lol; whips ARE breakable now
[k8-i-v-a-n.git] / script / chars / dolphin.dat
1 dolphin
3 DefaultArmStrength = 10;
4 DefaultAgility = 30;
5 DefaultEndurance = 10;
6 DefaultPerception = 30;
7 DefaultIntelligence = 100;
8 DefaultWisdom = 100;
9 DefaultCharisma = 30;
10 DefaultMana = 0;
11 StandVerb = "rolling"; /* only shown if not swimming */
12 CanOpen = false;
13 MoveType = SWIM;
14 TotalVolume = 150000;
15 TorsoBitmapPos = 320, 0;
16 HostileReplies == "@Dd peeps diabolically to you.";
17 FriendlyReplies == "@Dd peeps passionately to you.";
18 DeathMessage = "@Dd peeps, dying: \"Every petal must fall...\"";
19 TotalSize = 300;
20 SkinColor = rgb16(144, 144, 144);
21 EyeColor = rgb16(100, 100, 255);
22 Adjective = "female";
23 NameSingular = "dolphin";
24 PostFix = "in season";
25 AttackStyle = USE_HEAD;
26 BaseBiteStrength = 200;
27 HasALeg = false;
28 FleshMaterial = DOLPHIN_FLESH;
29 AttachedGod = SOPHOS;
30 ForceVomitMessage = "You push your fin down to your throat and vomit.";
31 ScienceTalkPossibility = 100;
32 ScienceTalkIntelligenceModifier = 1000;
33 ScienceTalkWisdomModifier = 1000;
34 ScienceTalkIntelligenceRequirement = 50;
35 ScienceTalkWisdomRequirement = 50;
37 Config ADULT_MALE;
39 Adjective = "male";
40 FriendlyReplies :=
42 "@Dd peeps: \"A soft rain drips down, The trees whisper in the wind, Sounds eclipsed by screams.\"",
43 "@Dd peeps: \"From the gloomy cave, A great dark frog leaps at us, The sound of slaughter.\"",
44 "@Dd peeps: \"White destroyed by red, On ground drenched in many bloods, This peace is final.\"",
45 "@Dd peeps: \"Silence reigns bloody, Through deep caves gloomy and dim, A faint sobbing comes.\"",
46 "@Dd peeps: \"The adventurer, Lost in the womb of the earth, Braves the evil dark.\"",
47 "@Dd peeps: \"Deep in the cavern, Dark, cold, gloomy, forbidden, Big hungry nightmare.\"",
48 "@Dd peeps: \"Hammers echoing, Shining steel weapons are born, Sorrow they shall sow.\"";
50 Sex = MALE;
55 Adjective = "female";
56 PostFix = "in season";
57 FriendlyReplies :=
59 "@Dd peeps: \"Rain in the forest.\"",
60 "@Dd peeps: \"Summer before the Fall.\"",
61 "@Dd peeps: \"The tide rises and the tide falls.\"",
62 "@Dd peeps: \"Empty shells rolling in the surf.\"",
63 "@Dd peeps: \"No sparrow lives that cannot fly.\"",
64 "@Dd peeps: \"Mountains defy the consuming sea.\"",
65 "@Dd peeps: \"Blood in the water.\"";
67 Sex = FEMALE;