Clean up socket conditions, again.
[iolib/alendvai.git] / sockets / dns / query.lisp
1 ;;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Indent-tabs-mode: NIL -*-
2 ;;;
3 ;;; query.lisp --- Make DNS queries.
4 ;;;
5 ;;; Copyright (C) 2006-2008, Stelian Ionescu <>
6 ;;;
7 ;;; This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
8 ;;; modify it under the terms of the version 2.1 of
9 ;;; the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
10 ;;; the Free Software Foundation, as clarified by the
11 ;;; preamble found here:
12 ;;;
13 ;;;
14 ;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15 ;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 ;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
18 ;;;
19 ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
20 ;;; Public License along with this library; if not, write to the
21 ;;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor,
22 ;;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
24 (in-package :net.sockets)
26 (defvar *dns-recursion-desired* t
27 "Whether the \"RECURSION-DESIRED\" field should be set ot not.")
29 (defvar *dns-repeat* 3
30 "The number of times a failed query will be retried.")
32 (defvar *dns-timeout* 10
33 "Timeout for DNS queries in seconds.")
35 (define-constant +max-16-bits+ (1- (expt 2 16)))
37 (defun prepare-query (name type)
38 (let* ((question (make-question name type :in))
39 (query (make-query (random +max-16-bits+)
40 question *dns-recursion-desired*)))
41 (write-dns-message query)))
43 (defun reverse-vector (vector)
44 (let* ((vector-length (length vector))
45 (reverse-vector
46 (make-array vector-length
47 :element-type (array-element-type vector))))
48 (loop :for target-index :below vector-length
49 :for source-index := (- vector-length target-index 1)
50 :do (setf (aref reverse-vector target-index)
51 (aref vector source-index)))
52 (values reverse-vector)))
54 (defun ipv4-dns-ptr-name (address)
55 (declare (type ipv4-array address))
56 (concatenate 'string (vector-to-dotted (reverse-vector address))
57 ""))
59 (defun ipv6-vector-to-dotted (vector)
60 (declare (type ipv6-array vector))
61 (with-standard-io-syntax
62 (let ((*print-base* 16))
63 (with-output-to-string (dotted-address)
64 (loop :for index :below (length vector)
65 :for element := (aref vector index) :do
66 (when (plusp index)
67 (princ #\. dotted-address))
68 (princ (ldb (byte 4 0) element) dotted-address)
69 (princ #\. dotted-address)
70 (princ (ldb (byte 4 4) element) dotted-address)
71 (princ #\. dotted-address)
72 (princ (ldb (byte 4 8) element) dotted-address)
73 (princ #\. dotted-address)
74 (princ (ldb (byte 4 12) element) dotted-address))))))
76 (defun ipv6-dns-ptr-name (address)
77 (declare (type (simple-array ub16 (8)) address))
78 (concatenate 'string (ipv6-vector-to-dotted (reverse-vector address))
79 ""))
81 (defun dns-ptr-name (address)
82 (multiple-value-bind (vector address-type)
83 (address-to-vector address)
84 (when (null address)
85 (error "The argument is not a valid IP address"))
86 (ecase address-type
87 (:ipv4 (ipv4-dns-ptr-name vector))
88 (:ipv6 (ipv6-dns-ptr-name vector)))))
90 ;;;; Resource Record Decoding
92 (defgeneric %decode-rr (rr type class))
94 (defmethod %decode-rr ((rr dns-rr) type class)
95 (declare (ignore type class))
96 (cons (dns-rr-ttl rr) (dns-rr-data rr)))
98 (defmethod %decode-rr ((rr dns-rr) (type (eql :cname)) class)
99 (declare (ignore class))
100 (let ((cname (dns-rr-data rr)))
101 (cons (dns-rr-ttl rr)
102 (subseq cname 0 (1- (length cname))))))
104 (defmethod %decode-rr ((rr dns-rr) (type (eql :a)) (class (eql :in)))
105 (let ((address (dns-rr-data rr)))
106 (cons (dns-rr-ttl rr)
107 (make-address address))))
109 (defmethod %decode-rr ((rr dns-rr) (type (eql :aaaa)) (class (eql :in)))
110 (let ((address (dns-rr-data rr)))
111 (cons (dns-rr-ttl rr)
112 (make-address address))))
114 (defmethod %decode-rr ((rr dns-rr) (type (eql :ptr)) class)
115 (declare (ignore class))
116 (let ((name (dns-rr-data rr)))
117 (cons (dns-rr-ttl rr)
118 (subseq name 0 (1- (length name))))))
120 (defmethod %decode-rr ((rr dns-rr) (type (eql :mx)) class)
121 (declare (ignore class))
122 (destructuring-bind (preference name) (dns-rr-data rr)
123 (cons (dns-rr-ttl rr)
124 (cons preference
125 (subseq name 0 (1- (length name)))))))
127 (defun decode-rr (rr)
128 (%decode-rr rr (dns-record-type rr) (dns-record-class rr)))
130 ;;;; Response Decoding
132 (defgeneric %decode-response (dns-message question-type))
134 (defmethod %decode-response :around ((msg dns-message) question-type)
135 (declare (ignore question-type))
136 (let ((return-code (rcode-field msg)))
137 (if (eql return-code :no-error) ; no error
138 (call-next-method)
139 (values return-code))))
141 (defun decode-a-or-aaaa-response (msg)
142 (declare (type dns-message msg))
143 (let ((answer (dns-message-answer msg))
144 (answer-count (dns-message-answer-count msg))
145 (cname nil)
146 (first-address-place 0)
147 (first-address nil)
148 (other-addresses nil))
149 ;; when the address is valid(we have at least one answer)
150 (when (plusp answer-count)
151 ;; we have a CNAME
152 (when (eql (dns-record-type (aref answer 0))
153 :cname)
154 (setf cname (decode-rr (aref answer 0)))
155 (incf first-address-place))
156 ;; this means the message actually contains addresses
157 (when (> (dns-message-answer-count msg) first-address-place)
158 (setf first-address (decode-rr (aref answer first-address-place))))
159 (setf other-addresses
160 (loop :for i :from (1+ first-address-place)
161 :below (dns-message-answer-count msg)
162 :collect (decode-rr (aref answer i)))))
163 (values cname first-address other-addresses)))
165 (defmethod %decode-response ((msg dns-message) (question-type (eql :a)))
166 (declare (ignore question-type))
167 (decode-a-or-aaaa-response msg))
169 (defmethod %decode-response ((msg dns-message) (question-type (eql :aaaa)))
170 (declare (ignore question-type))
171 (decode-a-or-aaaa-response msg))
173 (defmethod %decode-response ((msg dns-message) (question-type (eql :ptr)))
174 (declare (ignore question-type))
175 (decode-rr (aref (dns-message-answer msg) 0)))
177 ;; TODO: got a lot to do here
178 (defmethod %decode-response ((msg dns-message) (question-type (eql :mx)))
179 (declare (ignore question-type))
180 (let ((rr (aref (dns-message-answer msg) 0)))
181 (decode-rr rr)))
183 (defmethod %decode-response ((msg dns-message) (question-type (eql :txt)))
184 (declare (ignore question-type))
185 (decode-rr (aref (dns-message-answer msg) 0)))
187 (defmethod %decode-response ((msg dns-message) question-type)
188 (declare (ignore question-type))
189 (values msg))
191 (defun decode-response (message)
192 (%decode-response message
193 (dns-record-type
194 (aref (dns-message-question message) 0))))
196 ;;;; DNS-QUERY
198 (defconstant +dns-port+ 53)
200 (defun do-udp-dns-query (buffer length nameserver timeout)
201 (let ((input-buffer (make-array +dns-datagram-size+
202 :element-type 'ub8)))
203 (with-open-stream
204 (socket (make-socket :connect :active :type :datagram
205 :remote-host nameserver :remote-port +dns-port+
206 :ipv6 (ipv6-address-p nameserver)))
207 (socket-send buffer socket :end length)
208 (iomux:wait-until-fd-ready (fd-of socket) :read timeout t)
209 (socket-receive input-buffer socket))))
211 (defun wait-until-socket-connected (socket timeout)
212 (if (nth-value 1 (iomux:wait-until-fd-ready (fd-of socket) :write timeout))
213 (let ((errcode (get-socket-option socket :error)))
214 (when (minusp errcode) (signal-socket-error)))
215 (error 'socket-connection-timeout-error)))
217 (defun send-tcp-dns-query (socket buffer length)
218 (let ((minibuf (make-array (+ length 2) :element-type 'ub8)))
219 ;; two-octet length prefix
220 (replace minibuf (ub16-to-vector length))
221 (replace minibuf buffer :start1 2 :end2 length)
222 (socket-send minibuf socket :end (+ length 2))))
224 (defun get-tcp-query-length (socket timeout)
225 (let ((minibuf (make-array 2 :element-type 'ub8)))
226 (iomux:wait-until-fd-ready (fd-of socket) :read timeout t)
227 (socket-receive minibuf socket)
228 (+ (ash (aref minibuf 0) 8)
229 (aref minibuf 1))))
231 (defun receive-tcp-dns-message (socket time-fn)
232 (with-accessors ((fd fd-of)) socket
233 (let* ((message-length (get-tcp-query-length socket (funcall time-fn)))
234 (input-buffer (make-array message-length :element-type 'ub8)))
235 (loop :with off := 0 :do
236 (iomux:wait-until-fd-ready fd :read (funcall time-fn) t)
237 (let ((inbytes (nth-value 1 (socket-receive input-buffer socket :start off))))
238 (incf off inbytes)
239 (when (= off message-length)
240 (return (values input-buffer off))))))))
242 (defun do-tcp-dns-query (buffer length nameserver timeout)
243 (let* ((t0 (osicat-sys:get-monotonic-time))
244 (tend (+ t0 timeout)))
245 (flet ((remtime ()
246 (let ((rem (- tend (osicat-sys:get-monotonic-time))))
247 (if (not (minusp rem)) rem
248 (error 'socket-connection-timeout-error)))))
249 (with-open-stream
250 (socket (make-socket :connect :active :type :stream
251 :ipv6 (ipv6-address-p nameserver)))
252 (setf (fd-non-blocking socket) t)
253 (handler-case
254 (connect socket nameserver :port +dns-port+)
255 (socket-connection-in-progress-error ()
256 (wait-until-socket-connected socket (remtime))))
257 (send-tcp-dns-query socket buffer length)
258 (receive-tcp-dns-message socket #'remtime)))))
260 (defun do-one-dns-query (name type search decode ns repeat timeout)
261 ;; TODO: implement search
262 (declare (ignore search))
263 (let* ((query (prepare-query name type))
264 (buffer (sequence-of query))
265 (bufflen (write-cursor-of query))
266 (tries-left repeat)
267 in-buff bytes-received response tcp-done)
268 (tagbody
269 :start
270 (setf tcp-done nil response nil)
271 ;; if the query size fits into a datagram(512 bytes max) do a
272 ;; UDP query, otherwise use TCP
273 (when (> bufflen +dns-datagram-size+)
274 (go :do-tcp-query))
275 :do-udp-query
276 ;; do a UDP query; in case of a socket error, try again
277 (handler-case
278 (setf (values in-buff bytes-received)
279 (do-udp-dns-query buffer bufflen ns timeout))
280 (socket-error () (go :error))
281 (iomux:poll-timeout () (go :try-again-if-possible)))
282 ;; no socket error, go parse the response
283 (go :parse-response)
284 :do-tcp-query
285 ;; do a TCP query; in case of a socket error, try again
286 (handler-case
287 (setf (values in-buff bytes-received)
288 (do-tcp-dns-query buffer bufflen ns timeout))
289 (socket-connection-timeout-error () (go :try-again-if-possible))
290 (socket-error () (go :error))
291 (iomux:poll-timeout () (go :try-again-if-possible)))
292 (setf tcp-done t)
293 :parse-response
294 ;; try to parse the response; in case of a parse error, try again
295 (handler-case
296 (setf response
297 (read-dns-message
298 (make-instance 'dynamic-buffer
299 :sequence in-buff
300 :size bytes-received)))
301 (dynamic-buffer-input-error () (go :error))
302 (dns-message-error () (go :error)))
303 ;; if a truncated response was received by UDP, try TCP
304 (when (and (not tcp-done)
305 (truncated-field response))
306 (go :do-tcp-query))
307 :try-again-if-possible
308 (decf tries-left)
309 ;; if no response received and there are tries left, try again
310 (when (and (not response)
311 (plusp tries-left))
312 (go :start))
313 :return-response
314 (when response
315 (return-from do-one-dns-query
316 (if decode
317 (decode-response response)
318 response)))
319 :error
320 (return-from do-one-dns-query))))
322 (defun preprocess-dns-name (name type)
323 (if (eq type :ptr)
324 (dns-ptr-name name)
325 name))
327 (defun dns-query (name &key (type :a) decode search
328 (nameservers *dns-nameservers*)
329 (repeat *dns-repeat*) (timeout *dns-timeout*))
330 (setf nameservers (ensure-list nameservers))
331 (assert nameservers (nameservers) "Must supply a nameserver")
332 (let ((pname (preprocess-dns-name name type)))
333 (dolist (ns (mapcar #'ensure-address nameservers))
334 (when-let ((response (do-one-dns-query pname type search decode
335 ns repeat timeout)))
336 (return-from dns-query response)))))