copied alot of new replies from community fork
[k8-i-v-a-n.git] / script / chars / morbe.dat
1 morbe /* high priestess of scabies */
3 CanRead = true;
4 TamingDifficulty = NO_TAMING;
5 MoveType = WALK|SWIM;
6 Inventory == potion { Times = 2; SecondaryMaterial = ANTIDOTE_LIQUID; }
7 DefaultArmStrength = 20;
8 DefaultLegStrength = 20;
9 DefaultDexterity = 40;
10 DefaultAgility = 40;
11 DefaultEndurance = 10;
12 DefaultPerception = 30;
13 DefaultIntelligence = 30;
14 DefaultWisdom = 45;
15 DefaultCharisma = 40;
16 DefaultMana = 40;
17 TotalVolume = 45000;
18 TotalSize = 180;
19 HeadBitmapPos = 112, 256;
20 TorsoBitmapPos = 32, 160;
21 ArmBitmapPos = 64, 208;
22 LegBitmapPos = 16, 160;
23 SkinColor = rgb16(160, 200, 160);
24 HairColor = rgb16(160, 48, 48);
25 ClothColor = rgb16(160, 60, 160);
26 EyeColor = rgb16(180, 0, 160);
27 BaseEmitation = rgb16(125, 160, 125);
28 AttachedGod = SCABIES;
29 NameSingular = "high priestess";
30 PostFix = "of Scabies";
31 Sex = FEMALE;
32 //!!Cloak = HESSIAN_CLOTH cloak;
33 RightWielded = RUBY daggerofvenom { Enchantment = 4; }
34 KnownCWeaponSkills == SMALL_SWORDS;
35 CWeaponSkillHits == 500;
36 RightSWeaponSkillHits = 200;
37 /* Replies overridden */
38 AutomaticallySeen = true;
39 IsNameable = false;
40 IsUnique = true;
41 IsPolymorphable = false;
42 Amulet = amulet(AMULET_OF_VANITY);
43 BodyArmor = RUBY bodyarmor(PLATE_MAIL) { Enchantment = 4; }
44 Cloak = DAEMON_FLESH cloak(CLOAK_OF_ELECTRICITY_RESISTANCE) { Enchantment = 4; }
45 Belt = ELPURI_FLESH belt { Enchantment = 4; }
46 RightGauntlet = DRAGON_HIDE gauntlet(GAUNTLET_OF_STRENGTH) { Enchantment = 4; }
47 RightRing = ring(RING_OF_FIRE_RESISTANCE);
49 RightBoot = SPIDER_SILK boot(BOOT_OF_AGILITY) { Enchantment = 4; }
50 PanicLevel = 0;
51 CanBeCloned = false;
52 DefaultName = "Morbe";
53 DeathMessage = "The high priestess vanishes from the bowels of Valpurus.";
54 BodyPartsDisappearWhenSevered = true;
55 CanBeConfused = false;
56 EnergyResistance = 50;
57 IsImmuneToLeprosy = true;
58 IsImmuneToItemTeleport = true;
59 AllowUnconsciousness = false;
60 DisplacePriority = 10;
61 UndeadVersions = false;
62 IsImmuneToWhipOfThievery = true;
63 IsExtraFragile = true;