy, infidel?\"";
253 UndeadVersions = false;
256 Config LEGIFER; /* paladin */
258 DefaultArmStrength = 23;
259 DefaultLegStrength = 23;
260 DefaultDexterity = 37;
261 DefaultAgility = 37;
262 DefaultEndurance = 30;
263 DefaultPerception = 35;
264 DefaultIntelligence = 25;
265 DefaultWisdom = 37;
266 DefaultCharisma = 55;
267 DefaultMana = 30;
268 HairColor = rgb16(140, 60, 60);
269 EyeColor = rgb16(4, 93, 28);
270 ClothColor = rgb16(224, 224, 224);
271 HeadBitmapPos = 96, 112;
272 TorsoBitmapPos = 32, 128;
273 ArmBitmapPos = 64, 80;
274 LegBitmapPos = 0, 64;
275 TotalVolume = 40000;
276 TotalSize = 165;
277 Helmet = MITHRIL helmet(FULL_HELMET);
279 BodyArmor = MITHRIL bodyarmor(PLATE_MAIL);
281 Belt = MITHRIL belt;
282 RightWielded = MITHRIL thunderhammer { Enchantment = 2; }
283 LeftWielded = MITHRIL shield { Enchantment = 2; }
284 RightRing = ring(RING_OF_TELEPORT_CONTROL);
285 LeftRing = ring(RING_OF_INFRA_VISION);
286 RightGauntlet = ANGEL_HAIR gauntlet { Enchantment = 2; }
287 RightBoot = MITHRIL boot { Enchantment = 2; }
288 DefaultName = "Lady Decora";
289 Adjective = "shining";
290 NameSingular = "knight";
291 PostFix = "of Legifer";
292 AttachedGod = LEGIFER;
293 Sex = FEMALE;
294 AttackStyle = USE_ARMS|USE_LEGS;
295 KnownCWeaponSkills = { 4, UNARMED, KICK, BLUNT_WEAPONS, SHIELDS; }
296 CWeaponSkillHits = { 4, 200, 200, 500, 500; }
297 RightSWeaponSkillHits = 200;
298 LeftSWeaponSkillHits = 200;
299 PanicLevel = 0; /* paladins are immune to fear */
300 TamingDifficulty = 35;
301 IsUnique = true;
302 IsNameable = false;
303 CanBeCloned = false;
304 IsPolymorphable = false;
305 CanBeGenerated = false;
306 UndeadVersions = false;
307 IsImmuneToLeprosy = true; /* paladins are immune to diseases */
308 FriendlyReplies :=
310 "\"Legifer is the All-Seeing Sun. He sees and remembers every your deed until you die and are judged at the Last Court of Heavens.\"",
311 "\"Judge, but do not condemn. Anybody can be redeemed.\"",
312 "\"I am one of the last Shining Knights. And now I am stuck in this place, because the High Priest won't let me leave, nor will he allow me to do anything.\"",
313 "\"The Order of the Shining Knights was founded by my forebears to fight the Dark Knights of Xinroch.\"",
314 "\"The Shining Knights once were a proud and powerful order, but after the fateful defeat at the Fortress of Prym, only a handful of wandering knights remained.\"",
315 "\"The mantle of a Shining Knight is passed down in a family. I was bequeathed knighthood by my mother, who succeeded her father, and so on since the days of Prym.\"",
316 "\"All Shining Knights bear the symbol of the All-Seeing Sun, for Legifer guides us in our wanderings.\"",
317 "\"Every Shining Knight wields an enchanted mace. A legend goes that during the battle of Prym, Legifer blessed the mace of every His knight and named them all Turox.\"",
318 "\"My mother died a hero, protecting a village from an elven onslaught. Alas, our family heritage, the blessed mace 'Turox', was lost with her death.\"",
319 "\"This hammer was forged for me by a good friend. When he was but a baby, he lost his home. Yet he managed to revive all the craft and artistry of the destroyed dwarven city of Khaz-zadm and I will hold this hammer against all evil to honor the legacy of his people.\"",
320 "\"Legifer helps us find and uproot all evil. May His holy flames scorch all sins away.\"",
321 "\"I will pray for you and good luck in your quest. May His holy flames guide your way.\"",
322 "\"I was sent to Attnam by a vision from Legifer. I didn't understand at first, but now... Now I'm starting to see.\"",
323 "\"There is no being so evil that the light of His holy flames cannot reach them and raise them up.\"",
324 "\"The four Cardinals... Foul thoughts blacken the soul, but sometimes, I can't help myself.\"";
326 HostileReplies :=
328 "\"You can still come back. If you are willing, I can help you.\"",
329 "\"Please. I beg of you, lay down your weapons.\"",
330 "\"If you refuse to seek repentance in this life, then I pray you seek it in the next.\"",
331 "\"There is still good in you! I can feel it. It's not too late to turn back.\"",
332 "\"If you strike me down, know that I will blaze a trail to the Heavens for you and pray that you will someday join me there.\"",
333 "\"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for you.\"";
335 DeathMessage = "@Dd dies with a last few words: \"I forgive you.\"";
336 ScienceTalkPossibility = 10;
337 ScienceTalkIntelligenceModifier = 15;
338 ScienceTalkWisdomModifier = 15;
339 ScienceTalkCharismaModifier = 15;
340 ScienceTalkIntelligenceRequirement = 20;
341 ScienceTalkWisdomRequirement = 20;
342 ScienceTalkCharismaRequirement = 20;
343 ScienceTalkName :=
345 "knighthood", "law", "chivalry", "honorable death", "divine truths",
346 "history", "moral code", "divine wisdom", "warfare", "secret teachings",
347 "tradition", "knightly orders", "heraldry", "quests", "genealogy";