data dirs renamed
[k8-i-v-a-n.git] / Script / chars / mangogrower.dat
1 mangogrower
3 DefaultArmStrength = 10;
4 DefaultLegStrength = 15;
5 DefaultDexterity = 10;
6 DefaultAgility = 20;
7 DefaultEndurance = 15;
8 DefaultPerception = 15;
9 DefaultIntelligence = 20;
10 DefaultWisdom = 30;
11 DefaultCharisma = 10;
12 DefaultMana = 5;
13 TotalVolume = 80000;
14 TotalSize = 170;
15 NameSingular = "mango grower";
16 RightGauntlet = HARDENED_LEATHER gauntlet;
17 SkinColor = rgb16(128, 80, 48);
18 HairColor = rgb16(80, 48, 32);
19 ClothColor = rgb16(56, 48, 20);
20 HeadBitmapPos = 96, 0;
21 TorsoBitmapPos = 32, 0;
22 ArmBitmapPos = 64, 64;
23 LegBitmapPos = 0, 288;
24 Inventory == mango { Times = 10; }
25 TamingDifficulty = NO_TAMING;
26 HostileReplies == "\"Mango POWER!\"";
27 AttachedGod = SILVA;
28 CanRead = true;
29 FriendlyReplies :=
31 "@Dd curses: \"I hate bananas. I will go and grow Mangos forthwith.\"",
32 "\"I was ex-prime-minister before Attnam invaded our peaceful land and I was jailed.\"",
33 "\"1 + 1 = ... I don't remember. It been so long in this rotten jail!\"",
34 "@Dd seems very joyful. \"Maybe I can be prime-minister again?\"",
35 "\"I knew you would come to save us!\"",
36 "\"Kill Petrus for us, too!\"";
38 AutomaticallySeen = true;
39 ScienceTalkPossibility = 10;
40 ScienceTalkIntelligenceModifier = 10;
41 ScienceTalkWisdomModifier = 25;
42 ScienceTalkIntelligenceRequirement = 5;
43 ScienceTalkWisdomRequirement = 10;
44 IsMasochist = true;