Another quick bug fix.
[gromacs/rigid-bodies.git] / include / gmx_statistics.h
1 #ifndef _GMX_STATS_H
2 #define _GMX_STATS_H
4 typedef struct gmx_stats *gmx_stats_t;
6 /* Error codes returned by the routines */
7 enum { estatsOK, estatsNO_POINTS, estatsNO_MEMORY, estatsERROR,
8 estatsINVALID_INPUT, estatsNOT_IMPLEMENTED, estatsNR };
10 enum { elsqWEIGHT_NONE, elsqWEIGHT_X, elsqWEIGHT_Y,
11 elsqWEIGHT_XY, elsqWEIGHT_NR };
13 extern gmx_stats_t gmx_stats_init();
15 extern int gmx_stats_done(gmx_stats_t stats);
17 /* Remove outliers from a straight line, where level in units of
18 sigma. Level needs to be larger than one obviously. */
19 extern int gmx_stats_remove_outliers(gmx_stats_t stats,double level);
21 extern int gmx_stats_add_point(gmx_stats_t stats,double x,double y,
22 double dx,double dy);
24 /* The arrays dx and dy may be NULL if no uncertainties are available,
25 in that case zero uncertainties will be assumed. */
26 extern int gmx_stats_add_points(gmx_stats_t stats,int n,real *x,real *y,
27 real *dx,real *dy);
29 /* Return the data points one by one. Return estatsOK while there are
30 more points, and returns estatsNOPOINTS when the last point has
31 been returned. Should be used in a while loop. Variables for either
32 pointer may be NULL, in which case the routine can be used as an
33 expensive point counter. */
34 extern int gmx_stats_get_point(gmx_stats_t stats,real *x,real *y,
35 real *dx,real *dy);
37 /* Fit the data to y = ax + b, possibly weighted, if uncertainties
38 have been input. Returns slope in *a and intercept in b, *return
39 sigmas in *da and *db respectively. Returns normalized *quality of
40 fit in *chi2 and correlation of fit with data in Rfit. chi2, Rfit,
41 da and db may be NULL. */
42 extern int gmx_stats_get_ab(gmx_stats_t stats,int weight,
43 real *a,real *b,
44 real *da,real *db,real *chi2,real *Rfit);
46 /* Fit the data to y = ax, possibly weighted, if uncertainties have
47 been input. Returns slope in *a, sigma in a in *da, and normalized
48 quality of fit in *chi2 and correlation of fit with data in
49 Rfit. chi2, Rfit and da may be NULL. */
50 extern int gmx_stats_get_a(gmx_stats_t stats,int weight,
51 real *a,real *da,real *chi2,real *Rfit);
53 /* Return the correlation coefficient between the data (x and y) as
54 input to the structure. */
55 extern int gmx_stats_get_corr_coeff(gmx_stats_t stats,real *R);
57 /* Returns the root mean square deviation between x and y values. */
58 extern int gmx_stats_get_rmsd(gmx_stats_t gstats,real *rmsd);
60 extern int gmx_stats_get_npoints(gmx_stats_t stats,int *N);
62 extern int gmx_stats_get_average(gmx_stats_t stats,real *aver);
64 extern int gmx_stats_get_sigma(gmx_stats_t stats,real *sigma);
66 extern int gmx_stats_get_error(gmx_stats_t stats,real *error);
68 /* Get all three of the above. Pointers may be null, in which case no
69 assignment will be done. */
70 extern int gmx_stats_get_ase(gmx_stats_t gstats,real *aver,real *sigma,real *error);
72 /* Dump the x, y, dx, dy data to a text file */
73 extern int gmx_stats_dump_xy(gmx_stats_t gstats,FILE *fp);
75 /* Make a histogram of the data present. Uses either bindwith to
76 determine the number of bins, or nbins to determine the binwidth,
77 therefore one of these should be zero, but not the other. If
78 normalized not equal to zero, the integral of the histogram will be
79 normalized to one. The output is in two arrays, *x and *y, to which
80 you should pass a pointer. Memory for the arrays will be allocated
81 as needed. Function returns one of the estats codes. */
82 extern int gmx_stats_make_histogram(gmx_stats_t gstats,real binwidth,int nbins,
83 int normalized,real **x,real **y);
85 /* Return message belonging to error code */
86 extern const char *gmx_stats_message(int estats);
88 /****************************************************
89 * Some statistics utilities for convenience: useful when a complete data
90 * set is available already from another source, e.g. an xvg file.
91 ****************************************************/
92 extern int lsq_y_ax(int n, real x[], real y[], real *a);
93 /* Fit a straight line y=ax thru the n data points x, y, return the
94 slope in *a. Return value can be estatsOK, or something else. */
96 extern int lsq_y_ax_b(int n, real x[], real y[], real *a, real *b,real *r,
97 real *chi2);
98 /* Fit a straight line y=ax+b thru the n data points x,y.
99 * Returns the "fit quality" sigma = sqrt(chi^2/(n-2)).
100 * The correlation coefficient is returned in r.
103 extern int lsq_y_ax_b_xdouble(int n, double x[], real y[],
104 real *a, real *b,real *r,real *chi2);
105 /* As lsq_y_ax_b, but with x in double precision.
108 extern int lsq_y_ax_b_error(int n, real x[], real y[], real dy[],
109 real *a, real *b, real *da, real *db,
110 real *r,real *chi2);
111 /* Fit a straight line y=ax+b thru the n data points x,y, with sigma dy
112 * Returns the "fit quality" sigma = sqrt(chi^2/(n-2)).
113 * The correlation coefficient is returned in r.
116 #endif