Remove completed items from net.sockets TODO.
[iolib/alendvai.git] / net.sockets / common.lisp
1 ;;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
2 ;;;
3 ;;; common.lisp --- Various helpers for bsd-sockets.
4 ;;;
5 ;;; Copyright (C) 2006-2008, Stelian Ionescu <>
6 ;;;
7 ;;; This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
8 ;;; modify it under the terms of the version 2.1 of
9 ;;; the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
10 ;;; the Free Software Foundation, as clarified by the
11 ;;; preamble found here:
12 ;;;
13 ;;;
14 ;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15 ;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 ;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
18 ;;;
19 ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
20 ;;; Public License along with this library; if not, write to the
21 ;;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor,
22 ;;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
24 (in-package :net.sockets)
26 ;;;; Types
28 (deftype ipv4-array () '(ub8-sarray 4))
29 (deftype ipv6-array () '(ub16-sarray 8))
31 ;;;; Byte-swap functions
33 (defun htons (short)
34 #+little-endian
35 (logior (ash (logand (the ub16 short) #x00FF) 8)
36 (ash (logand (the ub16 short) #xFF00) -8))
37 #+big-endian short)
39 (defun ntohs (short)
40 (htons short))
42 (defun htonl (long)
43 #+little-endian
44 (logior (ash (logand (the ub32 long) #x000000FF) 24)
45 (ash (logand (the ub32 long) #x0000FF00) 8)
46 (ash (logand (the ub32 long) #x00FF0000) -8)
47 (ash (logand (the ub32 long) #xFF000000) -24))
48 #+big-endian long)
50 (defun ntohl (long)
51 (htonl long))
53 ;;;; Conversion between address formats
55 (defun copy-simple-array-ub16-to-alien-vector (lisp-vec alien-vec)
56 (declare (type ipv6-array lisp-vec))
57 (dotimes (i 8)
58 (setf (mem-aref alien-vec :uint16 i)
59 (htons (aref lisp-vec i)))))
61 (defun map-ipv4-vector-to-ipv6 (addr)
62 (declare (type ipv4-array addr))
63 (let ((ipv6addr (make-array 8 :element-type 'ub16
64 :initial-element 0)))
65 ;; setting the IPv4 marker
66 (setf (aref ipv6addr 5) #xFFFF)
67 ;; setting the first two bytes
68 (setf (aref ipv6addr 6) (+ (ash (aref addr 0) 8)
69 (aref addr 1)))
70 ;; setting the last two bytes
71 (setf (aref ipv6addr 7) (+ (ash (aref addr 2) 8)
72 (aref addr 3)))
73 (values ipv6addr)))
75 (defun map-ipv6-vector-to-ipv4 (addr)
76 (declare (type ipv6-array addr))
77 (let ((ipv4addr (make-array 4 :element-type 'ub8
78 :initial-element 0)))
79 (setf (aref ipv4addr 0) (ldb (byte 8 8) (aref addr 6)))
80 (setf (aref ipv4addr 1) (ldb (byte 8 0) (aref addr 6)))
81 (setf (aref ipv4addr 2) (ldb (byte 8 8) (aref addr 7)))
82 (setf (aref ipv4addr 3) (ldb (byte 8 0) (aref addr 7)))
83 (values ipv4addr)))
85 ;;; From CLOCC's PORT library.
86 (defun vector-to-integer (vector)
87 "Convert a vector to a 32-bit unsigned integer."
88 (coercef vector 'ipv4-array)
89 (+ (ash (aref vector 0) 24)
90 (ash (aref vector 1) 16)
91 (ash (aref vector 2) 8)
92 (aref vector 3)))
94 (defun integer-to-vector (ipaddr)
95 "Convert a 32-bit unsigned integer to a vector."
96 (check-type ipaddr ub32 "an '(unsigned-byte 32)")
97 (let ((vector (make-array 4 :element-type 'ub8)))
98 (setf (aref vector 0) (ldb (byte 8 24) ipaddr)
99 (aref vector 1) (ldb (byte 8 16) ipaddr)
100 (aref vector 2) (ldb (byte 8 8) ipaddr)
101 (aref vector 3) (ldb (byte 8 0) ipaddr))
102 vector))
104 (defun in6-addr-to-ipv6-array (in6-addr)
105 (let ((vector (make-array 8 :element-type 'ub16)))
106 (dotimes (i 8)
107 (setf (aref vector i)
108 (ntohs (mem-aref in6-addr :uint16 i))))
109 vector))
111 ;;;; Constructors for SOCKADDR_* structs
113 (defun make-sockaddr-in (sin ub8-vector &optional (portno 0))
114 (declare (type ipv4-array ub8-vector) (type ub16 portno))
115 (bzero sin size-of-sockaddr-in)
116 (with-foreign-slots ((family addr port) sin sockaddr-in)
117 (setf family af-inet)
118 (setf addr (htonl (vector-to-integer ub8-vector)))
119 (setf port (htons portno)))
120 (values sin))
122 (defmacro with-sockaddr-in ((var address &optional (port 0)) &body body)
123 `(with-foreign-object (,var 'sockaddr-in)
124 (make-sockaddr-in ,var ,address ,port)
125 ,@body))
127 (defun make-sockaddr-in6 (sin6 ub16-vector &optional (portno 0))
128 (declare (type ipv6-array ub16-vector) (type ub16 portno))
129 (bzero sin6 size-of-sockaddr-in6)
130 (with-foreign-slots ((family addr port) sin6 sockaddr-in6)
131 (setf family af-inet6)
132 (copy-simple-array-ub16-to-alien-vector ub16-vector addr)
133 (setf port (htons portno)))
134 (values sin6))
136 (defmacro with-sockaddr-in6 ((var address &optional port) &body body)
137 `(with-foreign-object (,var 'sockaddr-in6)
138 (make-sockaddr-in6 ,var ,address ,port)
139 ,@body))
141 (defun make-sockaddr-un (sun string)
142 (declare (type string string))
143 (bzero sun size-of-sockaddr-un)
144 (with-foreign-slots ((family path) sun sockaddr-un)
145 (setf family af-local)
146 (with-foreign-string (c-string string)
147 (loop :for off :below (1- unix-path-max)
148 :do (setf (mem-aref path :uint8 off)
149 (mem-aref c-string :uint8 off)))))
150 (values sun))
152 (defmacro with-sockaddr-un ((var address) &body body)
153 `(with-foreign-object (,var 'sockaddr-un)
154 (make-sockaddr-un ,var ,address)
155 ,@body))
157 (defmacro with-sockaddr-storage ((var) &body body)
158 `(with-foreign-object (,var 'sockaddr-storage)
159 (bzero ,var size-of-sockaddr-storage)
160 ,@body))
162 (defmacro with-socklen ((var value) &body body)
163 `(with-foreign-object (,var 'socklen)
164 (setf (mem-ref ,var 'socklen) ,value)
165 ,@body))
167 (defmacro with-sockaddr-storage-and-socklen ((ss-var size-var) &body body)
168 `(with-sockaddr-storage (,ss-var)
169 (with-socklen (,size-var size-of-sockaddr-storage)
170 ,@body)))
172 ;;;; Misc
174 (defmacro check-bounds (sequence start end)
175 (with-gensyms (length)
176 `(let ((,length (length ,sequence)))
177 (check-type ,start unsigned-byte "a non-negative integer")
178 (check-type ,end (or unsigned-byte null) "a non-negative integer or NIL")
179 (unless ,end
180 (setq ,end ,length))
181 (unless (<= ,start ,end ,length)
182 (error "Wrong sequence bounds. start: ~S end: ~S" ,start ,end)))))
184 (defun %to-octets (buff ef start end)
185 (babel:string-to-octets buff :start start :end end
186 :encoding (babel:external-format-encoding ef)))
188 (declaim (inline ensure-number))
189 (defun ensure-number (value &key (start 0) end (radix 10) (type t) (errorp t))
190 (check-type value (or string unsigned-byte) "a string or an unsigned-byte")
191 (let ((parsed
192 (etypecase value
193 (string
194 (ignore-errors (parse-integer value :start start :end end
195 :radix radix :junk-allowed nil)))
196 (t value))))
197 (if (and parsed (typep parsed type))
198 (values parsed)
199 (if errorp
200 (error 'parse-error)
201 nil))))
203 (defun ensure-string-or-unsigned-byte (thing &key (type t) (radix 10))
204 (or (and (symbolp thing) (string-downcase thing))
205 (ensure-number thing :type type :radix radix :errorp nil)
206 thing))
208 (defun lisp->c-bool (val)
209 (if val 1 0))
211 (defun memq (value list)
212 (member value list :test #'eq))
214 (defmacro multiple-value-case ((values &key (test 'eql)) &body body)
215 (setf values (ensure-list values))
216 (setf test (alexandria::extract-function-name test))
217 (assert values () "Must provide at least one value to test")
218 (labels ((%do-var (var val)
219 (cond
220 ((and (symbolp var) (member var '("_" "*") :test #'string=))
222 ((consp var)
223 (if (eq 'eq test)
224 `(memq ,val ',var)
225 `(member ,val ',var :test ,test)))
227 `(,test ,val ',var))))
228 (%do-clause (c gensyms)
229 (destructuring-bind (vals &rest code) c
230 (let* ((tests (remove t (mapcar #'%do-var (ensure-list vals) gensyms)))
231 (clause-test (if (> 2 (length tests))
232 (first tests)
233 `(and ,@tests))))
234 `(,clause-test ,@code))))
235 (%do-last-clause (c gensyms)
236 (when c
237 (destructuring-bind (test &rest code) c
238 (if (member test '(otherwise t))
239 `((t ,@code))
240 `(,(%do-clause c gensyms)))))))
241 (let ((gensyms (mapcar #'(lambda (v) (gensym (string v)))
242 values)))
243 `(let ,(mapcar #'list gensyms values)
244 (declare (ignorable ,@gensyms))
245 (cond ,@(append (mapcar #'(lambda (c) (%do-clause c gensyms))
246 (butlast body))
247 (%do-last-clause (lastcar body) gensyms)))))))
249 ;;; Reader macros
251 (defun make-ht-from-list (alist stream test)
252 (flet ((err () (error 'reader-error :stream stream))
253 (alistp (alist) (every #'consp alist)))
254 (unless (alistp alist) (err))
255 (alist-hash-table alist :test test :size (length alist))))
257 (defun read-literal-ht (stream &optional c n)
258 (declare (ignore c n))
259 (let ((*readtable* (copy-readtable))
260 (c (read-char stream))
261 (test 'eql))
262 (flet ((err () (error 'reader-error :stream stream)))
263 (case c
264 (#\( t)
265 (#\: (let ((l (read-delimited-list #\( stream)))
266 (unless (= 1 (length l)) (err))
267 (setf test (car l))))
268 (t (err))))
269 (make-ht-from-list (read-delimited-list #\) stream)
270 stream test)))
272 (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\h 'read-literal-ht)