split GUI into several modules
[hs-pgms.git] / src / Mine.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE GADTs, FlexibleContexts, Rank2Types, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
3 module Mine (
4 Config (..),
5 validConfig,
6 beginner,
7 intermediate,
8 expert,
9 Pos (..),
10 Cell (..),
11 Board (..),
12 View,
13 neighbours,
14 StrategyM,
15 Strategy (..),
16 defaultStrategy,
17 move,
18 move_,
19 mark,
20 getView,
21 getConfig,
22 traceMine,
23 Result (..),
24 playGame,
25 Play (..),
26 playGameP,
27 ) where
29 import Control.Monad.Prompt
30 import Control.Monad.State
31 import Data.Array
32 import System.Random
34 data Pos = Pos { pX :: Int, pY :: Int } deriving (Show, Ord, Eq, Ix)
36 data Cell = Hidden | Marked | Exploded | Exposed Int deriving Eq
38 type View = Array Pos Cell
40 data Board = Board {
41 bConfig :: Config,
42 bMines :: Array Pos Bool,
43 bView :: View,
44 bTodo :: Int
47 instance Show Board where
48 show Board { bConfig = Config { cSize = p }, bMines = b, bView = v } =
49 '\n' : unlines [ "|" ++ concat [cell (Pos x y) | x <- [1..pX p]] ++ " |"
50 | y <- [1..pY p]]
51 where
52 cell p | b ! p = case v ! p of
53 Hidden -> " :"
54 Marked -> " X"
55 Exploded -> ">%"
56 | otherwise = case v ! p of
57 Hidden -> " ."
58 Marked -> " !"
59 Exposed 0 -> " "
60 Exposed i -> ' ' : toEnum (48 + i) : ""
62 data Config = Config {
63 cSize :: Pos,
64 cMines :: Int
65 } deriving Eq
67 validConfig :: Config -> Bool
68 validConfig Config { cSize = sz@(Pos sX sY), cMines = m } =
69 sX >= 2 && sY >= 2 && m >= 1 && m < sX * sY
71 beginner, intermediate, expert :: Config
72 beginner = Config { cSize = Pos 9 9, cMines = 10 }
73 intermediate = Config { cSize = Pos 16 16, cMines = 40 }
74 expert = Config { cSize = Pos 30 16, cMines = 99 }
76 mkBoard :: Config -> StdGen -> Board
77 mkBoard cfg@Config { cSize = sz@(Pos sX sY), cMines = m } gen
78 | not (validConfig cfg) = error "invalid mine config"
79 | otherwise = Board {
80 bConfig = cfg,
81 bView = listArray (Pos 1 1, sz) (repeat Hidden),
82 bMines = listArray (Pos 1 1, sz) (pick gen (sX * sY) m),
83 bTodo = sX * sY - m
85 where
86 pick gen n m | r <= m = True : pick gen' (n-1) (m-1)
87 | otherwise = False : pick gen' (n-1) m
88 where
89 (r, gen') = randomR (1, n) gen
91 neighbours :: Config -> Pos -> [Pos]
92 neighbours Config { cSize = Pos sX sY } (Pos x y) =
93 [ Pos (x + dx) (y + dy)
94 | dx <- if x == 1 then [0..1] else if x == sX then [-1..0] else [-1..1],
95 dy <- if y == 1 then [0..1] else if y == sY then [-1..0] else [-1..1],
96 dx /= 0 || dy /= 0]
98 mines :: Board -> Pos -> Int
99 mines Board { bConfig = cfg, bMines = m } =
100 length . filter (m !) . neighbours cfg
102 data Request a where
103 Move :: Pos -> Request Int
104 Mark :: Pos -> Request ()
105 GetView :: Request View
106 GetConfig :: Request Config
107 TraceMine :: String -> Request ()
109 move :: Pos -> StrategyM Int
110 move = StrategyM . prompt . Move
112 move_ :: Pos -> StrategyM ()
113 move_ = (>> return ()) . move
115 mark :: Pos -> StrategyM ()
116 mark = StrategyM . prompt . Mark
118 getView :: StrategyM View
119 getView = StrategyM (prompt GetView)
121 getConfig :: StrategyM Config
122 getConfig = StrategyM (prompt GetConfig)
124 traceMine :: String -> StrategyM ()
125 traceMine = StrategyM . prompt . TraceMine
127 data Result a = Won | Unfinished a | Lost deriving (Show, Eq)
129 newtype StrategyM a = StrategyM {
130 runStrategyM :: Prompt Request a
131 } deriving Monad
133 data Strategy = Strategy {
134 sName :: String,
135 sAuthor :: String,
136 sDescription :: String,
137 sRun :: StdGen -> StrategyM String
140 defaultStrategy :: Strategy
141 defaultStrategy = Strategy {
142 sName = "<unknown strategy>",
143 sAuthor = "<unknown author>",
144 sDescription = "This strategy has no description.",
145 sRun = \_ -> return "<unimplemented strategy>"
148 data Play a where
149 Start :: Board -> Play ()
150 Update :: Pos -> Board -> Play ()
151 Trace :: String -> Board -> Play ()
153 type PlayM a = StateT Board (Prompt Play) (Result a)
155 playGameP :: Config -> StdGen -> StrategyM a -> Prompt Play (Result a, Board)
156 playGameP cfg gen strategy = runStateT (game strategy) (mkBoard cfg gen)
157 where
158 game :: StrategyM a -> PlayM a
159 game strategy = do
160 get >>= lift . prompt . Start
161 runPromptC (return . Unfinished) handle (runStrategyM strategy)
163 handle :: Request p -> (p -> PlayM a) -> PlayM a
164 handle GetView cont = gets bView >>= cont
165 handle GetConfig cont = gets bConfig >>= cont
166 handle (Move p) cont = do
167 b@Board { bMines = bm, bView = bv, bTodo = bt } <- get
168 if bm ! p then do put b { bView = bv // [(p, Exploded)] }
169 get >>= lift . prompt . Update p
170 return Lost
171 else case bv ! p of
172 Exposed i -> cont i
173 _ -> do let n = mines b p
174 put b { bView = bv // [(p, Exposed n)],
175 bTodo = bt - 1 }
176 get >>= lift . prompt . Update p
177 if bt == 1 then return Won else cont n
178 handle (Mark p) cont = do
179 b@Board { bMines = bm, bView = bv } <- get
180 when (bv ! p == Hidden) $ do
181 put b { bView = bv // [(p, Marked)] }
182 get >>= lift . prompt . Update p
183 if bm ! p then
184 cont ()
185 else
186 return Lost
187 handle (TraceMine s) cont = get >>= lift . prompt . Trace s >> cont ()
189 playGame :: Config -> StdGen -> StrategyM a -> (Result a, Board)
190 playGame cfg gen strat = runPrompt handle (playGameP cfg gen strat) where
191 handle :: Play a -> a
192 handle Start {} = ()
193 handle Update {} = ()
194 handle (Trace s b) = ()
197 example won game:
198 playGame True beginner (mkStdGen 164806687) (mark (Pos 9 1) >> mark (Pos 3 4) >> mark (Pos 5 4) >> mark (Pos 1 5) >> mark (Pos 5 5) >> mark (Pos 9 5) >> mark (Pos 1 8) >> mark (Pos 3 8) >> mark (Pos 8 8) >> mark (Pos 3 9) >> getView >>= \l -> sequence [move p | (p, Hidden) <- assocs l])