lol; whips ARE breakable now
[k8-i-v-a-n.git] / script / chars / forestman.dat
1 forestman
3 CanRead = true;
4 IsAbstract = true;
5 AttachedGod = SILVA;
6 SkinColor = rgb16(200, 110, 70);
7 DefaultArmStrength = 12;
8 DefaultLegStrength = 12;
9 DefaultDexterity = 10;
10 DefaultAgility = 10;
11 DefaultEndurance = 12;
12 DefaultPerception = 20;
13 DefaultIntelligence = 12;
14 DefaultWisdom = 12;
15 DefaultCharisma = 10;
16 DefaultMana = 10;
17 TotalVolume = 60000;
18 TotalSize = 160;
19 NameSingular = "forest-man";
20 HeadBitmapPos = 96, 0;
21 TorsoBitmapPos = 32, 80;
22 ArmBitmapPos = 64, 80;
23 LegBitmapPos = 0, 64;
24 TamingDifficulty = NO_TAMING;
25 UndeadVersions = false;
27 Config BAND_LEADER;
29 AttributeBonus = 10;
30 Helmet = SILVER helmet;
31 BodyArmor = NYMPH_HAIR bodyarmor(PLATE_MAIL) { Enchantment = 2; }
32 RightWielded = SILVER meleeweapon(SPEAR) { SecondaryMaterial = OAK_WOOD; Enchantment = 2; }
33 Belt = NYMPH_HAIR belt { Enchantment = 2; }
34 RightBoot = HARDENED_LEATHER boot;
35 RightGauntlet = HARDENED_LEATHER gauntlet;
36 Cloak = FABRIC cloak { Enchantment = 8; }
37 Adjective = "roving";
38 PostFix = "band-leader";
39 KnownCWeaponSkills = { 2, POLE_ARMS, SHIELDS; }
40 CWeaponSkillHits = { 2, 40, 40; }
41 PanicLevel = 20;
42 AutomaticallySeen = true;
43 ClothColor = rgb16(70, 88, 42);
44 HairColor = rgb16(220, 220, 220);
45 DeathMessage = "@Dd dies yelling \"FREEDOM FOR TWERAIF!\"";
46 HostileReplies == "\"Piss off!\"";
47 FriendlyReplies :=
49 "\"Hullo there traveller. We're UTFA.\"";
50 "@Dd steps forward \"I am the leader of our roving band of Forest Men (UTFA Soldiery).\"";
51 "@Dd embraces you \"Have you come to redeem us?\"";
52 "@Dd explains gravely \"Deep inside the forest is a prison where our kindred are being held. Visit Regii and the officials in the underground and help us free them.\"";
56 Config ROVER;
58 AttributeBonus = 0;
59 Helmet = TIN helmet;
60 BodyArmor = HARDENED_LEATHER bodyarmor(PLATE_MAIL);
61 RightWielded = BRONZE meleeweapon(DAGGER) { Enchantment = 2; }
62 LeftWielded = BIRCH_WOOD shield;
63 Belt = HARDENED_LEATHER belt;
64 RightBoot = HARDENED_LEATHER boot;
65 RightGauntlet = HARDENED_LEATHER gauntlet;
66 Cloak = HARDENED_LEATHER cloak { Enchantment = 1; }
67 Adjective = "roving";
68 KnownCWeaponSkills = { 2, SMALL_SWORDS, SHIELDS; }
69 CWeaponSkillHits = { 2, 20, 20; }
70 PanicLevel = 50;
71 AutomaticallySeen = true;
72 ClothColor = rgb16(88, 50, 30);
73 HairColor = rgb16(100, 100, 100);
74 DeathMessage = "@Dd dies yelling \"FREEDOM!\"";
75 HostileReplies == "\"Get lost!\"";
76 FriendlyReplies :=
78 "\"Hullo there friend!\"";
79 "@Dd salutes you solemnly \"Solidarity Brother!\"";
80 "@Dd grasps your shoulder \"Have you seen Molly? Is he well?\"";
81 "@Dd chortles \"You know you're on the steppe when your dog runs away and you can still see him running for at least three days.\"";